Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:52 pm
Not much was happening in the tavern. Everyone seemed to be on a quest or something. Bob the bartender was cleaning the bar waiting for someone to arrive. He then added something to the list of drinks. "The newest item on the list, 3% milk," he said as he wrote it on the sign. Getting 3% milk was hard for a bartender, they always have 1%, 2% and whole milk.
OOC: This is for me to make friends and for us to talk to each other in HA2!!! So let's the chatting begin.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Drink list~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1% milk
2% milk
milk special 3% milk
whole milk
For the people who get drunk
Zora wine
Goron ale
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,