Down into the Sewers of Hyrule...*finished*

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The Rascal King Level 1
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Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:38 pm
As the night sky was illuminated, quite cliche in fact, by the full moon, a chase had begun in the alleyways and rooftops of the entire Castle Town, nearing its close in a run-down part of the Town Square. As he ran towards the other, the Rascal King's bandaged feet made every furious step only a light padding sound, while the other's long, pink tail continued to make whip-like noises as he turned. The two continued to chase each other, paths winding into each other every once in a while, until Rascal finally had to stop, as his prey seemed to have disappeared into thin air above one of the more run-down houses.

Now stopped, the King looked around to see if there was anywhere else the rat-like person, or the person-like rat, could've gone, when he realized the circle cut into a stone disk in the wooden roof. After a few moments of dislodging the circle, which was actually an opening to the sewers, strangely placed into the roof of this building, the bandaged boy dove into the damp, dark, and disgusting depths of the Castle Town sewers.


It was with good luck that the water was only ankle deep, otherwise his entire outfit would've been covered in things a bit too horrible to mention without having to find the nearest restroom. Shaking off what he could, Castillo dashed through the maze-like tunnels in an effort to find the other man, his feet making the same splashing noises. Within something less than twenty minutes, they had caught up with each other at a coliseum-sized corner of this realm of awful smells, each of them on respective sides, quite coincidentally. "So...Any reason why you've been doing what you have been, Mister...", began Rascal, raising an eyebrow at the man across from him.

By now, in the strange red-tinted lighting that this coliseum was covered in, it was more obvious what this strange man looked like. His hair was short and grey, but thick and covered in many ticks and fleas, parts of it spiked up in an almost rabid-esque style. Yellow eyes gleamed, their green pupils making it look even more sickening, as if his equally yellow teeth and nails hadn't already. The rags he was clothed in had a few bugs on them as well, the cape not moving while the pink, prehensile tail still twitched from the adrenaline pumping through this strange man's body. He was truly a King of the Rats, living down in the damp sewers with most of his subjects, stealing nothing at all, and yet being a frightening figure all the same.

"I-I don't even know, m-m-myself! I-I-I just wanted to come d-down here one day! That was-That was when I became so much strong-stronger!", the Rat King yelled out, the energy being pumped through him being too much that it caused him to stutter. His entire body was shaking and twitching from such power, now dashing in to fight Castillo head-on. Luckily, it was only power being pumped throughout the rat-man's body, and the ability to think had been forgotten in this berserker charge, so the Rascal King was able to dodge it with ease. However, one look could tell that this was going to mean business, so Rascal drew out his single dagger in case he could find a moment to attack.

Unfortunately, the dagger caught in the sheath just as another charge was made, long yellow nails trying to tear at his bandages, and mildly elongated teeth tried to snap at his chest. The Rat King stopped his mad dash at one of the walls to the room, pushing Rascal up as much as he could, but a quick kick from the normal-looking one knocked the rat-man down to the outer ring, covered in sewer sludge. If it hadn't been for the dagger getting stuck, the fight would've been over by now, but it was only due to luck that the fall had also knocked out the Rat King, mumbling something 'deeper within' somewhere else. Rascal dashed forward leaving a clean cut over the man's chest, somehow freeing him of the thing that had a hold over his mind, as the ticks and fleas began to disperse from him; teeth, nails, and eyes returning to their normal Hylian state; his clothes still in rags, but now without the cape and tail.

Castillo dropped the cape over the cut, admitting that right now wasn't the best time to kill someone by means of immense blood loss, even for one such with a chaotic personality like his own. "Man...where th' hell did these freaks spring up from? Now I've got t' get the rest of them. Next time, I'm charging for how much it takes to get better after these bouts...", Rascal grumbled to himself, finding the nearest ladder up to the surface. Now, he had emerged outside of the Town, and after hiding his escape route, the Rascal King dashed off like a guardian of the night...

Well, if it wasn't for the fact the Rat King had just annoyed him so much that he had to get rid of him.

(OOC: Done! Could I get some comments, please?)
shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:59 pm
Even though it was night, it was easy to see for the man from the tribe known as the Shadow Folk. The full moon made it almost seem like daytime, however, he had his back turned when the Rascal King ran by. Darilan didn't see anything, of course, but he sensed the movement. It could have been his imagination though, especially since he hadn't slept well in several days. Even though that was likely the case, he hollered "Who's there?" just for the hell of it.

DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33

[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
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