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Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:48 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Taint spun around and met eyes with the young woman. Trying his hardest to hide his thirst and hunger, he smiled his usual friendly smile and offered a handshake. "My name's Taint. I was raised in Nabooru town across the sea. I was a little famous there, actually..." He trailed off. "But some stuff happened, I can't go back." He smiled again, shaking off the heavy look he'd acquired. "Yeah, I'll be traveling along with you guys as long as I can get some decent nourishment. What's your name?"

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:18 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
After peeking over at the list, and wondering how Herbie could have possibly know his name if he never introduced himself, Orpheous realized he was giving them all goofy nicknames. Orpheous simply looked away and shook his head in a manner that would be unnoticeable, as so nobody, including Mr. Vore, could see his disgust for the nicknames. However, he would have to put up with it.

Then, realizing the Zora nearby, he instantly became careful. If Orpheous had learned Hylian history correctly, a lot of people were racist against Zora's because of their nasty cousins in the far south regions of Hyule, all the way past death mountain. They were the aquatic assault team down there. So Orpheous wanted to be very careful as to not do anything that might be offensive to the Zora. The Zora introduced himself to the girl, and his name was Taint. He waited for a moment, and it appears the girl wasn't going to answer immediately, plus he couldn't help himself. "Nabooru Town, you don't say?" he said this deep in thought, thinking about it. "What was it's last known status, how is it surviving since the South's been taken?" Then, realizing he made the common error, ask questions, introduce yourself, later, he correct himself. "Sorry about my inquisitiveness. My name is Orpheous, pleasure to meet you Taint. I haven't met many Zora."

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:01 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Taint was a bit overcome by the directness of the people joining the list. But then again, he'd gotten used to it ever since he arrived at North Castle. "The name's Taint, in case you didn't hear me say it before." He then traced back over Orpheous's words, and cocked his head. "In case you didn't know, Nabooru town lies across a monster infested plain, which lies across the Eastern sea, accessible from Parapa shore or the more convenient harbor, located in Mido town, hence the nickname "Harbor town of Mido".

Ever since the disaster in Kasuto town, I can't ever return to my homeland. Thats why I'm doing my best to survive here." His thirst adding a raspy tone to his voice, he asked again. "Could I trouble you for some water? I'm so terribly thirsty..." He looked at Mr. Vore out of the corner of his eye. "He completely ignored me... Do you think he might be... Uhhhh... Intolerant to my kind?" He glanced around nervously, as if he'd spoken louder than he'd intended. "He doesn't seem like that kind if guy though..."

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:17 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
"I got it," spoke Orpheous swiftly. After muttering a few words, a glass of water appeared in his hand. "Keep the glass and do what you want with it. I can refill it should your thirst either return or if it doesn't quench your thirst." Thinking somebody would ask, he stated quickly, "I'm a word-mancer. I can summon thing with ink and my words alone. Simple items like water don't give me much trouble, so don't think you drained a lot out of me."

He turned to Mr. Vore. "So, do you know where at in the desert your looking for this plant that is producing this seed?"

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:02 pm
by Leth
Leth stepped forward from the shadows and cast the hood off of his head. "I overheard your predicament." He said, "And I am willing to help." He took a small bow. "Leth at your service." He stood up. "I will lend you my assistance towards your efforts to recover these seeds."

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:07 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Taint, without another word, gulped the glass down in mere seconds. He wiped his mouth, and extended the glass implying that he needed a refill. The thought had run through his mind that he was consuming ink, but he didn't care. He was bone dry thirsty, and for a Zora, its even worse to be dehydrated than it is for any other race. He smiled, and thanked Orpheous. "That was so refreshing!! My insides feel so cold! Please, please, please refill my glass!!"

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:21 pm
by Brizzy
Aiden could not reply directly, she was in too much awe. Her smile was glue to her face, her jaw slightly dropped, and her gaze stuck on Taint's. While Orpheous talked Aiden contolled herself, closing her mouth and swallowing hard. Once the Zora got the drink Aiden was ready to talk and did so at high speed. "My name's Aiden and you're a Zora. I've only met one other Zora, Fish. Only he didn't like it when I called him fish. Anyway, Zora are so amazing! And-" She cut off to breathe, her face flushed from excitement. Only then did she realize she was talking at hyper speed.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:06 am
by Zelda Veteran
Snapping back to his previous conversation, Taint caught most of what the girl had blurted out. "I don't mind if you call me Fish. I've definitely been called worse..." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, you said your name was Aiden? That sounds like the name of a Deku rock band that I used to! Thats really awesome! I wish my name was Aiden. You wouldn't believe the crap I went through with my name..." He rolled his eyes again. "Anyways, nice to meet you."

OOC: I don't have much to say, and I don't want to spam up the topic. I won't be replying until its time to move on.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:48 pm
by Worru
After the man had stopped writing, codename 'Kiddie' looked over his shoulder to read the names and pseudonyms they had been given, when he had spotted his own name. It had taken Worru a few minutes to check over what was written, then remembered exactly what happened the past few days, before the festival began. A bit miffed by this man's quick judgement, the hybrid tapped the man on the shoulder to explain. "Buddy, I can give you names of several workers at the Harlot who will tell you quite different."

