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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:33 am
by Red Fury
'The Crescent Moon Tavern, most likely. Trying to avoid those of the guard that aren't Koura's friends.' Raven answers in a surly tone. Feeling glad that the only guard to see them thus far had been a friend, although he was not surprised at getting seen, it was not the sealthliest approach he had done.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:10 pm
by Alpha
Koura nods grimly in agreement with Raven's statement. "Elissa...I know you can't afford to come with us right now, but can you give us any information? Is there any path we could take that avoids guards completely?" The Gerudo thinks for a second, then slowly shakes her head. A no.
"However," she does add after another moment has passed, "your friend here could really use some acting lessons. My women were too busy arguing over who would be in charge while I was away to notice, but I could tell she was hiding something from the very start." She gives Rose a disapproving look. "I suggest you avoid that whole 'I'm lost' act; it's pitiful. You're obviously built for fighting, not sneaking."
Gerudo are definitely not known for their kind words. (OOC:

Koura shakes her head. "Good to see you again, Elissa." Then she turns and walks slowly and silently away, leaving her old friend behind to watch after them.
'She hasn't changed one bit...' the Gerudo guard finally decides, and a smile forms on her face as she walks back into the moonlit road.
Several minutes later, the group discovers a similar problem. A long stretch of street, being patrolled by guards. This time, though, there are only two. With Elissa's advice about getting acting lessons, how can you cross the street unnoticed?
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:07 pm
by Hi no Seijin
Rose just shrugs at Elissa's words about her acting. The academy never offered acting classes. But Rose wasn't about to be foolish enough to disregard the Gerudo's words. As she watches the two Gerudo guards, she wonders if it's a good idea to take both of them on. Well, she had to do something, and sitting here thinking about wasn't helping Calla any.
Rose dashes out into the street, making as much noise as possible. Wishing she had taken the time to look for a place to hide before running out into the street, she hopes that she finds and makes it to a hiding spot.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:07 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura was a pro a stealth. He was sure that he would not hold the group back at all. His senses were about him, and he was ready for battle if ever needed. Ignoring Rose's blunder, he focuses on what they are trying to do, and he would do so without fail.
OOC: You are being a little vague alpha, what exactly are we doing?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:38 pm
by Alpha
OOC: You're sneaking through the town, getting past the many patrols in the area because Koura was banished from the area, and trying to reach the Crescent Moon Tavern so that you can get Doctor Enici to help Calla.
That's my one-sentence summary of the day.
The two guards immediately turn at the sound of Rose coming. Koura slaps her forehead in disbelief at the woman's recklessness. 'What is she thinking!?! The head on approach is just as good as suicide in these conditions. She didn't even stop to look around and see if there was anything we could make use of...
These guards are much more defensive that Elissa's group had been. They charge straight forward, spears raised and ready to strike the intruder down.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:46 pm
by Hi no Seijin
Well, so much for finding a hiding place, Rose thinks. Bhi'Din Ignisto, tutegoc ae. A sphere of fire surrounds Rose and spreads out. She hopes that it doesn't kill the Gerudos; she has no wish to be executed.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:54 pm
by Alpha
Koura can't help but squeeze her fist in annoyance. "Fool!" The word, restrained for so long, finally breaks through her clenched teeth. "Why doesn't she just call all of them straight to us? Anything involving fire is like a lighthouse's beacon during the night!"
But the fire does seem to do the trick. Blasted backwards by the expanding flames, the Gerudo fall the ground as they try to put out the burning skin. Shaking her head, Koura bursts into sight and dashes across the road, hoping to get across before more guards arrive in the area.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:57 pm
by Hi no Seijin
OOC: Well, you try doing something then, Koura.
Rose decides to use the time the guards are trying to extinguish the fire to her advantage. She dashes forward and delivers a kick to the head of the closest Gerudo.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:39 pm
by Alpha
OOC: It's not Koura's place to simply give you guys the answer. Even if she already did.
The guard is knocked unconscious by the kick. Koura too runs forward and drive a fist into the second guard, sending her to the land of darkness. "Come on, Rose, let's get going," the Gerudo says sharply, as she darts towards the opposite side of the street.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:45 pm
by Hi no Seijin
Rose follows the Gerudo. "By the way, I heard you call me a fool," she says sourly. "I'm used to sending distractions, not being them. And we haven't got caught yet, have we?"
OOC: Hey, Alf, ever heard of a joke? Because that's what my last OOC statement was; hence the wink. Or are you just talking to everyone else?
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:40 am
by Red Fury
OOC: That's the problem with the written word, it's hard to decipher sarcasm or tone of voice.
IC: Raven looked on with similar astonishment as Koura. Running ito the middle of the street of a patroled town and then making a lot of noise isn't usally seen as the best tatic. To Rose's statement his says quietly: 'Keep it up and we will be.'
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:36 am
by Alpha
OOC: Just saying...
"Let's just get going," Koura whispers sharply. Already can be heard the yells of approaching guards, all reacting to the light from Rose's flame. Without another word, the Gerudo takes off, leaping into the next alleyway.
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:07 pm
by Red Fury
'What a nostalgic feeling.' Raven muses as he runs down the alleyways of Parapa Village.
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:47 pm
by Zelda Veteran
The samurai moved swift, and like a deadly wind, Gerudo guards fell unconciouse. Hitting them over the head with the hilt of his blade, as he slipped in and out of the shadows, knocked them unconcious. As he kept up with the group, he erased their memory, or did his best to. He had only tried the trick once, but he was willing to try anything to cover up their tracks.
Dogura slips out of the shadows one final time, before knocking out the 3rd guard. He appeared next to Koura, and slightly in front of Rose. Glancing over his shoulder, he telepathicly said to Rose, "Rose! Are you trying to get us captured? I know stealth isnt your game, but you must learn the rules and quick!" He cut the telepathic link, so that she would not have a chance to argue, and stared ahead.
"Koura, what lies ahead? Have you any knowledge of this area?" He asked, actually a bit too quietly for Koura to pick up. He repeated himself a bit louder, waited for a responce. He was a bit releived that it was a game of stealth, for he knew that he would be a good asset. Stealth has been his role since childhood, and he would be at his best on this cold night.
It was right then that he realised how cold they must have been. While he was wearing warm armor, some of the others werent so fortunate. They would have to be quick, regardless of the temperature. Too hot, too cold. Dogura would see to it that the medicine would be retrieved, at any cost. Alpha had always been there for him, and somehow seemed like an older brother he never had. "Until death.." Dogura said silently. "I will try.."
OOC: Your post helped a bunch, i understand it a bit more now. Thanks. Gee Rose, you really arent very graceful at this XD
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:01 pm
by Hi no Seijin
Apparently, Dogura didn't know Rose could set up her own telepathic links. Well, the fire did distract them, she says defensively to everyone in the group. As long as we don't jump out in front of any Gerudos, we're fine.