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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:20 am
Simon was about to reply to the Sheikahn, but then he sensed something. A familiar presence, one he had interacted with before. When he actually saw the person approaching, he had deduced she was fey quick enough. He himself didn't have enough experiences with fairies, but based on his own readings, as he was a scholar, and the stories he heard from others, even the nature of her eyes was enough to tell him she was a fairy.

So he waited. It didn't seem like like she was going to acknowledge him though, and he couldn't blame her, the Zora bard was talented. He was careful to smile at the fairy, but wait until he had something to say to say it.

It was obvious that the Sheikahn was now far more interested in this fairy as well, but, again, Simon couldn't blame her. A fairy of that height was uncommon. Thus, Simon continued to wait while the two discoursed. Simon couldn't quite place the name with eyes, but at least she seemed to be good-natured after he'd seen her tip the bard. And she seemed to have money too. Just who was she?

Then everything happened at once. She took his idea of offering the bard a chance to travel. Then Lya introduced herself, an introduction Simon hadn't even received yet. However Lya did take the words and questions out of his mouth. And Simon also felt sad to hear of Lya's condition, it made his stomach drop a bit.

And then the fey replied, with a voice as calm and serine as should be expected. Then she said her name was Lilly Willowfrost. He felt like he knew that name. But then, she revealed herself to not only be a fairy but a Great Fairy. This wasn't going to be good, there would be a crowd soon. And then she preformed a miracle, curing that old man's back. Simon put her time before being rushed by a crowd at less than ten minutes. He had to act fast if he wanted to discourse with Lilly.

Then, it clicked into place.

Simon came out of his long trance of listening, finally having the wherewithal to speak, when he did the words came out fast and dry, seeming incoherently excited. "Wait, Lilly Willowfrost. That Lilly? The one who traveled with a Zora named Taint. I'm Simon, Simon Grendle. I don't know if I ever got the chance to meet you personally. But I've heard so much."

OOC: Sorry, Bliss and Red Spirit Wolf, suddenly trying to reconnect with any hope of adventurers from his past would dictate Simon's actions. I promise I care about you both, but I have to play Simon realistically. The more mature character, Orpheous, would handle things differently, but he's not here now. ZV, nice to see you again. And thanks for joining in on the topic, old friend.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Bliss Level 1
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Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:49 am
astonished by the events by the past few minutes Roozin is absolutely dumbfounded. all he can manage to say is "y-yes! of course ma'am, anything you want!" he looks down into his case at the purple rupee, first the rupees from Simon now this its unbelievable. even though hes was happy he had enough money to not play for the foreseeable future he was happy that he was meeting so many people who enjoyed his music. he begins to lift the flute to his lips but hesitates for a moment. Roozin wants to say what's on his mind, after taking a moment to compose himself he and feebly whimpers "well i would love to play another song for all of you, and i will! but i was thinking after i do so maybe if all of you weren't busy hhmmm maybe we could go to a tavern and get a drink" Roozin ends his long rant with a short bit of awkward nerve induced laughter "its just that i don't know many people but enough about that please allow me to play for you." roozin puts the flute to his lips and begins to play with expert precision trying hard to play as best as he can as not to disappoint his potential new friends.

OOC: here is what he might be playing
Red Spirit Wolf Level 1
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Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:39 am
She was shocked at Simon's excitement. They seemed to know each other, Lilly and Simon. She wondered why he had not said anything when she had first come over. She thought about it for a moment and decided that the reason for that is because they had not seen each other for a long while.

She thought about how she had introduced herself to Lilly adn the way that she did to Simon. They were rather different, and she felt bad because her did not seem as kind as to Simon as it was to Lilly, and she wanted to apologize to Simon later. Although she assumed he may have figured it out once it was revealed who she was.
"well i would love to play another song for all of you, and i will! but i was thinking after i do so maybe if all of you weren't busy hhmmm maybe we could go to a tavern and get a drink"
Lya thought about the offer for a while. She did not know anyone in town and she said that she would stay with Simon, so that ment as well staying in town. She did not want to pass up the chance to make new aquiantences, and she never had friends before. Her whole life she was always teased and turned away because of her hair, and her home..... She snapped back into reality and the replied to the Zora, "I would be very pleased if i were to be able to join you for a drink." She tried smiling though her eyes, hoping to show that she wanted to be friends.
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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:55 pm
Orpheous(anew) wrote:"Wait, Lilly Willowfrost. That Lilly? The one who traveled with a Zora named Taint. I'm Simon, Simon Grendle. I don't know if I ever got the chance to meet you personally. But I've heard so much."
Lilly was astonished at the mention of her husband. Had the Overwatch become famous enough that her name was recognized by the public? She was a little giddy about it; being noticed by someone you didn't know- it wasn't a lifestyle she was used to.