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:55 pm
by Royal Guard
OOC: Sorry Kasei, can do.

IC: Herbie sniffled as the Zora became the center of the conversation, a little hurt at the lack of enthusiasm. However, his attitude soon changed once a new adventurer appeared, and he jotted down the new ally as he answered Orpheous' question. "Erm...Hem...I'm not...quite sure where the seeds may be. However! Hem, yes, however, it should be in the general vicinity of the bird. So we'll start in that area. The Parapa desert, however, is quite large, of course. Hem, yes. And as for you," He said, turning to Denkou. "Ahem-hem! Thirteen percent happens to be quite a good chance in the field of botany, especially considering that this is the first time any of these legendary seeds have been tracked down within Hyrulean borders! Hem!" Turning once again to Worru, he cocked his head at the child. "The Harlot? Hem, what exactly would that be, now? Sounds like quite the word to be coming out of a young one's mouth. Just where are your parents? Hem, quite, they really should be keeping an eye on you, before you become contaminated with indecent thoughts."

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:04 pm
by Sabertache
"I've got a feeling it's too late to stop him from having indecent thoughts, Herb." Saber said sardonically, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone else could be approaching them. "So, you mentioned it was in Parapa? I don't know the place all that well, and I hear it's a great deal more dangerous than Tantari. You're lucky to be getting such a large force, otherwise you'd be robbed or killed no doubt." He looked at Taint with his head cocked. Zora didn't handle well in deserts--he knew that from his experiences with Alli, nearly a year ago. It would be hard to keep Taint going if they didn't find the seeds quickly. Then again, Parapa was on a peninsula, so water wasn't too hard to find. Still, he prayed for everyone's sake that the hunt didn't last too long.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:37 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Taint dropped all thoughts, and whirled around in a slight panic. "Parapa?!" He nearly shouted. "Uhhh..." Second thoughts manifested themselves in his voice. "Geez, I uhh.... Don't have such a good rep there either..." He slightly stammered on his words, showing unease. "I might have had to rob a place or two to y'know, survive... Would they still be sore at me?" He thought it over, and it came to his realization that these people might not want to be traveling with a thief. "I-I- No- I- Don't get the wrong Ide- I mean, I- I would never just plain steal for the heck of it! Really! You won't hate me now will you?" He cried inside his mind. "I'm not so sure about this anymore guys..."

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:09 pm
by Sabertache
"You're going." Saber stated bluntly, his hand catching the frantic Zora by the shoulder. "And don't worry. If you steal from anyone, I'll be sure to punish you myself. Does that make you feel better?" The mercenary removed his hand and fixed Taint with a brotherly gaze. "Everybody's had to bend the rules a bit before, it's not that horrible a thing. Besides, I don't think we'll be finding the seeds near civilization, so I wouldn't worry about running into past victims." He turned his head to the sky, searching out the sun in order to see how long they had been grouped around in the courtyard. "We'll probably need your help anyways."

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:06 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Shocked by the grip of a foreign hand on his shoulder, the Zora spun around to meet the mercenary's eyes.
"You're going. And don't worry. If you steal from anyone, I'll be sure to punish you myself. Does that make you feel better?"
Taint didn't know how to react to this, so he started by removing the hand from his shoulder, and taking a few cautious steps backwards. "Whoa there, who are you?" Taint never liked the feeling of being forced into anything. Even if he was going to do it previously, if somebody told him he had to do it, he'd never give it another thought. Opting to leave, he stopped at the adventurer's next words:
"Everybody's had to bend the rules a bit before, it's not that horrible a thing. Besides, I don't think we'll be finding the seeds near civilization, so I wouldn't worry about running into past victims."
The Zora turned around, and slowly walked back, now intrigued. "So... You don't think I'll give you guys any trouble? Seriously, I'm a bad man! You don't want to be traveling with me!" He pulled out his sword to seem more menacing. Fail. The sword, which he'd forgotten was littered with patches of rust sat there in his hand decaying evermore. "Uhhh... I- ... Who took my sword and replaced it with this piece of crap!?" He half shouted, quickly returning it to it's sheath, more embarrassed then ever. "Alright, I'll go... but if we run in to trouble from villagers, I'm hiding."

He felt inadequate to the rest of the adventurers. But his sword had something to it that made it different from everyone else's. When an opponent is cut by Taint's sword, even if just a small wound... They died. Taint never knew the reason behind it. But after they were cut, they'd grow terribly ill, and die... This reasoning kept him from being completely embarrassed and leaving. "Th-thanks... Can I ask you your name?" The nomad was always good with names. Never did he forget a name.

OOC: Goddangit you guys keep getting me to post XD

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:08 pm
by Leth
Leth eyed the notepad with an amused look. "Poppy..." He muttered. He gave a small chuckle. "Well, this ought to be interesting....

IC: Seriously, 'Poppy'? :lol: and how do you match an RPer with a color? and why am I brown?... sorry for the short post, I'm kind of pressed for time... :oops: