[Tantari Cafe] A disturbance

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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:56 pm
As you're passing by the Tantari Cafe, you notice the Goron manager standing outside the cafe. He's staring out into the desert, with his hands placed on his hips. His apron was laying on the ground, which hinted that he probably tossed it in anger. He let his head fall, and he slowly began shaking his head. Something was up, but what could it be? A familiar figure, the Sheikah waitress, pushed the door of the Cafe open, and proceeded to walk over to the manager with a clipboard in hand. He snatched it up, and took a long look at it. After he was finished, he slowly handed it back, and hung his head once more.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:11 pm
Saber looked over from his perch behind the booth after awakening from his nap. He was friends with the Cafe owner, having helped the Cafe in the past and being promised free meals. It was because of this that he had set up business by the Cafe, and he made sure to protect the desert's only watering hole from any and all troubles. The thought that he may have missed something greatly troubled him, and he dropped his feet from the counter, careful not to destroy his rickety chair in the process, and exited through the door in the side. Trotting the twenty-odd feet to the Cafe entrance, he cocked hi head at the Goron and queried, "Is something wrong?"
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



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Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:45 pm
The Goron tilted his head upward, squinting at Sabertahce, before bringing a large hand to his head in attempts to soothe a savage headache. "Ohh, boy am I glad to see you brrrother." He spoke, now looking straight up at Saber. "Sombody from ourrr meat-wagon today when it was parrrked out front this morrrning." He shot Saber a hopeful look. "I looked arrround for evidence, and I found something that could be a grrreat lead to them." The manager walked over to the spot where the grass ended, and the desert began. "Lookie herrre." He pointed down at the sandy ground. Foot-prints led straight out into the desert. "The only place they would be going in this general dirrrection, is towarrrds the flats." The Goron looked off into the distance, and held is hand in place just above his eyes to see off into the mountain, eyes undisturbed by the blazing sun. "Will you please... maybe... chase after em? They surely stopped to rest somewhere along the way..."

"I accept." A voice said confidently from behind Saber. The Goron manager stepped to the side to get a better look at the figure. A boy about 16-17 stood in view. He had a sword housed by a sheath on his back, and was wearing a jerkin which suited him well. "And who arrre you?" The boy frowned. "My name is Alex. I'll help Saber here hunt down those guys for you." The manager smiled wide. "The morrre the merrrier!" Alex nodded. This is what Dogura would have done... I'll follow in his footsteppes, and do the right thing. He turned and nodded to Saber. "You in or what?" He stared at the merc expectantly. It would look bad for Saber to chicken out now, which is right where Alex wanted him. After all, he didn't want to chase these guys alone.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:14 pm
OOC: Not here to actually reply, just to say: Nice to at least see you post a bit, ZV....

and I want to Confirm that Dogura is dead.....so that i'll know ahead of time...poo......I had a nice event planned out for him too..... :cry:

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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:30 pm
"Alex!" Saber shouted as soon as he got a glimpse of the boy. He ran forward and gripped the boy tightly in a hug, releasing him after a few seconds. "Where are Dogura and Darkin? Nobody's seen you three for ages!" He held up a finger, trying to suppress his elation and get the job done. "Wait a second before replying, please..." He turned back to the manager, although his relief was plastered all over his face. "If they stole meat, it'll go bad soon...We should be able to smell them from a bit off, makes it a bit easier to locate them...Alright." He turned back to Alex. "I'm ready to go whenever you are."
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:22 pm
Alex's face was not one remembered. He had a new bold look to him, as if he had matured greatly in the time he'd been missing. Alex turned his head, and stared at the ground for a moment, before answering. "To be honest Saber... I have no idea where Dogura or Darkin are." He sighed. "Dogura told me to stick to the training schedule, and if I decided to combat monsters, to do it with a partner... He didn't seem to have much confidence in me before he left."

He rolled his eyes, and turned serious again. "I never got too close to Fang, so I wouldn't know if he were missing or not... but Darkin and Dogura sure have been gone for a long time. The house has been sitting empty for the past few months... I'm getting worried. What if they ditched me? I did skip out on training a lot, but I didn't think it'd come to this. Since they've left however, I've stuck true to my word, and I've been training every day!"

Suddenly, Alex got a look on his face, as if he'd just remembered something. "He drew his sword, and to everyone's shock, it gleamed! "Before Sensei left, he entrusted me with a real freaking sword!" Alex shouted, a look of happiness on his face. "No more wooden training swords for me! I'm the real deal now Saber, and you can count on me!" He sheathed his sword, and looked to the manager. "Don't worry sir. We'll take care of it." He nodded to Saber, and took off into the desert.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:55 am
Saber reached his hand out after the boy, shock and amazement showing plainly on his face. Dogura...Darking...not even Alex had seen them? His right hand played with a small dagger thrust opposite his saber--a dagger that Dogura had thrown to him during a fight in North Castle Town, the last time the mercenary saw the samurai. He had never had a chance to return it; would it remain that way?

And Alex...He had changed so much...He had an aura about him that he lacked before, one that inspired confidence and trust. He was a much mroe capable fighter now than he had been. Still, the fact remained that he was a child, unlearned in the ways of Hyrule--Saber owed it to his lost friend to protect the apprentice. With those thoughts, he chased after the boy, left hand resting on his saber hilt, and right hand caressing the dagger.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15