Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:54 pm
Current Level: 13
Name: Dogura Shadowclaw
Age: 25
Race: Hylian/Sheikah (Hylian for stat/racial purposes)
Alignment: Neutral
Faction: none
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
Guild: none
Dogura Shadowclaw has been through many challenges and trials. As a child, he was raised by the King of Shadowclaw, a small Kingdom of its very own, far south. As a teenager, Dogura lost his father to war, and eventually his mother to illness. He set out to explore north, where he had loved and lost, and been betrayed by the first stranger he'd decided to trust. After reaching the North, he owned a small home that he'd built with his own two hands in North Forest. Under the home was a lab, and a chamber made for restraint on nights on which a full moon hung in the sky. When he attempted to return home, he found that all routes to the south had been blocked in some way. Unable to return home, he spent many long years in the North. After the North South Pass was reopened, he traveled with a group of warriors into the cave to slay the giant spider that had nested there. Finally, able to return to his Kingdom, he finds it in ruins during, "A Samurai's Finale". Details for what happened afterwords are summarized further down the page.
As for now, Dogura is functionally immortal, in that if he dies, he'll be granted life once again by Ganon. He currently serves Ganon as one of four reapers. He was hired on to soften the work load of the other reapers, take odd jobs (lonely deaths), and if necessary, assassinations. He has been granted a pair of supernaturally superior eyes, and a working arm once more. He currently lives on the Southeast side of the continent, just across from the pond off of Old South Road. With his skills sharper than they've ever been, he awaits visits from friends, challengers, or even to help an ally in need of assistance.
STR-2(base) + (Goron STR Lv2)=...................................... 4 (strength)
DEF-1(base) +(Lv2 Jerkin) +(Deku Shield)+(Human DEF L2)=....18 (defense)
AGI-3(base) + (Deku AGI Lv3)= ........................................6 (agility)
INT- 3(base) + (Race)3 + (Hylian IntelegenceLv3)= ...............9 (intelligence)
SPI-1(base)+(Zora SPI L2)= ...........................................3 (spirit)
SPL- 24 + (SPI[3])= ..........................................................27 (spell)
WIL-9 (maxed out)=......................................................9 (will power)
HP-30 (base) + (SPI)33 + (Exceptional HealthLv3)= ...............83 (HP)
Physical attack: (STR[4] + Weapon base[12])= 16 DMG
Magical attack: (Level[12] + base class[2] + INT[9]) 23 DMG
Deku Spear
Deku Shield
Lv2 Jerkin
Talent Points Earned: 31
Talent points spent: 30
Talent points remaining: 1
16: quest
12: Level up
3: RP'er of the month:
November 2006
March 2007
October 2010
Stat boosts
Goron Strength L2 2TP
Deku Agility L3 4TP
Hylian Intelligence L3 3TP
Human Defense L2 2 TP
Zora Spirit L2 2 TP
Exceptional Health L3 9TP
disarm trap L1 1TP
clam beast L1 1TP
track L1 1TP
Elemental Burst L2 4TP
Train Spear L1 1TP

Goron looks amiss =1TP
The lost toy =1TP
Lost cow=1TP
Lost trophies= 1TP
Bird Man= 1TP
Dins bracelet= 1TP
Missing Cuccos =1TP
Force of Gold Depths of Darkness= 1TP
Role Player of the Month Award= 3TP
Take the Cake (#2) = 1TP
Force of Gold Depths of Darkness= 1TP
Magical Mix = 1TP
Take the cake (#3) = 1TP
Slaying the Spider = 1TP
Take the Cake (#4) = 1TP
Grand Tournament Participant = 1TP
Letter from Afar = 1TP
Take the Cake (#5)
Level Up[10] = 10TP
Character Alignment (original): Lawful Good
Character Alignment (Restored): Neutral Evil
Character Alignment (Reborn): Chaotic Good
A Samurai's FInale </center>After the South was reopened, Dogura immediately sought out his village. Finding it in ruins, he immediately found a massive fortress of Moblins not far away. Dogura, Darkin, and even Fang, destroyed every living thing inside the fortress. After climbing to the very top, he finds his uncle, who reveals to him that he's actually his father. Flying into a rage, Dogura kills his uncle, and then takes his own life.
That story can be read in the post just beneath this one.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3251" target="body">Out of the Ashes He Crawled</a></center>After he took his life, he went straight to hell. When he landed in hell, the Moblins attempted to tear him apart, as they did all prisoners. However, they hadn't seen a warrior of Dogura's strength in several years. He fought them all off, cutting them down one by one until eventually his hate resonated with his demon's. Hell, being a habitable environment for the demon, it was able to escape his body. When this happened, fatigue struck him. He was still able to fight, but he got torn up pretty badly, losing his right eye, and his left arm in the process. When he was about to drop, Ganon himself appeared before him, and made him an offer. He offered to allow the samurai to return to the world of the living if he would become the new grim reaper. Dogura accepted the offer, and returned to Hyrule. Instead of holding up his end of the bargain, the samurai fastened a new mechanical arm, and lived in secrecy away from Ganon. He was thought dead for a very long time, until a group of his former allies followed the trail to his home.
<center>A New Life</center>With his new life, he took nothing for granted. With the loss of his demon, he also lost a lot of the blood-lust that he'd harbored before. Consequently, he was also greatly weakened. Without his demon, his arm, and his eye, he was only half the warrior he used to be- a shell of his former glory. He lived in a cave under Laruto Falls with his closest friend and ally, Darkin. After many adventures, the Great Crusades of the South, and the famed expedition to the mysterious Gossip Isle, age was catching up with him. He found himself often fatigued, and weary. He began to miss being feared on the battlefield, and the power he used to hold. After years of being average, he decided that he might confront Ganon one more time...
<center>The Reaper Arc</center>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3430" target="body">The Struggle Within</a></center> One night under the falls, Darkin overheard the samurai talking in his sleep. After listening to Dogura's dream, Darkin realized that Dogura was feeling inadequate without power. He had good reason too; with warriors like Sovelis, Kasei, Alpha, and even Darkin himself around Hyrule, one could certainly wish they were strong. Dogura's midnight ramblings led Darkin to believe that Dogura might be planning to return to Ganon for power. He decided to talk with Dogura in the morning- but when he awoke, the samurai was already missing...