"Why... Why yes, I'm that Lilly. I'm surprised word spread that far. I do wish I'd had been there by his side throughout the entirety of the Gossip Isle expedition... Although, I suppose if I hadn't shown up in the end, he would have died." Her tone ended grimly.

"Better late than never though... And I suppose I never would have become a Great Fairy without that experience. I'm grateful that I'm able to travel; it's far better seeing the world than being stuck in a fountain."

Suddenly, a voice rang out from above them, "You'd better hurry, Lilly! The crowd is coming!"

Lilly's eyes turned skyward to see a teenage boy sitting on a rooftop. He was sitting cross-legged with a hand shielding his eyes from the sun as his gaze met the horizon. She recognized him immediately.

"Katsuro!" She cried out. "H-How did you?!" She stammered.

How could I have missed his aura? Has he been following me?

The boy dropped from the tree, and landed softly, the sound of his equipment jangling around from the impact. He was a blonde-haired boy dressed in a black tunic with dark violet straps. His eyes were crimson- a dead give-away of the Sheikah bloodline.

"You're probably wondering," he began as he moved his hair out of his eyes with the back of his gauntlet, "How you couldn't trace my aura."

Her face revealed that he was exactly right, and he snickered.
"Cap'n told me to follow you to town, and make sure you stayed outta trouble. He asked me because I'm exceptional at stealth."

Lilly felt a little embarrassed. She was the sensory pivot of the team, and failed to trace such a unique aura.

Katsuro's face twisted up. "... Aww, c'mon Lil. Don't beat yourself up over not being able to trace me. I'm the last of a stealthy bloodline, and a learned from two people who know best how to stay under the radar."

Lilly looked up at the boy, and her eyes brightened.

He smiled back at her confidently, "Alpha and my Dad could be here right now, and not a single person in this town would be the wiser. Now you'd better get going. You got that item didn't you?"

Lilly nodded, and took a few steps back. "Of course I got it."

Her wings expanded out from under her cloak. She looked at Lya, "Don't forget what I told you." She turned her gaze towards Roozin, "And remember the offer I made you. You can find me in New Peaktop. Just play your flute at the edge of town. I'll find you." She fluttered her wings, and took flight.

"Thank you for having my back, Katsuro. I'll see you back at base." She called out as she zoomed into the deep blue sky, and not a moment too soon. The crowd suddenly appeared. After searching around the courtyard for several moments, they eventually dispersed, disappointed that they missed the fairy.

"So." Katsuro said to the bard, "Lilly don't drink. Captain's allergic to the stuff. But I'll take you up on that offer!" He grinned. He was only 14, but he'd never had a shot like this. He thought back to what he'd said about how his dad could be here, and nobody would know. He swallowed hard, and dearly wished that he wasn't.

OOC: My writing has gotten sloppy, and choppy, but it's good to be back. :)
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Red Spirit Wolf Level 1
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Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:49 am
Lya nodded to Lilly about if she ever wanted to talk. She made sure to keep that information close to her, because she was debating on actually going to talk. She watched the reaction between Lilly and the other Sheikah, Katsuro. When she saw him, her mind return to the days of when she was younger. She thought of how she was always outcasted and thrown aside. She knew her clothes would give away, but she was hoping that this young lad would not give her any trouble.

She looked and saw the crowd coming and when she turned back, she saw that Lilly had started to flap her wings and take off into the sky. Lya watched Lilly fly away, and soon the crowd came looking for her. Lya smiled under her face wrap. A once and a life time chance it was to meet a Great Fairy.

