Denning's Profile

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Marin Level 8
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Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 7:33 pm
Current Level: L8

Race: Sheikah
Base Class: Scholar
Alignment: Order


STR 1(Base) = 1
DEF 2 (Base)+10(AC) = 12
AGI 1 (Base) +3(Racial)=4
INT 3 (Base) = 3
SPI 3(Base) = 3
Will power=8
SPL 24 (Base*Lv)+3(SPI)+3(Talent) =30
HP 20 (Base)+3(SPI)+10(Talent)=33
Last edited by Marin on Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:31 pm, edited 19 times in total.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Marin Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
Rupees: 862
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Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 7:36 pm
Dennings's Talents

Exceptional Health Lv1
Exceptional SpellLv2

Current TP Total: 14TP Earned - 14TP Spent- 0 TP Total

Spells Known

Temple Services lv1
Resurrection lv1
Shield lv1
Elemental Burst l2

Weapon Proficiencies
Last edited by Marin on Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:04 am, edited 23 times in total.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Marin Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
Rupees: 862
TP: 0
Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 7:47 pm
Full name- Dennig Rocsferd
Height- 6' 2"
Weight- 112lbs.
Hair Color-Golden
Eye Color- Brown
Preferred Weapon- Staff
Tunic Color- White
Tunic- Lv1 Tunic

Denning was born to an alcoholic father and his mother died in child birth. His Grandmother took him in and cared for him so that he would be raised correctly. When she was about to die she told Denning the truth of his father, then passed away. Denning did not want to live with that man and so he fled from the city. A day later he came upon a new city and started searching for a kind and sensitive person, he found the innkeeper. He slept outside the inn that night, the inn keeper saw him and took him inside. Since he had no money he offered to help at the inn in exchange for care, food and a place to sleep. Years later he decide to join the missions group instead of the traditional army as a mage knight. On a mission to retrieve a sacred hammer Denning was stuck out at sea in exchange for his friends lifes. His mission team consisted of the Human Mark, Hylian Evan, Zora Ewan, and Goron Dozla. He has not seen them since. Denning was rescued by a man named Daret. He was forced to serve and cook for his new master. Once as he attempted to escape he was caught and punished by a great scar. He was later rescued by Marin and fought with Marin to defeat Daret. As Denning thrust a spear into him, the scars vanished. He traveled with Marin for a few months. Marin still resides with in Hyrule and has taken over a school he attended as sword master. Denning travels on horse back with a hosre he calls Fordre. He delivers help and compassion to those who have lost loved ones or have been through tough times.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Marin Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
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Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:27 pm
Denning's spell form and other miscellaneous items.

Denning's spells work in a way similar to the Green Lanterns. If you know who that is, that is how his shield work, but it just is not green, insted, his spells, with the exception of elemental burst are insted a yellow-gold, but transparent so that you can see through them.

Denning's elemental burst is the color of the element, brown for earth, red for fire, ect. When cast, it is a small ball of energy replicating that element. The blast is energy, not the element, Denning does not conjure up a rock and through it, insted a blast of brown energy will hit the enemy.


Marin- is not M-air-in, no it is M-are-in

Denning- Den-ing

Deoxolips- D-ox-o-lips

Hope that help you all!
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Marin Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
Rupees: 862
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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:31 pm
Journal of the travels...

-Day 1 of the journey...
After sending a small group into the crypt, we have been able to get the sword, with it, destruction of Deoxolips's evil soul is within grasp, now we must kill him. Yesterday, the spies were able to find that Deoxolips has located a large crypt of bodies, which he plans on using to raise more of his army. We decided that a team of us, my Deku firend, a goron hammer weilder, a human tracker, a zora mage, and I are going to go off and ambush Deoxolips, apparently the deku can weild swords fairly well, who knows what else he can do...

-Day 3
We found out why Deoxolips is so far ahead, he left a day and a half before, us, tipped off by one of his spies. We also have found that Deoxolips's new lacky, Marin, is with him, Marin belives that Deoxolips's powers can raise a spirit from the , well, if the spirit does not die i suppose its possible, but if you use a spirit, rip in in half, and use it to open a portal and bring another spirit from hell, the original spirit is totaly and uterly destroyed, such happened when Gorson used Daret, Marin'
s brother, as the portal to get Deoxolips into this world, so Marin is being used, and has absolutley no clue. Onword to the of Deoxolips!

-Day 7
Well undead sure are fast...we can not catch up with these guys!

-Day 8
Deoxolips reached the crypt and so have we...they are resting, as are we, and the fight shall happen

-Day 9 part 1
So we suit for battle...The goron and deku are going to fight Deoxolips, Deku using that magic sword we have. The zora and human will take out the other undead. I will be distracting Marin. The deku (No, I do not know his name...) has given me a trinket to be used, it will transport me, and Marin into a place far away underground, where in I will, fighting or no, convince Marin that his brother is gone, and can not come back, that he is being used, so on and so forth...I will journal tonight about the outcome...may the goddesses help us...

-Day 9 Part 2
We have done it! We have come out victorious! Here is an account of the fight with Deoxolips, as written by a nearby scribe

A glorius fight today, during my wanderings it seems a rivalry is taking its final battle...Deku against Hylian...

The deku comes from a tree and blast the Hylian with a fire ball, as the Hylian turns, the deku drops down with a sword slice, blocked by a magic shield summoned by the Hylian. A blast of fire comes from an axe, drown by the Hylian and then the axe is thrown at the deku, able to dodge the blast of fire the deku runs, only to have his arm hit with the axe, though it was not his sword arm. The deku, looking quite angry, charged at the Hylian, throwing a couple blasts of light, blocked with a shield of shadow, and then....The deku smiles as if the tide had turned, he charges with his sword into the shield of shadow, and penetrates like a blade through butter. The hylian is supprised, and scared, as if he has met an old enemy in the blade, with a quick chuckle, the sword is thrust into the hylian...with a great scream and bursts of light through the body of thy Hylian, black goo oozes from his eyes and mouth, nose and ear, he is wearing a robe, so I do not know of other spots...the deku has won, and sheathed his blade, and the battle of these men is done.

Our journey is done, and I have been informed that New Hyrule with group again with Shadowreign, and leave Hyrule for the time being. I was offered a job, but have chosen to return to Hyrule...and so we walk, Marin and I, back to Hyrule...
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Marin Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
Rupees: 862
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Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:45 pm
Marin My main NPC

Hylian Ranger-lv10
STR-3 (Base 2)+(Talent 1)
DEF-16 (Base 1)+(Armor 15)
AGI-6 (Base 3)+(Talent 3)
INT-6 (Base 3)+(Race 3)
SPI-1 (Base 1)

TP- 20 (10-LV 5- Archer Champion at the games 5-Quests)
lv4 Bow(7)
lv2 Track(3)+3 to hit +2 DMG
lv1 Arcane Archery(2) Use fire, ice and light arrows
lv1 1H sword(1)
lv1 Duel Weild(2) 100%/50% DMG
lv3 Deku Agility
lv1 Goron Strength
-Marin's Long bow[2H 0DMG]
-Ammo[ Fire Arrows[15 DMG]
--d20+6+3 to hit 15+2+3 DMG

-Marin's Duel Longswords[1H 15 DMG each]
--d20+3 to hit 15+3/ 7+3 DMG

-Grand Archer Tunic[15 DEF]

-Daret's Medalion
-Ammo Pouch
-Gerudo Training Gloves
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
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