Other characters:
Kobas (See below)
Rebecca Winters: (Hylian) A beautiful mercenary around 20 with thick purple hair that comes down in perfect waves. She was in an off-and-on relationship with Kobas for many years. Rebecca came and went as she pleased, and had a wild spirit that could never be put down, especially by a man. She was skilled at using a saber. She went sailing to another country miles across the sea from Hyrule, and was framed there for cursing an entire village. Rebecca was sentenced to death there and hung. Kobas found out what happened through a vision passed along from Seth, and has vowed to get revenge on all the people who had sent her to her death from mass fear and panic.
Rhyss: (Hylian)
Rhyss has brownish-red hair and grimaces more often than he smiles. He is serious when he is not wry and sarcastic, a complete narcissist, and possibly more mysterious than Kobas, and lives alone in the middle of Hyrule Field in a house guarded by hundreds of spells and charms to keep away intruders. Rhyss seems mediocre and lazy at a first glance but has a secret thirst for power. He envies Sovelis for being Sovel's host.
A sage skilled in the art of healing and all general fields of magic, and has lately become interested in demons and the dark arts. He is an undiscovered author and remarkable scholar; he is also a skilled orator and storyteller. He is extremely solitary because he considers everyone beneath him intellectually. He is Kobas's best friend and is often involved in his crimes and schemes.
The mage revealed to Seth and Sovelis that he discovered a way to create portals between different worlds/dimensions.
Rhyss was a child mage prodigy and began learning the mystic arts from Mirielle when he was 6 years old. He ran away from a middle class home and family around the age of 12, but for unknown reasons Mirielle found it in her heart to help him. He secretly fears her and understands the debt he owes her.
(Hylian) Seth is a green-haired thief 3 or 4 years younger than Arrika. He wears a long white scarf no matter what the weather is. He is psychic and can tell whenever someone is lying. He is skilled at reading minds and breaking mental barriers. He also sometimes has flashes of the future, which is almost always something ominous. He has trouble sleeping because he gets the most visions when he dreams, and they are usually horrific or apocalyptic.
Seth is often stubborn and difficult and very mischievous. He enjoys irritating Rhyss most of all. When he has a sense of humor it is extremely crass. One of his greatest fears is thunder. He was discovered by Rhyss when he was 10 years old, and was immediately taken in by Kobas as a second apprentice when the two older men recognized his psychic talents. He was at first jealous because he believed Kobas favored Arrika. He had a dream about Kobas taking advantage of Arrika, but was threatened by Kobas and Rhyss to keep it to himself. He did so, and was surprised when he felt guilty at his own small betrayal. He redeemed himself when he helped Arrika escape from Kobas to the desert.
His favorite food is fried fish and he is very catlike.
Seth was the 4th child out of 6 (2 brothers, 3 sisters) to a single mother who had numerous boyfriends. He lived in a very small, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and 1 kitchen house with the 6 (well, 7, if you counted the current boyfriend) other people.
A Twili hellcat named Sauron took a liking to him in the Twili realm and serves as his loyal familiar.
He has always been extremely mature and serious for his age, a result of the heavy burden of the visions he sees. He was renounced by his family when his sister Rin was killed by a Wolfos; despite having a vision of her death, he ran away from the scene, believing that because he saw her future it was set in stone. He is still conflicted over whether "destiny" exists and whether people can change it.
Seth's Siblings:
Sela: The eldest. Also psychic and the only one Seth ever really related to. Missing as of 4 months ago; Seth, Sovelis, Rhyss, Arrika, and Mirielle discovered that she left Hyrule for the Twili Realm.
Arunite: Second eldest. He's now tired of having to take care of everyone for almost his entire life, and is relieved that his mom is finally getting married and settling down so he can leave home and fufill his dream of becoming a ranger and marrying his girlfriend of 4 years, Sabrina.
Karina: A simple but pretty girl who is good at dancing. Seth doesn't seem to realize how much she really cares about him.
Rin: Killed by a Wolfos and her death is the reason Seth's family shuns him.
Zareth:The youngest sibling. He idolizes Arunite and hates Seth simply because Arunite does.
(Hylian) A witch. Taught Rhyss almost everything he knows about magic, and has hidden powers even Rhyss can't imagine. Went traveling overseas in search of lands beyond Hyrule, but returned early because she claimed she missed Rhyss. Wears midnight blue and white robes and a witch hat and has silver eyes and hair. Very confident in herself and doesn't appear to fear anything. She is extremely snobby and spiteful and picks on Arrika. She caused Arrika and Arrika's former boyfriend Ronin to break up.
Ronin: A rather well known assassin to shadier crowds and skilled in the use of poison and senbon. Also Arrika's last boyfriend from a few years ago, and thanks to Mirielle believed Arrika was cheating on him, causing him to dump her.
Hawkthorne: Hawkthorne, or just Thorne for short is Ronin's younger brother, around Seth's age. He is becoming proficient in archery rather quickly and is the very unsocial Seth's best friend. He is very innocent minded and doesn't catch on to Arrika's and Seth's... jokes... very quickly or not at all.
Level: 6
Race: Hylian
Base Class: Vagabond
Main Class: Ranger
Alignment: Order
HP: 31
SPL: 19
STR:2 (+2 Lv 2 Goron Strength) = 4
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2
INT:3 (+3 for Hylian) = 6
Last edited by
Arrika on Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:17 pm, edited 7 times in total.
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6