[/quote]"So." Katsuro said to the bard, "Lilly don't drink. Captain's allergic to the stuff. But I'll take you up on that offer!" He grinned. He was only 14, but he'd never had a shot like this. He thought back to what he'd said about how his dad could be here, and nobody would know. He swallowed hard, and dearly wished that he wasn't. [quote]

Lya looked at the young lad. She was surprised at what he said, but she didn't show it. Someone as young as him, should have more manners. He was trying to take an offer that was not made to him. She tossed it aside, it was not her son, and there was nothing that she could do that could stop him.
Lya Profile- Main Character
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Bliss Level 1
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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:01 am
Roozin was speechless he really had no idea and by the time he was able to compose himself and say something Lilly she was already far out of sight. what to he had so many questions spinning around in his head. What exactly just happened, why were these people paying him so much he thought he was good but he knew he wasn't that good; if he was he wouldn't be playing on the street. who was this boy, how did him and Lilly know each other exactly, what was the item they were talking about but he did want to intrude, why did Lilly want him to tag along with her and her group, he thought for a fact that he would just get in the way of a group of people like that.

after pondering over his questions for a moment Roozin decided just to worry about all that later. Roozin begins to pack up all his performing equipment after deciding even though a crowd was coming they wouldn't be interested in listening to him ply or give him an Rupees "no all they wan to see is Lilly and shes long gone, when they get here they will all just be grumpy and disappointed" he thought to himself. he looks over to Katsuro " sure you can come along the more the merrier!" Rozin say excitedly. Roozin could hear the masses of people coming and he didnt want to stick around and get caught up in the crowd.after finish shutting the last lock on his flute case Roozin turns to Simon and says "so Simon are you going to join us"
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:34 am
OOC: I think your writing looks great, ZV. But, you can think whatever you want. I, personally, love it.


It's not that Simon didn't hear Roozin offering to share a drink with them all, it's just that everything else happened rather quick. Lilly answered his question, which was perhaps the most important thing that had happened in Simon's life in a long, long while. Simon wanted desperately to explain that he was Orpheous' student. If he had the chance, maybe that would clear things up; unfortunately no chance came up.

Then Simon noticed Katsuro, mostly because he called out. Perhaps he was a stealth specialist for a reason. Simon was hard pressed to be surprised by somebody. And, of course, Simon was surprised the crowd started coming so soon. Simon thought they had more time; apparently that wasn't the case. He didn't even get a chance to ask Lilly where his old compatriots might be found, people like Taint.

However, it was fascinating watching Katsuro interact with Lilly. And Katsuro gave him another nugget of information, unintentionally at that. He knew Alpha, as did his father. His Sheikahn father. Simon didn't know the adventuring community as well as he should have, but something seemed familiar about Katsuro. Could his father be somebody Simon knew? Simon felt he knew the majority of whose that Alpha was close with. It would have to be an older male, the boy seemed to be nearing adulthood, and that meant that his father must be at least twice the age of the typical adolescent.

Of course, Simon soon started thinking about the comment about the item. That implied a lot of things. Simon was perhaps most curious about what Overwatch was now. It seemed more an more like it could be the name of an organization. The mention of the item meant that Lilly had a mission. The mission was to find and retrieve this item. Katsuro seemed like he was equal yet separate in any rank system to Lilly in the theoretical organization of Overwatch in Simon's mind. They seemed to have different specialties; but both valued each other.

Then Lilly left, and Simon entirely detached from the situation. He needed to talk to her, but she was gone. Yet, it seemed Katsuro could help the Simon put the pieces together. Now Simon really wanted to get that drink, more than he did earlier. Well, at least go out and have a good time. Merry times loosen lips after all.

"Well, I was already done for the drink, so perhaps we should get going. I don't think any of us are overly fond of crowds, so the sooner we get going, the better," Simon said with a smile. He made sure to stay close to Katsuro, waiting for the right chance to talk to him while giving him his space. "If nobody else knows any good places, I can think of a few haunts. I don't know if we'd go the Ornery Cuckoo though, it is a bit crowded. But, then again, it is kind of THE North Castle experience, so..."
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:04 am
"sure you can come along the more the merrier!"
"Wa-hoo!" The boy celebrated as he hurried along after the group. "I'm Katsuro, by the way. Nice to meetch'a sir." He smiled vibrantly. The truth was, he didn't have a whole lot to do now that his mission was over. He'd get paid good for the job well done, and he grinned in anticipation of the money.

What to buy...

He pondered as he traveled along with the group.

My knives are a little dull... They hardly stick in the targets during practice anymore. They used to sink in all the way up to the hilt.

The group turned onto the busy street that led to all the pubs, taverns, and wine cellars.

Shield's fine. Sword's fine, obviously. These boots are still fairly new... Maybe I'll buy something nice for Darkin. He's been helping me out quite a lot lately with advanced magic techniques. What do Rito like?

He stayed close to Roozin as they traveled, pretending not to notice the other man's eyes burning a whole in the back of his head.

Hmm... Maybe a perch?

He smiled a tight eyed smile, knowing how Darkin would react to that.