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3431" target="body">The Frayed Ends of Sanity</a></center>Dogura was at the end of his rope. One morning when he awoke, he decided to immediately begin a journey to the temple he'd been let out of when he'd first been set free. After traveling far across the southern continent, he came to the edge of the swamp. It was deep within this swamp that the entrance to hell awaited him. After cutting through the swamp, he found himself just across the bridge to the massive temple that housed the Southern Gate to the Underworld. Voices constantly plagued his mind, guiding him towards fully twisted insanity. It was here that he had a second though- perhaps the only chance anyone would have to convince him otherwise. If any of his close friends or allies that he'd known for years had cared enough to say a few words to him- they might have been enough to scare him out of the idea. But with only the voices in his head misguiding him, he made up his mind- and made his way across the bridge.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3432" target="body">Through the Never</a></center>Making his way into hell, he passed many horrid sights on his way to Ganon. After a a couple of opened doors, he found himself face to face with Ganon. After a talk, and little bit of bargaining, Ganon agreed to the samurai's terms, and granted him a great number of gifts. Not only was Dogura's arm returned, but he was also gifted with a set of brand new eyes that held within their ocular graces a number of abilities. With the ability to zoom in on distant objects, see through the darkness like a nocturnal animal, a couple of command abilities, and the guarantee of a lifetime of perfect vision, these eyes seemed to have it all. Dogura, happy with only these gifts alone, was also reunited with Shadowclaw, and given a fraction of Ganon's own power. As if this weren't enough, the samurai was also returned to his mid-teens, where he was most effective with a blade. With old age no longer plaguing him, and fatigue no longer setting in to claim him- he set off on the promise of at least one soul every week. Ganon, testing his new reaper's returned strength, commanded several of his own henchmen to kill Dogura. After effortlessly slaying all of them, he left hell, and began his new journey as the grim reaper.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3434" target="body">The Thing That Should Not Be</a></center>Dogura set off to claim the first soul of his reaping career. The list stated that Samuel Weathers at this exact date and this exact time, would be traveling through the Deku Woods. He'd die by bandits jumping him and his family, and stabbing him to death. Dogura, who waited close by to claim the man's soul, couldn't sit still after the bandits opted to rape the man's wife after killing him. He decided that it wasn't in his job description to ignore such things, and quickly cut down the whole lot of them. After he reaped all of their souls (including Samuel's), he made sure the mother and her child made it safely back to their farm. About to leave, Dogura was invited inside by Sarah Dent Weathers, the newly widowed wife. After being offered to stay the night, Dogura falls asleep in the guest room, where he is awoken by an apparently physically starved, Sarah.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3437" target="body">The Other Reapers</a></center>Dogura, curiosity getting the best of him yet again, decided to set out to find the other reapers, whom he has concluded must exist. After witnessing a masked reaper take a soul from a body in front of two guards (neither of them noticing), he followed the masked reaper home. Once there, the samurai boldly confronted the reaper, who in response threatened to kill Dogura. Once they'd concluded that they were both reapers, they sat down for coffee and discussed that Ganon hadn't told either of them of the existence of other reapers. Ganon unexpectedly enters the conversation, and sets the both of them straight. After revealing that there are actually four reapers currently, he reveals that there was a fifth reaper, whom he had to "dispatch". Shigure's dark past comes as a shock to Dogura, who decides that it is his new mission to seek out the other two reapers.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3440" target="body">A Lead on Doku</a></center>Much like Dogura, Shiro is a very curious person. Shiro took the tracking of Doku, one of the other reapers, into his own hands. After collecting information from his chain of scouts and informants, he made the pilgrimage across the continent to visit Dogura and share with him his discoveries. It turns out that the guards have been dying of a new breed of poison. Shiro had decided to follow this lead, and found that Doku was indeed responsible. Why Ganon would order assassinations of guards so suddenly is currently a mystery- but Shiro managed to track Doku all the way back to his home in Parapa Desert. Dogura, now armed with new knowledge, is ready to journey north to find Doku, and establish contact.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3443" target="body">The Third Reaper</a></center>Finally, Dogura and Shiro caught sight of Doku, the third reaper. Tracking the man through Parapa with extreme caution, the two eventually decided that it was time to make themselves known. After Shiro called out to Doku, the assassin immediately attacked with poisonous needles. Dogura however managed to deflect the needles away from himself and his ally. Doku halted his assault when he recognized the earrings that the two of them were wearing. After a brief discussion, and a couple of high-tension moments, the three came to terms with the fact that they were all partners in the reaping business. While Dogura and Doku aren't on the best terms with one another, the two resolved their arguments without bloodshed. Dogura and Shiro, after establishing contact with Doku, each returned home.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3445" target="body">Shiro's Home - The Last Reaper</a></center>Hera is the last of the reapers, and the search is on! Dogura and Doku make a trip to Shiro's house, where they discuss what location is best to begin their search. Convinced that she must be living somewhere in the Northwest region, they set their sites on the cliffs! With Doku's possibly outdated description, and a vague measure of her skill, they part ways, each intending to find her first.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3447" target="body">Doku's Home -Mutual Trust</a></center>Dogura travels to Doku's house and asks a question that's been weighing on his mind. Why was Doku ordered to kill the North Castle guards? Turns out that Doku isn't the assassin- and it wasn't by Ganon's order. Doku has been ordered to track and kill the assassin by any means necessary. Dogura and Doku have a small "heart-to-heart", and they discuss a plan of action. Afterword, Dogura promises to inform Shiro of all things discussed between them, and departs home to begin packing for the journey to the cliffs.
<center>- - - End of "The Reaper" Arc - - -</center>
<center>Journey to the Cliffs Arc
With four Reapers under Ganon's employment, the beast was "hiring". Dogura and Shiro were sent to claim the soul of a man named Tensei. The man would be participating in the New Peaktop Tournament, and so the duo prepared for their journey, and in time, they found themselves in front of the arena, preparing to begin the mission.</center>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The Arena in the Clouds</a></center> Dogura arrives with Shiro in New Peaktop. After checking in at the gate to the arena, Dogura finds his way to the area where the other fighters are waiting for round one to begin. After a brief scuffle with a man nicknamed Bull, he found himself in the arena fighting Edward Numbsteppe, an archer. He quickly won the battle with little to no effort, and returned to the arena where he met a Sheikan boy named Katsuro. They spoke briefly, and Dogura immediately recognized the boy's potential.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Mercy Isn't Weakness</a></center> Dogura spoke more and more with Katsuro, the two becoming more acquainted than the rest of the warriors. Katsuro's battle began, and though it looked as if he would lose, he won a brilliant victory that left a lasting impression on the crowd, and Dogura as well. When the kid returned to the waiting area, he was met with a hero's welcome, as everyone congratulated him on his victory. Dogura himself couldn't help but be impressed with the boy. After more dialogue between the two, Dogura was called to the arena. The samurai found himself fighting a man named Krosan Mapler. After a brief exchange of blows, Dogura found the opening that won him the battle. He pierced the man in such a way that he didn't kill him however, which won him the hearts of many in the crowd. Katsuro, however, was impressed with the act of mercy, and called Dogura out on it. It was here that the samurai taught the boy a valuable lesson about the value of life, and what it means to show mercy.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3451" target="body">Setting up Camp</a></center> The matches were called to a halt here, and combatants were informed that the matches would be continuing the following day. All of them had prepaid rooms at the New Peaktop Lodge. Dogura and Shiro however, camped out on the cliffs. It was here that Shiro questioned the samurai about Katsuro. Dogura replied vaguely, and went to sleep.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The One With Golden Feathers</a></center> Katsuro was late to the arena, which worried the Dogura. He was happy to be called to the arena- he wanted to waste as much time as possible to give the boy more time to arrive. However he found himself with his first real challenge yet. A walking fortress wearing the Pegasus Boots. After what seemed like a loss, the samurai won the fight in a rather humorous way. After the man had conceded defeat, Dogura returned to the hypogeum where he found Katsuro. The boy told the story of how he was jumped by three men, and saved my a mysterious Rito.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">A Wise Man Knows When to Quit</a></center> The story of how Katsuro was caught was one of thievery and deceit. The two collided here slightly, a small fight erupting between the two. It was here that Dogura discovered the boy was homeless. He'd fled his home much in the same way Dogura had left when he was young. It was after this brief disagreement that a man named Ferdinand was paired up against the target: Tensei, the Stone Fist. Ferdinand however, knew he was outmatched, and forfeit the moment the match began. While the crowd was more than upset, Tensei seemed to accept it as a wise decision. Dogura left the arena briefly to speak with Ganon about Tensei, after which, Katsuro and the samurai made up.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Rocked Like a Hurricane</a></center> Katsuro was called to the arena soon after, and found himself fighting an opponent who knew the fabled Hurricane Spin. After making a mistake that nearly cost him his life, Katsuro quickly recovered from his error, and won the match. Shiro and Dogura however, were impressed by the fact that the boy managed to live after such a lethal error, much less that he won the match.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3451" target="body">Three Camp</a></center> Back at camp, the samurai showed Katsuro a new combat trick, and three of them ate well. Katsuro called Dogura out on being stronger than he was leading on. The samurai didn't give the boy any answers. He would see for himself soon.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">I'll Make a Man of You Yet</a></center> Matches came and went until through random selection, Dogura found himself fighting Katsuro. The match was practically decided before it began- the samurai was years ahead of the boy. Still, they decided to have fun with the fight, and chose to have the match anyhow. Katsuro ultimately lost the match, but not before pulling a few tricks of his own. After the fast-paced battle had been concluded, Dogura took both Katsuro, and Andy (one of the final remaining fighters in their pit) out to dinner. That topic, while not central to the story, can be found <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3455" target="body">Here.</a>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The Golden Cage</a></center> Back at the arena, fights continued as usual, this time with Dogura paired up against Andy, his new friend. The two, both swordsman, were eager to test each other out. The fight would have been nothing spectacular to the untrained eye, but the swordsman in the crowd were astonished at Dogura's ancient fighting style. The samurai, sinking deep into the heat of battle, hardly noticed Shadowclaw slipping out. Eventually, Dogura allowed a bit of the demon's power to slip out, causing the man to let loose a nearly untraceable strike that very few people actually witnessed. It was at this point that Dogura's mind was within Shadowclaw's grasp, and he attempted to strike his opponent down, this time for good. Before he could deliver the final strike however, Darkin intervened in the battle, saving Andy's life. It was here that Dogura snapped back to attention. Darkin reminded the samurai that he wasn't as in control as he thought. The samurai was then declared the winner, and the Rito took flight into the parting clouds...
