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Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:58 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Orpheous spoke first to Gurshon, "Please, you flatter me." Simon on the other hand seemed a little proud of the respect. Orpheous responded to Leth with Simon looked through the cards of missions and Heros. "I am Orpheous, scribe and wordmancer. Of late, my innate talent of summoning things by coaxing them out of written text has become harder, and I do not think I'll be able to use it to assist you in this mission. However, I still can use my quick logic to solve puzzles and to make fast and well thought through decisions and I'm quite skilled with mage work as well. And, should I run out of SPL, I'm also good with a staff and familiar with boomerangs, as well as bombs. So, so far a scribe and an archer. What of you, Jack, or Saber if he prefers to speak first?"
Meanwhile, Simon looked over the cards several times, finally choosing that he would attempt The Monsters of the Mountains. "I wish to offer my skill in this case," explained Simon to Gurshon. However, I would like the assistance of perhaps at least one other person, and, of course, the hero of our choice, I'll wait here until the person arrives."
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:42 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
The Guild master chuckled at Leth's choosing of a Hero to join in their quest. "Well, I suppose your friends could help you chose, but the final choice is yours."
He turned to face Simon, taking the rest of the deck of cards, and nodded respectfully when he claimed that he needed the help of others. "Of course, sir. You would have to be crazy to go alone, or else convinced that you can handle such quests on your own..." he smiled grimly, seeming to mutely recall a particular someone who did just that.
"Now, Simon, you may choose the Hero you would like to join you whenever you're ready."
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:29 pm
by Kasei
Jack looked at the quest card he was handed. "
This looks like fun . . ." He said, before he, like the others, was asked to divulge his abilities to the rest of those assembled. "
Me? I am an average-skilled swordfighter. I can handle my fair share of beasts. In terms of spells, I only have a small cadre of ice enchantments. My real ability, however, lies in my skill to see the spirits that roam the land, and request their knowledge in times of need."
Plus i'm an amazing poker player"
OOC: If this is stat-based, then I want to clarify info about Jack's ability.
Aid From Beyond:
During a puzzle or difficult battle, Jack can choose to activate this ability. A 20-sided die is rolled, and Jack's INT is added to the score. If the result is equal to or higher than 14, than Jack get's some freindly advice from the beyond (In the form of an OOC hint). If not, then Jack just wasted a turn.
There are some events that this skill is unusable in.
Jack's stats are identicle to Kasei's.
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:03 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: Well, seeing as his stats are identical to Kasei's, that settles his renown. It's equal with what Kasei's would be, which is quite a bit

. I'm not sure if you can use that ability in some of the events. I'll think about it, if there are spirits roaming the area, or if I want you to solve the puzzle yourself

And remember that battle of wits between Nogare and Kairos in the alternate timeline, a little while before Ayra and Nogare together layed him in Tantari? It took place in the Library of the Lost. Anywho, maybe in the current timeline, we could have another battle of wits, but I want Nogare to have it with Jack. A battle of wits with a poker player is a challenge, believe me >_>...
IC: Gurshon looked from Jack to Leth. The Guild master was somewhat annoyed that he would have to wait on everyone's opinions (he expected to see him out the door before now) but he wouldn't say anything. This was the path Leth had chosen. Undoubtedly, the Hero to be chosen would be very useful. He knew Leth would be smart enough to chose the right Hero.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:15 am
by Leth
Leth looked at Saber. "And Saber is a rather talented swordfighter. He is rather modest when it comes to his talents, but his skill with the sword is nontheless spectacular." He turned to Gurshon. "We are going to be invading a large stadium filled with enemies to rescue the innocent and kill the leader. We are going to be discovered whether we want to or not, so we need someone that can go in there and beast as many enemies as possible to cut a path to where we need to go. However, it needs to be someone that can keep his head in a battle. We are going to want to remain undiscovered as long as possible. We have a bowman, a scribe/mage, and two talented swordfighters. We need strength and intelligence. Deathbringer would just go to where the fighting is thickest, so I say Liberator." He stood back and looked at his teamates, waiting for approval.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:37 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
Pleased, Gurshon nodded. "Very wise of you, good adventurer. With that sort of wisdom you will make a fine Hero. A moment, please. Peter!"