I know he doesn't drink. Tank'd find a way to swipe it from him anyways... Maybe a... set of books? What kind of books would a guy who knows everything read?

Katsuro felt the man's presence; Simon. While he wasn't acquainted with the man, he could tell that he had something to say.

As they walked along, he eyed the several shops that lined the town square. He looked over many things, but they were very non-magic oriented. Hithos was out and about, shouting about some new spear, and there were plenty of shields on display. A man was out of his shop, showcasing some fire-proof suit of armor- obviously a scam- but nothing to suit the likes of the aven scholar Katsuro was shopping for. His eyes scanned endlessly, but came up short of anything that would interest the Rito.

Man... It's tough shopping for this guy! If it were Tank, booze, if it were Cedar, clothes, if it were Cap'n, pretty much anything but booze'd make him smile.

And speaking of booze, he was about to have his first drink! He suddenly forgot all about the shopping, as they drew ever closer to the establishment. He turned his head back towards Simon.

"You. Yes, you there. You want to ask me questions, I can feel it. I've got a knack for these things. I'll tell you everything I'm allowed to tell you... IF you pose as my legal guardian and get me a drink." He slowed down to meet pace with Simon.

"We got a deal?" He extended his hand.

Katsuro knew scholars. He knew them well. He'd traveled with enough of them to know that no matter how law-abiding they were, their natural curiosity would always win the day. He did his best to cover up his mischievous grin. Years of thievery had made him quite clever for someone his age.

OOC: Well thank you. I took better care to pay attention to detail in this post- something I often forsake when I'm in a hurry to get something across.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:55 pm
Simon knew that Katsuro was thinking over something in his head. And he was pretty sure the young Sheikahn was overly aware of him. Simon had heard stories of figures with absolute telepathy before; more than anything he wished he had it now, because it would allow him to know how aware Katsuro was of his desire to make inquiries, and it would let him dig into the Sheikahn's head to know exactly just what the young man was contemplating. Simon was careful to think of him as a man as well, doing his best not to underestimate him. Katsuro had let slip he was trained by Alpha, and somebody who would be Alpha's equal as well, or at least worthy of mentioning as a trainer in comparison to Alpha.

As the walked along, Simon saw them drifting further into the narrower streets of North Castle. He smiled at those hawking there wears, all the while looking out for a good place to sit down, relax and drink. Then Katsuro spoke.

Simon listened patiently. He started laughing in his own mind though. Simon knew that the majority of establishments would let somebody that even that young drink there without a second thought. But, apparently Katsuro didn't know that. Simon was grateful for his lack of insight.

"Yes, I think we have a deal," Simon said, shifting his staff to his left hand to shake with Katsuro with his right. "Assuming of course that I can start asking now. Do you have a surname?"

OOC: So, I take it everybody is cool with us using this thread as our drinking post as well? And not setting up a new one somewhere else?
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:14 pm
Orpheous(anew) wrote:"Yes, I think we have a deal."
The boy eagerly snatched up Simon's hand, and shook it vigorously.
Score! He thought with a big smile.
"Assuming of course that I can start asking now.
"Always a catch with you scholars. Yeah, I don't see why not, fire away!"
"Do you have a surname?"
"I've got two," Katsuro replied.
"I didn't meet my father until we bumped into each other at the forty-third Annual New Peaktop tournament. Until then, I went by Katsuro Nomoura."

The boy fingered a scar on his arm from that very tournament as he continued.

"As it turns out, my father was the last of powerful bloodline. His name is Dogura Shadowclaw, and after one bit of information led to another, it became clear that I was the son he never knew he had." The boy cracked his knuckles, "and that's when the most difficult training of my life began. I grew close to him, and eventually took on his last name over my mother's. I learned so much from him and his old war buddies..." He trailed off. "Oh! So yeah, you can call me Shadowclaw anywhere but North Castle Town, specifically the Ornery Cucco if we wind up in there. My dad is sort of a wanted man here." He smiled mischievously. "But don't get the wrong idea about him. He doesn't commit any crimes he doesn't have to, it was just a scuffle in a bar. I'm rambling, sorry."
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:34 pm
So Dogura has a son, thought Simon. And this is him. He seems a bit chipper to be the heir of the Samurai. But, if he is Shadowclaw's descendant, things could be looking very interesting. Of course, it also made sense why Katsuro was so nervous to drink. Who knows what Dogura would do if he found out?

Simon smiled earnestly as they continued to walk along. "Well, don't worry, I can keep a secret. I won't mention him here by name or tie his name to you. I'm curious though, if your father and his friends ever mentioned a scribe at all, one by the name of Orpheous? To be honest, I don't know them all that well, but Orpheous is my teacher, and he has had adventures with Taint, the Samurai, and the Sheikahn Mage. He's told me such tails, and, through such tails, I feel like I know those band of adventurers. I mean, I have met some, but I'm sure most don't recall me much. I'm Simon, Simon Grendel, scribe in training."
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:13 am
"I'm curious though, if your father and his friends ever mentioned a scribe at all, one by the name of Orpheous? To be honest, I don't know them all that well, but Orpheous is my teacher, and he has had adventures with Taint, the Samurai, and the Sheikahn Mage. He's told me such tails, and, through such tails, I feel like I know those band of adventurers. I mean, I have met some, but I'm sure most don't recall me much."
"The name does ring a bell! In fact, I'm sure I've heard his name pop up in conversation, and if by any chance he wasn't mentioned, then I must have met him personally." The boy thought as far back as he could. "A name like that is difficult to forget. I wonder what origin a name like that entails... I like the way it sounds." He crossed his arms, and nodded as a matter of factly, "Yeah, his name comes up now and then."

"He must be powerful if he runs with the same crew that Cap'n, my, dad, and Alpha did. I assume Alpha is the Sheikahn mage you're talking about. Believe it or not, more people know him as the Sheikahn Mage than they know his name. Whenever someone says 'The Sheikahn Mage', there's usually only one person they're talking about. It's like saying, 'That Hylian hero'. They're both a rare breed. Not many heroes or Sheikah to speak of."
I'm Simon, Simon Grendel, scribe in training.
"Nice to meet you, Scribe Grendel," he said as he shook the man's hand once more, mostly for ceremonial introductory purposes. "I suppose I should offer... If you're looking for Orpheous, I have the resources to find him for you, although it'll cost you." He didn't want to end his sentence like that. "You know, time is money, and it'll take time. Gotta keep myself fed," he lied.

There was always food back at Overwatch HQ. It was one of the benefits of rolling with with Captain Taint. The Zora who's crew discovered the ancient Sheikah ruins at Gossip Isle; never again would they know hunger. Anyone on the inside would be hard pressed to deny that it was a thoroughly good gig, even if it meant danger at times. They all had a place to call home, and an endless supply of food. Not to mention the secret base, which was anyone Katsuro's age's dream. He was truly fortunate to have the friends he had, though the road was anything but easy. He thought a moment longer on it before dropping his head. He was so blessed, and yet here he was trying to con some coin out of a scribe in training.

"Look... I... I'll get by. I'll find Orpheous for you free of charge, if you so wish."
He smiled warmly. "Call it an early Christmas gift from someone on the up and up."
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:35 am
OOC: Sorry my reply took so long, I wanted to make sure Bliss and Red Spirit Wolf didn't have anything to post before me. And then I just kept postponing. But here it is now.

IC: As Katsuro spoke of his mentor, Simon swelled up with glee and perhaps a dash of pride. Simon always believed that his teacher was worthy of running in the same circles as Dogura and Taint, Alpha too maybe; yet, to hear others acknowledge it as well - it was the sweetest thing he'd heard all day besides Roozin's music.

And then Simon had to laugh. He chuckled the moment that Katsuro first suggested that he needed help finding Orpheous. And then as Katsuro went on, he could only keep laughing. By the time Katsuro was done, Simon was wiping at tear from his eye. He caught his breath before reply.

"I don't need help finding my teacher, of all things," he grinned at Katsuro to show that it was a simple misunderstanding and to not be worried about it. "Trust me, as much as I'd be the last to admit it, Orpheous wouldn't get anything tangibly accomplished if he didn't have his support system - myself included - keeping him on task with things. If he had his way, he would just research all day and rot away in his study. I suspect that he's almost ready to head down into the South though to help there. Perhaps he just wants to study so much because he knows it's only a matter of time before he must face the horrors of being in enemy territory again."

Simon's eyes began to get glossy and distant, his voice took on a more morbid tone. "I was down there for some time. I wouldn't wish the terror and suspense on my worst enemy. I mean, most of us make it out okay, but, every once and a while... Even the knights who are behind the front lines sometimes come back in boxes, Goddesses bless them. Sometimes even their bodies don't make it back."

