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The razor-edge of the blade pushed cleanly through the decayed flesh of the abomination like a surgical scalpel. He landed a few feet away and swiveled on his heels to see for himself that his primary objective had a seal of completion. He watched as the Redead Knight fell to its knees with a dusty wheeze and dropped its sword where it would lie until the night was over.
He stood up from his battle stance and sighed heavily, rotating his sword arm around to stretch it out. He gazed across the drawbridge to see the others faring pretty well for the moment- far better than they had been a moment ago. I wish I had inherited dad's telepathy. It'd be real nice to relay messages across a noisy battlefield like this... It was at this moment that he turned to see a Stalchild flailing aimlessly at him.
"You know? I'm sure there was a reason for a soldier as stupid as you, but I can't for the life of me think of one."
His expression turned sour, "While you haven't exactly done anything, your presence is unwanted behind these walls." He lurched forward and swung his sword with just enough might to decapitate the premature Stalfos, aiming directly for its neck vertebra.
Katsuro Shadowclaw
OOC: Sorry about my mini-absence. Not only have I been working like a dog, but Sunday night I hit a curb and destroyed my DSF rim and tire. I spent the better part of yesterday hunting around for the right deal, and rest of it (as I promised) at the pool with my buddy and his kid. Today's short post brought to you by...
Taking care of my mom who just got out of major surgery.
Always needing you to lift things!
Level 18
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Feeling the terrible ringing leaving his ears, Denkou was able to open his eyes and catch the sight of one of the Redeads take a fall. Gathering his senses, the rogue whipped out another knife and spun around to a crouching position, facing his prone foe and readying his magic. With a rush of wind, Denkou activated his Jump spell again, flying past the undead warrior with his blade extended, hoping to finish it off as he passed.
OOC: WHOOHOO I'm alive.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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OoC @Orph - I definitely agree that Redead are slow, and pretty easy to hit. However... hitting on a 3? That's really easy haha especially considering that the Redead Knights in TP actually have bits and pieces of armor left hanging on them, I figure that would factor into it's defense a little bit. At least make missing it a possibility, even if it's a small one. And I'm also gonna change up their scream attack - leave the crowd-stun to the normal redeads, and cook up a different version that's a bit closer to the actual Redead Knights of TP
@ZV - I also just noticed that your sword actually should have left the Redead Knight with 1 HP left - I think I was looking at the stats of your spear instead of a sword.
Or maybe I gave it to you because I know you've got a special sword that does a little extra damage? I don't remember haha I guess I'm okay with giving you one whole extra point of damage
Shem raised an eyebrow and took a step back as it appeared that Simon was preparing to attack him - and then regained his wits.
"Easy, son. Those Redead screams aren't the easiest thing to cope with. Why don't you take a moment to regain your focus before jumping back in to the fight?" He said, hands raised calmly to show Simon he meant no harm.
"I'm sorry, I have a bad history with Hyrule's military. Seeing you while I was still coming out of that terror induced fit surprised me. And, I have the feeling I wanted to tell you something, but I'm having trouble - ah, now I remember.
There is a chance that this attack could be a distraction while something more sinister is being carried out somewhere else - maybe even within our very walls. It would be the perfect way to keep the knights in the city occupied."
Shem sighed and looked grimly back towards the drawbridge.
"The same thoughts have occurred to me - but at the moment there's not much we can do. There's no one else here to stop the monsters that are getting through - for the time being, I think we just have to trust in the strength of the men on the front lines." He turned to Simon.
"We've got good men out there. I'm sure whatever's happening, they can take care of themselves." He tried to look reassuring, but Simon could easily tell that it was forced. Underneath it, he was worried. Very worried.
"At any rate, we've got some monsters of our own to take care of. Come on then; these redead won't kill themselves!" And so saying, the two of them rushed back into the fray.
