[Shop] Quartermaster Hithos

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:42 pm
Kuro nodded at Hithos. "Thanks," he said. He turned around and left. He was confident that his future held good things for him, now that he was a free spirit. He couldn't help but wonder what was actually in store for him.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
Immune to Gohma's poison
akisu Level 2
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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:12 pm
OOC: if it says grunts does tat mean only they can use them. and what if it dosent say anything

IC: a Man with black hair and blue eyes aproched a sheild thinking about stealing it but realized he had just enough to buy it

RG Edit: Please do not double post; just edit the previous post.
He is known by no one, and he is known by all. He is said to be as ancient as Hyrule, and yet he has the strength of ten Heroes. Some say he is not of this world, and has come to us only for the pleasure of death and destruction. Some say he is but a legend, and the mask has covered the faces of dozens over the centuries, all claiming to be the same Akisu. Whatever he is, he prevails in stories and in nightmares,

DEF 1 + 3(race) =4 + 2(sheild)= 6
+3 to DEF, No resistance bonuses Human Ingenuity – Automatic +2 bonus to skill checks

track lv2
TheUnknownPlayer Level 1
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Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:15 pm
Sheathe quietly entered the store, and walked up to Hithos. "I wish to be a Nomad." Sheathe simply stated.
Drake Hitari Level 1
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:03 am
Drake addressed the quarter master as he entered the store. "You there I need to be trained as a Nomad"
Am I evil? hmm......define evil.

(formally joshua130746)
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Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:35 pm
"Well, you'll both need to spend 3 TP on Nomad-only abilities first." Hithos said once again, giving his information like an instinct as he polished a shield.
Drake Hitari Level 1
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Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:21 pm
"Alright Hithos I got three talent points" Drake said "enlighten me"
Am I evil? hmm......define evil.

(formally joshua130746)
Sukotsutsu Level 2
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Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:17 am
Sukotsutsu walked in to the store looking around. Wow there is so much stuff, to bad I don't have a lot of rupees he thought. He looked and seen that the was a staff that was in his range of rupees. He grabbed the staff and walked to the cashier and said "I'll by this deku staff." He then gave the rupees to the cashier.

OOC: I meant to post this a long time ago, but I forgot. 8)
"Through the darkness a shady figure forms"
Weapon:deku staff
Abilities: shadowmeld,
Rust Level 1
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Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:46 pm
Rust stepped into the shop and took a deep breath, he glanced round the room at the numerous weapons adorning the walls and shelves before finding one to suit his needs. He walked to the counter an threw down his last remaining rupees and gestured at a particular sword.

"I need that sword" he stated bluntly, not being one to waste his breath with unnessersary conversation.

The knowledge that he was spending the last of his rupees didn't matter to Rust. It was just a means to an end.
MIKAU64 Level 1
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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:05 pm
Hey, I was wondering if I could become a vassal. What must I do?
Gaelin (AKA Gaeil)
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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:09 pm
Turning from his sale to Rust, Hithos wiped his hands on his pants and heaved a sigh. "To become a Vassal, you must spend three talent points on Vassal-only abilities."
Tri3Force0XX003 Level 1
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Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:53 pm
Volcia cautiously asks Quartermaster Hithos to be trained in the ways of the grunt, with his permission. Volcia had waited for this moment since he came to the North Castle.
Vorcia (Tri3Force0XX003)
Human Grunt/Vassal, Level 1
STR: 13
DEF: 16
AGI: 12
INT: 13
SPI: 13
HP: 53
SPL: 14
Talents: Human Ingenuity
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:56 pm
Placing a shield upon the counter, Hithos glanced at the young man filled with fighting spirit and determination, a smile quickly forming on his face. "Sure, kid! Always a pleasure to train young adventurers, such as yourself, in the ways of the Grunt!" A brief pause, as he readies himself to give a speech he probably has professed several times before. "In order to advance as a Grunt, choose which class you wish to pursue - Vassal, Nomad or Mercenary - and spend a minimum of 3 TP on skills restricted to that class." The man coughed for a few moments. "We shall talk again once you've done so."
Eberron Level 5
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Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:48 am
Eberron's eyes shined with glee as he stared at the wares available within the shop. Wood. So much wood, all the swords and shields laid out before him... It would cost him all the meagre shiny green rocks he had collected so far, but he bought a wooden sword and shield a piece. Holding both close to his face so he could a closer look, he quickly placed both into the large bag on his back. They might even have some use later. From his experience so far, wood tended to.

"Thank you, sir..."

Eberron smiled, and gave a little wave as he walked back out to resume his travels.

HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 7


Unarmed Combat -L1 : 5 +9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Bow -L2: 5+9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Deku 1H Sword: 5 + 9 (Strength Bonus) 14

WinterSink Level 4
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Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:31 pm

Rosen stood before the quartermaster, his face contorted into an odd smile that spoke of accomplishments as well as anticipation for some bout of otherworldly training to become a vassal. It seemed a little odd though, a goron of such age and fragility, to decide so late in his life a career choice where so many youthful warriors stood nearby exasperating the wrinkles on his face and the rather pale and color-ridden face that ran about as gray as the beard attached to him.

"I'm here to be a vassal, friend." He said with that grin still plastered across his face like a gash or perhaps another wrinkle that had permanently grew onto his countenance from the time that he entered the building and waited for the man's reply and hopeful validation.

"Can't imagine being much---"

A chain of coughs and spasms punctuated his request as he reached towards the table to retrieve the breath he apparently dropped in his patience and studies in the form of vassal.

"Can't imagine being much else."

OOC: 3 TP were spent on honorable kill and 'the king's banner'
STR = 9 DEF = 17 AGI= 2 INT=1 SPI=1
SPL= 5
HP= 51

Weapon: STR + 1H SWORD=14
Dual Wield L2=11 (-3 because of L2)
Total avg. damage = 25

Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:09 pm
Hithos couldn't stop his eyes from opening wide at the sight of the aged Goron. "S-sure, yes. Vassal it is then." He looked Rosen up and down. "Yes, you seem to have trained well enough. Go forth, Vassal, and fight for your Kingdom!"
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