The Necromancer, Xeon

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Xeon Level 1
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Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:44 am

Xeon has dark, purple hair that goes off in a million directions, and is roughly cut. He also has matching eyes. His face is long and sharp, giving a rather unwelcoming appearance.


He is witty, sharp, and sarcastic. Although he's polite, he has the aire of a delicate, yet very cutting edge. Xeon is also obsessive about being clean, and has straight, overly starched clothes. It's not too bad, but but unusual enough to be considered rude sometimes.


Xeon is a necromancer, but his powers are limited at this point. He can raise the dead for a couple of hours, even days at a time. However, this magic cannot be fully unleashed until he finds his long lost father, who is rumored to be in Hyrule. That is why he traveled so far to come, wanting to reach his full potential and become a powerful mage.

*more on this later*


HP 20
Xeon Level 1
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Joined: Experience: 45
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Rupees: 64
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Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:13 pm
The Story Thus Far

Xeon was born in a village where crime rarely happened. Murder was highly unusual, and death was seen with fear. Xeon was born to a Necromancer, Zendiel, and his wife, Liliana. Xeon was born exactly at Midnight, a moonless night. No cry escaped his lips as he was born, and it was even said that his eyes were fully open. The villagers thought this very queer, and avoided Xeon's family, calling them evil and dark.

One night, a starving scribe came to their home. Zendiel welcomed him warmly, and the scribe returned this hospitality with a prophesy:

The Son of Night, his strength is caged,
bound, and kept in muffled silence.

His greed will grow, his desires burn,
his thirst for power blossom.

The only way He is to gain his p'wr,
is to quench his thirst with blood.

The black blood that runs strong and warm,
in his very father's veins.

And the son will keep his father's soul,
in a crystal vial 'round his neck.

That vial a present great,
from his own father's dark clad hands.

Zendiel grew angry, and almost killed the scribe before Liliana stopped him. They both believed that this would not be true, but as the years passed on, they could see that Xeon was indeed becoming greedy for power. Their son began to become fascinated with death, something the villagers resented and feared deeply. Zendiel could see that the prophesy was coming to pass. Feared for his life, he fled the village.

Lilliana, stressed from the hatred of the villagers and the disappearance of her husband, turned to her only son for comfort. 11 years had passed since Zendiel's disappearance, and Lilliana was becoming quite sick. In her death bed, she called Xeon to her. Against Zendiel's orders, she recited the prophesy to him.

He was 17 years of age when he left his village and came to Hyrule.


In the battle of Rauru, Xeon spotted his father. He tracked him down, and Zendiel surrendered, giving Xeon a crystal vial with his blood. The reason why he got the vial so easily and how Zendiel came into posession of the vial still remains a mystery. The hunt for his father grew after this event.
Death is nothing to fear. Life is. Xeon
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