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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:47 pm
Kasei does a triple back-flip into the thread

Well hello, what did I miss?

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:53 pm
I'm here! I've been pretty busy lately so no guarantees of how active I will be but I'll certainly check in when I can! I love this place too much to abandon it altogether!
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:53 pm
I'm still around. I can promise you that I will check this site on at least a weekly basis and I will check for replies on specific ongoing topics as well, I don't mind clicking all the way over to them. It would be useful however to message me if we're colluding on a topic and I have yet to reply though, as that will notify me sooner. I'd like to check the site daily, but unfortunately I don't always have time every day. In case you can't reach me at my PM, or you're in dire need of letting me know of an update, my Skype has been, and will continue to be, [MattWittherson]. Now, how about we write some brilliant topics together, what do you say, friends?
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Lost in Hyrule Level 1
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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:25 am
Oops! I've been checking the site for Streets of Redead updates, but I haven't logged in. I didn't notice activity here!
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=3592">Goncorgoro</a>

HP 31, SPL 5, Will 3
STR 8, DEF 15, AGI 3, INT 3, SPI 1

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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:29 am
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:47 pm
Unfortunately, while it's a good read in my opinion, I think everybody in it did a great job, I'm even proud of my work in it, the topic seems to have reached a definitive conclusion. Unless you wanted to comment as an outsider observer after the fact in the topic. Like, for example, what one of your characters was doing during the events. I mean, it did have the undead in Castle Town, which probably doesn't happen very often, you know? Anyway, hopefully my answer was helpful. If you want to join a topic, I have one in the Tantari Desert that I could find a way to include someone else in. Once I have some time and get my thoughts seriously sorted out and now about good adventure designed, I wouldn't mind running two adventure-themed topics at once, but I'm not quite ready for that yet. Good to see you around, Nogare. Sorry this response took so long.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:08 pm
I could have sworn I responded to this.

Anyway, yeah sorry Nogare, but the topics finished! Which is, in and of itself, an incredible feat. I don't think I've ever started a topic of my own and seen it through to its conclusion before, even in the Good Ole Daysâ„¢ when everyone was still around. I've got some other topic ideas brewing in my head though, and you're more than welcome to join up with those once I get them rolling! I'll publicize those a bit too beforehand so everyone knows when and where they'll be.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
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STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

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{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:20 pm
Oh not to worry. :P I'll give it a proper read when I get the chance. ^^

Also Leth is it this topic? I could get through this one if you'd like. Again, chances are I'd be using someone completely new, but I'd definitely like to get back to RPing again, especially here.

Oh also, if any RG's are around, which I doubt but hey just in case, firstly, hi been a while, but second wouldn't mind PMing about some thoughts. [Not as dramatic of ideas as I've had but... just send me a line and hear me out :P]
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 1:24 am
Nogare, son of Greyblade wrote:Also Leth is it this topic?
Oh, Lord no. That topic is.... ten years old, now, and god-awful hahaha in fact I had completely forgotten that even existed. No, the topic I'm currently running is at f44, and it's currently just me and Orph. The way I've got the topic set up I think it'll stay that way - we're getting kinda close to finishing it anyway. No, any other topics out there are probably old and defunct and completely abandoned lol like I said, I've got some ideas for other topics that I haven't started yet, and I'll be sure to let you all know when I publish any of those.

As for whether there are RG's out there or not... For a while it was just ZV helping out here, but even he's gone *mostly* radio silent now. KP backed up HA2 to his personal website when Jack pulled the plug on TDC, (which, if you're reading this KP, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) but I don't know if he ever steps into the RG shoes.... so nah man, we're pretty much on our own. Welcome to no man's land :P
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:02 am
Oh, please. You're never on your own. There's always an RG lurking around here. We swore an oath after all. :)

RG Zane, at your service.

How can I assist you?
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:01 am
k I'm going out of order here because... I'm honestly impressed by how fast that was. :O Hello RG Zane! :P Okay so for the first time in forever I started wandering around with the compass, and I got to thinking about all those topics in the Dungeon that used to be in these different spots. So, after all these years, I got to wondering whether we might place them back to their old locations as sort of a memorial. That might kind of be a big ask and kind of silly in general, not to mention kind of defeating the original purpose of the Dungeon itself, but that's why I'm asking. So I ended up asking Tayro about this, and he mentioned that the forum pages weren't meant to hold more than one page, while the Dungeon was made for multiple pages, with it at 8 so far. But I wondered then if maybe you could make multiple pages for other pages? Again, this is all just a sort of thought with sentiment to all the posts we've gone through. Sort of a 'let's see how far we've come' idea behind it. If that's too big an ask, then I was thinking I might just read them individually and link to each one at each page similar to The Rift that Zeldaforever made. <,< Heck you guys might not even know where each topic originated from. Weird ask I know, but the more I think about it the more that seems to feel appropriate to me. Unless there's an objection to it? Thanks. :)

Okay hi Leth. :lol: ... You know I just realized that we're connected to his site? I didn't understand the internet jiggerypokery I thought we were kind of in internet limbo here, then I stare at the URL and it's like, hey wait a sec. And it's a comic website no less! XDD Just like when he had Mabe Village, that's awesome!! More reading material!! :D (If you're reading this too, hey KP thank you too!! XDD).
And you want me to wait for the new topic to be put up then, instead of heading over there now? Doesn't matter either way. :)
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 9:46 am
Now that's an interesting request. For starters, I'm unsure if it's easy to do that. If unblocking the topic would automatically send the topic back from whence it came, that'd be one thing. But I'm willing to bet it doesn't work like that, considering that when we lock a topic, we have to manually move it to the dungeon.

That said, I would have to manually move everything back to the square it was in. Even if I had the memory of a demigod and remembered where everything came from, it would still be a herculean task. If there were a stronger reason for it, I would begin to consider it. But everything is very much readable right where it is. So until I get home and check to see if the topics automatically return to their squares, we can't begin to have this discussion.

Furthermore I would have to discuss this with the other RG's, as I'd be not only making a large change to the site without their consent, but I'd also be literally undoing a lot of their hard work. Conversely, I think the boards may be due for a clean-up. There are a lot of old ghosts hanging around Hyrule that deserve a proper burial. If everyone appreciates them where they are however for posterity's sake, then I'll leave them be.

As for this place being "no man's land", there are a number of reasons for the site's "downfall". While I won't get into all of that, I will say that the primary reason is lack of attention from... well, everyone. It starts with an administrator and his team. I'd like to formally apologize to all of you on our behalf as a team. We failed to bring you new content frequently, and we haven't kept up with the old yearly events.

That leads to the second primary reason for us living in the downfall timeline: no new recruits. Anyone who happens to stumble across this place finds what appears to be a no man's land as it were. It trickles down from poor leadership to dwindling membership. I wish there were an easy solution. But I will make you all a promise to go along with this letter of apology: I will look into it.

I'll see what I can do as a Royal Guard to reach out to KP and the other mods. I'd like to make you all aware however that our lives are busy. One of our rank is drowning in homework at a prestigious institution, while another one of us joined the police academy. We've all been busy in one way or another, but that's never kept me from checking up on the site.

It isn't probable- but it is possible to breathe new life into this site. I don't want to see it die. I'm sure none of you do, however many of you are still lurking. I'm sure we've lost a great many in this period of silence. But I will look into what we can do for all of you. We really appreciate your patience and dedication. I want to reiterate that my promise is to try, as it isn't likely that anything concrete will come of this.

But I know that I can set aside a little time for HA2 every day. My schedule isn't so jam packed that I can't budget a piece for the folks I've come to love so much over the last decade.

So stick around while I see if I can't figure something out. If you're reading this, KP, then send me a PM.
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:08 am
Woaw, to the RG joining the police force, thanks for your service! O,O

And don't worry it was just a silly idea. Any RG that was around during HA2's prime I'm sure is aware of my continued ridiculous requests. At one point I had a big discussion about bringing guns into the Rules Set. O_O So heed me little mind on that front, I might end up reading the topics individually and put Rifts up around Hyrule. Maybe not at their exact locations, but I could ballpark it. I already had intended to put time aside to enjoy a leisurely read through all the old stuff.

On the topic of recruiting new Guards, as much as I'd honestly love to be one, the main reason I'd love to is also the main reason it's not a good idea; again, my ridiculous requests and ideas. If I had the power to adjust things, and I got an idea, things might go wrong. :/ Sorry. Maybe if there's other tasks around the place you guys would like me to do, I wouldn't mind being the site's Hagrid, just looking over the grounds and reporting to the Headmaster when I spot something. I dunno. But full blown Royal Guard I think is a bad idea. That said, I do remember with my memory powers that I managed to somehow have the power to create a different kind of topic pin at some point that I had set up in the North Forest. It was weird, and no one could figure out what it was about. But anyways. Ancient history.

As far as new people goes... [depressing stuff incoming] well, we're kind of in a weird spot. The old Zelda website community's moved on. The actual Desert Colossus was never updated, I won't blame the Royal Guards for that. :( And even North Castle's been on radio silence since 2014. And not to mention this RP is in an old period of the series too. Our prime was pre Skyward Sword, and Jack's original image for HA2 has been a classic NES world with an N64 era cosmetic skin. Which rocked. But now N64 is classic. Hell, Gamecube is classic at this point. So, if we want to have a 'new player base' I think we'd need to grow to HA3. Or else we can linger here. Which I'm cool with. (I'm mad nostalgic for this place as it is. HA2 made high school easier for me. And now with my own writing it's hard to get in the right mindset unless I change the document colour to this papyrus brown :lol: ). That said, more food for thought (it's a thought feast I say!) to think about is how the ecosystem was managed. We're super niche, but people were always passing by and we got attention out of curiosity. But RGs have been diligent on RP standards. Unfortunately people who made short posts were called 'spammers' and there was a small sort of class divide, but at the end of the day it worked out pretty good. The biggest thing is RGs had power. But if we 'expose' an RP site to this brave new internet world, can the RGs still keep both the community and the code itself secure? If yes, then cool.

At any rate, at some point I was involved in helping brainstorm HA3, although that's also when I started drifting away from HA2 so that sort of ended eventually. But whatever comes of it now, if you guys want either feedback or thoughts about it or help in general, I'm all ears. :3 If you wanna talk about it more I guess we can PM. [And on a completely TOTALLY for real unrelated note, any idea which code or program Jack used to make this place?]
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:46 pm
Don't be so hard on yourself Nogare. Your enthusiasm is part of the reason this place keeps going.

Although it's nice to hear from an RG again, I don't see much happening on the HA front without frequent contact between the mod-team. For a while there I was working on some updates with them, but they're scattered in the wind right now. Trying to have a conversation with one of them is like pulling teeth, they're so busy. I'll do what I can to help out, but I'm not sure how much I can do when the only person I can kind of get into contact with is MagmarFire, though he IS the most important part of getting something off the ground.

If Magmar can get on board, we have a fighting chance. I have a lot and I mean a lot of documents containing ideas to get this place back up and running. With my vision and Magmar's technical know-how, we might be able to make something happen. The two people I need more than anyone else are Magmar and KamakaziPlumber. Does anyone have KP on FaceBook? If anyone can get in contact with him, have him email me at

This place was a haven for me when I needed a creative writing outlet, and improved my literacy and writing skills far more than school ever did. I want this place to be here for the next generation of writers too.

PS: Sorry for the radio silence guys. Life got really really crazy for me for a while, but it's looking like things are settling down for me now, at least for the moment.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:16 am