[Manhunt] Journey to Death Mountain

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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:42 pm
The walk to Death Mountain Trail had been short and pleasant. The weather was nice, the birds were chirping about, butterflies graced the skies. Clouds were white and puffy under the warmth of the sun. Things were about to change however, as the group stood at the bottom of Death Mountain at the foot of the trail. The cobblestone turned to mountainside as they passed all the warning signs.





Anyone else would have hesitated, but this particular group pressed on without batting an eye. They were the ones to be feared here. A single elemental explosion from Darkin could topple an army of creatures. Death Mountain wasn't the cause of their apprehension; it was coming face to face with Dogura, or any of Ganon's close affiliates.

By Darkin's calculations, the group would be small enough to avoid Ganon's eye, but they were still pushing it. "Everybody listen up," Darkin began. "We're heading up the mountainside now. We're a powerful lot gathered here, and we've little to fear of this mountain's treacherous nature; however, it'd be best if we avoid large scale magical attacks." Katsuro nodded, "Right! We're trying to keep a low profile here, yeah?" Darkin nodded with a smile, "Good! You already understand. We're trying to avoid detection here. If Ganon knew we were looking for one of his finest, he would certainly send a battalion to intercept us. Believe me, I've met some of Dogura's affiliates, and they're not to be taken lightly..." His eyes turned serious as he looked at Xanatos. "If we come into contact with Ganon's reapers, or worse, Ganon's assassins... It's likely that..."

He shifted his eyes around the group.

"One of us will die."

Katsuro gulped.

Darkin turned his eyes forward once more as they continued along the trail. "Their strength is monstrous, truly. I don't know if the Seven Stars have any experience with fighting Ganon's elite... But there are many like Alpha and Dogura in their ranks, and they'd be attacking us in a group. This is why it's critical for us to maintain a low profile. Keep any and all magical abilities small-scale. Nothing fancy." Darkin placed a hand on Katsuro's head, "That goes for you especially, you little show-off." He winked.

Katsuro turned red and smiled, "Yeah, I'll keep a lid on it!"

Darkin turned to the group as they walked, "So now. Silva, Xanatos. As you may already know, I'm a magic user. I possess absolutely zero physical combat ability. Dogura always told me I'd lose a fist-fight with a Deku." He smiled warmly, remembering the samurai. "In any case, I'm widely known as the Golden Rito, mainly because of my feathers, but also because I am a master of all known magical elements. My versatility puts me among the most powerful mages in all of Hyrule."

Katsuro rolled his eyes, "You just gonna brag the whole way?"

Darkin's eyes sagged.
He's just like his dad.

"No, that's not the point. I wanted to ask Xanatos and Silva about their respective talents and abilities. It's respectful however to put your cards on the table before asking others to do the same." He looked back up at the two newcommers.

"So now, may I ask about your abilities?"
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:54 pm
The group's march towards Death Mountain was certainly more friendly than Kasei could have anticipated. Xanatos and Silva walked closer to Darkin, while the Eloquent Shadow himself strayed closer to Katsuro.

The shadow cast by the mountainside did not bring back the fondest memories for anyone in the party; of the river dyed red, and the continuous spray of arrows raining down from above. That final battle, where everything was risked in order to rid Hyrule of one of its' greatest criminals, and robbing Ganondorf of perhaps his most loyal and dangerous - if not his most deranged - servant.

Darkin's solemn reminder to the group didn't help much, either. The Seven Stars have had plenty of experience with dealing with Ganon's forces, having been formed initially for that very purpose. Kasei, more than anyone here, knew the risks associated with going head-to-head with enemies of that caliber; Jormund was once believed to simply be unbeatable, he was a monster feared by all, and beings like Zaboorak and Sovel had ran rather than face him. The battle here, deep in the tunnels of the mountain, had pushed Kasei beyond his limits, had broken his body, and left him little more than a cripple by the time it was over. Jormund had been slain, true, and the Exiled had been defeated, scattered, but the revelation that more of Ganondorfs' minions still lurked here, in the dark of the world, was not a comfortable one.

Dogura...at the very least I do not need to worry about his power exceeding Jormunds'...I doubt Ganondorf would ever again risk giving another so much power, with so little control. Kasei mused, as Darkin turned to Silva and Xanatos:
Darkin wrote:"So now, may I ask about your abilities?"
Silva perked up with a smile. "Well, I don't think I'm comfortable with sharing all my secrets, dear, but I've mastered the bladed Gerudo art of 'Sento'om', and I represent the sixth star, Legav Nor, which gives me a mastery of fire that dwarfs all others." She explained, before letting Xanatos have his say.

