Alpha's Quest for the Po Rune II

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Alpha Level 14
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Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
Rupees: 4043
TP: 1
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:03 pm
Several days after having received a vital clue from the Eclipse Mirages as to the location of the Po Rune, Alpha returned to the North Castle. It had taken him much longer than it should to walk the relatively short distance, but the reason lied in the one he was going to face. ', it certainly is a small world.'

After searching for several hours, in the moonlight of the night that had come upon the Castle and its surroundings, he spotted a shop hidden within a long dark alleyway. A small wooden sign swung from rusty chains, creaking as the small breeze brushed up against it. The sign read 'Damera's Antiques', a name Alpha immediately recognized as one of Gorodo's many aliases. He raised his hood and covered his body with his cape, then slowly opened the doorway.

'Cluttered' was the best word to describe what he found inside. Boxes and boxes of junk were stacked on every square inch of the floor, and most piles rose all the way to the ceiling. The boxes actually formed a nice little crooked corridor, which led to a desk in the back of the room. Behind the desk, scribbling something down in the light of a single candle, sat the fat owner of the establishment, who promptly raised his eyes as he saw the cloaked figure enter his 'establishment'. He raised a plump hand and motioned Alpha forward. "Come in, come in; welcome to Damera's antique shop. How may I help you?"

At this point, there was no doubt in Alpha's mind. This was definitely the man he'd been searching for. He turned to close the door, not wanting anyone to come in uninvited. As he quickly shut the only exit, the man suddenly jumped up from his chair and pressed his back up against the wall. "No-no-no, it can't be! You-you can't be here!" Alpha cringed, realizing that he must of recognized him from his cape.

He slowly turned back towards 'Damera', reaching up to lower his hood down again. "Hello, Gorodo."

Gorodo began shaking in fear at the sight of Alpha's face. "Wra-ra-ra-ra-Wraith! No-no-no!"

In a flash Alpha was standing before the fat man. His right hand gripped the dirty white shirt by its collar and lifted the overweight Gorodo into the air. "Never call me that!" he said with a voice as cold as an iceberg. "The name is Alpha. Wraith was your creation, you fool!" Anger erupted forth from the Sheikah as he smashed the pudgy human back against the wall. "My days as your little assassin may be over, but I still remember how to do the job!" His left hand flexed, and suddenly a dozen darts appeared in between his fingers. "You remember my favorite weapons, right? These poison needles will end your life before you can take your next breath, unless you help me."

"Alright, alright!" Gorodo screamed in fear as he raised his arms in surrender. "Anything you need I'll gladly help you get. My underworld connections still run deep!"

Alpha spat on the human's desk. "Not surprisingly, you snake. But you won't need them to help you get out of this one." He threw Gorodo to the ground. "I'm looking for a rune: the Po Rune."

Gorodo slowly rose to his elbows. "A rune? Uh, yeah, I got that a few days ago...and then I sold it." Alpha's gaze turned darker, which Gorodo had not thought was possible. "Th-the guy offered me a thousand rupees for a broken piece of stone! It was too good a deal for me to pass up."

Alpha kneeled right down next to the man, and his scar began to glow, sending Gorodo back even further in fear. "Then you'd better help me find it."

Gorodo nodded vigorously, unable to talk for a few seconds. Finally, he found his voice yet again. "Alright! Alright! I'll take you to the guy; he lives up near Ruto Town."

Alpha rose and then dragged his old hated employer back to his feet. "Very well. Let's go. Right now." Gorodo nodded again, remaining scared beyond belief. The human ran out of the doorway, followed closely by the Sheikah.

OOC: Okay, this is just a heads up, but I'll be gone for the next week. Check the Ornery Cucco to see why. :(
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56