Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:39 am
Sweet, sweet Hylian air... It seemed like forever since he had felt the wind on his face, the sun on his skin, and the almost intoxicating aroma of the land. An eternity locked away in his study, it seemed. Quietly, Sovelis Magelion Li'ano Liadon walked the streets of Hyrule Castle... a very different man than before. "We can't stay here anymore... I've done too much to affect this world's history, where I should have just been an observer."
So? You've meddled in other worlds before.
"Yea... but not to this extent. And this is the only world that I've died so many times in." The Tempest counted on his fingers, looking cross with himself. "Anymore, and I might start to feel weakened."
And what do you propose? We're stuck here... and everyone is against you now.
He stopped, leaning against the side of a building, pulling a slim, rolled piece of paper form a pouch, and light the tip, taking a long drag from the primitive cigarette. "Honestly, I don't know...."
So? You've meddled in other worlds before.
"Yea... but not to this extent. And this is the only world that I've died so many times in." The Tempest counted on his fingers, looking cross with himself. "Anymore, and I might start to feel weakened."
And what do you propose? We're stuck here... and everyone is against you now.
He stopped, leaning against the side of a building, pulling a slim, rolled piece of paper form a pouch, and light the tip, taking a long drag from the primitive cigarette. "Honestly, I don't know...."