Shrouded in Mist, Search for Nitara Part One

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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:21 pm
Nariko stared into his eyes suspiciously. "Okay, what are you hiding?" She asked, it was completely obvious. And there was no doubt to it at all. "You're being way too defensive, I never did say it meant anything!"

Nitara peeked her head around the door and Nariko turned around, "Come on in shortie." The fox girl huffed and ran off again, she wouldn't be back for a while. If at all.

"Come now, it's not like she's here." Nariko urged, curious once more. She draped her hair over her back, and out from its resting place on her shoulders, for it was beginning to annoy her. I really need to cut it..., she thought randomly, it was completely off track. She directed her thoughts back to Ryk once more. "Come on daemon, tell me."
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:26 pm
Ryokiden's hair grew shorter, and his pink cheeks could easily be seen. "It's...nothing. Nothing at all, whatsoever. Nitara is just...Nitara to me.", the daemon said, as he then formed away in Kasei's grasp, and formed next to Nariko. "Can we please...just go now?", he asked, eyes on the ground, and nowhere else.
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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:42 pm
Nariko raised her eyebrows at Ryokiden, but shook her head a moment later. "Sure, gotta catch up with Nitara before she gets kidnapped or something again anyway." she muttered walking out the door and motioning for everyone around to follow her on her way out. As she scanned the area for Nitara she took a last look at Mylensia, and a strange eerie feeling that often fell over her when she was near this place fell over her once more. Ah, how it had once looked, the picture of paradise. Now it was nothing more than dried dirt and, ugh, she didn't want to think about it any longer. She couldn't anyway, because a small figure had cut off her thoughts.

"Nariko, Nariko, Nari, Nari. Hurry, hurry. I wanna get there soon!" The white haired woman trotted ahead, completely unaware of her dismal surroundings. Nariko wondered how her optimism constantly prevailed.

Hmm... Her eyes, she was gonna fall soon. "Yo, daemon." She called to Ryk, "I'm feeling lazy, go catch Nitara for me." She said it matter-of-factly, although Nitara showed no signs of fatigue.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:48 pm
Ryokiden nodded, running forwards on all fours, before he found himself next to the fox-girl, where he stayed at the pace she was at. "Well...uhm...Nit, how has it been?", he said, only looking at her through his thick hair, blush quite evident upon his face, but slowly dissappating as he continued to trot onwards to their inn.
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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:00 am
"Well, besides getting kidnapped, it's been good. Although not having telephathy for a long time has really sucked, I was rather used to it. You?" Nitara replied, looking over at the daemon, her eyes were dark brown. She was still skipping excitedly.

Nitara noticed that Rayne was nearby, but changed her direction and headed to the side instead. Nariko sighed, and changed her direction as well, not caring where she was taking them.

Nitara looked down at the ground, there was a sharp pain in her leg but she just couldn't remember why. Oh well, she just ignored it and began to walk again. Though less enthusiastically. Suddenly the pain in her leg got worse and her right leg kind of came out from under her, and she fell.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:13 pm
No., came the thought in Ryokiden's mind, as he dove under the fox-girl, stopping her from landing on the ground. And, before he dare let his blush return at full throttle, he lifted her back up on her own legs, and reverted to his four-legged stance. "You shouldn't walk on that leg. If you really need to, I...uhm...that is to say...I'll let you ride me.", he suggested, eyes closed, but hidden by his hair as he mentally scolded himself. Let you ride me? Well, if that isn't the worst phrase to use in your situation.
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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:36 pm
Nitara cringed when her leg came out from under her, and remembered all at once the moment when the sword had cut through her skin a while back. Of course. the thought wafted quickly through her mind while she prepared to hit the ground, I'm an idiot.

The cut on her leg just brushed up against the wretched dry dirt that was once covered in blossoms, and her tail spread out across the ground. But she was quite unsure at that very moment how it was that she had not been lying face-flat in the land at that moment, once again. She seemed to be falling more and more these days. Was it to do with her Hoshi no Tama, no of course not. And she was still even more astounded as she found herself back upon her own feet. Her face bore a look of surprise as she stared at the ground.

When the daemon spoke beside her she suddenly realized that he had caught her and almost laughed. She was actually completely shocked that she could not have seen that while she was falling, it was her eyes. They had been all awry lately, and her senses seemed as dull as ever. She turned and smiled at Ryokiden.

"Thank you." She muttered, grinning still, she leaned over and let her own arms touch the ground. "I'm sure me riding you would be demeaning, would it not? Our destination is not far from here, so I should be fine with three limbs." She smiled again.

Nariko blinked her eyes, that was quick, well, she had warned him. Even though she didn't think he had quite understood what she had warned him of. Laughing under her breath she called out loudly. "Daemon! I told you that I was too lazy to catch her! Thanks!"