"I stand in for Oulin, the first star. This gives me access to light-based magic of all kinds. Invisibility, energy attacks, and barriers, among other things, are my profession. Like yourself, I am also versed in all forms of magic. I have other skills, namely in regards to knowledge of medicine and the gift of healing, as well as a bit of foresight. Of the Seven Stars, you could say that I am the most powerful." He finished, with a strange emphasis on 'powerful'.

Kasei then moved forward "I suppose it's only fair that you get a refresher on my, as well. I excel in all forms of armed an unarmed combat, ranging from assassination to Goron-wrestling, and while I don't have exceptional magical powers on my own, I hold the title of the fourth star, Praxif, which provides me with dominion over darkness itself.

I suppose I should also let you know about this..." He says, pulling at his collar to reveal a triangular, glowing gem on his chest. "This is a Piece of Power, which all of the Seven Stars are gifted with." As well as one other. He thought to himself. "It is a symbol of our status as well as a conduit for our powers, in a sense; by tapping into its' essence we're all capable of effectively doubling our combat powers for a brief time." He claimed. As Kasei explained this, Xanatos shot him what could only be a murderous glare, while Silva sighed.

Kasei then turned his attention back to the mountain. "Shall we go...?"

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:18 pm
Darkin nodded as they spoke of their ability. Katsuro listened in astonishment at their respective capabilities.

Wow, thought the boy as he surveyed the team. We're rolling with a really tough crowd here. I feel almost out of place. He looked down at himself solemnly. I'm the weakest link here. He looked down at his hands and sighed.

I need more power... This... Weakness I feel... I don't like it.

He looked back up, staring straight ahead.

Darkin's eyes shifted down towards the boy after his heavy sigh. He took note of how Katsuro opened and closed his hands before dropping them at his sides. The Rito examined Katsuro's eyes; they were faltering.

This isn't good. He's got that look that Dogura had when he was without power. He thought as he looked back up at the small party they were traveling with. He cleared his throat, and nodded to the group.

"Indeed, you're all very skilled. We've got an incredibly powerful group of people gathered here." He examined Katsuro out of the corner of his eye as he talked, "You know, if we were met with anything less than Ganon's elite, Katsuro here could probably handle it by himself. He might not look it, but he's extremely skilled. For only being 16, look at the kind of crowd he's walking with! Why, when Dogura was his age, he wasn't nearly as strong, and I was weaker still." He smiled as Katsuro blushed.

"C'mon, Darkin, enough. I don't need your pity." He commented.

The Rito placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm just saying I'm pretty darn proud of you. You've come a really long way since I met you at New Peaktop."

The boy couldn't force the smile away, and shook his head. "Alright, Darkin... Thanks."

The Rito nodded to Kasei. It was likely that Kasei had noticed the boy's powerlust a few moments ago. It was dangerous, and if Darkin hadn't been here to snuff it out, it might have taken root and grown.

After hours of walking and talking, Darkin raised a hand to halt the group.

"We're here." He stated as he detoured from the trail. He took flight over some rocky terrain and motioned everyone to follow. Katsuro was the first to begin hiking over the large rock formations.

Darkin landed on a tall rock, and shielded his eyes from the sun as he scouted out the small rocky pass. "Just over these rocks, there's a pass off the beaten path. It's the way to the Minotaur Shaman's home." He hopped off of the rock, and out of site.

OOC: I'll give you a chance to respond to anything (you said you were working on your post), and then we'll meet the shaman next post.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:54 pm
As he finished talking, Kasei couldn't help but notice Katsuro's look, the look of someone who felt utterly defeated, the look that Sovelis wore on the night he attempted to attack the temple of Farore.

So he holds within him the same dark hunger as his father, the desire to be more powerful than any other, the desire that Sovelis and I both held so close to ourselves. Does this hunger come from his lineage, or is the Shadowclaw family simply misfortunate... He mused briefly about his own past experiences with helplessness, and was about to speak, to say some word of comfort, when Darkin spoke up, calming the boy as effortlessly as a mother soothes her child.

Kasei smiled. I wonder, if Dogura was once this easy to pacify...

As the group continued its' climb, Xanatos slowed his pace, allowing Kasei to catch up with him. The pair shared another look, and for a brief moment the Shiekah had hoped to avoid the discussion that he knew was coming, but his companion spoke under his breath, sharply and angrily.

"How dare you tell him about the Pieces of Power!? Has it ever occurred to you that Darkin is most likely more interested in siding with Dogura, and you just told him one of our greatest secrets?"

