Malciore of Noe
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 222
Class: Grunt--Nomad
: 422
TP: 0
'Why yes." The sheikah gets up. "I am Malciore." Malciore then hears something in his voice. "Wait, Sesso'?"
"Hylian-kind cannot gain anything, unless something of equal value was lost in return"--Alphonse Elric
Malciore Eon
STR: 3, DEF: 15, AGI: 5, INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 41, SPL: 6
Thy Inner Demon
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 35
Class: Grunt
: 42
TP: 0
"The distroyer of the circle of life, at your servace." The guy said. "So, how long has it been, two, three long years? Too long for my tastes."
"No-one can hid their true nature from the darkness within their hearts."--Sensei Yasha
Malciore of Noe
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 222
Class: Grunt--Nomad
: 422
TP: 0
Malciore knocked Sesso downand grabbed his neck. "You ass! I have gone through alot because of what youdid to me!"
"Hylian-kind cannot gain anything, unless something of equal value was lost in return"--Alphonse Elric
Malciore Eon
STR: 3, DEF: 15, AGI: 5, INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 41, SPL: 6
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
: 862
TP: 0
Denning dashes a few eet from Malciore.
"Malciore calm down! No, not know! Ah!
Denning hands become claw like, his eyes white.
Kill him Malciore...Do it now...
Denning stands there, silent, a man.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data
STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Level 7
Joined: Experience: 449
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 33
TP: 0
OOC:Malciore, did you create an alternate file for this character?
STR = 1 DEF = 12 AGI = 1 INT = 3 SPI = 4 HP = 54
SPL = 22 WILL = 9 Staff DMG = 10 Spell DMG = 12
Malciore of Noe
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 222
Class: Grunt--Nomad
: 422
TP: 0
Malciore got off of Sesso. "So lucky I don't kick your ass." Malciore went back to the tree. "Damn you Sesso."
OOC: No, this is one of my school friends, he read my book and thought it was cool,so he made a file from a character and well, here he is. I made a book, The Acient land of Noe, it's where I got my storyline from. It's all about what happened in Noe, before Umbra came and I came to Hyrule.
"Hylian-kind cannot gain anything, unless something of equal value was lost in return"--Alphonse Elric
Malciore Eon
STR: 3, DEF: 15, AGI: 5, INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 41, SPL: 6
Level 7
Joined: Experience: 449
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 33
TP: 0
OOC:You wrote a book. Wow. I'm impressed. Sorry for the accusation. Wow, I'm dumb founded.
STR = 1 DEF = 12 AGI = 1 INT = 3 SPI = 4 HP = 54
SPL = 22 WILL = 9 Staff DMG = 10 Spell DMG = 12
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
: 862
TP: 0
Kill him! You know you want to...
Denning continues to stare after his sentence.
OOC: When I write in italics like that, its Deoxolips talking.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data
STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Malciore of Noe
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 222
Class: Grunt--Nomad
: 422
TP: 0
phantompigcollector wrote:OOC:You wrote a book. Wow. I'm impressed. Sorry for the accusation. Wow, I'm dumb founded.
OOC: Yeah it's pretty damn good. But there's so much detail in it, the epilog will make your eyes bleed.
"Hylian-kind cannot gain anything, unless something of equal value was lost in return"--Alphonse Elric
Malciore Eon
STR: 3, DEF: 15, AGI: 5, INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 41, SPL: 6
Thy Inner Demon
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 35
Class: Grunt
: 42
TP: 0
"You're lucky your freinds are here, otherwise your blood will paint this grass." Sesso' got up and brushed the dirt off of his cloke. Sesso's eyes widened when he looked at the other sheikah (Denning) "I sence a powerful aura coming from him. He's trying to hold back his inner evil, when he should let it out. Like I did." Sesso thought. Sesso looks at his wrist, and a long tentical-like thing is underneath his skin.
"No-one can hid their true nature from the darkness within their hearts."--Sensei Yasha
Malciore of Noe
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 222
Class: Grunt--Nomad
: 422
TP: 0
"So, what are you doing in hyrule any way Sesso?" Malciore asks.
"Hylian-kind cannot gain anything, unless something of equal value was lost in return"--Alphonse Elric
Malciore Eon
STR: 3, DEF: 15, AGI: 5, INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 41, SPL: 6
Thy Inner Demon
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 35
Class: Grunt
: 42
TP: 0
Sesso snickered. "I'm just here to kill some time."
"No-one can hid their true nature from the darkness within their hearts."--Sensei Yasha