Level 18
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Class: Boss//Final Boss
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TP: 5
A crooked smile appeared on the face of Jormund as Sovelis' blade approached him. "You still don't get it, do you, boy?" He roared, and clutched his hands to his chest. In an instant, he flew his arms wide apart, and let a massive power surge escape him in the form of a blast of darkness, one that expanded through the block, instantly killing many civilians. The others were blown aside by the sheer force of the blast.
Kasei saw the attack coming, and put his arms in front of his face, Nogare did the same. The two barely managed to hold their ground against the assault. The only good part of all of this was that the attack didn't go to far from Jormund. Not that it mattered: hundreds lay dead on the street, many more dying of injuries.
"Come, allies of the gods. Come and see if you can actually defeat me." Jormund declared, holding out his hand to Sovelis.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 9
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Class: Vagabond//Thief
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TP: 2
"Shut it, you're annoying," Arrika said harshly to Kin. "You shouldn't squirm around either, the poison'll just kill you faster. But really..." She said with a smile, "You're already dead."
"That was cold," Seth commented. "And you missed." The green-haired Hylian turned his head lazily to watch Sovelis and Jormund; everyone else, including the guards, were sure to disregard the two thieves now. "Looks like you're safe after all."
"You're a backstabbing little bastard, you know that?"
"I know. Still can't believe you missed."
"You knew I would. Now be useful and tell me what's going to happen before I decide to kill you too," she threatened.
Seth grinned. "You know that's impossible. You can't kill me. At least... not yet. And besides... now that a Tempest is involved in this... I'm Blind. But I know Kasei is convinced this is a trap."
"How often is Kasei wrong?"
"Not often."
"There's some hope, then," Arrika muttered. This was a problem indeed; if Sovelis really was flaking out to join Hyrule's army, where did that leave her? And after all she had gone through... it almost wasn't fair.
"Are you going to surrender too?" Seth asked, knowing what was going through her mind. "...I don't think you'll be executed if you do."
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6
Level 5
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Class: scholar//mage
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TP: 1
Kin calmed down and stood up. "Why did you do that," Kin asked. Kin fell to his knees. Rose was on the roof and seen what happened. She jumped down and pulled out a antidote.
"Here drink this, it will help," Rose said. Then she turned to Arrika and said "Why did you do that, He never did something to you." Kin got up and Rose hugged him.
"Are you ok?"
"Do you think I am, I just got hit in the arm with a poison senbon needle in the arm!"
"Sorry, Kin."
"It's ok Rose."
Kin looked at Arrika and said "What's your problem?"
OOC: Rose i one of my NPC's and is Kin's girlfriend.

L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//scribe
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TP: 1
Silna was one of those blown back by the blast of dark energy. Hitting a wall, she could hardly move. She lie there dormant for a moment or two, not moving, and not even breathing. However, it was a trick. Should Jormund have realized who she was, he would realize that she might be a threat. Thus, he wanted to make it seem as though the threat of her being here was neutralized.
As he began to position his hand to cast it out as an action for taking on Sovelis, she made her decisive movement. Not a warning, not even a visible projectile, just a slight movement with an arm reaching into a pocket. She got out a throwing knife out of her pocket and threw it to fast for it too even be realized by most. The knife, which was cloaked, using magic, and filled with poison, soared for Jormund's body. Sure, there would be ways of detecting it, but it would be a significantly difficult task for the majority of the legendary warriors, maybe even the Hero himself.
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3377
Class: Scholar//Mage
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TP: 2
Without a second thought, the Tempest had phased out of sync with the surrounding time and the blast had just gone right through him. "Jormund... You are a being of pure hate. I had only joined your little army to see what you are capable of, even if it meant turning everyone in this world against me." Sovelis calmly walked forward, his sword gripped in his right hand tightly. "You are nothing more than a stepping stone in my quest towards perfection... and soon you will be nothing but dust under my boots. Even if it means killing every living thing in this world, I will cut you down." He raised the blade again and flashed towards his foe. "I have no future except destruction!!! Let us end this today... I will show you what I have kept hidden from everyone... the true power of the Tempests!!!"
He cut at the giant, a look of fierce determination in his eyes as he brought the blade downwards, putting all of his strength into the attack as he snarled. "Demons like us have no other purpose in this world, so let us fulfill our destinies!!!"
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
Everything happened at once.
As Kasei and Nogare recovered from the blast, both had their prized weapons at the ready. Kasei had his scythe, the doomsday, and Nogare had his staff, Belegcam. Both of them were now charging forward at top speed towards Jormund Gobi.
Silna's attack was the first to take effect. The invisible weapon flew at the best choice of target: Jormund's throat. The blade hit home, causing a large ammount of blood to fly out of the giant's kneck. ("URK!") The knife itself flew out the back, hitting a nearby box.
Sovelis was next, his blade, with the might of the Tempest's streangth, cleaved down into Gobi's left shoulder, and cut strait down, into his chest, down through his stomach, and out the other side, leaving a greivous wound.
Finally, came Kasei and Nogare's joint attack. Kasei swung Doomsday, and made it slice the right arm clean off the giant, and the appendage flew to the floor. Nogare then Rammed Belegcam at Jormund's leg, blowing off a clean chunk before moving on.
This was the ultimate result of the joint attack. Or, it would be, if Jormund was that weak. For a split second after the combined attack, everyone in the vicinity did something unimaginable; blink.
That was all it took. In the fraction of time they closed their eyes, Jormund Gobi was healed, good as new, and even angrier than before.
"A touching speech, boy."