Simon snapped out of his thoughts. "Sorry about that. Sometimes I should just shut me mouth," Simon was smiling again, trying to resolve any residual effect of his monologue. "Sorry I didn't use Alpha's name earlier; I was worried saying his name might attract the wrong kind of attention. So, Katsuro, can you tell me more about Overwatch, and what it is?"

OOC: Sorry if I had unnecessary dialogue in here. It was late, but I made promise to post this sooner rather than later.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:15 pm
Katsuro awaited a reply from the man for what felt like ages. His mind eventually began to wander. He noticed a Goron walk by, his giant rippling muscles hard at to work to support a powder-keg on his back.

Wow... Katsuro thought. Wish I had muscles like that. I bet he gets all the Goron ladies.
don't need kelp blinding my teacher, or small rings, just me, as much as I'd be crass to permit it...
Come to think of it... I've never actually seen a Goron woman... Have I? Do they have women? I mean, they have to, otherwise, how would they reproduce?
Morpheous wouldn't get many rings tangelos accomplished if he didn't shave his report sister - myself included...
How does that even work for them? Half of em don't wear pants, and they're just barren down there.
If he had his clay, he would just read birch all day and rot a guay in his study. I suspect that he's all gross ready to bread brown into the South dough to help bears...
I think the castle has a library. Would there even be a book about that kind of stuff? My dad talked about this guy who did all sorts of anatomical work on the species of Hyrule... Zhenk-Heinz, I think his name was... His lab was supposed to be in Bagu's forest. Maybe there. OH! Simon is talking!! Act like you've been listening!
"...horrors of being in enemy territory again."
"Oh, I know what you mean, Simon, nasty stuff."
"I was down there for some time. I wouldn't wish the terror and suspense on my worst enemy. I mean, most of us make it out okay, but, every once and a while... Even the knights who are behind the front lines sometimes come back in boxes, Goddesses bless them. Sometimes even their bodies don't make it back."

"You know what they say. War... War never changes." He said solemnly.
"Sorry about that. Sometimes I should just shut me mouth. Sorry I didn't use Alpha's name earlier; I was worried saying his name might attract the wrong kind of attention. So, Katsuro, can you tell me more about Overwatch, and what it is?"
Katsuro straightened up and cleared his throat. This was important to the captain. He reflected back on what had been said to him upon his initiation.
I want you to remember this in case anyone asks this question. The very last thing I want is for The Overwatch to be misrepresented. Remember these words:
"The Overwatch is a band of seafaring explorers with extraordinary talents. We do not align ourselves under any flag but our own. We swear an oath to do what we believe is right, regardless of what the law stipulates. The Overwatch swears safety to those who cannot save themselves, and a bloody sword to those who would threaten them. We are violence for peace. We are criminals for justice. We are the north star on a stormy night. We are the Overwatch."

Katsuro finished the speech, and smiled.

"Our tactician wrote that. Beautify written, no? Rest assured, we're good guys. We're just not afraid to go above the law to do what is necessary. A few of these guys, cap'n included, are former pirates, thieves, or assassins, who've shed their criminality for a life of peace. However, they're unable to return to the free world without being brought up on charges for crimes they're regretful of. So we live in secret, atoning for our sins by bringing light to the shores of Hyrule."

Katsuro smiled widely.

"That's what the Overwatch is."
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:27 pm
Simon nodded along as Katsuro replied. He was a little frustrated at the young man for ignoring him earlier, but as soon as Simon heard about Overwatch, everything changed. A group of adventurers out trying to bring peace to Hyrule, not swearing their allegiance to anybody or anything besides their own ideas of moralities - the idea reminded him exactly of the People's Front, except the People's Front moved more openly and made its presence known. Maybe the Overwatch functioned better in it's secrecy. Plus, if Dogura and Taint were just some of the members of Overwatch, then that would mean that Overwatch was probably full of better trained people than most of the rookies helping out the People's Front. Simon respected those rookies, if only because they were dedicated.

Still, if Overwatch was as big as Simon thought of, why hadn't Orpheous heard about it. And, if he had, why hadn't his old mentor told him. Simon was even more curious about Overwatch now. "You sound like a group I could get behind. I'm sure you have plenty of stories to tell too. To be honest, I wish you all the bets of luck."

Simon paused for a moment. "So, if you're a band of seafarers, you probably have a boat. And, if you have a boat, you probably need a safe harbor, right? Would it be safe to say to guess that such a harbor base would be around the ports on the shores of the Papara? Or have you found better ports elsewhere?"
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic