[NPC] Flight

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Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:18 pm
~Fortunately for the deku, he escapes the fire in time. It reachs up to the sky, through the canopy of the trees. Where the fire touches wood, it does not burn, but the tree dies. The blue flames suck the life from what it touches. The stalfos however was not so fortunately. It had two swords slicing through its lifeforce, and it almost gave in the the damage, and was destroyed. But not quite.~

~Flit clung to the stalfos' back as it quivered and shook from Yukie's newest attack. He followed his kin's previous example, and fired a deku nut straight into the heart of flame. The skeleton burst into pieces, and Flit found himself on the ground. The blue fire was forming into a sphere in the air, and suddenly flew off through the trees, in the direction of the mage. A ethreal voice sounded through out the forest. "You called me here, and now you must come back with me to my home." A scream pierced through the air, but was abruptly cut off, and the blue fire was gone. There was no sign of the sheikan assasins either.~

"Are we..... safe?" Flit asked tenatively, shocked, and still shaking from the attacks by the assasins, remnants of fear still clinging to his thoughts.
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


--Valiantly Remaning Not-a-Mod--
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:15 pm
Yukie stumbles to the ground, exhausted . . . and yet exhilirated at the same time. This is the first fight he's had in a long time where he didn't feel he was getting in the way. It was nice to know he could still fight with the best of them. He slowly gets back to his feet, shaking his old head as he does so, clearing away the effects of adreniline that would otherwise cause him to start shaking uncontrollably with excitement. That done, he walks over and picks up his thrown swords, returning them to their sheathes quickly.

"We're safe enough . . . fer now," he replies to the younger Deku. A thought strikes him suddenly - "We still need ta git ya to a doctor or somethin'. That dart they hit you with was definitely poisoned; we need ta get it outta yer system." Judging by the fact that everything is peaceful at the moment, they could probably head to either North Castle or Rauru; Yukie isn't exactly sure which one of them is closer at the moment. "You want North Castle or Rauru Town?" He decides to leave it up to his companion.

And all the while, he keeps his Nature sense active, just waiting for the time where the three assassins may return . . .
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:24 am
~"Lets go to Rauru... too many people up at the North Castle." Flits says, his voice still shaking slightly. He picks up his daggers, and slides them into place at his belt. He looks at them for a moment, and lets out a relieved sigh. They had made. No more hectic chase.... for now. He began to walk into the forest. "Lets go. I don't want to have to fight anymore assasins."~

(((OOC: Making the post at Rauru.)))
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


--Valiantly Remaning Not-a-Mod--
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:04 am
"You n' me both, kid," Yukie replies, concuring with the thought of no longer fighting assassins. He may still feel exhilirated from the fight, but his mind is still rational, and he knows that the last thing that he should be doing in his old age is picking a fight with younger people. If the other Deku had not been poisoned, he might have allowed himself to consider the notion, but for now getting him cleansed takes top priority.

Following after his companion, there is one other thought that bounces around his head . . . 'Ya know what? He still hasn't told me his name . . .'
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56