Nitara looked back at her friend and sneered. Of course Nariko knew that she was going to fall, but she hadn't sensed Nariko in her mind, and Nariko hadn't gotton a chance to channel in through her eyes. Than, how did she... Nitara shook her head angrily and let her snow-white hair fall in front of her eyes. Of course, she thought, almost viciously in her mind, it was my damn eyes again. Why do I have no control over this!?
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:18 pm
Ryokiden nodded, looking from the fox-girl to Nariko, and round that they were...they were doing something, or thinking about each other or some other such. Thinking about each other?...Oh, get out of my head!, he said, wanting thoughts out of his mind as fast as they could. "Yeah, I guess that would work.", he mumbled, before trotting off in order to calm himself down.
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:12 pm
OOC: First off, I am sorry for my disappearance. Second off, I don't mind (reference to Nitara's assumption at page seven). Also, forgive me if I am wrong, but how does Nitara remember Ryk if this is the first interaction she has had with this cast of characters. Oh hell, screw keeping the timelines straight.

IC: As the enemies retreated, Orpheous and his party stood around mostly dumb founded. They thought the enemies might be harder to defeat. The stood around as they let the others introduce themselves and get back into the draw of having Nitara in their life again. They aimlessly followed the group as they made their way outside. Eventually, after much restraining. Simon pace over the area of the group as where Nitara was. "Hey, Nitara, right? Yeah, you were pretty damn skilled back there. Wonderful tactics. Oh, wait, I am making a fool of myself. I almost forgot to introduce--"

Orpheous cut him off. "Hey, Nitara. My name is Orpheous. I am but a meager scribe. The babbling fool of an apprentice who was trying to carry a conversation with you was Simon Grendel. He may look like an idiot now, but he is the best pupil I ever had. The woman you may or may not have noticed shift into a bear was Silna, my girlfriend." He had tried to find a more sophisticated word, but it just wouldn't come to him. "The warrior with the shield is Bou. The one with the jacket is Valentine, and the shiekah looking guy who has kept silent practically this whole time calls himself Snowflake. You will grow to appreciate the fact he mostly keeps silent," he leaned in to whisper, "if Ryk stays with us." He made sure Ryk wouldn't be able to hear this part, even thought it was obviously a joke. "Is there any questions you have, or would you prefer I disappear over to the back of the group again?"
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STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

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Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:40 am
OOC: Remembering is... Sorta like a tool for Nitara, she's got an almost "beyond photographic" memory. So I suppose that's where I'm going with this.

Nitara leaned forward and began to walk on her hands, her head cocked to the side as she listened to Simon, and than Orpheous. When Orpheous came around she smiled, "Eh, I remember you. We met for a while." she said, still in her upside down position. She listened to the rest of the introductions and looked at Simon,

"Thanks," she said, "It's fine really," she continued with a laugh, "although I probably should have been more aware." Nitara finished with a sigh.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:30 pm
Once again, Kasei was at the back of the group. This time, he had a cigarette in his mouth. He had lit it by breathing. I wonder . . . this girl is slightly . . . odd. She reminds me a lot of Touken, to be sure. The man thought to himself. It was obvious that his foolishness had ended, due to his face. "Oi, Nitara!" He called. "Just a question; where do you come from? I wanna hear it from you're mouth." He asked. If she is from the same place as Touken, then we're gonna have a real issue on our hands . . .

OOC: Guys, I DO NOT RECIEVE E-MAILS!!! Therefore, I do not know what topics are being replied to!!! Please PM me when I need to Reply!!!

Oh, and Touken is a demon-dog freind of Kasei's. He's here on HA2.

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Worru Level 14
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Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:58 pm
OOC: So Kasei has a demon-dog friend, and a dog-like guardian daemon he hates.

IC: Ryokiden, mentally stabbing, maiming, bludgeoning, and virtually any other type of pain-causing activity, remained quiet, really not interested in where Nitara came from, as he was more interested in where she was. Seeing as it was in his title that he was a guardian, that was the reason he used for making sure she was safe, ignoring if he had any type of feeling, whatsoever, for the fox girl.
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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:14 pm
Nitara spun around on her right hand, facing the back of the group, and almost falling in the process. She pondered the question for a moment, remembering the answer, for she had not thought about it in a long time. She herself wasn't entirely sure.

"I believe I came from Mylensia." she finally answered, calling out to Kasei.

Nariko looked up at the question, almost surprised that Nitara had answered. That would call for an explanation, and one of which she knew her friend did not contain. Her long hair waved as she shook her head and awaited any more conversation.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:42 pm
Kasei halted in his tracks, the words from Nitara's lips just suddenly startling him, or as close to startled as he can get. The gears in his hundred-year-old head were set in motion. "Mylensia," he said, "wasn't that where we are now, this ruin?" The Rebel Flame asked, motioning around. "Unless there's another area called Mylensia I don't know of." He stated, doubt obvious on his face. It was pretty clear now what he was thinking. His hand rested on the hilt of his blade. "I'm gonna want to know more information, miss." He said, all earlier politeness gone from his voice, and a terrifying oura seemed to pour out of his figure.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:42 pm
Nitara stared at him with curiousity, hers eyes flashing a yellow hue in confusion. She didn't really have much of a history to explain, and what she had was a bit confusing.

"Um, well, yah. This ruin.." she started, looking behind them to where they had been, "I was only nine when Mylensia was sealed off for the final time, and by that time I had already met Nariko and we had joined a small group of children living on the streets of Rayne. I remember that the night I met her I was traveling away from Mylensia, for a reason that is unknown to me now. I was six."
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>