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The Beast Wants Out</a></center> Dogura, many miles beneath the surface, under the heaviest and darkest shadows, consulted what had just happened with the Dark Lord, Ganon. Here it was explained that while Dogura was able to more easily control his demon, he couldn't simply ignore the urges to kill. Later on, Tensei's fight concludes, and it is now down to only two combatants: Dogura and Tensei. Tensei however, recognized the disadvantage he faced on such a cloudy day, and requested a night to rest. While Dogura saw full well what his opponent was doing, the samurai decided to acknowledge the man's request.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Like Thunder From the Sky</a></center> Back at camp, Dogura told epics of his past adventures. While neither Shiro nor Katsuro fully believed the stories, they found themselves quite interested in the tales. Eventually, they all headed for bed, Shiro unsatisfied with the novelty of Dogura's stories. Within the wee hours of the night, something awoke the samurai. While he normally would have brushed it off, Shiro had heard the noise as well. Upon exiting the tent, Dogura found that it was an old ally of his. After an exchange of ideas and opinions, the two learned more about each other than they ever had. After Ganon found the two conversing, and began listening in, Dogura requested that they meet elsewhere at a later date. The day of the final battle was drawing nearer- tomorrow it would be do or die.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Tensei, The Stone Fist Versus Dogura, The Shadow Warrior</a></center> The day was upon them, and the two entered the arena, this time under a cloudless sky. With Dogura now at a disadvantage, the two waged a long and stunning battle that tore up the foundation of the arena like no combatants before them. The fight ended with Dogura the victor, and the he was hailed the Champion of New Peaktop. With the mission a success, he left the arena with Shiro, and his new apprentice, Katsuro. Dogura saw true potential in the boy, and would work hard to draw it out.
<center>- - - End of "Journey to the Cliffs" Arc - - -</center>
<center>Training Arc
Dogura has taken Katsuro Nomoura on as his new apprentice. While the samurai first taught the boy the essentials to living, and life itself, he eventually moved on to training the new student in the ways of combat. Spanning several different topics, Katsuro grows into a more than capable fighter..</center>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3459" target="body">Just The Beginning</a></center> The first part of Dogura's training was for the boy to learn to build and properly insulate a home for himself. By the end of the first day, the house was built. After much hard work, and long hours of labor, Katsuro was completely exhausted. Too tired to even eat, he went straight to sleep.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3460" target="body">Dawn of the Third Day: A Lifetime Remains</a></center> The third day of Dogura's training, and the samurai was showing no signs of leniency. He showed up at the boy's house bright and early. Dogura taught him to fish, and to make his own canoe.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3463" target="body">Awakening the Hunter</a></center> The samurai takes his student out to teach him to shoot a bow. After lending the boy his family's enchanted bow, he instructed him to shoot the nearest target. Katsuro, much to Dogura's shock, held the bow correctly without being shown how to shoot. After Katsuro reveals that he'd never shot a bow before, he hits the bullseye of the target with astonishing accuracy. The boy hits the targets again and again, a bullseye every time. Dogura, completely in disbelief, tries to come up with some sort of explanation as to why the child can shoot so perfectly. The thought that he may be training the child of destiny crossed his mind, and he simply accepts the fact that there is nothing left to teach the boy in the arts of the bow and arrow- in the few short minutes Suro had held the bow, he had already surpassed his sensei.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3465" target="body">The Fight Begins</a></center> The combat training was coming along nicely. With his student now self sufficient, he can now be taught how to fight like the best of them. A battle rages on between the two, Dogura very impressed with the child's improvements. However, he cautions the boy on how long he remains in the shadows of a shadowmeld. It is quickly revealed that somehow, Katsuro can shadowmeld indefinitely like Dogura. The samurai was aware that only the royal blood of the Shadowclaw had such an ability. Alarmed, Dogura calls an immediate halt to the training, and sets out for a quest of knowledge. Just who is Katsuro Nomoura?
<center>- - - End of "Training" Arc - - -</center>
<center>Family Arc
Dogura discovered recently that Katsuro, his new apprentice, has the ability to shadowmeld ad infinitum. This was a trait unique to the Shadowclaw royal family, or so Dogura thought. Now the samurai embarks on a quest of knowledge to uncover how the boy can manage such a feat without royal Shadowclaw blood.
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=3467" target="body">A Stunning Revelation</a></center> Dogura goes through several books within the confines of Rauru's library, but comes up empty handed. Desperate, he begins racking his mind for off-the-wall answers. When Shiro suggests that the boy may just be Shadowclaw after all, Dogura comes to the conclusion that the boy might just be his son.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3468" target="body">Twins</a></center> The quest for knowledge takes him to the doorstep of someone he had completely removed from his life. A woman he had once fallen in love with, but left her for the good of his adventures. He discovers truths about him having had two sons, one of which left north with Katsuro. The quest takes him north again for answers from Katsuro.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3469" target="body">Explanation</a></center> During the dead of night, Dogura shows up in Suro's room. Demanding answers from the boy, he finds that Katsuro truly believes that his brother died several years prior to his departure for the north. Sensing no deception in the boy, Dogura figures that Evelyn must be withholding something, and decides to return south for more answers.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3470" target="body">The Final Product</a></center> Dogura shows up under the cover of night to speak with Evelyn. His assumptions were proved correct when she spilled the details of his son's untimely demise. With the details fresh on his mind, he quickly realizes the cause of death. The knowledge that he himself could have prevented the disaster, he blames himself for the death of his firstborn. Ending the night on a good note, the two conclude that they'll live together in Dogura's home north of the ranch. With promises of bringing her their son the very next day, they fall asleep in each others' arms.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3473" target="body">Welcome Home</a></center> After the move, Dogura set out to fetch Katsuro. After bringing him home, he meets his mother outside. Brief questioning leads to Dogura revealing that the two are father and son. A couple of emotional minutes later, and the three are a family again.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3474" target="body">An Empty Endeavor</a></center> Within the cemetery of Saria Town, Dogura meets with Morgoth at his son's grave. Here, the samurai opts to resurrect his son in hopes of apologizing, and to clear up a couple of questions. However, within the coffin, there is no body to summon. The inside of the coffin is ripped to shreds, and nothing of his son remains. Now left with more questions than answers, he finally turns to Ganon for knowledge.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3475" target="body">Within the Depths of Hell</a></center> Dogura travels back to Hell in order to ask Ganon what became of his son. Instead, Ganon tells him that he'd rather not know. While at first defiant, Dogura accepts that he's lost his son forever. Ganon then teaches Dogura a new spell that warps him back to hell. The samurai also manages to find out how to warp back home, and into Ganon's throne room. With that, he was cast out of hell, as Ganon was particularly busy with research.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3476" target="body">The Test</a></center> Dogura, whist fishing with his son, discusses the nature of the final test, and how dangerous it is. After a brief discussion, it is now up to Katsuro to decide when he is ready to scale Death-Mountain, and claim his legendary weapons.
<center>- - - End of "Family" Arc - - -</center>
<center>The White Wing Order Arc
A mysterious organization calling themselves "judgment" appear before the samurai, claiming that he has messed with the natural order. The paladin of justice, Archard, explains to Dogura that it is his mission to take his head, and proceeds to combat the man. Later, it is discovered the the organization is called the White Wing Order. What do they stand for, and what flag do they rally under?
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=3479" target="body">Descent of the Ascended</a></center> On an otherwise peaceful day, the samurai finds himself under attack by a man named Archard. He claims to represent the Goddesses, and with an enchanted blade, initiates combat with Dogura. However, the samurai finds that his strength is being drained by an external force. Before Dogura is finished off, Doku appears to sever the drain-spell that has been sapping Dogura's power. A woman by the name of Farora was responsible, she too of the White Wing Order. Now a fair fight, Dogura combats Archard while Doku handles Farora. Doku proves victorious in his own battle, and before he can help Dogura, he is caught off guard by a third member of the Order. The poison user's misstep cost him his soul, which becomes sealed within an enchanted weapon. Dogura alone is no match for two warriors, and is quickly shut down. Before he is claimed by the Order however, he played his final card, and warped them all to hell with him. It is then that the two are smitten before Lord Ganon himself, and Dogura is rushed to the clerics. Farora lethally poisoned, finds herself in the care of a mysterious spectator that claims he has the cure for an unknown toxin. It isn't long before members of the Order appear to take her away, and the spectator finds himself in the middle of something far bigger than he can imagine.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3481" target="body">Death Mountain and the Child of Fortune</a></center> The spectator is a man named Alpha, one of Ganon's former assassins, and now, despite the curse that binds him, opposes the beast greatly. Realizing that the Order is truly divine, the man can't help but inquire about his curse, and the means of breaking it. Magis, a sage in his own right, explains that there is a way to break the curse. However, he would have to bring Alpha above the clouds with him; a place where only those worthy may walk. Alpha now must prove to the Order that his alignment with the Goddesses is true, and pass a number of tests. The first quest brings him to Death Mountain, where a child of great destiny will find himself in danger. In a foolhardy attempt to claim an enchanted weapon, the boy has attempted to scale Death Mountain alone, and finds himself face to face with a Minotaur. It is up to Alpha to oversee the child's safety, and to guide him carefully up and down the mountain.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3482" target="body">The Damage</a></center> Dogura finally awakens, finding himself in a very different hell than he remembered. The meek bow at his feet, and the mighty fear him. Recovering from his wounds will take time, and all he can do from his bed is worry about the well-being of his family. A man named Aggronocke, otherwise known as the Blood-red High-Priest, believes that there's a way to free Doku from the exile of the enchanted weapon. With hopes high, all the samurai can do is wait while he recovers.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3488" target="body">The Cortex Seamstress</a></center> Accelerating his recovery, Dogura works out daily in the training room. A crowd gathered around him to discover the "secret to his training method". Dogura, fed up with the unwanted paparazzi, told them all to scram. They didn't need to be told twice, and all but one person scurried out of the room. A previously unknown figure, a woman makes herself known. After displaying her power to the samurai, she captures his attention like a fairy in a bottle. After a short talk, she reveals that she is Hera, the sought after reaper. She then goes on to explain more about the White Wing Order, and what the reapers were before they were the reapers. A history lesson that Dogura soaks up like a sponge.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3493" target="body">Stunning Developments</a></center> Dogura, his fitness returning to him, works strenuously to be allowed out of hell again. Ganon, concerned that Dogura would be immediately targeted by the White Wing Order again, forbade his departure until he was deemed healthy again. Meeting with Shiro for lunch, the two discuss Hera, Doku, and Alpha. After brief dialogue, Dogura is summoned to Ganon's throne room where the beast enchants Dogura's sword with a second enchantment. The blade will now resonate when the Order is near, and promises to cut through enchanted armor more easily than normal. He also explains that the Order used to be known as the Dawn of Divinity, and that it alone prohibits his take-over. Dogura leaves the throne room with a new weapon in his hands- one that forces a confident smile on his face.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3491" target="body">The Geists of Moorshire</a></center> After guiding Katsuro safely up and down Death Mountain, he is next asked to tackle a new foe previously unknown to the Order. A group of Geists that are unaffected by physical weapons are terrorizing the town of Moorshire on Hyrule's eastern continent. Only magical attacks or specially enchanted weapons can do them harm. With the Order's best mages currently tied down, Alpha is advised to summon the help of his friends and allies to accompany him to Moorshire to strike down the Geists once and for all. Calling on an old ally, Alpha finds himself in possession of a more than capable vessel to sail himself and his allies across the ocean. With a couple of unexpected guests joining, the trip seems more surmountable than ever before.
<center>Soul Reaps
1. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3434" target="body">Samuel Dent Weathers</a>
Death by bandits. Died in Deku Woods, for stealing from his boss to provide for his family. Soul successfully reaped.
2. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3436" target="body">Thomas Brown</a>
Death by dehydration & exhaustion. Died somewhere in the Tantari Desert during a trip to the Ruto Town Goron District. Soul successfully reaped.
3. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3441" target="body">Willy Ranzis</a>
Death by malnutrition & Dehydration. Died out in the middle of the ocean, stranded on a small canoe.
Soul successfully reaped.
4. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3446" target="body">Pat Oswald</a>
Death by poison. Died in North Castle Town. Soul successfully reaped.
5. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3450" target="body">Gorbo Stonespear</a>
Death by decapitation. Died in North Forest. Soul successfully reaped.
6. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3454" target="body">Garret Donner</a>
Died by swamp monsters. Died in Midoro swamp. Soul successfully reaped.
7. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3496" target="body">Lucy Ryder</a>
Died by venom. Died in Midoro swamp. Soul successfully reaped.</center>
Name: Dogura Shadowclaw
Age: 25
Race: Hylian/Sheikah (Hylian for stat/racial purposes)
Alignment: Neutral
Faction: none
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
Guild: none
Dogura Shadowclaw has been through many challenges and trials. As a child, he was raised by the King of Shadowclaw, a small Kingdom of its very own, far south. As a teenager, Dogura lost his father to war, and eventually his mother to illness. He set out to explore north, where he had loved and lost, and been betrayed by the first stranger he'd decided to trust. After reaching the North, he owned a small home that he'd built with his own two hands in North Forest. Under the home was a lab, and a chamber made for restraint on nights on which a full moon hung in the sky. When he attempted to return home, he found that all routes to the south had been blocked in some way. Unable to return home, he spent many long years in the North. After the North South Pass was reopened, he traveled with a group of warriors into the cave to slay the giant spider that had nested there. Finally, able to return to his Kingdom, he finds it in ruins during, "A Samurai's Finale". Details for what happened afterwords are summarized further down the page.
As for now, Dogura is functionally immortal, in that if he dies, he'll be granted life once again by Ganon. He currently serves Ganon as one of four reapers. He was hired on to soften the work load of the other reapers, take odd jobs (lonely deaths), and if necessary, assassinations. He has been granted a pair of supernaturally superior eyes, and a working arm once more. He currently lives on the Southeast side of the continent, just across from the pond off of Old South Road. With his skills sharper than they've ever been, he awaits visits from friends, challengers, or even to help an ally in need of assistance.
STR-2(base) + (Goron STR Lv2)=...................................... 4 (strength)
DEF-1(base) +(Lv2 Jerkin) +(Deku Shield)+(Human DEF L2)=....18 (defense)
AGI-3(base) + (Deku AGI Lv3)= ........................................6 (agility)
INT- 3(base) + (Race)3 + (Hylian IntelegenceLv3)= ...............9 (intelligence)
SPI-1(base)+(Zora SPI L2)= ...........................................3 (spirit)
SPL- 24 + (SPI[3])= ..........................................................27 (spell)
WIL-9 (maxed out)=......................................................9 (will power)
HP-30 (base) + (SPI)33 + (Exceptional HealthLv3)= ...............83 (HP)
Physical attack: (STR[4] + Weapon base[12])= 16 DMG
Magical attack: (Level[12] + base class[2] + INT[9]) 23 DMG
Deku Spear
Deku Shield
Lv2 Jerkin
Talent Points Earned: 31
Talent points spent: 30
Talent points remaining: 1
16: quest
12: Level up
3: RP'er of the month:
November 2006
March 2007
October 2010
Stat boosts
Goron Strength L2 2TP
Deku Agility L3 4TP
Hylian Intelligence L3 3TP
Human Defense L2 2 TP
Zora Spirit L2 2 TP
Exceptional Health L3 9TP
disarm trap L1 1TP
clam beast L1 1TP
track L1 1TP
Elemental Burst L2 4TP
Train Spear L1 1TP

Goron looks amiss =1TP
The lost toy =1TP
Lost cow=1TP
Lost trophies= 1TP
Bird Man= 1TP
Dins bracelet= 1TP
Missing Cuccos =1TP
Force of Gold Depths of Darkness= 1TP
Role Player of the Month Award= 3TP
Take the Cake (#2) = 1TP
Force of Gold Depths of Darkness= 1TP
Magical Mix = 1TP
Take the cake (#3) = 1TP
Slaying the Spider = 1TP
Take the Cake (#4) = 1TP
Grand Tournament Participant = 1TP
Letter from Afar = 1TP
Take the Cake (#5)
Level Up[10] = 10TP
Character Alignment (original): Lawful Good
Character Alignment (Restored): Neutral Evil
Character Alignment (Reborn): Chaotic Good
A Samurai's FInale </center>After the South was reopened, Dogura immediately sought out his village. Finding it in ruins, he immediately found a massive fortress of Moblins not far away. Dogura, Darkin, and even Fang, destroyed every living thing inside the fortress. After climbing to the very top, he finds his uncle, who reveals to him that he's actually his father. Flying into a rage, Dogura kills his uncle, and then takes his own life.
That story can be read in the post just beneath this one.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3251" target="body">Out of the Ashes He Crawled</a></center>After he took his life, he went straight to hell. When he landed in hell, the Moblins attempted to tear him apart, as they did all prisoners. However, they hadn't seen a warrior of Dogura's strength in several years. He fought them all off, cutting them down one by one until eventually his hate resonated with his demon's. Hell, being a habitable environment for the demon, it was able to escape his body. When this happened, fatigue struck him. He was still able to fight, but he got torn up pretty badly, losing his right eye, and his left arm in the process. When he was about to drop, Ganon himself appeared before him, and made him an offer. He offered to allow the samurai to return to the world of the living if he would become the new grim reaper. Dogura accepted the offer, and returned to Hyrule. Instead of holding up his end of the bargain, the samurai fastened a new mechanical arm, and lived in secrecy away from Ganon. He was thought dead for a very long time, until a group of his former allies followed the trail to his home.
<center>A New Life</center>With his new life, he took nothing for granted. With the loss of his demon, he also lost a lot of the blood-lust that he'd harbored before. Consequently, he was also greatly weakened. Without his demon, his arm, and his eye, he was only half the warrior he used to be- a shell of his former glory. He lived in a cave under Laruto Falls with his closest friend and ally, Darkin. After many adventures, the Great Crusades of the South, and the famed expedition to the mysterious Gossip Isle, age was catching up with him. He found himself often fatigued, and weary. He began to miss being feared on the battlefield, and the power he used to hold. After years of being average, he decided that he might confront Ganon one more time...
<center>The Reaper Arc</center>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3430" target="body">The Struggle Within</a></center> One night under the falls, Darkin overheard the samurai talking in his sleep. After listening to Dogura's dream, Darkin realized that Dogura was feeling inadequate without power. He had good reason too; with warriors like Sovelis, Kasei, Alpha, and even Darkin himself around Hyrule, one could certainly wish they were strong. Dogura's midnight ramblings led Darkin to believe that Dogura might be planning to return to Ganon for power. He decided to talk with Dogura in the morning- but when he awoke, the samurai was already missing...