Simon's staff makes contact with Redead 4's skull with a mighty crack, dropping the creature like a fly. It did not move again. Cheers erupted from within the gatehouse as the people inside saw the creature fall through the gaps in the wooden door, and again as Denkou leaped into view, his dagger slicing viciously into the neck of Redead 3. It too fell to the cold stone street, eyes now a dull black.
Katsuro, perhaps underestimating his target, did not hit Stalchild 1 with quite enough force to kill it - though it was certainly enough to cause harm. The small skeletal creature stumbled back, taking 10 points of damage. Angrily, it stumbled forward at the Sheikah, but was again unsuccessful in actually making hitting him.
"You can't take these things too lightly!" Came the voice of Shem as he rushed forward, towards Stalchild 2. He brought his shield up as he body-slammed into the diminutive monster, knocking it down to the ground. [Shield Bash] Immediately he brought his spear down straight through the Stalchild's skull, impaling it and killing it instantly.
"They may be almost harmless, but if you ignore them or give them too much leeway, they'll surprise you." He said as he pulled his staff out of the ground.
And suddenly, the only monster left in the courtyard was a single Stalchild. If it was capable of displaying emotion, one might even think that it was trembling a bit in fear.
<center> ~Round Results~</center>
North Gatehouse:
Redead 1: DEAD
Redead 2: DEAD
Door 1: 10/10 HP
South Gatehouse:
Simon: 28/36 HP, 48/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 41/41 HP, 21/37 SPL, 9 Will
Redead 3: DEAD
Redead 4: DEAD
Door 2: 2/10 HP
Katsuro: 64/64 HP, 28/40 SPL, 9 Will Leadership cooldown: 3
Shem: 71/71 HP, 11/11 SPL, 9 Will Shield Bash cooldown: 2, Honorable Kill cooldown: 0
Redead Knight: DEAD
Stalchild 1: 5/15 HP
Stalchild 2: DEAD
Last edited by Leth on Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//scribe
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TP: 1
Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-5; AGI-2; INT-5; SPI-6; HP-28/36; SPL-48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (2) = 7
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves
Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2
Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 2 = 17
Simon Grendel felt a bit of a jar at the force of which he hit his target, enough to make him reel back from the blow slightly. But that being said, the redead appeared defeated, so Simon didn't beat himself up too much. Already, he was starting to feel sluggish from all this physical activity. Running around was never his strong suit, and physical combat could be draining even for brief amounts of time. He'd have to come up with a new strategy if this continued. And make no mistake, it could soon become a very long night.
With Shem agreeing with Simon's conclusions about the nature of the attack - or the possible nature of the attack anyway - Simon felt like his theory held more weight than before. For a knight of rank to say that he had contemplated the same issue indicated to Simon that he at least wasn't being paranoid. If only they had time to investigate this possibility and thwart any kind of threat born out of it.
Of course, Simon got a little too distracted thinking; before he knew it, he looked around to see that their only opposition left in this area of combat was a Stalchild over by the younger warrior and Shem. He desperately wanted to use this breather to investigate his surroundings, and maybe try to piece together this attack. But, maybe his logic wasn't as keen as it could be with his brain turning attention away from that department and more towards keeping his senses keen for combat. Plus, what if he forwent attacking the Stalchild and his allies missed all of their own attacks. It was unlikely, but they needed to deal with the threat before more opponents showed up. So, once again, he started with a job and worked up to a full-out run towards the Stalchild, bringing his staff about to hit the skeleton's torso. A jab would likely go right throw, so a swinging arc would be best [Attack - Deku Staff at Stalchild 1 at Courtyard].
OOC: All valid points, Leth. Defense seems like the logical choice to buff in this case then - maybe HP as well if you want to make it really able to sustain plenty of damage.
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OOC: I'll be responding soon- but I'd like to point out that I'm indeed using the Deku Spear's stats at all times. I'm just RPing the sword because Katsuro doesn't use a spear. Expect a post rather soon.
Level 9
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Oh! Okay, that makes a bit more sense  I can work with that.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Zelda Veteran
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OOC:Sorry- I've done that since I started. I chose to call my deku-sword a katana when I was using Dogura. That means the attack should have killed the stalchild. I don't really know where to go from here, because now there shouldn't be any left >.>;
Level 9
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OoC: Well, we've moved on from it now - better to just keep going with the way it is. I'll use spear stats for you in the rest of the topic.
Orph, your attack was actually supposed to miss, but seeing as how ZV should have actually killed the Stalchild previously, I figured I'd let you hit it and tack that onto the end of the last round to finish up this particular battle.
IC: Simon's staff came in like a wrecking ball at the already-injured Stalchild, knocking straight through it's skeletal body and causing all of it's bones to clatter to the ground in a disorderly heap.
There was a moment of peace in the courtyard as the last creature fell - but it was short lived. The fog rolling in from the fields had crept a bit further towards the town - the drawbridge itself was almost completely obscured. Through the mists, a handful of shapes could be seen moving towards the group. Friend or foe, it was hard to tell. The good news was that they were far enough away that the four of them - and the gatehouses - were not in any immediate danger. The group had a short moment to catch their breaths, do some brainstorming, regain some stamina - before whatever was advancing towards them got close enough to be a threat.
"Oy! This is Captain Shem of the Royal Guard! Who goes there?" Shem called out. There was no response. Shem eyed the advancing shadows before turning back to the group.
"Well boys, I think we've got maybe a minute, tops, before whatever's in that fog catches up to us, so if you've got anything you want to do or say before then, I suggest you be quick about it."
Last edited by Leth on Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Zelda Veteran
Level 13
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Katsuro watched as the last creature fell. He turned, his chest rising and falling with a heavy sigh.
"Well boys, I think we've got maybe a minute, tops, before whatever's in that fog catches up to us, so if you've got anything you want to do or say before then, I suggest you be quick about it."
The cloaked man made his way towards the center of the group and thrust his sword into the soil. He cracked his knuckles and stared into the fog. "Looks like we've done good work so far." He said as he lowered his hood. His hair was cut noticeably shorter than from when he was a child, and it had even darkened a little bit from a bright blonde to a dark gold. He knelt down next to his sword and closed his eyes.
"I think our success is mainly due to the fact that we've been operating cautiously. You guys have stayed on your toes pretty well; we appear to have sustained minimal injury. I implore you all to continue avoiding unnecessary risks- we'll win the day so long as we remain aware of our surroundings." He yanked his sword out of the ground and began drawing in the dirt with the tip of his blade. He drew the gatehouses, the drawbridge, and the impending hoard.
"I recommend we form a wall in front of the gatehouses. If we can stop their advancement cold in their tracks, we won't have to worry about the citizens in the gatehouses. In fact..." He turned to Shem. "I think it might be a smart move to evacuate the citizens from the gatehouses while they have time. Not only would that alleviate the necessity to protect them, but the guards within the gatehouses could lend us their support." He carved an arrow in the dirt from the hoard to the net. "They'll hit our wall and clamber over-top of one another. That would provide an ample opportunity for anyone with bombs to toss them into the hoard for some decent crowd control."
He stood up and stared into the murky fog. "As for me... I've got a decent crowd control spell, myself. I'm not above using it either, though it would eat up a good amount of the remaining magic I've got left. I'm not above using it should the opportunity arise. You guys ready?" He lifted his shield and prepared for combat.
I wrote out the whole speech for Leadership and forgot it had a cooldown XD
The speech stays.
Level 14
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Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-5; AGI-2; INT-5; SPI-6; HP-28/36; SPL-48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (2) = 7
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves
Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2
Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 2 = 17
Simon listened to his comrades closely. Indeed, this reprieve could be exactly what they needed. And evacuating the citizens was the course of action that made the most sense. It's not like he could investigate the drawbridge too much given how much fog there was. It made him uneasy though - the presence of the fog this close to the town. As enemy forces moved through the blanket of concealment, one could only wonder if they weren't purposefully using the fog as a cover.
Obviously, it was clear that whatever in the fog was a foe. If it had been other knights, they would have answered the call to identify themselves. More than likely, it was the undead. But, strangely enough, Simon didn't recall hearing any moans coming from the approaching figures, as was typical of redeads. Nor did he hear the click-clack of bones and armor bouncing about that could be expected of the Stalfos.
That level of silence alone indicated that whatever foe lurked in the fog was different than what they'd been fighting. It could be that the orchestrator of the attack was now sending in more intelligent forces capable of more silent movement. For all they knew, the elites of this fighting force might be marching up now to catch them unaware. If that were the case, it would help to know for certain. Detecting what was in the fog could be critical. But, evacuating the citizens was a priority.
Simon rushed over to the northern gatehouse. He was about to fling it open when he remembered that it had been barred shut. Instead he rapped on the door several times. "It's one of the fighters at the gate. Open up the door so these citizens can be evacuated. There is a chance this position could be overrun, they'd be much safer if they could take shelter deeper in the town - at least in a location not this close to the gate." He prepared himself for the door to be opened up and to help getting those citizens pointed in the right direction, even if he himself couldn't travel too far from the front lines [Evacuate Citizens].
But, even with his focus on the door, he tried to spare everything he could to analyze what exactly was in that fog, and if the battle on the other side of the drawbridge was even still ongoing. More than likely, nothing too deadly could have found its way past that many knights. But, if the sounds of battle couldn't be detected, it was obvious the knights forming the real line of defense were at best defeated and at worst dead [Awareness Check - Secondary Priority/Distracted].
OOC: Yeah, if he can't make both actions in one turn, I understand. I wasn't sure if ZV was hoping for the rest of us to help evacuate citizens or if the implication was he was hoping for Leth's gatehouse knights to take care of that. So I figured I'd work towards that. I wasn't even sure if evacuating the citizens would even be an action. I kind of like that Leth made the details of the figures in the fog vague, because it allows me to play Simon a bit paranoid and fixated about it. Obviously, it's a fog, so visually they'd be vague, but to leave the other senses so blank as well. It's kind of intriguing. It would have been nice to know if we could have still heard the main battle going on, but I guess realistically (with those Redead screams still ringing in our ears and all that adrenaline pumping) our characters might have collectively forgotten to take notes of the sounds that distant. Either way, it's getting really interesting. I can't wait to see more!
Last edited by Orpheous(anew) on Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Level 18
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Denkou gave a wry smile as he saw the last of the enemies fall, giving them all a brief reprieve, but couldn't help but notice that the fog - and the shapes concealed within - were getting closer. "No rest for the wicked." He muttered, before looking around to the others. The fog was, most likely, magical, and Denkou knew better than to trust magic he himself wasn't using. "So what's the plan? Get out of here?"
Almost as soon as he asked, he noticed one of the others heading to the northern gatehouse, preparing to evacuate the citizens within. As good a plan as any. Denkou mused, and in turn rushed back towards the southern door, listening to Katsuro's plan as he went.
As he arrived to his destination, Denkou noticed that the door itself looked like it took a decent beating and, not willing to wait for the people inside to open up, opted instead to Slam his body against the door, hoping to break it down and get the people inside out.
OOC: I flipped to see what he'd try xD
Let me know if this works so I can move on to [Evacuating] these guys.
Kasei sipped down another drink, looking around the now-empty bar curiously.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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i'm so mad I had a huge reply all typed out and everything and it was great and I was about to post it when somehow my browser crashed and I lost all of it???? And I don't have the time or the patience to go back and re-write the whole thing right now, so here's a summary:
1) Simon got no response from the gatehouse, could still hear sounds of battle from across the drawbridge
2) denkou nearly got jumped when he knocked down the door, but
3) Shem quickly reacted and kept the guard from killing Denkou, and then ordered the guards to evacuate the people
4) both gatehouses were evacuated at Shem's command
5) monsters approach!
STR - 8; DEF - 18; AGI - 5; INT - 6; SPI - 10; SPL - 30; HP – 50
Sword: A large iron blade. Base damage: 7
Redead Knight x 2
STR - 6; DEF - 10; AGI - 1; INT -1; SPI - 6; SPL - 1; HP – 40
Redead Sword - A giant, rusty blade from ages past. Base damage: 7
Screech of Terror- Once every other turn, a Redead Knight may unleash a focused screech at one opponent to momentarily stun them, guaranteeing a hit. (Basically shield bash L2 with slightly less cooldown)
Stalhound x2
STR - 3; DEF - 8; AGI - 3; INT - 2; SPI - 6; SPL - 8; HP – 20
6) shem blew his Horn of Reinforcement Summoning because whoa hey those guys at the front lines must be taking a real beating to let these things through, and wants to go check things out across the drawbridge as soon as you guys get the chance
~Round Results~
Simon: 28/36 HP, 48/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 41/41 HP, 21/37 SPL, 9 Will
Katsuro: 64/64 HP, 28/40 SPL, 9 Will; Leadership cooldown: 2
Shem: 71/71 HP, 11/11 SPL, 9 Will; Shield Bash cooldown: 1
Stalfos: 50/50 hp
Redead Knight 1: 40/40 HP
Redead Knight 2: 40/40 HP
Stalhound 1: 20/20 HP
Stalhound 2: 20/20 HP
anyway, now might be a good time to use some of that SPL ya'll are saving up
Last edited by Leth on Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2236
Class: Scholar//scribe
: 1060
TP: 1
Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-5; AGI-2; INT-5; SPI-6; HP-28/36; SPL-48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (2) = 7
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves
Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2
Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 2 = 17
Well, at least it was reassuring to know what was shambling out of that fog. Of course, the creatures themselves were horrifying. The Stalfos looked like a well structured skeleton, and it probably was going to be more agile than its undead brethren. No doubt would it be a tough opponent to hit, and an even tougher opponent to damage adequately. Who would have thought a enemy composed only of bones would be so sturdy?
Of course, two Redead Knights needed to be dealt with as well. Simon was confidedent in his abilities to ward off attacks from the other foes - for the most part. But one scream from those warriors and he'd be paralyzed for sure. Simon made a mental note that they were the priority target.
He glanced over at what he had already identified to be Stalhounds. These were the undead that he probably knew best. A little swifter than the foul Redeads they had been fighting, they still were slow enough relative to his ability to block and evade. He'd have to be cautious though.
Still a little frustrated that the guard at the gatehouse refused to trust Simon and had only acted at Shem's command (for he had wasted precious time), Simon Grendel turned that frustration into drive. He gripped his staff tightly and rushed a Redead Knight. He swung his staff a bisecting motion hoping to damage the Redead's form and knock it on its side [Attack - Deku Staff at Redead Knight 1].
Last edited by Orpheous(anew) on Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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OOC: Damn, dude, I'm sure we've all had that happen to us. Some of our users open up Microsoft Word when typing up a reply for that very reason. If the power goes out or something mid-post, Word will generate a backup. In place of your epic post that we'll never see, I'll try to drum up some epicness of my own combining an epic Zelda soundtrack and what I consider to be one of the most epic spells we have here
[Music - Time's End]
Katsuro quietly contemplated a mixture of other strategies as he remained fixed on the fog. No telling when something with actual speed could come shooting out at them. Undead were mostly slow... Mostly.
He watched Denkou get slammed on his back by a gatehouse guard and nearly get himself killed had Shem not intervened. Katsuro shifted uncomfortably at this and glanced around the area.
This isn't good... Everyone is really on edge.
He turned his eyes back towards the fog and sighed deeply. A lot of the current guards and knights had been born in a time of peace; it's likely that some of them have never seen combat. That being said, there'd be an even higher chance that they'd never ventured anywhere where the undead come to life and chew on the flesh of the living. He watched as the people were herded back to the castle like frightened cattle. Actually, to these undead abominations, that's pretty much all the civilians actually amounted to.
With everyone's nerves like this...
His thought process was interrupted as his fear was realized. A figure hurried out of the fog towards the group- one of the few undead creatures Katsuro knew about who could move at a speed rivaling his own...
The monster carried a sword, this particular skeletal soldier lacking the shield that normally came standard issue to a Stalfos. As if that weren't enough, more hasty undead enemies emerged from the thick fog- quadrupeds; unmistakably Stalhounds. Unpleasant memories of these beasts flooded Katsuro's mind as his eyes traced a second Stalhound not far behind its counterpart.
Lastly, a new sound found the man's ears. The sound of a pair of swords being dragged across cobblestone. He dropped into a fighting stance, careful not to let the agile foes out of his peripheral vision as he spied not just another, but a pair of Redead Knights shamble into view, their jaws hungrily hanging open as they dragged their weapon of choice behind them.
This is not good.
He took a deep breath and assessed the situation.
Several high priority targets. Three moving fast. Two with low speed, but an attack that moves at the speed of sound and disregards armor.
The man sighed again, reflecting on his training with Alpha when he was a child. Something he'd learned during his training flooded back to him at this exact moment. A lesson that seemed simple, but took years of training to fully grasp.
When you can't choose a target...
" Hit them all." He said out loud as he backpedaled up to one of the gatehouses and leaped up onto the roof. He landed softly on top of the gatehouse, his cloak settling around him as he took a knee and a better look at the battlefield- along with all of his targets.
Thunder rumbled overhead as he extended both arms out to his sides. The hair on his arms started to stand up from the static that was saturating the air as a magical current charged through his veins. The air around him turned thick with the presence of magic as the thunder rolled across the sky, a flash of lightning illuminating the battlefield every couple of seconds. The storm intensified, the wind picking up around him. His cloak was blown all about, his hair turning up with the static that swelled around him. Electricity would occasionally manifest itself in an aura around his body as he allowed the magic to pour out of him; at last, his spell was ready. He finally stood up and opened his hands, a brief flash illuminating his form at the top of the gatehouse.
He screamed as the lightning followed his command, lashing out with all of nature's fury, striking as swiftly as a thief in the night and with all the force of a hurricane. No enemy would be spared Katsuro's wrath, for in this moment, he was one with nature, one with the Goddesses, and one with Death.
[Thunder Lv1 + Will: 4]
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
OOC: I get to improvise! Yaaaay!
Not expecting the door to be as badly-damaged as it was, Denkou was thoroughly surprised when his slam caused him to fly forward, the door coming off of its' hinges. Shards of wood, splinters, and dust covered him as he lay on the floor. Rolling around, the thief was about to get to his feet when he noticed an all-too-sharp spear looming mere inches from his face, held by a very-panicked looking guard.
"Whoa, buddy~ I'm just here to see if you've accepted the three goddesses into your life..." He started, jokingly, as the guard readied to attack.
"He's a friend!" A voice called from the group, the knight captain had turned his attention to Denkou and the guard above him. "Get everybody out of there! It's about to get much more dangerous here!"
Nodding an understanding, the guard lowered his weapon, and then helped Denkou to his feet, before beginning to usher people out of the gatehouse and deeper into town. The thief, himself, returned to the group, as all of them noticed another wave of undead monsters looming closer out of the mist.
"Just perfect. You'd think the local undertaker wasn't even doing his job right." He muttered, before taking position near the others. "What's the plan?" He asked, as the knight from before blew some horn, and made known his plan to check things out on the other side of the bridge as soon as possible. "Sounds easy enough, he said, turning to the other two. "I hope you guys got these bozos under wraps~"
Without waiting for a proper response, the thief lunged forward, sprinting at high speeds towards the monsters assembled. Just as he was within range of their rusted, lethal weapons, Denkou activated another [Jump] spell, hurling his body over and past the threat. When he landed again, he didn't waste any time at taking off again as fast as his legs could carry him, beyond the mist and towards whatever danger lay in its' wake.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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