Kasei sighed, he glanced up at Darkin, whose arm was being held tight by Silva, and then back to Xanatos.

"Keyru knows." He said, in the same hushed tone.


"He knows, at the very least, about the Seven Stars and our Pieces of power. He either learned this information from Zaris when he was an apprentice under him, or during his time as Wraith, where Jormund would have had plenty of opportunities to let it slip. In any case, he confronted me about it some time ago." The Eloquent Shadow explained.

Xanatos stared at him with a combination of anger and confusion. "That's still no reason to tell Darkin."

"Regardless of his true disposition, we need Darkin to trust us. Keyru could have informed him of the Pieces of Power at any point; both are good friends with Shadowclaw, after all. I told him because if he does know, then leaving that detail out could have aroused suspicion."

"And if he didn't know?"

"Well, it's not exactly like I told him how they work, or how they help us. It'll keep him guessing."

The discussion came to a stop along with the group, as Darkin flew ahead a little ways. Silva, Kasei, and Xanatos prepared themselves, for anything could be lying in wait.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:42 pm
The pass was fairly narrow at first, but opened up a bit after some time of walking. The pass carried an eerie whistle as the wind ran through it, and the sun was high overhead now, making the the area hot and arid. Katsuro wiped his head with arm, his equipment starting to feel heavy after all the miles they'd walked to get here.

Darkin glanced up at the sun. It's nearly five o'clock. It'll be nightfall by the time we return to Saria. Perhaps after we meet with the shaman, I'll cook dinner for everyone. He turned and glanced at the group of travelers, none of them showing any fatigue, save for Katsuro.

The young Sheikah hung his head. Man... How long has it been since I've slept? That stuff the Deku Tree gave me is wearing off. His stomach growled, and both of his hands gripped his stomach. Been even longer since I ate. He grimaced.

Suddenly, Darkin's attention was disrupted by something. He held a hand up to halt the group before taking flight. He flew high into the air, and zeroed in on something. He hovered there for a moment before returning to the group. He landed softly, and put his hands on his hips. "Well, I don't quite know how to put this... But there's a town up ahead." Katsuro felt a wave of relief wash over him. He'd drank all of his water on the walk up the pass, and his mouth was bone-dry.

Darkin folded his arms, and cocked his head, "There wasn't a town there before... But then I suppose that was years ago, too. However, this brings the concern to mind that the Minotaur Shaman might not be in the same place. He was a hermit, and hermits don't quite enjoy towns... In any case, we have to pass through the town to get to his cave." He once again took lead, walking forward. He tossed his head back, "Let's just hope it's not a village of cannibals, am I right?" He chuckled.

Katsuo's face sagged at that comment. He turned to Kasei as he resumed walking, "You... You don't suppose there is such a thing right? I mean how silly... Right?" His face was twisted up in a fake smile/laugh. Up ahead, a gate came into view. There was a lone guard standing at the entrance to the town, armored head to toe. He was equipped with a bow on his back, and a sword in his scabbard at his hip. His visor was down, making it impossible to distinguish him as Human, Hylian, Sheikah, or Gerudo. The guard stopped the group as they attempted to pass through the gate.

"Travelers, welcome to Hidden Valley Village. I must warn you however, you're entering extremely dangerous territory. There is no policing in this village. Gambling, fighting, thievery, even murder; all of it goes in this town. However, just because the village is not policed, doesn't mean that your actions do not bear consequences. There are many strong folk in this village, and they can deal with you how they see fit. A man came through here last week, and didn't heed my words. He stole a knife from one of the shop-vendors, and was beaten to death by twenty other villagers. The crowd can and will deal with you, and if you live, you'll have to deal with Chief Tenfang, one of the few permanent residents of this town. Keep your nose clean, and you'll be fine."

Darkin and Katsuro stood next to one another, their mouths wide open. They looked at each other, and then back to the group. They turned back to the man, and before they could speak, he continued.

"Fights happen often in here. Someone winds up dead over gambling every other day or so. Alcoholism is a problem, so if a drunk picks a fight with you, exercise restraint on them please. Knock em out, and leave them by the gate. It's part of my job to deal with that. There are four guards in town that serve the public. We aren't police, we just do what Chief Tenfang tells us for a healthy sum of money. Any of us would be happy to help with anything you need. Feel free to ask for directions, medical attention, water, etc. Enjoy your stay."

Darkin closed his mouth and blinked a few times. "Uhh... Sure. We'll just be passing through, thanks." He motioned everyone forward and began walking. The town looked rather poor, but somehow established. It looked like something out of an old western tale, with a couple of wells, a general store, a couple of taverns. People roamed the streets buying goods from vendors. Darkin pushed through the crowds, avoiding eye contact with anyone and everyone. He ignored his impulses to read all of the signs out of respect for the search party, and pushed through the main road of the town.

Katsuro looked around as they walked. There were kids his age dressed in rags, and half starved. They looked mean, like they hated the whole world. He felt somehow privileged for the first time in his life. He stared straight ahead for the rest of the walk. It was about a twenty minute walk all the way through town.

"Just a little further past this town. When we ge-" He stopped short, and stopped in his tracks. He squinted his eyes. "Hold on... Kasei, do you see who I see? Is that..."

Two figures were in the middle of the road. "What on earth are they doing here?"

OOC: There you guys go :wink:
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:55 pm
OoC: Sorry it took so long to reply, we're both so out of it.

Indeed. In the middle of the road, a tattered red cloak fluttered in the dusty breeze as well as a small wisp of smoke that twirled from a pipe that was clenched in-between the teeth of the owner of said cloak. He stood beside another, leaning on a gnarled and battle-worn staff that marked him as a mage of sorts. "So... why exactly are we standing here, when there are tavern girls to be harassed and booze to be drank?"

Sovelis, or know to most in Hyrule as The Tempest, turned to his stalwart companion whom was leaning on a spear in a similar way that he was on his staff. He puffed a bit from his pipe and shifted the weight of the sword that was strapped to his back beneath his signature cloak. "If this turns into another wild goose chase or waste of time, I'm turning you into a chicken again."
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:37 am
OOC: Hey guys! Miss this place! Hope I can do this justice! ^^

Sovelis wrote:"So... why exactly are we standing here, when there are tavern girls to be harassed and booze to be drank?"

Despite himself, Sovelis' companion chuckled from beneath his bowed hood. "Believe me, Sovelis, even if I wanted to, I doubt I'd be able to enter any bar from here to Parapa without being kicked out for being associated with you." His pale amused blue eyes glimpsed his companion, bright against the shadows of his face, blocked from the evening sunlight, though the humour in them quickly waned like the moon. "Not to mention Ganon's spies are everywhere. After Saria was taken, and Ganon's spies could no longer occupy it with Link's return, I can assume any shapeshifter or monster that kept eyes on normal citizens there would have retreated a ways into the Mountain. We need to wait until they're passed the town...

"But this is important. They're aiming to make a subtle, swift blow to the Exiles, and we need to be there for it when it happens. Trust me, they'll need all the help we can get as much as we would." There was another reason, but he would wait before telling Sovelis.

He hunched over, poking at the loamy earth with the end of his cloth-bound spear, which was humming a silent, echoing song, like whistling in a cave, against his ear. If anyone, especially in these cursed lands, saw his weapon out in the open, any sort of stealth that had been used thus far would have been for nothing. It needed to be secret from even those he was waiting for, at least until the time was right...

With a guilty jolt, he realized he had been illustrating an oddly shaped spear into the earth and quickly rubbed it out with his leather boot, muddying it. Idiot. Focus!
Continuing, Sovelis wrote:If this turns into another wild goose chase or waste of time, I'm turning you into a chicken again
As he spoke, the Blade's eyes rose to see their quarry, Darkin, a younger Sheikah, and a handful of members of the Seven Stars, an organization he had only come across a handful of times, save for his old adversary hanging near the back, Kasei. "Ah, it seems that won't be necessary." He raised his chin approvingly, revealing a short auburn beard in the darkness of his hood. And if he tries again, I'll peck his feet off.
Katsuo wrote:"Just a little further past this town. When we ge-" He stopped short, and stopped in his tracks. He squinted his eyes. "Hold on... Kasei, do you see who I see? Is that..."

Two figures were in the middle of the road. "What on earth are they doing here?"
At last, he pulled off his gray hood, and smiled. He was very different indeed from the last time any of them had seen him. His face was no longer clean-shaven, but a full amber beard, and blue eyes a dozen tones brighter.

"Hail!" he greeted simply. This was more strange for him than he expected it to be. Had it only been a few years since he had seen them last?

OOC: Aaand that took an hour and a half. Not overly disappointed with it though. Changing up Nogare (again). Haven't written anything with him for well over a year, which has been weird, but it's fun to see him back. And hopefully I didn't mess too much of what's going on up. ^__^"
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:39 pm
Darkin wrote:"Well, I don't quite know how to put this... But there's a town up ahead."
Kasei nearly froze at this stamen, turning to Silva with a look of surprise. "A town?" He whispered, "You managed to forget an entire town, Silva!?" At this, the Gerudo just put a finger to her mouth, retaining the devilish smile she had worn throughout most of the trip. "This is the first I've heard of it myself, dear."

The idea that any lone individual could settle in here, at Ganons' former seat of power, was difficult to comprehend; rumors and myth and legend were abundant about the mountain, and many good folk chose instead to avoid it entirely. The fact that not one man, but an entire town lay hidden amongst the boulders of Death Mountain, was shocking enough for Kasei to speed up his step, ignoring most of what Darkin had said, until Katsuro attempted to get his attention:
"You... You don't suppose there is such a thing right? I mean how silly... Right?"

He paused, silent for a moment, before looking at the boy with a dry smile "There are many odd things in this world, and I cannot profess to claim the nonexistence of something." The answer was ambiguous, almost betraying the fact that the Eloquent Shadow was attempting to focus more on the town up ahead.

Xanatos resumed his position in the lead as the group collectively listened to the Gateman explain the social rules of the village. The concept of an anarchic, self-governed town was not foreign to them, many of the small encampments that dot the Parapa and Tantari deserts were without much in the form of authority. Still, to find such a place here in the mountains, in this mountain, made its' existence all the more curious. Kasei noted the mention of "Chief Tenfang", most likely, he's the one we need to go find. he mused, before the guardsman explained the drinking problem, as well as offered them assistance.

As they traveled through the crowd, each of the Seven Stars reacted wildly different to the people the moved past. Xanatos seemed to act as if the impoverished around the group did not exist at all. He held his head straight and kept his eyes on where he was going, following Darkin through the town.

Kasei, however, seemed to make a point of examining as many of the individuals as possible, eyeing them all for signs of weapons, special symbols hanging off of their clothes, branding marks or other such identifying features. He held a small piece of sympathy for these people, in his own way, but did not feel sorry for them.

As the crowds grew thicker, Silva moved over to place a reassuring hand on Katsuro's shoulder. "Don't feel sorry for them, but don't look down on them either. Your sentiments do them neither good nor ill. Just keep going." She said, in a motherly tone, walking alongside him until they passed through the crowd.

As the group neared the exit, Darkin stopped suddenly. Reacting naturally, Kasei tightened his grip on his cane, ready to brandish his weapon against some unseen foe. As he did so, the Rito spoke out;
Darkin wrote: "Hold on... Kasei, do you see who I see? Is that...What on earth are they doing here?"
Kasei turned to where Darkin had been looking, only to feel a rush of emotions well up inside of him as his eyes widened. Two figures stood in the crowd, two men that Kasei knew all to well, to men who had helped shape his story. Sovelis, the Tempest, a man Kasei drank with, laughed alongside, spied on, and fought against. Their friendship was gone, but the Shiekah had always felt remorse for his actions against the tempest.

Standing alongside him was Kasei's own grandson and one-time enemy, Nogare, the wielder of Belegcam and, Kasei had once hoped, a potential hero. Similarly, the two never shared a grand relationship, but blood was blood, and the sight of Nogare was welcome.

Despite the look of disdain that Xanatos wore upon sighting Sovelis, Kasei broke away from the group and strode over to the pair, a this smile on his lips. "By Din's flaming hair, what are the two of you doing here?" He asked.

ZV wrote: ...him as Human, Hylian, Sheikah, or Gerudo
I have problems with that 'Gerudo' part, yo.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:19 pm
Kasei wrote:
Darkin wrote:I have problems with that 'Gerudo' part, yo.
I care not for your puny mortal quibbles. :twisted:


Katsuro nudged Darkin, "Hey, I think my dad knew those guys." Then Kasei brushed past the duo. Darkin winced at the sight of them. This is... Not good. If we add not just one, but two powerful adventurers to our team, we're more likely to attract unwanted attention... He quickly wiped the thoughts out of his mind for the sake of politeness, and extended a wing.

"I'm not entirely certain that you remember me, Nogare, Sovelis. But in case you've forgotten, my name is Darkin Blackwing. Pleased to meet you again. What brings you to these parts? I wasn't even aware of a civilization here. I question how such a place could even spring up like this, here in Death Mountain."

Katsuro waited for a break in the Rito's speech, and shook hands with the two, "I don't think you've ever been properly introduced to me, but I've seen the two of you before. You knew my dad, Dogura. I'm Katsuro Shadowclaw, nice to meet you." He stepped out of Darkin's way, allowing him to take the floor once more.

"I'm sorry, Sovelis, Nogare, but we have little time for catching up. We're on a mission, and if we want to make it back to Saria Town by tonight, time is of the essence. We'll definitely have to catch up another time."

Katsuro threw his arms in the air, "Or you could join us! We're looking for Dogura!" Darkin brought his wing to his face, as he cursed the boy silently. He quickly took control of the situation once more.

"Shadowclaw is M.I.A." He began. "Nobody has seen him in a long time, too long. It's not normal, and we're more or less worried. We're on our way to speak with the Minotaur Shaman, an old man who lives in a cave not far from here. He used to live in seclusion, however with this town being here now, he might have moved. If that's the case, then we're out of leads. When did this town spring up anyways? Dear Din, what a mess... In any case, you're welcome to come along, but this could become exponentially dangerous at any point in time. You'll be risking your lives for sure."

He folded his arms, and sighed. No helping it now. "Are you in or out? We need to move quickly, we're racing the sun."
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:51 pm
OoC: Dear lord, its been far too long.
"But this is important. They're aiming to make a subtle, swift blow to the Exiles, and we need to be there for it when it happens. Trust me, they'll need all the help we can get as much as we would."
The Tempest cocked his head to the side, eyes flashing from beneath the folds of his cloaks hood. "I figured they would need help. But of all the people to ask to help... why you picked to drag me along is beyond me... I still think this'll be a waste of time when I could be drunk." he puffed again on his pipe and watched the large group approach.
"By Din's flaming hair, what are the two of you doing here?" He asked.
"Where have I been....? That question is all in itself too complicated for an answer at this time, but suffice to say, I haven't been in Hyrule for a few years, old friend. As for Din having flaming hair, that is just a myth. Some other... 'aspects' of Din may be fiery, but I'll leave that to the imagination." Sovelis looked over the group that they had held up, tightening the grip on his staff at the sight of the Seven Stars. He remembered the last encounter he had with them, and it had ended with more blood than a normal human should have lost. Good thing he wasn't a normal human. He whispered to Nogare, returning the same look that was being shot at him from Xanatos. "You could have told me THEY'D be here..."
"Are you in or out? We need to move quickly, we're racing the sun."
"Dogura missing? I guess some things never change, no matter how long I've been gone. If he is, I'm going with. And no one will stop me." Sovelis's eyes narrowed at the Seven Stars, his left hand, now noticeably non-mechanical, reached up to his shoulder to grip the hilt of the sword strapped to his back.

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Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:34 pm
OOC: Moving this along.


Darkin nodded at the two, a small grin appearing on his face. "Fair enough. We've little time to waste here. Follow me." He briskly moved onward, Katsuro increasing his pace to keep up with him. As the group exited town, the gate guardian bid them farewell.

Darkin's mind was storming about the sheer number of possibilities. The group being two members larger wouldn't attract far too much attention- but Sovelis. He was certainly one to keep an eye on. He turned his head to look back as he walked. He eyed the two newcomers. If I were Ganon, I'd definitely keep tabs on Sovelis... However, it can't be helped, not now anyways. He turned his eyes forward again as he kept his pace.

Before long, Darkin broke into a jog and took flight. He flew about 200 yards ahead before circling back around and landing just ahead of the group.

"The cave is still there!" He waved excitedly. "Let's go!" He turned and led the way, Katsuro once again jogging to catch up with him. "Jeez, Darkin, how about you wait for the rest of us huh?" Darkin waited at the entrance of the cave for everyone, snapping a light spell into existence as he waited.

As they entered the cave, Darkin held a hand up to halt the party.

"This..." His face turned dire. "This is different."

The cave was empty, and instead, the party was now faced with two passages. Darkin glanced nervously left and right, "He used to reside right here in this first room... What can this mean?"

"Hey Darkin, there's a signpost over here! Listen to this!" He began reading it.

"Meldilgth menma. Gorgo talnrith. Nesla cai dil noir cavago menthrill diln helvin... What the hell does that even mean?" He laughed.

Darkin cleared his throat before deciphering the text, "Turn back. None welcome. Proceed if you are eager to meet your demise." He folded his arms and shook his head, "Not a welcoming message. But what's to be expected of a hermit? Peculiar that he chose to write that in the language of the Shadowclaw... I didn't even know he could write in our dead language. Moreover why would he?" He wracked his brain for answers, when suddenly, Katsuro called out again:

"Hey... Uhhh, Darkin? The words are changing!" Darkin's eyes snapped open as he rushed over to the sign. It was true! The letters were shifting around on the sign!

Darkin smiled as the letters shifted to the most common readable Hylian. Katsuro read the sign out loud, "Now it says, 'Go home. This area is restricted. Danger ahead.' Huh... You weren't too far off, Darkin!" The Rito stood up and turned to the group, "The amazing thing is, I wasn't off at all. The sign became not only more polite, but readable to Katsuro! Do you all know what this means?" He grinned widely.

"The Minotaur Shaman likes me?" Katsuro piped up, still looking at the sign.

"No!" Darkin cheered. "It means that the last person to come through here and read that sign...

Was Dogura! We're on the right track!" His cheery demeanor however, quickly faded away. "On the other hand, this doesn't look like it's going to be as easy as I'd hoped. It would seem as though the poor old hermit had to take measures against the town that sprang up next to his cave. I can't say I blame him..." He dropped his arms, and shook his head. "I suppose we're just going to have to pick a passageway."

Katsuro appeared at Darkin's side, "Why don't we split up, and take both paths? We'll certainly find him one way or the other." The Rito sighed, "I thought about it... It may be our only option... But I don't like the idea of splitting up. It means one of us will hit a dead end, surely..." He looked over the group.

Kasei, Xanatos, Silva, Sovelis, Nogare, Katsuro, and myself... That's an odd number. If we split up, we'll be uneven... It's likely however that the 'trials' ahead are real obstacles for mere men. We're a higher caliber, however. I'm certain we'd be alright... Dogura must have made it through by himself. So surely with numbers...

"Well, Darkin?" Katsuro poked him. "What do you think?"

Darkin stroked his chin.

"Alright, we've got an option here folks- a fork in the road as it were. As far as I can tell, we've got two options. We're on the clock here, and we don't know how far in these passages extend. We can split up and take separate tunnels... OR, we could go back to town and stay the night, and get a fresh start in the morning so that we can tackle this whole thing together. That way if we come to a dead end, we can turn all the way back, and take the other tunnel, and still travel home by daylight. I don't want night to fall on us while we're in here... Strange things happen to people inside death mountain after dark... Even Dogura sought shelter up here after nightfall. It's up to you guys."

Katsuro turned to the group, "Screw it! Let's split up and take these caves head on!"
Darkin folded his arms, "I think it would be best to remain together."


Decision time 8)
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:41 pm
Kasei gave a warm smile as Sovelis answered, but his look turned to surprise when he noticed the rather...normal look of Sovelis' arm. "Hey, what..." He started, before shaking his head. "No, nevermind, I'll ask later." After all, one story at a time, I'll learn what I can from him later. Kasei then turned to Nogare, a much more grim look on his face. Sharing what looking like a face of grim understanding with his grandson, the Shiekah said nothing before turning back to face Darkin. "Yes, I do think they'll be coming with." He said, before walking back to the main group.

Xanatos eyed Sovelis carefully throughout the event, though he watched Kasei return to the main group. "Are you sure it's wise to let that come along? Remember what hid did?" He muttered.

"Yes, and I remember why he did it, you should try and focus on one enemy at a time, my friend." Kasei retorted, before the group as a whole continued on their way. Regardless of what he did in the past, Sovelis was easily amongst the most powerful men in Hyrule, and would be extremely valuable if, when the group finds him, Dogura decides to trade blows with everyone. Kasei gave a grim smile, remembering how the tempest fought off three of the Seven Stars back at the Temple of Nayru, and how Kasei himself was unable to subdue Sovelis that night. Yes, he and Nogare will certainly be useful, combining them with Xanatos and Silva we now have four people who can fight on Dogura's level, this should make things all the easier.

As Nogare and Sovelis walked alongside the group, Silva took the opportunity to flash Sovelis a wink. "Hey, remember me?" She said playfully. It would be surprising if Sovelis didn't, as she was one of the three, alongside Xanatos and Gor Gigan, who attacked the Tempest in the Temple.

It didn't take long for the group to reach the cave, where what looked to be a magical sign awaited them, with a warning. With the nature of the sign revealed, the fact that Dogura was here last bolstered the entire group's morale. Still, knowing that two paths were present, Kasei, Xanatos and Silva exchanged looks. "I think its' safe to say that only one of these leads to the destination we seek, it would be a waste of time if we, as a group, explored them one at a time." Xanatos claimed, while Silva nodded. "We have now enough firepower to make two teams of three, without having to worry about the safety of its' members." He finished, while Kasei looked over to Katsuro, "I know it might seem unfair to count you out as a combatant, but you're young, I think it would be best if you stuck to Darkin for now."

As he spoke, Silva strode over to the Rito and once again gripped him by the arm "Well then if we're splitting up..." She started, before smiling once again. Kasei turned to face both Sovelis and Nogare, either one would be an excellent teammate, but Xanatos would certainly want to be with whatever group Sovelis was with, and Kasei dare not let the two be alone together for fear of them destroying the mountain. "I suppose, I'll be going with you, Sovelis." He said, after a moment's thought. As he finished, Xanatos stepped forward. "Then we have our group."

Kasei shot a look towards Nogare. I'll have to catch up with you later...

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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:47 pm
Sovelis was easily amongst the most powerful men in Hyrule, and would be extremely valuable if, when the group finds him, Dogura decides to trade blows with everyone
No need to inflate his ego anymore man!

"Hey! I am not the one with the inflated ego!


Sovelis had ignored The Stars, re-filling his pipe and lighting it, his face still mostly hidden under his hood. "This reminds me of a story... four kids and a talking dog that went around solving mysteries. They always split up. And it usually ended up with the pretty one in a trap or something... I don't know, that story is older than me, in a sense." He stared blankly at the sigh and its shifting words, or, appeared to. "Splitting up would be a good idea though, except anyone following me would have to deal with some... smells. I ate a bowl of Dodongo Chilli a while back and its not settling well right now."

*Cues in a squeaky, and slightly painful sounding fart for several excruciating seconds that drowned out all noise in the area, one that would make any winking women run for the hills, no matter how powerful*

"But to be serious, I should just be a group of one. I'd rather not see anyone caught in the crossfire..." one eye shone from under Sovelis' hood as he flexed his left hand. It crackled with white static. "I've no idea how well I can control my old powers without Sovel interfering anymore. But I doubt either of you will let me go alone..." The Tempest pocketed his hand and puffed on his pipe, looking like he needed a shave and a haircut from under the shadows of his hood as he turned enough to Xanatos and Kasei, the dim light of his burning tobacco casting a grizzled look on the one most had only seen as an eternally youthful man.

He also smells like an inter-dimensional hobo. :lol:

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Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:48 pm
After hearing everyone out, save for Nogare, who seemed to have his decision made for him, Darkin stepped out of the noxious ass-cloud that was forming around him, ignoring the ordeal as politely as he could. With Silva now attached to his arm, it would appear as though she'd made her decision too. He only hoped she'd made the decision for the right reasons.

Katsuro's face twisted up in horror, as he was unable to avoid the after-effects of the Dodongo Chili. "WHAT IN ALL GOOD FARORE IS TH-" Katsuro cried out, Darkin back-handing him before he could finish.

"I cannot allow you to go off on your own, Sovelis." Darkin stated after clearing his throat. "It's probable that you could handle yourself, but do not underestimate the Minotaur Shaman. He has likely aged much, and his skills along with him, but we need to remain cautious." He looked towards the caverns, "Besides that... We can't rule out the possibility that we might run into Ganon's forces in here, or worse, Dogura himself. We must remain ever vigilant..."

He shifted his eyes, and suddenly whirled around shooting a lightning bolt at a particularly dark corner of the ceiling. A couple of stones fell from the ceiling, and nothing else.

Katsuro had ducked to avoid the blast, and stood up to examine the point of impact. He turned around with a 'what the hell, man' kind of look on his face, his arms already in the air. He stopped however when he saw the serious look on Darkin's face, the Rito's eyes fixated on the same spot. The boy dropped his arms, and followed Darkin's gaze back to that dark corner. The boy looked back at Darkin, not doubting him now.

"What... What did you see, Darkin?"

There was a heavy silence for the next few moments, all eyes trained on Darkin. He finally spoke, "I... I'm certain I sensed something... A presence. A familiar one... Though I can't entirely pinpoint it... Perhaps I'm just... Going crazy. It might just be nerves after all..." He dropped his shoulders and let out a deep breath. "I hope I'm not losing my edge here," he finally smiled.
"I know it might seem unfair to count you out as a combatant, but you're young, I think it would be best if you stuck to Darkin for now."
This was an incredible blow to the teen's ego, and wounded his pride more than the man could ever know. Katsuro decided to say nothing, and decided to let it fester in the back of his mind until he could take it out on something later in the caves.

"In any case, we'd best get moving. Silva, Katsuro, Nogare, follow me. Everyone else, follow Kasei"

They turned and began heading towards the cave. "We'll send Katsuro through the shadows to your cave every so often for a status update. Keep safe, and stay weary." Those were his final words before he and his crew disappeared into their chosen path.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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