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3431" target="body">The Frayed Ends of Sanity</a></center>Dogura was at the end of his rope. One morning when he awoke, he decided to immediately begin a journey to the temple he'd been let out of when he'd first been set free. After traveling far across the southern continent, he came to the edge of the swamp. It was deep within this swamp that the entrance to hell awaited him. After cutting through the swamp, he found himself just across the bridge to the massive temple that housed the Southern Gate to the Underworld. Voices constantly plagued his mind, guiding him towards fully twisted insanity. It was here that he had a second though- perhaps the only chance anyone would have to convince him otherwise. If any of his close friends or allies that he'd known for years had cared enough to say a few words to him- they might have been enough to scare him out of the idea. But with only the voices in his head misguiding him, he made up his mind- and made his way across the bridge.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3432" target="body">Through the Never</a></center>Making his way into hell, he passed many horrid sights on his way to Ganon. After a a couple of opened doors, he found himself face to face with Ganon. After a talk, and little bit of bargaining, Ganon agreed to the samurai's terms, and granted him a great number of gifts. Not only was Dogura's arm returned, but he was also gifted with a set of brand new eyes that held within their ocular graces a number of abilities. With the ability to zoom in on distant objects, see through the darkness like a nocturnal animal, a couple of command abilities, and the guarantee of a lifetime of perfect vision, these eyes seemed to have it all. Dogura, happy with only these gifts alone, was also reunited with Shadowclaw, and given a fraction of Ganon's own power. As if this weren't enough, the samurai was also returned to his mid-teens, where he was most effective with a blade. With old age no longer plaguing him, and fatigue no longer setting in to claim him- he set off on the promise of at least one soul every week. Ganon, testing his new reaper's returned strength, commanded several of his own henchmen to kill Dogura. After effortlessly slaying all of them, he left hell, and began his new journey as the grim reaper.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3434" target="body">The Thing That Should Not Be</a></center>Dogura set off to claim the first soul of his reaping career. The list stated that Samuel Weathers at this exact date and this exact time, would be traveling through the Deku Woods. He'd die by bandits jumping him and his family, and stabbing him to death. Dogura, who waited close by to claim the man's soul, couldn't sit still after the bandits opted to rape the man's wife after killing him. He decided that it wasn't in his job description to ignore such things, and quickly cut down the whole lot of them. After he reaped all of their souls (including Samuel's), he made sure the mother and her child made it safely back to their farm. About to leave, Dogura was invited inside by Sarah Dent Weathers, the newly widowed wife. After being offered to stay the night, Dogura falls asleep in the guest room, where he is awoken by an apparently physically starved, Sarah.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3437" target="body">The Other Reapers</a></center>Dogura, curiosity getting the best of him yet again, decided to set out to find the other reapers, whom he has concluded must exist. After witnessing a masked reaper take a soul from a body in front of two guards (neither of them noticing), he followed the masked reaper home. Once there, the samurai boldly confronted the reaper, who in response threatened to kill Dogura. Once they'd concluded that they were both reapers, they sat down for coffee and discussed that Ganon hadn't told either of them of the existence of other reapers. Ganon unexpectedly enters the conversation, and sets the both of them straight. After revealing that there are actually four reapers currently, he reveals that there was a fifth reaper, whom he had to "dispatch". Shigure's dark past comes as a shock to Dogura, who decides that it is his new mission to seek out the other two reapers.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3440" target="body">A Lead on Doku</a></center>Much like Dogura, Shiro is a very curious person. Shiro took the tracking of Doku, one of the other reapers, into his own hands. After collecting information from his chain of scouts and informants, he made the pilgrimage across the continent to visit Dogura and share with him his discoveries. It turns out that the guards have been dying of a new breed of poison. Shiro had decided to follow this lead, and found that Doku was indeed responsible. Why Ganon would order assassinations of guards so suddenly is currently a mystery- but Shiro managed to track Doku all the way back to his home in Parapa Desert. Dogura, now armed with new knowledge, is ready to journey north to find Doku, and establish contact.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3443" target="body">The Third Reaper</a></center>Finally, Dogura and Shiro caught sight of Doku, the third reaper. Tracking the man through Parapa with extreme caution, the two eventually decided that it was time to make themselves known. After Shiro called out to Doku, the assassin immediately attacked with poisonous needles. Dogura however managed to deflect the needles away from himself and his ally. Doku halted his assault when he recognized the earrings that the two of them were wearing. After a brief discussion, and a couple of high-tension moments, the three came to terms with the fact that they were all partners in the reaping business. While Dogura and Doku aren't on the best terms with one another, the two resolved their arguments without bloodshed. Dogura and Shiro, after establishing contact with Doku, each returned home.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3445" target="body">Shiro's Home - The Last Reaper</a></center>Hera is the last of the reapers, and the search is on! Dogura and Doku make a trip to Shiro's house, where they discuss what location is best to begin their search. Convinced that she must be living somewhere in the Northwest region, they set their sites on the cliffs! With Doku's possibly outdated description, and a vague measure of her skill, they part ways, each intending to find her first.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3447" target="body">Doku's Home -Mutual Trust</a></center>Dogura travels to Doku's house and asks a question that's been weighing on his mind. Why was Doku ordered to kill the North Castle guards? Turns out that Doku isn't the assassin- and it wasn't by Ganon's order. Doku has been ordered to track and kill the assassin by any means necessary. Dogura and Doku have a small "heart-to-heart", and they discuss a plan of action. Afterword, Dogura promises to inform Shiro of all things discussed between them, and departs home to begin packing for the journey to the cliffs.
<center>- - - End of "The Reaper" Arc - - -</center>
<center>Journey to the Cliffs Arc
With four Reapers under Ganon's employment, the beast was "hiring". Dogura and Shiro were sent to claim the soul of a man named Tensei. The man would be participating in the New Peaktop Tournament, and so the duo prepared for their journey, and in time, they found themselves in front of the arena, preparing to begin the mission.</center>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The Arena in the Clouds</a></center> Dogura arrives with Shiro in New Peaktop. After checking in at the gate to the arena, Dogura finds his way to the area where the other fighters are waiting for round one to begin. After a brief scuffle with a man nicknamed Bull, he found himself in the arena fighting Edward Numbsteppe, an archer. He quickly won the battle with little to no effort, and returned to the arena where he met a Sheikan boy named Katsuro. They spoke briefly, and Dogura immediately recognized the boy's potential.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Mercy Isn't Weakness</a></center> Dogura spoke more and more with Katsuro, the two becoming more acquainted than the rest of the warriors. Katsuro's battle began, and though it looked as if he would lose, he won a brilliant victory that left a lasting impression on the crowd, and Dogura as well. When the kid returned to the waiting area, he was met with a hero's welcome, as everyone congratulated him on his victory. Dogura himself couldn't help but be impressed with the boy. After more dialogue between the two, Dogura was called to the arena. The samurai found himself fighting a man named Krosan Mapler. After a brief exchange of blows, Dogura found the opening that won him the battle. He pierced the man in such a way that he didn't kill him however, which won him the hearts of many in the crowd. Katsuro, however, was impressed with the act of mercy, and called Dogura out on it. It was here that the samurai taught the boy a valuable lesson about the value of life, and what it means to show mercy.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3451" target="body">Setting up Camp</a></center> The matches were called to a halt here, and combatants were informed that the matches would be continuing the following day. All of them had prepaid rooms at the New Peaktop Lodge. Dogura and Shiro however, camped out on the cliffs. It was here that Shiro questioned the samurai about Katsuro. Dogura replied vaguely, and went to sleep.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The One With Golden Feathers</a></center> Katsuro was late to the arena, which worried the Dogura. He was happy to be called to the arena- he wanted to waste as much time as possible to give the boy more time to arrive. However he found himself with his first real challenge yet. A walking fortress wearing the Pegasus Boots. After what seemed like a loss, the samurai won the fight in a rather humorous way. After the man had conceded defeat, Dogura returned to the hypogeum where he found Katsuro. The boy told the story of how he was jumped by three men, and saved my a mysterious Rito.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">A Wise Man Knows When to Quit</a></center> The story of how Katsuro was caught was one of thievery and deceit. The two collided here slightly, a small fight erupting between the two. It was here that Dogura discovered the boy was homeless. He'd fled his home much in the same way Dogura had left when he was young. It was after this brief disagreement that a man named Ferdinand was paired up against the target: Tensei, the Stone Fist. Ferdinand however, knew he was outmatched, and forfeit the moment the match began. While the crowd was more than upset, Tensei seemed to accept it as a wise decision. Dogura left the arena briefly to speak with Ganon about Tensei, after which, Katsuro and the samurai made up.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Rocked Like a Hurricane</a></center> Katsuro was called to the arena soon after, and found himself fighting an opponent who knew the fabled Hurricane Spin. After making a mistake that nearly cost him his life, Katsuro quickly recovered from his error, and won the match. Shiro and Dogura however, were impressed by the fact that the boy managed to live after such a lethal error, much less that he won the match.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3451" target="body">Three Camp</a></center> Back at camp, the samurai showed Katsuro a new combat trick, and three of them ate well. Katsuro called Dogura out on being stronger than he was leading on. The samurai didn't give the boy any answers. He would see for himself soon.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">I'll Make a Man of You Yet</a></center> Matches came and went until through random selection, Dogura found himself fighting Katsuro. The match was practically decided before it began- the samurai was years ahead of the boy. Still, they decided to have fun with the fight, and chose to have the match anyhow. Katsuro ultimately lost the match, but not before pulling a few tricks of his own. After the fast-paced battle had been concluded, Dogura took both Katsuro, and Andy (one of the final remaining fighters in their pit) out to dinner. That topic, while not central to the story, can be found <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3455" target="body">Here.</a>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The Golden Cage</a></center> Back at the arena, fights continued as usual, this time with Dogura paired up against Andy, his new friend. The two, both swordsman, were eager to test each other out. The fight would have been nothing spectacular to the untrained eye, but the swordsman in the crowd were astonished at Dogura's ancient fighting style. The samurai, sinking deep into the heat of battle, hardly noticed Shadowclaw slipping out. Eventually, Dogura allowed a bit of the demon's power to slip out, causing the man to let loose a nearly untraceable strike that very few people actually witnessed. It was at this point that Dogura's mind was within Shadowclaw's grasp, and he attempted to strike his opponent down, this time for good. Before he could deliver the final strike however, Darkin intervened in the battle, saving Andy's life. It was here that Dogura snapped back to attention. Darkin reminded the samurai that he wasn't as in control as he thought. The samurai was then declared the winner, and the Rito took flight into the parting clouds...
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">The Beast Wants Out</a></center> Dogura, many miles beneath the surface, under the heaviest and darkest shadows, consulted what had just happened with the Dark Lord, Ganon. Here it was explained that while Dogura was able to more easily control his demon, he couldn't simply ignore the urges to kill. Later on, Tensei's fight concludes, and it is now down to only two combatants: Dogura and Tensei. Tensei however, recognized the disadvantage he faced on such a cloudy day, and requested a night to rest. While Dogura saw full well what his opponent was doing, the samurai decided to acknowledge the man's request.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Like Thunder From the Sky</a></center> Back at camp, Dogura told epics of his past adventures. While neither Shiro nor Katsuro fully believed the stories, they found themselves quite interested in the tales. Eventually, they all headed for bed, Shiro unsatisfied with the novelty of Dogura's stories. Within the wee hours of the night, something awoke the samurai. While he normally would have brushed it off, Shiro had heard the noise as well. Upon exiting the tent, Dogura found that it was an old ally of his. After an exchange of ideas and opinions, the two learned more about each other than they ever had. After Ganon found the two conversing, and began listening in, Dogura requested that they meet elsewhere at a later date. The day of the final battle was drawing nearer- tomorrow it would be do or die.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3449" target="body">Tensei, The Stone Fist Versus Dogura, The Shadow Warrior</a></center> The day was upon them, and the two entered the arena, this time under a cloudless sky. With Dogura now at a disadvantage, the two waged a long and stunning battle that tore up the foundation of the arena like no combatants before them. The fight ended with Dogura the victor, and the he was hailed the Champion of New Peaktop. With the mission a success, he left the arena with Shiro, and his new apprentice, Katsuro. Dogura saw true potential in the boy, and would work hard to draw it out.
<center>- - - End of "Journey to the Cliffs" Arc - - -</center>
<center>Training Arc
Dogura has taken Katsuro Nomoura on as his new apprentice. While the samurai first taught the boy the essentials to living, and life itself, he eventually moved on to training the new student in the ways of combat. Spanning several different topics, Katsuro grows into a more than capable fighter..</center>
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3459" target="body">Just The Beginning</a></center> The first part of Dogura's training was for the boy to learn to build and properly insulate a home for himself. By the end of the first day, the house was built. After much hard work, and long hours of labor, Katsuro was completely exhausted. Too tired to even eat, he went straight to sleep.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3460" target="body">Dawn of the Third Day: A Lifetime Remains</a></center> The third day of Dogura's training, and the samurai was showing no signs of leniency. He showed up at the boy's house bright and early. Dogura taught him to fish, and to make his own canoe.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3463" target="body">Awakening the Hunter</a></center> The samurai takes his student out to teach him to shoot a bow. After lending the boy his family's enchanted bow, he instructed him to shoot the nearest target. Katsuro, much to Dogura's shock, held the bow correctly without being shown how to shoot. After Katsuro reveals that he'd never shot a bow before, he hits the bullseye of the target with astonishing accuracy. The boy hits the targets again and again, a bullseye every time. Dogura, completely in disbelief, tries to come up with some sort of explanation as to why the child can shoot so perfectly. The thought that he may be training the child of destiny crossed his mind, and he simply accepts the fact that there is nothing left to teach the boy in the arts of the bow and arrow- in the few short minutes Suro had held the bow, he had already surpassed his sensei.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3465" target="body">The Fight Begins</a></center> The combat training was coming along nicely. With his student now self sufficient, he can now be taught how to fight like the best of them. A battle rages on between the two, Dogura very impressed with the child's improvements. However, he cautions the boy on how long he remains in the shadows of a shadowmeld. It is quickly revealed that somehow, Katsuro can shadowmeld indefinitely like Dogura. The samurai was aware that only the royal blood of the Shadowclaw had such an ability. Alarmed, Dogura calls an immediate halt to the training, and sets out for a quest of knowledge. Just who is Katsuro Nomoura?
<center>- - - End of "Training" Arc - - -</center>
<center>Family Arc
Dogura discovered recently that Katsuro, his new apprentice, has the ability to shadowmeld ad infinitum. This was a trait unique to the Shadowclaw royal family, or so Dogura thought. Now the samurai embarks on a quest of knowledge to uncover how the boy can manage such a feat without royal Shadowclaw blood.
