A New Assignment

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Joined: Experience: 2018
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
Rupees: 1626
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Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:39 am
The hallways of hell were usually quiet, at least on the training floor. A floor above, and you'd hear the horrid morbid cries of the tortured souls that had earned their stay in the fiery pit. A floor above that, and you'd hear the many conversations that filled the air alongside the scent of the food cooked in the cafeteria. On this floor however, people trained, usually in silence. But not today.

A great deal of ruckus was being created somewhere nearby. Krugg walked down the hall, his spear at the ready. As a Moblin Guard of Ganon, it was his job to guard the halls. However, something sounded far more exciting nearby. Every time he turned to walk his route in the direction of the noise, he yearned to go see what the commotion was all about. He would pace the halls again and again, but not today; he broke down, and rushed towards the source of the cheering. He flung open the door to the training room, and found that it was completely empty. He quickly figured that everyone must be watching a beast fight! He moved to the door, and flung it open to find the backs of the crowd crammed against the doorway. The Moblin, a great deal taller than most of the other minions, looked onward, astonished at what he saw.

An unmistakable figure was fighting Volvagia, the great Dragon of long ago. Volvagia was one of the hardest beasts to pit yourself against. Most denizens of this cursed place who thought they could handle the dragon Volvagia, found themselves as a dinner course for the beast. However, not this man. The Moblin had recognized the samurai immediately. It was Dogura Shadowclaw, and he was doing combat with the beast. The man's signature ponytail had come undone, and his shirt and armor had been discarded. It made sense, as there was little any set of armor could do to stand against the crushing jaws of Volvagia.He watched the man move around the arena, gracefully avoiding the beasts jaws, and fire attacks. It was at this moment that the beast inhaled deeply, and shot forth a mighty mass of flames at the man. Dogura responded by inhaling deeply, and breathing his own mighty flame against the dragon's! The crowd erupted into an excited roar as the flames collided, and seemed to push at one another with even strength.

Krugg couldn't help but grin at the exciting bout. He didn't particularly like Dogura- none who sought Ganon's favor did. However he couldn't help but raise his spear and cheer the man on. "Yeah! Let him have it, Shadowclaw!" He cried out in his native tongue. Dogura, still breathing a mighty stream of flame, extended both of his hands towards the monster, and let loose a mass of shadows that took the form of sinister looking hands. They wrapped around Volvagia's throat, stopping its flames. Dogura's own flames consumed the creature, but he knew well enough that it wouldn't do much. He immediately bit down, ending the inferno, and quickly moved forward, his sword already drawn. The crowd gasped as he cut the creature's head down the center. It exploded into a black mist, leaving the entire arena silent.

Dogura, sweaty and worn, raised his sword in victory. The crowd couldn't contain their excitement, and made so much noise that the entirety of hell would be deaf not to hear. Dogura sheathed his sword, and gathered his armor before making his way towards the door. The crowd split into two, making a path for the man. He strode out the door, and into the cool air of the weight-room, where a familiar figure stood waiting for him. Dogura stopped and stared for a moment before asking, "What is it, Hera?"

She stood smiling, her hand on her hip. Seductive as ever, she brushed her hair away from her eyes, and clapped slowly for the samurai. "Dogura... That was some fancy footwork, baby."

"Get to the point", he replied coldly.

She folded her arms, and nodded. "Shiro and I have been looking for you. Ganon sent for you. He's got a new assignment for you."

The man's eyebrow arched at this. Strange... I've filled my soul quota for the month. What could it be? He nodded at the reaper, "Thank you, Hera."

She winced. "Take a shower before you see him though. I'll let him know you're on your way." She turned and walked away, her skintight outfit revealing her perfect curves. Dogura felt an elbow in his side. "Some ass on her, eh?" Dogura's death stare fell upon a Lizafos standing next to him. He pivoted, and threw a heavy right hook at the creature, sending it hurdling across the room and into the wall. A medicine ball fell off the rack, and hit the creature in the head knocking it out cold.

"I'm a married man." He stated before leaving the room for the showers.

* * *

Dogura followed the red rug to the throne, and bent his knee before Ganon. "Yes, Lord Ganon?"

Ganon rested his head on one of his fists as he leaned sideways.

"Hera told me about your fight with Volvagia. You continue to impress."

Dogura smiled- it wasn't often that beast laughed at something that wasn't someone else's suffering. "You're too kind." Dogura replied humbly.

"Enough banter. I have a new assignment for you."

"So I've been told", responded the samurai.

"You're well informed. Here's what you need to know: There's a collection of mountains Northeast of Rauru town. Within these mountains, there is said to be a book containing immense power, that the ancients hid away, for fear of its power. A lost temple sits buried somewhere in those mountains. I'm counting on you to find the hidden entrance to the temple, and retrieve the treasure that lies within."

"Understood. Any leads as to where I should start looking?"

"None. The only information I have is that it is located within those mountains."

"I'll set out immediately."

"See that you do. Oh, and Dogura. There will be a contact waiting for you near the mountains... He'll certainly be of use to you on this mission. Good luck. Dismissed."

Dogura sunk into the shadow he was kneeling under, and disappeared from sight.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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