In an instant the servant Peter arrived, carrying luggage for a new apprentice moving into the dorm beyond the balcony. "Yes sir?"
"Call for Liberator. He's been summoned on a quest."
"Certainly sir!" Peter bowed, and set down the luggage on the spot before setting out to get Liberator by the Boast Platform down the right-hand hallway. In hardly any time at all, there was a great warrior who entered the map room following behind Peter. He was a tall and broad human, and more muscular and tough-looking than any average Goron. A sword that was half his size (seeming about a two thirds your own size) was sheathed across his back, and protecting it was a massive Hylian Shield that was able to protect a good portion of his body. A charming grin and kind eyes looked over to the adventurers gathered. Though, despite his great size and intimidating muscles like a lion, his body language revealed that he was a softhearted and gentle as a lamb. Under his armpit he held a helm of simple human craftsmanship, although his emerald eyes showed the wisdom and skill he had locked within him; he was sure not to need it.
Peter bowed politely, pleased himself that they had him bring a kindhearted Hero such as Liberator as oppose to the terrible and bloodthirsty Deathbringer. "I take my leave, sir."
"Indeed. Thank you." With that, Peter picked up the luggage, and hurried upstairs under the impatient eyes of the apprentice who had been waiting on him.
Now bowing himself, Liberator greeted the adventurers. His voice was deep but soft. "Hello, newcomers! Welcome to the Guild of the Hero. I'm Liberator, proud vassal of His Majesty and the Land of Hyrule. It's an honour to meet you! Gurshon! Need my services, do you?"
"Yes. These bold adventurers have stayed to perform a quest, and a great Hero such as yourself is required. Here." From his pocket he produced the card.
Liberator read it slowly. "I see... Malagruel, the Exile scum. I can't stand having these monsters live freely in Hyrule! In the name of His Majesty, I will do my part!"
"Good. Then meet me in the Briefing Room."
"We shall. Come! It's right this way, heroes!" With that he headed down towards the banquet hall ahead of Gurshon...
OOC: And so our quest begins. I'll try to make the Guild now, but I only have 8 minutes, so it might take until tomorrow. From the Briefing Room we'll begin our great quest...
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:29 pm
by PureInnocence
Keychain rubbed her arm, a small blush flickering across her face. She glanced around in both awe and wonderment. A place like this to exist was amazing. Her eyes kept traveling around while she walked, making her trip over uneven places and bumping into a few people. She muttered a small sorry to each person, too mesmerized to process what had happened.
It disappeared soon when she came across what she had come there for. A list of each quest sat in front of her. She frowned. The level that she was at couldn't possibly give her a chance at any of these. Instead she gazed at people around her, wondering who would help her.
Too bad she didn't know anyone there. Her heart sank. Panic rose in her chest. Gripping her until she breathed and tried to calm her. "E-excuse me," she squeaked to the nearest person next to her. "Would there be any chance that I could join a person on their quest until I become strong enough for one of my own?"
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:37 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
Keychain ran into the servant Peter. He smiled, and gestured over to Gurshon with his shoulder (his hands were full of books). "You can get all the answers from him, but trust me," he chuckled, "Anyone would be crazy to do some of these quests alone, unless you're one of the veteran Heroes. You should always have one of them with you..."
"Quite so, Peter," said an old, yet bold voice from behind him that had seemed invisible until that point. His voice seemed almost irritated, as if it caught a mistake in what he was saying.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Guild Master, I didn't -"
"Don't be." His smile reappeared. It didn't quite touch his eyes though...
"Of course sir. I'll be off..." And he hurried off to get the books in his arms into the dorm upstairs.
Gurshon shook his head. "Well, what he says is true. You would be crazy to go alone... he just should listen to what he has to say to others..." and he drew a quest card from his coat sleeve - a quest that read, "Demons of the Ancients," with a "Completed," tag written across it. "You'd be a fool to be a lone wolf at the best of times... he never did graduate...
"Fortunately for you, however, there is another lad - Simon, Orpheous' apprentice - has one selected but not started. He's waiting for someone to help him out... From the looks of it, however, if you can think, it is a relatively simple quest..." he handed Keychain the quest card for Monsters of the Mountain, and went on, "The easiest that's available at least... really, there are monsters, but a good thinker could escape them, and continue on. And you look the part." Now his smile did touch his eyes. "Simon is around here somewhere... Just the two of you and a well-picked Hero will do a good job of the quest, I assure you."
Another servant passed the hall, and Gurshon asked, "Could you summon Simon to choose a Hero from the list, please." She returned with him, and here he handed them a deck from the map table, to choose a Hero to assist them. "Bear in mind, Liberator is assisting Leth, Jack, Orpheous, and Sabertache at the Stadium of Malagruel, so you will not find him in the deck...
"Choose well."
Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:59 pm
by Dream Illusionist
His eyebrow twitched. His right eye closed slightly. The corner of his mouth twisted and curled in an indignant snarl. Tayro gazed at the carefully ornate gateway to the oh-so-praised Hero's Guild with nothing more than a mix of skepticism and pure disdain. He hadn't even entered the main hallway and his opinion of the place had already hit rock bottom - the place was all it was said to be and more, and he didn't mean that in a good way. The boy bobbed his head slightly to the side, intrigued – he could not see how a place like this could spur so much attention; he could still remember the announcements in the streets quite well, speaking of the place as a cradle for adventurer wannabes-- no, they called themselves ‘Heroes’ now. Recalling that, the scholar couldn’t help but restrain his laughter, for their nerve to claim that title was far beyond egotistical or narcissist – they were now playing on a completely different league. A place where new Heroes like the Hero of Courage himself could be born… Bah. He scoffed at the notion. As far as he remembered, no Link from the timeline - and boy, did he study his History well - had partaken in a military academy to gain his skills: each and single one of them had trained on his own, sometimes accompanied by a parent entity, and all they did was not for glory, but for the welfare of their country. Their moves were said to be swift and strong, but their hearts were what guided them most; the compassion for their peers, the love for their nation, and the affection for their Princess. The youth sighed. And the worst in all of this was that he didn’t even need to enter the goddess-forsaken place: a few minutes by its entrance and already had he seen it all. Even the air around him reeked of Anti-Hero discipline. The self-tutoring ideal so you could grow on your own was forgotten, replaced by the gathering of wannabe-Heroes who competed between themselves to see who was the most apt to be the next man to be spoken of in legends, being tutored by several high scholars and great knights, warriors, thieves... that had all gathered for this same purpose. The idealism of fighting for a cause was forgotten, as he could pretty much see by the stance they all took as they walked inside and outside the Guild: it was fairly evident that the reason why they did all their training an helped the community was not because they were a blessing, but to boost their own reputation, their desire to be known and loved by every single citizen in Hyrule. And the idea of the compassion for others was forgotten in these mindless duels to be the next Link, as these tutors only taught those who enlisted about deep arcane knowledge, great weapon skills, and forgot about the most important thing of all - character. He was disgusted at the sight - if this was the path the Hylian Knights and the Orderly citizens of North Castle were taking, maybe it would be best to join the Exiles - for he was sure that at least those had more morals than this bunch.
Ah, he was thinking too much again. Gripping the edges of his azure-colored cloak to further cover himself, he approached the main entrance to the Guild. For a moment, the Hylian compared these very… characteristic… doors to the solemn look of those of the Library. He quickly discarded this heretic comparison – in no way could this terribly flamboyant passage compare to the majestic demeanor of the Library’s gates. He grabbed the brass handles and, with a swift motion, turned them to the side, thus effectively triggering a mechanism to open the doors that stood before him: there was no way that something so large – as large as the ego people around here seemed to display – could open with so little strength, for the power the flimsy teenager had employed was far from remarkable. The boy’s lips curled into a smirk, shunning his reaction a fraction of a moment afterwards – was he acknowledging something belonging to this outrageous community? Preposterous!-- he was simply mocking the needto create such a mechanism – quite unnecessary if not for their ideals of greatness. Yes – he nodded with satisfaction – he was content with that explanation. Then, and only then, did he remember exactly what he came here to do, and, chiding himself mentally, he put aside that previous train of thought labeling it as unimportant and proceeded into the heart of the Guild.
Speaking of which... why was this place called a Guild anyways?
The child mage didn’t stay long on the subject, disregarding the question as rhetorical and quickly switching the topic to another – he had other priorities right now that were more important than dwelling in questions that simply have no answer, or, to be more accurate, that the answer was simply ‘because they wanted to flaunt their self-proclaimed awesomeness’, now that guilds were the hip and trendy thing. The boy remembered being a part of the first group of these since the war a couple years back – the Twilight Guardians. He recalled these memories with a pleasant sigh. Since then, he saw several new guilds emerge, headed by people so jealous that they weren’t a part of the TGs that they totally had to create one as well. He couldn’t help but let a cheeky, mischievous grin feature on his lips – although his comment was in jest, it was a fact that he felt really proud to belong to the original first guild, the one that had sparked all this interest. It was a shame that he lost contact with the other members for quite some time, though.
He abruptly stopped this train of thought – he was once again forgetting the main reason that took him to come to the Hero’s Guild. It was rather evident that he wasn’t here just for sight-seeing because with all the complaining he’s done so far, it was rather obvious that the youth would prefer avoiding this place than downright stroll in. He wasn’t as presumptuous as these fellas to the point that he’d just walk in on the place just to speak ill of it. No, he had other reasons – better motives, in his opinion – as to why he was storming inside this heathen of a building: a certain request from Miss Hillary, for example. Step by step, he walked towards the center of the room, blankly gazing at this map in the main area of the… map room. He would later scoff at the name, but right now he wasn't focusing on the details of the room - he didn’t even notice if the gigantic piece of parchment depicted Hyrule, the World, or simply something else, much less a little plaque with the designated name for this section. As he slowly paced forward, he was distant, pensive, recalling exactly what had occurred just a couple of hours before.
“Tayro, could you do me a favor?” – the words slipped out of her lips softly, velvety, and the boy already knew what was coming. Hillary Laeri was quite obvious when she wanted people to do something for her, and the Hylian never quite understood if she did that on purpose or was genuinely a terrible manipulator. – “It’s very simple, I assure you…” – she added, an innocent smile visible on her visage. The boy sighed. The last time he did a ‘simple favor’ for the headmistress of the orphanage he almost fell off a cliff in Mount Highpeak trying to get a flower that only blooms in windy, rocky locations - and he knew that the landing would be far from soft. “Don’t be like that!” – she continued, not giving the youth any time to reply – “Must I remind you who fed you and helped you grow up all these years? It’s just a little favor!” – she rambled on, and Tayro just half-smiled, a tad exasperated. He finally opened his mouth, interrupting the woman’s speech. “Fine, fine. I’ll do it… what do you want me to get for you this time?” - he inquired, his eyes picking up the female’s victorious smile. “You see… have you ever heard of the Hero’s Guild?” The boy replied with a nod – he had picked up quite some stuff about the place from the streets, and from what he had heard, he didn’t have the best of opinions about it. Miss Hillary must have noticed the teenager’s distaste for the community, for she continued – “Yes, I don’t approve of it either. However, some of our older children did, and therelein lies the problem.” Tayro’s facial expressions turned darker. “Don’t tell me they—“ – he was cut off by her – “Yes, they fled the Orphanage one at a time, first during the night, then during the excursions we did around town, leaving but a note stating where they were going. They were all lured by the place’s excessive propaganda, and enlisted in their ranks.” The child mage just stood there for a moment in shock that quickly transformed into outrage. Little conversation after, he had gotten a list of who had left the Orphanage and was already headed on his way to that foul place that had gone as far as seducing those innocent and pure-hearted children. He would pick his younger siblings – as to him that’s exactly what they were, even if they didn’t share the same blood – up from that dastardly place; that’s what he promised Miss Hillary. And he was fully intent on completing it.
Tayro woke up from his trance as he was about to collide with the wall itself. He really needed to stop phasing out like that – else it could bring him severe problems in the future, much more severe than getting personal with a wall. He shook his head for a bit, and, still a little out-of-it, looked around the place for a guide or something of the sort who could tell him where he could find the apprentices’ quarters, finding no-one who fit that description. Ah. – he remembered – Of course. The guide must be flaunting his great talent of leading people somewhere at the moment – and I sure do not want to interrupt his speech. – he remarked to himself, a snarky tone evident in every word. To those words, the Hylian just stood there gazing at the people surrounding him moving in quite a hurry, entertaining himself as he awaited the Guide-Hero to bless him with his noble and gracious presence. He just hoped he wouldn’t have to wait long.
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:54 pm
by Alpha
He had never bothered to enter this place before; it seemed such an outrageous establishment that he could scarcely believe it existed in the world. To think that people would gather in an attempt to make themselves Heroes – actual Heroes of legend, like the lineage of the Links – was absurd. For some time, he had not even considered the rumors possible, dismissing them immediately as some story meant to entertain children with tales of other heroic figures.
It was disgusting enough to hear people refer to Nogare as 'the second Hero'; where he had obtained such an absurd title and why those responsible were not immediately struck down on account of blasphemy was beyond him. There was always but one Hero, one man from the lineage of the Links who was given the power to defend the kingdom of Hyrule, one being who the goddesses had chosen for that task. Certainly Nogare was strong, but honestly . . . nothing the man had done made him worthy of such praise. "Could Nogare kill Ganon?" he muttered under his breath, not bothering to hide his disgusted sarcasm before giving the obvious answer to his imaginary audience: "Undoubtedly not." Some might be foolish enough to believe it possible, but he knew the truth – Ganon was not the kind of being that could be slain without divine blessing. And despite what some appeared to think, Nogare's skill could never hope to match that.
And now he stood before the gates to an organization full of people so far gone that they believed it possible for each one of them to obtain the title that belonged solely to one who could slay Ganon. If Nogare did not deserve such a name, then these arrogant idiots certainly lacked the right to it.
His hands twitched by his side; almost without thinking he had forged a pair of Elemental Bursts. A good shot or two would easily be enough to cause the gateway to collapse; but he restrained himself. He had not come here to kill . . . well, not yet, anyway. He was here to observe, to see if these people were truly as idiotic (no better term came to mind, but he still felt that this one did not do such stupidity justice) as he had heard. If they were not, then he would merely inform them of the status they were gaining through rumor; they could put a stop to it themselves, he hoped. If they were, on the other hand . . .
Well, he fully intended to see such unabashed pride joining Ganon in death, where it belonged.
He wouldn't have to kill many of them, of course; a few choice assassinations to make them see how pathetically weak they all truly were would likely be enough to rattle them to the point of collapse. He cocked an eyebrow from beneath his hood. 'Or it will make them go on a rampage throughout Hyrule as they try to find the killer . . .' Oh well. If that ended up happening, then he could kill them all without remorse.
He glanced once more at the gateway, its gaudy construction holding him at bay for a second longer, for the ornate design looked about up to par with the kind one would expect to find in the royal castle. Such prideful undertones made him think through his plans one last time – did he really want to go through with this undercover mission, even though he might run into someone who would recognize him? True, he had altered his appearance heavily to try and avoid being recognized; his black cape was traded for a white priestly robe, his hair was combed in a different style, and he had cast a spell that would mask his aura from anyone scanning it; even one as skilled as Kasei would be unable to sense his energy and use it to identify him. Still, even with all those preparations, it would certainly be easier to just go ahead and start blowing things up, then killing any who challenged him and burning apart their remains – after all, even Resurrection could not revive a person after their body was destroyed.
But no . . . no doubt there were innocents within these walls as well, people who were present only because they were foolish enough to believe the lies. His score rested solely with those prideful enough to propagate and perpetuate such deceit, and while his weapons longed to taste their blood he would wait and study those here to ensure that he could differentiate between enemy and victim.
He stepped inside the gate, entering a whole new world . . . of arrogance.
Even looking back in the days to come, he would never fully understand how he managed to restrain himself that day. For almost an hour he scoured the area devoted to this so-called 'guild', examining the map room and hearing desperate wannabes signing up for missions that could very easily result in their deaths, all to selfishly gain more renown than their peers; a Hall of Fame, where statues of the most arrogant members could be erected so that they could be remembered for all time for some meaningless battle or two they had fought in; and at last the aptly named Boast Platform, which had been the last straw. Crowds gathering to listen as people told embellishments and tall tales, cheering the people on as they regaled them of their war.
He cast a glance back at the man departing from the stage as he took his leave from the room, spitting on the ground in his direction before he left in a huff; that one's tale had been especially pathetic. He had only managed to take a sword from his enemy; the creature had not been killed, yet these people acted as though they would celebrate and worship him if he threw up all over himself. 'If your enemy is not dead, then you are not free – to return to the city with such business unfinished only serves to endanger your followers. That man should be out there, chasing after this 'Skorm' until he slays the beast, yet here he stands acting as though he has already carved a tusk from Ganon himself.'
He made a mental note of the man's face, description, and especially name. If he could afford to do so, he'd see to it that Adhamar the Grim would be the first slain by his hand.
He headed towards the exit at long last, knowing that his original fears were indeed correct – this was an organization of self-righteous mercenaries, working for glory rather than rupee and filling their egos rather than their wallets. Why the goddesses had not chosen to simply rain fire upon the place confused him for a moment, until he remembered his own hesitation: many of those gathered here were brought in as a result of the rumors and lies being spread about this place. They themselves were not among the egotistical group that sought fulfillment by hearing their names on people's lips; they themselves were innocent.
He intended to not stop until he was through the gates – not the gates of the guild but of North Castle itself, not being far enough from this taint on the land until he had several kilometers of distance between him and this wretched place.
And then he saw him. A figure walking with a gait he recognized easily and cloaked with a cape that he had seen many times before. Even though he was trying to pass through the area unnoticed, those who knew him would see through his disguise with only a glance.
What in the Dark World was the boy doing here – there was no way he would . . . but no, he saw soon enough that the young mage was in no way a part of this. A smile crept over his face; even after all this time, Tayro was still easy enough to read. Spacing out meant he was lost in thought; the way he shielded himself with his cloak, trying to hide his identity meant he was not one of the prideful bastards aligning themselves with this place; the manner in which his gaze jerked this way and that suggested impatience, as though he was here only for a matter that he wanted to be concluded swiftly.
He came to a stop by the corner of the room, and the Sheikah was by his side only a few seconds later. "Truly a despicable place, isn't it?" Alpha muttered as he rested his back against the wall, glancing at Tayro as he raised the priest robe's hood slightly – just enough to give the boy a glimpse of his scar and crimson eyes.
Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:47 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
"May I help you two strangers?" asked the voice of an old man behind them.
It was the Guild Master, Gurshon, smiling almost kindly at them, though deep down his eyes were . His hands were behind his back, an a long green robe about him. He didn't appear armed, but he felt comfortable with his approach.
"Welcome to the Hero's Guild. They're on their way, Tayro. They've been informed a few minutes ago that you were here. And if you want to fight someone, Alpha, I'm in charge, however I could break you without effort, and even if you stand a small chance Heroes will be out here at any moment. You shouldn't risk that... Really, you are both quite easy to see through. A priest would be headed down the hall to the Chamber of Fate, and wouldn't look around at the surroundings, since he or she would have asked or known of them before entering from the Guild... You're both incredibly readable to nearly any of the Heroes here.
"You're young, and uneducated, so I won't say you're a fool for your beliefs. But the Exiles are rising. The troubles of Hyrule have always required the deeds of other, lesser Heroes in the stead of the Links of the past. If you would shun the efforts of folk who have stood for Hyrule while there was no True Hero? Not all Heroes can possess the Triforce of Courage, though, or any others. Virtue isn't a factor to many, so why fight for it when there's another persuasion? Many may apprentice here to save Hyrule in virtue, but the more elite fighters we have on Hyrule's side, the better."
His smile was gone by this time, but he maintained the same composure. "Listen. You are adventurers. You can join, but you don't have to. Or you can submit your life, Alpha, and complete the task you came to do. And Tayro, here are your friends."
A group of Tayro's friends appeared, and Gurshon turned to leave, to attend more pressing matters than worry about a mere mage or orphans. Hyrule's fate needed tending to.
OOC: Nice posts, guys! Finally, I think the Guild will start to be quite a bit more interesting now with some protest. Now we all know first-hand why the Guild was crushed before Fable II began

I hope this is what you were after, Tayro! Enough at least. I can't promise the Dormitory for tomorrow

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:59 pm
by Kasei
OOC: I orriginally wasn't going to get Kasei involved in this due to him having a view on this similar to Alpha. BUT now that Alpha posted here Kasei needs to show up, as this is the only place in town Alpha has appeared thus far.
IC: The day had started out peacefully for Kasei. As he did often recently, he read over documents that pertained to the war that he truly could not care less about. He lazily looked over page after page of boring text giving half-assed strategies and disappointing ideas on how to further the war effort. The ideas within the documents ranged from stupidities such as suggesting to use exploding fruit in case of lack of arrows, to horrifying ideas such as using children as catapult ammo.
As he did so, he couldn't help but feel a slight twinge in his senses, and turned to stare in the direction of the source. Alpha he thought, and tried to hone in, before the trace of Alpha dissipated.
"Oh, he's trying to hide, is he?" Kasei said. That means the mage is up to no good. Still, Kasei knows where the mage was last, and pocketed the papers in hand, and began racing off to the source of the signal....ending up at the entrance to a new building called the hero's guild. "Why would he go here?" The Rebel Flame asked aloud. From what he knew of Alpha, the man was intelligent and prideful enough to not bother with such a horrid establishment. Pushing aside the doors, Kasei stepped into the facility, and began his search.
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:33 pm
by Abel
Abel thought this place was agreat idea it could help train annd arise a new generation of heroes and for all we know one of us might be the next link called upon by the gods. Abel was looking to find someone so he just yelled out "Are their any quests I can do."
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:51 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: Okeydokes, done waiting for Kasei to finish that post of his.
IC: "Why yes," the Guildmaster said to Abel. "This quest your fellow adventurers are up to, or are planning to at least. Here is the card..." he brought out the card for The Monsters of the Mountain, and handed it to the Hylian Grunt to observe.
Behind him however, there was the infamous new General they had kept hearing about here. He refrained from showing any signs of distaste to his guest, and spoke to the Rebel Flame: "It's a pleasure, sir, may I help you with something, Master General?"