He turned around, and sent two blasts of pure darkness at both Kasei and Nogare. That was all it took to send both of them to the ground. The giant then turned back to his main target, and clenched the Tempest's head in his fist. "We are the ones who most deserve to rule this world, boy. We alone have power that can either end a country, or create a new one. You know so much, but understand so little. Begone." He said, and crushed the Tempests head.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 18
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Class: Scholar//Mage
: 1249
TP: 2
Sovelis' eyes widened in shock at the almost instantanious regeneration the Jormund displayed. I-impossible!!! The wound from the Tempest Blade shouldn't have healed that quickly! It was made to damage beings that cannot be wounded by normal weapons! He was about to strike again when the Giant retaliated. He felt the blasts in the air as Kasei and Nogare where thrown back violently. He looked up as he felt his head being gripped in the sueperhuman grip of Gobi, and his expresion was still one of pure shock and suprise as the giant brought his grip inwards on his skull. He felt the bone crack in pain, and then everything went dark.....
His spirit floated at the border between the Physical Plane, and the Next. Before him, the gatekeepers loomed and looked down at Sovelis with contempt and sorrow.
So you have died, Young Lord? The one to his right spoke, his voice filled with sadness and regret.
It was a quick and painless death...
You know that we cannot allow you to pass. Your soul is still corupted by the Demon.
I know this.... but my body is to damaged to return too... and the new one I was creating is not ready! It cannot house my soul for more than a few days!
Then use what little time you will have in that body to repair your original... For you cannot pass the Gates to rest with the rest of your kind until your tasks in the Physical Realm are finished, Young Lord.
I doubt that I can repair my body in such sort time... but I must try... Goodbye Brothers... I will see you soon again. I must pass this way again to return to my original body once the replacement dies from the strain...
Somewhere deep within the Tempests home in Rauru, a small, child-like form rose from within a massive tank of red, pulsating liquid. "I have to act fast.... I can... feel this body crumbling already...." The Reborn Tempest looked around at this secret laboratory, and wandered out into the house to quickly clean off the glowing red goo and find something that he could transform into sutable clothing for a 6 year old body...
Level 9
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Class: Vagabond//Thief
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TP: 2
It happened too fast for them to even scream.
Seth looked pale and was obviously shocked, but Arrika refused to believe what she had just seen.
"No... can't be..." She choked out, but was rooted to her spot.
"Of course not," Seth tried to say dismissively. "He's immortal... he's immortal..." No matter how confident Seth spoke the tremor of doubt was obvious. He shook his head to clear it. "Come on. We're leaving," he said, tugging on her arm, and for the moment they forgot the rift that had been growing between them.
"Why? Where?"
"Do you really want to hang around where someone will see you? They'll arrest you and kill you, Miss Traitor. We're on our own for now."
A black pool drifted on the ground, coming to a halt at Seth's feet. Neither of the thieves were alarmed as a familiar black cat materialized from it. The shadows at Sauron's feet lengthened and latched onto their legs, beginning the process of invisibility that wasn't too different from a Shadowmeld.
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
Jormund Gobi grinned with satisfaction as he tossed Sovelis's body aside on the street. "Ah . . . my job here is done. Now, I wonder if there's a way to . . . kill time." He joked, looking around.
"I'll Keep you occupied, you monster!" A voice rang out as a barrage of fire soared at Jormund. The giant raised his arms, and the inferno overcame him, burning his clothes. Almost as soon as the flames died down, Kasei appeared, jumping up to the hight of his grandfather's head. The Rebel Flame spun around, and delivered a kick to the side of Jormund's head, and then a punch to the face. He was about to repeat this when Jormund's hand grabbed Kasei's arm mid-swing, and then the giant's other arm grabbed Kasei around the torso.
Jormund gave a twist.
Kasei's arm was completely broken, and blood was now pouring out. He, like Sovelis, was thrown to the ground.
Archers were now in place. They aimed, and fired their arrows. Jormund saw this, and turned to face the onslaught, and roared. A vicious wind erupted, and the arrows were knocked aside.
OOC: C'mon, someone has to fight this guy!
Naw, i'll let Sovelis handle this.
Speaking of which. DA account, Sovelis. Mine, go there for a present.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//scribe
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TP: 1
A whisper, "I will not make you go through this ordeal by fire." It was stated, but it was also screamed into the minds of others who were already fighting Jormund. "Please, leave now while you still can," was added. Hell, adventures now-a-days needed to learn when to realize when they could lose their life. None of them would most likely leave though.
"Jormund D. Gobi, it's time someone put you in your place," added the figure, who now revealed themselves, jumping down to the ground. White outfit, pale skin, a white top hat, and the familiar cane. "We've never met, you may call me Baron Samedi. And now, I will become your opponent. You're move," finished the deity. Silna could only stand by and watch, she was astonished that somebody would delay Jormund so they could escape. Yet at the same time, she couldn't move her feet.
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
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TP: 5
OOC: Seriously, this is sovvy's topic, he should be posting here more than us. (Yes, I gave him a nickname)
IC: Jormund Gobi turned at the sound of a new combatant, as Kasei lay on the ground. "Ah, a new face. This should be fun." He said, as Nogare stood up behind him. If I can get in one good hit, I can probably injure him. The holy warrior thought, rushing forward, and striking.
His attack, not suprizingly, was blocked, and he, too, was knocked aside. Without even turning, Gobi managed to defeat Nogare.
"So, are you going to attack, or not? You have big words, I hope your skills are just as big." He taunts, sending out another energy wave of darkness.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 18
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Class: Scholar//Mage
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TP: 2
OoC: Well... Sovelis is kinda out of comission for the moment... *will edit into a post as soon as I do somthing with 'the Phoenix Effect' *
Level 18
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Class: Boss//Final Boss
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TP: 5
OOC: I am getting annoyed, Sovelis. POST!!!
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile