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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Joined: Experience: 2018
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
Rupees: 1626
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Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:15 am
Over the course of a couple of days, Dogura was finding himself in better shape than the days prior. The man visited the training room daily, and had even conquered a couple of illusions. He was now suiting up in his old armor again before training each day. He was thankful that Ganon was gracious enough to have his sword retrieved from the battlefield. He hadn't even realized that he'd dropped it- it must have happened when they were dragging him away. Major blood-loss will weaken a man significantly, and it was a miracle he managed to stay conscious for as long as he did.

Dogura's training was coming along swimmingly. His relationship with Hera remained unchanged over the days since he'd met her. The introverted reaper didn't socialize with him very much, and outside of small greetings upon passing each-other, there was no conversation. It appeared that she'd said all that she wanted and more to the man the first time they'd met.

Aggronocke was making good headway in his research of Archard's blade. His team had so far broken down the sword into separate materials to study it further. Aggronocke himself stated that he was close to a break-through, which put both Dogura and Shiro in good spirits. At the moment, the two were in the mess-hall, eating after a work-out. The room was crowded with men and monsters alike, all of them eating viciously. The noise in the room was equivalent to a dull roar, and all the tables were crowded.

"So what is she like?" Shiro asked.
"Who, Hera? She's unlike anyone I've ever met."
"Is that a good thing... Dogura?"
". . . I don't know." He chuckled as he took another bite of his steak. "All I can say is that she's a walking secret. Sneaky. Mischievous nature. I don't really trust her all."
Her loyalty to Ganon is dangerous.
So if we told her anything about Sigrun Mind Hall...
She would report it immediately, yes.
I see. That's somewhat scary. Perhaps it's for the best that she doesn't want anything to do with us.
I concur.
"So I've been meaning to ask you... What of Alpha?" Shiro asked hesitantly.
"What of him?" Dogura asked.
Shiro narrowed his eyes at the samurai, "You know what I mean... You two seem really close to killing each-other, and yet you act like you're friends... What is happening between you two? Why was he with Katsuro?"

Dogura set down his knife and fork, and sighed deeply. "If the truth is what you want, you'll get half if you're lucky... from either of us." He smiled. "What I can tell you, is that he's pretty sore at me for going to Ganon for power. I know that much from the little talk we had in the mountains... When you took Katsuro away from that little confrontation." Dogura leaned back in his chair, and folded his arms. "Alpha doesn't care too much for Ganon... He claims that Ganon wronged him... But his betrayal was dealt with just like Ganon would deal with any traitor. Punishment." Shiro nodded in agreement.

"The tension between Alpha and I when we meet is so thick that you could cut it with a knife. That much is clear to you. Alpha wants to kill me, and if Katsuro hadn't been there between the two of us at Death Mountain..." He trailed off.

Shiro seemed to understand the silence.

"He would have claimed the both of us. In my condition, I would've been no match more him. You could have done little to stop him, I'm afraid. He's far out of your league."

Shiro looked upset, "Well, thanks partner." He replied sarcastically. "We both know that, you don't have to say it."

Dogura smiled at the man, "Ah, but I love ya, you knuckle-head."

Shiro simply shook his head, and waved his hand as if asking Dogura to continue.

"Right, right." Dogura stated. "Alpha won't kill me in front of Katsuro. It's also doubtful he'd kill me in front of Evelyn. He's got too much honor to do something like that. Of course, it's also probably partly because neither of us are prepared for that fight."

Shiro cocked his head. "You don't think you could take him out?"

Dogura's eyes lowered to the table. His tone turned grave. "I don't know how the battle would go, honestly. We've fought alongside one-another so many times, we both know each others' tricks... Or at least the common ones. He doesn't know all that I can do, so the same can likely be said about myself. He's truly one of the few that I would be nervous to fight."

Shiro had a pained look on his face. Dogura afraid of a fight? Alpha must be a lot more than I thought... To see Dogura like this... It's a little terrifying that someone who triumphed over the White Wing Order is afraid of one mortal man. The samurai pushed his plate away, obviously having lost his apatite. "That's all I'll tell you about him. It's all you need to know." Dogura stood up, and pushed his chair in. "I'm heading to the-"


The samurai froze, and immediately bowed his head.
"Yes, Lord Ganon?"

Shiro's eyes turned to concern, as he realized that Dogura had been contacted. The room suddenly grew quiet, all the men and creatures turning to stare at the samurai.

Come to my throne room... And come alone.

Dogura's mind began working on what in the world the beast would want. Dogura simply nodded, and began walking towards the throne room.

"Dogura!" Shiro called out, as he attempted to stand up.
"Don't follow me. Lord Ganon requests an audience with me."

Shiro let his arm fall, and fell limply in the chair. "Hurry back." He called after the samurai. Dogura left the room, all of the inhabitants in silence.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Joined: Experience: 2018
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
Rupees: 1626
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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:46 pm
The samurai entered through the doorway, and strode into the throne-room. Ganon awaited the man at the end of the long walkway, his head resting on his fist. The beast muttered something to the two guards that stood by his chair. They immediately began walking towards the samurai. Dogura's mind raced as he wondered what the command could have been. Before he could think much of it, the two moblins passed him, and made their way for the exit.

Ah. Privacy.

The samurai stopped in front of Ganon, and took a knee. "Yes, Lord Ganon."


Dogura did as he was instructed, his hands at his sides.

"I haven't properly had the chance to talk to you about your encounter."

"I see. So that's what you called me here for." Dogura replied.

"Yes and no."

The beast briefly paused before continuing.

"Firstly, I'd like to ask what you knew about the White Wing Order prior to your engagement with them."

The samurai lowered his head, glaring at Ganon. "Nothing at all... I want to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate you telling me nothing of my greatest threat."

"That would have defeated the purpose."

The purpose? Thought the man. So...

"The Dawn of Divinity, now days known as the White Wing Order is an organization as old as evil. The White Wing Order as it became known by the people, attacks cases that mortal men themselves cannot handle. They also see to it that the natural order is kept; when something disrupts that order, they act swiftly to correct the problem."

The samurai suddenly understood everything. That explanation was all he needed to piece it all together. His anger began rising in his throat.

"I can sense your unrelenting fury bubbling just beneath the surface, Dogura. It's delicious."

"You knew they would attack me!" Dogura called out angrily.
"You sent me after Tensei's soul specifically so that they would!" The samurai gritted his teeth in anger. "You tried to have me killed!!"

It wasn't for that reason alone that I procured Tensei's soul. Also, killed isn't the correct word. It was more of a test."

Dogura did all he could to keep his voice under control. "A test?! What kind of test was that? I could have been killed! Why would you throw me into such a dangerous situation on purpose?"

How is it any different than the test you gave your own flesh and blood?

The samurai suddenly grew quiet. He understood, and begrudgingly realized that Ganon had him pinned. ". . . A test of my strength then."

"Correct. Dogura, for years, I have sent reapers specifically to disturb the natural order. Never have I had a warrior capable enough to escape the Dawn of Divinity."

Dogura shook his head. "No. I wouldn't have lived without Doku." He stated firmly.

"You stood on even ground with Archard. That alone is a testament to your strength. I have found within my ranks, a warrior that is capable of more than I first thought... Dogura. You are the key to my success."

"The key?"

A takeover is not possible on the overworld. Not with the dammed Dawn of Divinity standing in my way. They need to be wiped out before I can continue my takeover of Hyrule.

Dogura's eyes widened. "Me? I could hardly handle one! How can I handle the entire organization? Are they all as strong as Archard?"

"I cannot say for certain. I know little about their ranks; it has become impossible to get someone on the inside. It wouldn't be a stretch however, to say that there are stronger than Archard. The fact that they sent three of their solders after one man shows that they're taking you seriously. Your power... It excites me.

The samurai suddenly felt very uncomfortable. His role was becoming much bigger than he'd planned. "Lord Ganon. I only wish to be a simple reaper. I've no desire to aspire higher."

Your desires can change, samurai... You'd do best not to defy me.

"I didn't say 'defy'. I'm just... A tad nervous, is all. This is all a lot to think about."

I knew it would be. I waited until you were well on the road to recovery to discuss this with you. I understand that you're nervous, it would be incompetent to think otherwise. You've much time before I ask of you tasks of that caliber. For now, you're being assigned a couple of simple missions to help you regain your strength.

Dogura sighed in relief, grateful for the break.

I am not a nice, kind, or caring individual, Dogura. I am however very good to those who are good to me. I appreciate your continued service. Continue to serve me, and your rewards will not stop. As for your reward for passing the first test... Show me your sword.

Dogura reluctantly complied, unsheathing his katana. It was very precious to him; he dearly hoped that Ganon wouldn't do anything rash. Ganon stood up, and stepped off of his throne. Dogura couldn't help but feel intimidated by the monster. Ganon extended his arm, and grasped the sword by the blade, and pulled it out of the samurai's hands. Ganon truly was massive when he was standing. A hulking mass of muscle and pure evil. After gripping it tightly, Ganon knelt down, and began surging magical energy into the blade. Ganon was visibly pained by the amount of magic he was using. Dogura watched as the dark energy surrounded the sword. After a moment, Ganon stopped, and breathed heavily. Panting,he handed the sword back to Dogura, who cautiously took it.

The sword now had a black streak running down the fuller, rather than a green one. Dogura looked it over carefully- it seemed to be the only change. Ganon, panting, returned to his chair, and sat down.

"That... Is some of my finest work. Another enchantment on your blade... It is now the Blade of Light's Bane... It should react to the presence of the Order... And it'll cut through enchanted armor like it was made of paper.

Dogura overlooked his blade. It didn't feel different. According to Ganon, it was improved. Nothing not to like! Dogura smiled, and stowed it away in its sheath. "I am honored. Thank you."

"I wouldn't do that if I didn't believe in you. You're dismissed."

Dogura turned and began heading for the exit. With a new weapon under his belt, he felt more capable than ever against the White Wings. He smiled, unable to contain his urge to brag about it to Shiro.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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