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=3467" target="body">A Stunning Revelation</a></center> Dogura goes through several books within the confines of Rauru's library, but comes up empty handed. Desperate, he begins racking his mind for off-the-wall answers. When Shiro suggests that the boy may just be Shadowclaw after all, Dogura comes to the conclusion that the boy might just be his son.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3468" target="body">Twins</a></center> The quest for knowledge takes him to the doorstep of someone he had completely removed from his life. A woman he had once fallen in love with, but left her for the good of his adventures. He discovers truths about him having had two sons, one of which left north with Katsuro. The quest takes him north again for answers from Katsuro.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3469" target="body">Explanation</a></center> During the dead of night, Dogura shows up in Suro's room. Demanding answers from the boy, he finds that Katsuro truly believes that his brother died several years prior to his departure for the north. Sensing no deception in the boy, Dogura figures that Evelyn must be withholding something, and decides to return south for more answers.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3470" target="body">The Final Product</a></center> Dogura shows up under the cover of night to speak with Evelyn. His assumptions were proved correct when she spilled the details of his son's untimely demise. With the details fresh on his mind, he quickly realizes the cause of death. The knowledge that he himself could have prevented the disaster, he blames himself for the death of his firstborn. Ending the night on a good note, the two conclude that they'll live together in Dogura's home north of the ranch. With promises of bringing her their son the very next day, they fall asleep in each others' arms.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3473" target="body">Welcome Home</a></center> After the move, Dogura set out to fetch Katsuro. After bringing him home, he meets his mother outside. Brief questioning leads to Dogura revealing that the two are father and son. A couple of emotional minutes later, and the three are a family again.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3474" target="body">An Empty Endeavor</a></center> Within the cemetery of Saria Town, Dogura meets with Morgoth at his son's grave. Here, the samurai opts to resurrect his son in hopes of apologizing, and to clear up a couple of questions. However, within the coffin, there is no body to summon. The inside of the coffin is ripped to shreds, and nothing of his son remains. Now left with more questions than answers, he finally turns to Ganon for knowledge.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3475" target="body">Within the Depths of Hell</a></center> Dogura travels back to Hell in order to ask Ganon what became of his son. Instead, Ganon tells him that he'd rather not know. While at first defiant, Dogura accepts that he's lost his son forever. Ganon then teaches Dogura a new spell that warps him back to hell. The samurai also manages to find out how to warp back home, and into Ganon's throne room. With that, he was cast out of hell, as Ganon was particularly busy with research.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3476" target="body">The Test</a></center> Dogura, whist fishing with his son, discusses the nature of the final test, and how dangerous it is. After a brief discussion, it is now up to Katsuro to decide when he is ready to scale Death-Mountain, and claim his legendary weapons.
<center>- - - End of "Family" Arc - - -</center>
<center>The White Wing Order Arc
A mysterious organization calling themselves "judgment" appear before the samurai, claiming that he has messed with the natural order. The paladin of justice, Archard, explains to Dogura that it is his mission to take his head, and proceeds to combat the man. Later, it is discovered the the organization is called the White Wing Order. What do they stand for, and what flag do they rally under?
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=3479" target="body">Descent of the Ascended</a></center> On an otherwise peaceful day, the samurai finds himself under attack by a man named Archard. He claims to represent the Goddesses, and with an enchanted blade, initiates combat with Dogura. However, the samurai finds that his strength is being drained by an external force. Before Dogura is finished off, Doku appears to sever the drain-spell that has been sapping Dogura's power. A woman by the name of Farora was responsible, she too of the White Wing Order. Now a fair fight, Dogura combats Archard while Doku handles Farora. Doku proves victorious in his own battle, and before he can help Dogura, he is caught off guard by a third member of the Order. The poison user's misstep cost him his soul, which becomes sealed within an enchanted weapon. Dogura alone is no match for two warriors, and is quickly shut down. Before he is claimed by the Order however, he played his final card, and warped them all to hell with him. It is then that the two are smitten before Lord Ganon himself, and Dogura is rushed to the clerics. Farora lethally poisoned, finds herself in the care of a mysterious spectator that claims he has the cure for an unknown toxin. It isn't long before members of the Order appear to take her away, and the spectator finds himself in the middle of something far bigger than he can imagine.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3481" target="body">Death Mountain and the Child of Fortune</a></center> The spectator is a man named Alpha, one of Ganon's former assassins, and now, despite the curse that binds him, opposes the beast greatly. Realizing that the Order is truly divine, the man can't help but inquire about his curse, and the means of breaking it. Magis, a sage in his own right, explains that there is a way to break the curse. However, he would have to bring Alpha above the clouds with him; a place where only those worthy may walk. Alpha now must prove to the Order that his alignment with the Goddesses is true, and pass a number of tests. The first quest brings him to Death Mountain, where a child of great destiny will find himself in danger. In a foolhardy attempt to claim an enchanted weapon, the boy has attempted to scale Death Mountain alone, and finds himself face to face with a Minotaur. It is up to Alpha to oversee the child's safety, and to guide him carefully up and down the mountain.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3482" target="body">The Damage</a></center> Dogura finally awakens, finding himself in a very different hell than he remembered. The meek bow at his feet, and the mighty fear him. Recovering from his wounds will take time, and all he can do from his bed is worry about the well-being of his family. A man named Aggronocke, otherwise known as the Blood-red High-Priest, believes that there's a way to free Doku from the exile of the enchanted weapon. With hopes high, all the samurai can do is wait while he recovers.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3488" target="body">The Cortex Seamstress</a></center> Accelerating his recovery, Dogura works out daily in the training room. A crowd gathered around him to discover the "secret to his training method". Dogura, fed up with the unwanted paparazzi, told them all to scram. They didn't need to be told twice, and all but one person scurried out of the room. A previously unknown figure, a woman makes herself known. After displaying her power to the samurai, she captures his attention like a fairy in a bottle. After a short talk, she reveals that she is Hera, the sought after reaper. She then goes on to explain more about the White Wing Order, and what the reapers were before they were the reapers. A history lesson that Dogura soaks up like a sponge.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3493" target="body">Stunning Developments</a></center> Dogura, his fitness returning to him, works strenuously to be allowed out of hell again. Ganon, concerned that Dogura would be immediately targeted by the White Wing Order again, forbade his departure until he was deemed healthy again. Meeting with Shiro for lunch, the two discuss Hera, Doku, and Alpha. After brief dialogue, Dogura is summoned to Ganon's throne room where the beast enchants Dogura's sword with a second enchantment. The blade will now resonate when the Order is near, and promises to cut through enchanted armor more easily than normal. He also explains that the Order used to be known as the Dawn of Divinity, and that it alone prohibits his take-over. Dogura leaves the throne room with a new weapon in his hands- one that forces a confident smile on his face.
<center><a href="viewtopic.php?t=3491" target="body">The Geists of Moorshire</a></center> After guiding Katsuro safely up and down Death Mountain, he is next asked to tackle a new foe previously unknown to the Order. A group of Geists that are unaffected by physical weapons are terrorizing the town of Moorshire on Hyrule's eastern continent. Only magical attacks or specially enchanted weapons can do them harm. With the Order's best mages currently tied down, Alpha is advised to summon the help of his friends and allies to accompany him to Moorshire to strike down the Geists once and for all. Calling on an old ally, Alpha finds himself in possession of a more than capable vessel to sail himself and his allies across the ocean. With a couple of unexpected guests joining, the trip seems more surmountable than ever before.
<center>Soul Reaps
1. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3434" target="body">Samuel Dent Weathers</a>
Death by bandits. Died in Deku Woods, for stealing from his boss to provide for his family. Soul successfully reaped.
2. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3436" target="body">Thomas Brown</a>
Death by dehydration & exhaustion. Died somewhere in the Tantari Desert during a trip to the Ruto Town Goron District. Soul successfully reaped.
3. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3441" target="body">Willy Ranzis</a>
Death by malnutrition & Dehydration. Died out in the middle of the ocean, stranded on a small canoe.
Soul successfully reaped.
4. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3446" target="body">Pat Oswald</a>
Death by poison. Died in North Castle Town. Soul successfully reaped.
5. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3450" target="body">Gorbo Stonespear</a>
Death by decapitation. Died in North Forest. Soul successfully reaped.
6. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3454" target="body">Garret Donner</a>
Died by swamp monsters. Died in Midoro swamp. Soul successfully reaped.
7. <a href="viewtopic.php?t=3496" target="body">Lucy Ryder</a>
Died by venom. Died in Midoro swamp. Soul successfully reaped.</center>
Last edited by Zelda Veteran on Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:53 am, edited 78 times in total.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -