King's Event, Part 1 - The Eves of Betrayal.

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kinrinku Level 5
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Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:34 am
Kin then attacked the enemy that was tring to kill him. Kin ran at it and done a spinning attack to it. Kin then jumped back to cool of. He was dizzy from that attack. Kin was tring his hardest to take out all of the stalfos to help. He seen that Kuro was in a bad situation so he was going to kill the stalfos around him.

OOC:Sorry for not posting I have been buzy.
L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
NPC Dungeon Master Level 1
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Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:04 pm
OOC: There we go! I was just waiting for Alpha to make his move.

I'm not going easy. I'd like to give you advise, but watching you learn the harder way will be funner. (heheh)

IC: Shigure's exclamations reached the ears of Krin, and his heart skipped a beat with confidence. If this is to be his death, he would not let be known that he fought for it with all he had. He heard the charge of the Hylian Knights behind him begin, perhaps because of the bravery of this goron who stood in the heat of the battle itself, risking harm upon him to influence the courage locked deep within their hearts to open wide and face this enemy ahead - these Exiles. There would be no greater end to his life.

He couldn't wait on Orpheous to find out what he needed to. "I'm going into that fight, whether you're done looking or not. Charge with me, or find out what you need to find out right now." Without any further ado, he hollered, "FOR HARKINIAN!" and he charged, letting his shield stay in front of him. He couldn't help but be encouraged by Shigure's words, and so hurled his sword into the mass of Exiles. Veins were thickening on his arms and forehead, as if they wanted to burst out of the membrane of his skin and help in the fight, his eyes bloodshot with the inspired battle fury Shigure had given him. Moblin, Stalfos, and Lizalfos alike fell apart in chunks of sliced pieces around Krin. All that ran through his mind was one thing - his king. Death in service to his king would be enough for him to find worth dying for.

Yet despite the fray he risks a momentary glance back at Alpha and the magician. Grief swept over him. He's going to die... not even he[/i] can take on that kind of shadowed creature. I won't be able to help fight him, or else these Exiles will overrun the city. I have to do my part, and see who had won and who had died when the battle was over.[/i]

Meanwhile, Silna observed the top of the wall.
Awareness: 2 + 5 + 3 (Dice Roll + INT + Shigure's Leadership) = 10
Predetermined Number: 15

Insight: 13 + 5 + 3 (Dice Roll + INT + Shigure's Leadership) = 21
Predetermined Number: 10

She didn't know if a projectile could reach it, but then it hit her: no one hear was even CLOSE to how powerful the legendary heroes were. They could defeat this entire raid without much more worry than if a pest was stinging their ear! Their accuracy with any projectile was so precise that it could trigger an object a mile off, and with enough force to actually push it and make a door open as oppose to bounce off uselessly or get stuck in the hinges. The Hero of Time had even hit the sun itself with an arrow, and that wasn't an overstatement! How could an ordinary Hyrulean, not blessed by the gods - any of them - do such a thing. Even Clerics couldn't have that kind of holy blessing. There was no way to do it. Not from a distance anyway. They had to actually be there to close the gate!

OOC: I think I designed this part badly... Results will change! Oh well, I'll have to design around it. New obstacles will get in your way so things can go according to my brilliant plan... :twisted:

IC: This was it... The summoning power above their heads began to become a hurricane in itself, its eyes closing under its lid of destruction. Fire, air, earth, water, light, and shadow - All massing above them, about to be brought down. All the attack came at him - Kasei's, Alpha's, Kuro's - but the magician meditated, the slab of rock still pierce through his belly, still on his knees, his mind so closed that he felt as if he was in the middle of an open, calm field, with no one around but his conscience as a companion of mild conversation. There was some kind of a sickness in his stomach that made him want to throw up, but it was probably that power locked within him, waiting to explode... the bomb was lit, and the fire has run burned through its trail of string before reaching the very powder.

"What is more important... The enemy, or the obstacle?"

"The enemy!"

"No, my friend. What use will you be to try to use this spell again if you waste it on the enemy. Master's orders... Let them fight them off for a while. We'll concern ourself with the king when this guy's out of the way."




The calm, green field vanished, and he was back in the battle.

The Hylian Knights collided with the Exiles, joining Krin in the fight beyond to the east. They were out of the way for now... he'd take care of them later. For now... These 2 enemies had to go, as well as that Rebel Flame's pathetic arrow.

"Hear my plea, O Dark Power! Come to me! Protect me against your enemies here and now, and may your justice see to it!"

A lightning strike danced around the singing thunder from above, and the elements came crashing down ... Towards him, away from the Hylian Knights and Exiles. A barrier surrounded him... all the houses nearby were crushed under the weight of wind and earth, burned and frozen with ice and fire, turned to paper in the water... both and neither hot and cold, windy or still, light or dark... a gray, moving warmth, with walls of stone and wind, making glass and other compounds all over, creating a ring around him, Alpha, and Kuro. For a brief second he let one area of mixed elements separate and let Kasei's fireball come through. It came at him like an arrow of fire, but with calm ease he raised his staff and called out to the heavens, "Darunia, Sage of Fire! Your spells are his and are mine! May they be used and not forgotten!" And with that, he drew a clear wall of magic energy like a bubble in the air with his magic staff, and let the fireball pounce off of it like a bouncy ball, headed directly back at the Rebel Flame. The Reflect Spell - the same spell that Link learned in the town of Darunia several years ago. When the Fire had exited the ring, he closed the gap, and faced his enemies, staff raised.

The arrow came at Kasei with more force than it previously had come at the magician.
Kasei's offense: 7 + 8 + 3 (AGI + Dice Roll + Leadership) = 18
Kasei's defense: 7 + 2 + 14 + 3 (AGI + DEF + Chainmail + Leadership) = 26
MISS! Thanks to the leadership calls, Kasei's senses were everywhere. Then he caught the feeling of the very arrow he shot at the magician return to him. He rolled out of the way, letting it tear into a Lizalfos instead.

Satisfied, sensing the arrow made contact with his enemy because of the way the reflecting barrier flinched, he dropped the spell, letting it join the rest of the elements gathering in the ring, and turned just in time to see Kuro's attack coming from the corner of his eye.

Kuro: 18 + 3 + 3 (Dice Roll + AGI + Orpheus's Leadership) = 21
Magician: 5 + 10 + 4 (DEF + Tunic + AGI) = 19
DMG: 3 + 5 (STR + Deku Sword) = 8
DIRECT HIT!. His attack caused his white tunic to tear at the shoulder, and try to take in the difference between physical pain and psychic pain. He backed away, and aimed his staff at the hylian.
"Unite to me, Wind and Earth!" a gust of wind burst from behind him, bearing in its current a thick stone, which came at the magician himself. He braced himself for the impact, and then it came... like a hammer against a nail, the new rock struck the old one out of his body, and at Kuro. (OOC: I'm guessing this is a magic counter attack, but I can see the argument of it also being physical...)

Kuro: 14 + 2 (Dice Roll + SPI)
CRITICAL DAMAGE! Alpha's spell to use the earth was now used to impale his ally!

"Now for you, Shadow Folk!" he jeered, aiming the staff in his direction. The light came at him, and for an instant he was astonished. His powers lay in shadows! "Dark Power! Give me more shadow than light, and let darkness shroud this battle as is your wish!"
Magician: 13 + 9 (Dice Roll + SPI) = 22
DMG: 13 + 3 + 3 + 3 (Lvl + Class + INT + Shigure's Leadership) = 22(/2 = 11)
HALF DAMAGE! Within the darkness the Shadow Folk let light break through, and it stung him with powers contrary to what he considered himself immune to...

With a snarl and a flare of fury in his eyes, he aimed at Alpha and drew a figure 8. "POLYMORPH!" Instantly, the Sheikah became a harmless, useless Cucco.

OOC: I've got to go. I'll finish this up in a bit. Don't reply. Thanks.

EDIT: So much for a bit, huh? Well here we go.

IC: The Stalfos braced themselves for the Sheikah's attack, but not as braced as Kin was for the blow itself!
Kin: 9 + 4 + 3 (Dice Roll + AGI + Orpheous' Leadership) = 16
Stalfos: 3 + 2 (DEF + AGI) = 5
ONE HIT KILL! Kin's strike staff hit the enemy, making them split right in half! There were only two left by now... But that barrier now around Alpha and Kuro would make it hard to reach him and do anything to the magician...

OOC: I have to leave again. Go ahead and make your replies. I'll get the HP and SPL stuff up in a bit.

EDIT: A bit has come! In fact, the promise above was rather passive... Great...

Kin: 33 HP, 13 SPL
Kasei: 35 HP, 20 SPL
Shigure: 61 HP, 10 SPL
Alpha: 54 HP, 29 SPL
Kuro: 46 HP, 8 SPL
Orpheous: 48 HP, 39 SPL
Simon: 28 HP, 33 SPL
Silna: 42 HP, 38 SPL
Magician: 73 HP

Enemies officially killed: 7 + 1 = 8.
Last edited by NPC Dungeon Master on Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The wind has died. The beating of my heart is faster than those of the battle drums. My sword is slimy with sweat. We're outnumbered. The gods can't save us. I can expect nothing. This then is glory, a mark in a legend doomed to be forgotten.

Then I see it & the drums & my heart stop beating in sync. There it is. I can feel its breath & eyes. Its desire to see blood. Red grass rather than green. The mass glows with shadows. Are we ready?

Are you, fellow adventurers?
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:26 pm
Holy Goddesses, the magician was more skilled than Orpheous was expecting. This guy must have really been building something up. Orpheous stood there. He needed to help Krin, but he also needed to stop the magician. He was a lethal threat. Orpheous could tell that this guy was going to try something major. He began to analyze the enemy's weakness. He tried to write it on a scroll. There had to be one [The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1].

Simon was having a hard time as well. He couldn't find a way to get out of the alley way. He was going to have to examine the situation again. Was there a way to get to Orpheous without being shot by arrows [awareness check]? Was there even a way to get out of the alley way without being torn apart [awareness check]? There had to be somewhere.

Silna on the other hand tried to help Krin. If they could get through the remaining infantry, they could take out the archers. She helped him hack through the monsters and humanoids, dual wielding daggers. And the sooner they could close that gate, the better.


Race: Human
Sub-class: Scribe
Level: 12

EDIT - AGI: base (1) + Leadership L1 (3) = 4
EDIT - DEF(rating): base (2) + Racial (3) + Tunic (10) + AGI ( 4) = 19
EDIT - SPI: base (3) + SoN L1 (3) = 6
EDIT - INT: base (3) + Human Intelligence L2 (2) + Leadership L1 (3) + SoN L1 (3) = 11
EDIT - SPL: base class (3) x level (12) + SPI (6) + SoN L1 (3) = 45
EDIT - HP: base class (20) + Exception Health L2 (30) + SPI (6) = 56

L1 Leadership
L2 Hylian Intelligence
L2 Goron Strength
L1 Life
L2 Train:Boomerang
L2 Elemental Burst
L1 The Quill is Mightier than the Sword
L1 Epic Poem
L2 Exceptional Health

Deku Staff
Gerudo Training Gloves
Bomb Bag
Deku Boomerang
L1 Tunic
Life Scroll
Fire Scroll

EDIT - Magic: base class (3) + level (12) + INT (11) = 26
Bombs: base (5) + str (3) = 8

Race: Human
Sub-class: Scribe
Level: 10

Str: base(1) + Goron Strength L2 (2) = 3
EDIT - Def (rating): base(2) + race (3) + agi (5) + L1 tunic (10) = 20
EDIT - Agi: base (1) + Deku Agility L1 (1) + Leadership L1 (3) = 5
EDIT - Int: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L1 (1) + SoN L1 (3) + Leadership L1 (3) = 10
EDIT - Spi: base (3) + SoN L1 (3) = 6
EDIT - Hp: base (20) + exceptional health L1 (10) + spi (6) = 36
EDIT - Spl : base class (3) x level (10) + SPI (6) + SoN L1 (3) = 39

Goron Strength L2 (included in stats)
Deku Agility L1 (included in stats)
Hylian Intelligence L1 (included in stats)
Exceptional Health L1 (included in stats)
Train: 2H Sword L1
Train: Boomerang L2
Elemental Burst L2
Shield L1
Epic Poem L1

Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
Fire Scroll
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves

Staff: base (9) + str (3) = 12
2H Sword: base (14) + str (3) = 17
Boomerang: base (4) + str (3) + Gerudo Training Gloves (1) = 8
EDIT - Magic: base class (3) + level (10) + INT (10) = 23
Bombs: base (5) + str (3) = 8

Race: Human
Sub-class: Ranger
Level: 12

Str: base (2) + goron strength L3 (3) = 5
EDIT - Def(rating): base (1) + agi (7) + L1 jerkin (12) + race (3) = 23 *
EDIT - Agi: base (3) + deku agility L1 (1) + Leadership L1 (3) = 7
EDIT - Int: base (3) + Hylian Intelligence L1 (1) + Leadership L1 (3) + SoN L1 (3) = 10
EDIT - Spi: base (1) + Zora Spirit L1 (1) + SoN L1(3) = 5
EDIT - SPL: base class (2) x level (12) + SPI (5) + SoN L1 (3)= 32
EDIT - HP: base (30) + exceptional health L1 (10) + Spi (5) = 45
* +2 to defense rating if shield is equipped that round (WHICH IT IS RIGHT NOW)

Goron Strength L3 (included in stats)
Deku Agility L1 (included in stats)
Hylian Intelligence L1 (included in stats)
Zora Spirit L1 (included in stats)
Exceptional Health L1(included in stats)
Train: 2H Sword L1
Train: Bow L1
Elemental Burst L2
Life L2
Duel Wield L1
Calm Beast L1
Track L1
Leadership L1

Deku Dagger x 2
Deku Shield
Deku Bow
Ammo Bag
Bomb Bag
Gerudo Training Gloves
L1 Jerkin
Fire Scroll
Life Scroll
Deku 2H Sword

Dagger: base ( 5) + strength (5) = 10
2H Sword: base (14) + strength (5) = 19
Bow: base (9) + strength (5) + Gerudo Training Gloves (1) = 15
EDIT - Magic: base class (2) + level (12) + INT (10) = 24
Dagger w/duel wield L1: base (5) + strength (5) + Duel Wield L1 (5) = 15
Bombs: base (5) + str (5) = 10
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:24 am
Having heard of the need for reinforcements at the gate, Luna and Kumori rushed to the scene. While they were still quite aways from the fray, the thief climbed up a pile of barrels outside of a merchant's store and onto the rooftop. Still unable to see much of anything, she called to her partner, "Hey, Kumi, get up here and see if you can tell what's going on."

The fairy obliged, and quickly flew to her side. Hovering quite a few feet over the girl's head, he was able to see over the other rooftops. "It doesn't look good, there aren't many people that seem to be fighting the main mob of monsters. There are several smaller skirmishes though," he replied, refering to Orpheous, Simon, and the group fighting the magician. With so few people on the defensive side of the battle, the fairy was uneasy about joining in. "Don't you think we ought to wait this one out? It's not worth risking our lives."

"Are you kidding? This is my home, and the center of my business! Without rich and bustling Castle Town it'd be one heck of a lot harder for a thief to make fast money. Besides, I have a plan already. If we help to free-up those smaller groups then they can go fight the main body of the attack, right? See if you can spot anyone that needs help." [Kumori Insight/Awareness Check] (OOC: I don't know which...)

Name: Luna Burakki
Race: Shiekah
Class: Vegabond//Thief

STR 2 =2
DEF 1 +3 (Deku Shield) +10 (L1 Tunic) =14
AGI 3 +3 (Class) =6
INT 3 =3
SPI 1 =1

HP : 30 (Base) + 1 (Spi) + 10 (L1 Exceptional Health) = 41
Spl : (4 (Level) X 2 (Base)) + 1 (Spi) = 9
Physical DMG : 5 (Deku Dagger) + 2 (Str) = 7
Magic DMG : (4 (Level) + 2 (Base)) + 3 (Int) = 9
Willpower : 1 (Spi) + 4 (level) = 5

Luna's Talents

L1 Pick Lock
L1 Choke
L1 Stealth
L1 Pick Pockets
L1 Exceptional Health


Name: Kumori
Race: Fairy
Class: Scholar//Mage
Level: 4 (He levels up as Luna does)

STR 2 =2
DEF 1 +10 (L1 Tunic) =11
AGI 3 =3
INT 3 +(3 race) =6
SPI 3 =3

HP : 20 (Base) + 3 (Spi) = 23
Spl : (4 (Level) X 3 (Base)) + 3 (Spi) = 15
Physical DMG : 9 (Deku Staff) + 2 (Str) = 11
Magic DMG : (4 (Level) + 3 (Base)) + 6 (Int) = 13
Willpower : 3 (Spi) + 4 (level) = 7

Kumori's Talents

L2 Elemental Burst
L2 Life
HP 41/ SPL 9/ WILL 5
STR 2/ DEF 14/ AGI 6 / INT 3/ SPI 1
Physical DMG 7/ Magic DMG 9
Luna and Kumori
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:45 am
The attack the mage skillfully used against Kuro did enough damage for his liking, and knocked the breath out of him for a while. While he regained his composure, he noticed something he hadn't noticed before: standing with him was a Cuccu. He stared at it for a minute coming to two stunning realizations: Alpha had been transformed into that specific harmless creature, and that he was hungry. I do have the fire spell, he thought to himself. No, if he was going to use that spell, he would use it against the magician. Unfortunately, Kuro wasn't all that adept at magical arts. Nomads weren't known for that.

But they were adept physical fighters, and Kuro had been trained in the art of swordsmanship since he could lift a sword. He wasn't as skilled as others, but he could hold his own in a battle for some time. Although, the battle at hand was a higher stakes battle than any others he had been in. On top of that, he was alone in this for a while. Not at all a good thing, since Kuro had almost always lost any battles against mages.

Sighing heavily, Kuro took a step back, thinking over the situation to find the right strategy. What was he doing? Why was he thinking about strategy at a time like this? He had to attack now! And that's exactly what he was going to do. He gripped his sword tightly in his right hand, and ran as fast as he possibly could, ignoring the pain he was suffering, and slashed once more in a vertical blow to the magicians head, praying that he would die soon, even if it was an awkward prayer to be praying.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
Immune to Gohma's poison
Brizzy Level 5
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Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:51 pm
For time it seemed like all had forgotten about the poor little bard, but she was ok with that. Her vivid green gaze was wide and alert while she tried to stay out of the way. Already she had slipped her flute away and pulled out her dagger. Lithe and agile she ducked and dodged about, trying not to move in any one pattern. If an attack was aimed at her she'd dodge with a flexible move or she'd vanish into a crowd, letting the attacker wonder where she had gone.

Instantly her eyes widened and her sharp intake of breath broke through the sound of battle. If she knew any good curses it would have came out at this point, for she was staring at Alpha.. well an Alpha cuccu! She was so shocked she was frozen, her heart the only thing moving. Letting out her breath she scanned the area, Kuro was near; she trusted him. Watching out for enemies [Dodge Check] she dove into a roll and scooped the bird up in her arms. Wrapping her arms and body about him she planned on using herself as a sheild, after all, a cuccu wasn't very strong, even if it was Alpha.

A dark look in her eyes she peered at the one who had done this. "Turn him BACK." Would anyone else sense the chilly edge in her voice, almost a snarl. Any fear she had was gone and Aiden was no longer timid. Her body was tense, preparing to leap out of the way [Dodge Check].

HP 32

DEF 13(armor) SPI 2 SPL 13
AGI 6 HP 32
Weapon Deku Dagger
Armor L1 Jerkin
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:47 pm
Kasei's eyeswidened slightly as he saw the arrow be redirected to him. Frowning, The Rebel Flame dodged off to the side, letting the projectile fly past harmlessly, into a Lizalfos behind him.

Ugh. So . . . this one has some skills, different from these grunts. Kasei thought, and decided to put away his bow, now knowing his projectiles will do no good, and spells probable will suffer a similar fate. Well . . . it looks like the others can handle him, anyway, I had better clear these guys. He mused, and drew his blade against the nearby enemies.

Using his hundred years worth of experience, the Rebel Flame instantly began a fierce swordfight with the nearest enemies. "Let's see what you all got!" He said, swinging his blade at the head of a lizalfos.
Last edited by Kasei on Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:05 pm
There was only one way to describe the thoughts running through Alpha's head as he, upon recognizing the magical aura being utilized to cast the spell, tried to duck and roll away from it, only to fail. And that one way is simply to say the one thought that passed through his mind: 'Not AGAIN!'

This single spell, Polymorph, seems to be the one that his opponents like to use on him the most, aside from the ever popular Elemental Burst; he can think of several instances where they have at least attempted to turn him into this ridiculous Cucco form. The first that comes to mind, of course, is when Zaboorak himself had transformed the Sheikah, and Shada herself had had to return him to normal - a fact which immediately gives the Sheikah an idea. He's only employed this little trick once, when he'd faced off against the guards who would eventually induct him into Carock's Apostles, but the truth of the matter is that he had spent several days training with Shada after the Golden Battle to learn that little trick of hers - one which would allow him to transform himself back.

True, it is best to use it on someone else because the incantation is a bit easier to perform out loud rather than in one's head, but it can be done. 'Now, let me see, how does that go again? . . .' He is on the verge of remembering when something unexpected happens: a pair of arms reach out and wrap around his feathers - it infuriates him all the more to realize what his skin is being covered by such things - and grips him in a bear hug. At least, it feels like a bear hug to someone in his position.

'WHAT?! AIDEN?!' He tries to yell out in anger at the girl as she holds him tightly, rage building in his mind as she issues demands to the wizard - but his cries emerge not as words, but as squawks and cucco-calls, which may just as easily be misinterpreted into him yelling in agreement at Aiden's demand for the magician to turn him back. 'Foolish girl!' he decides at long last as he settles down, resigning himself to the fact that he can do nothing. 'All she has to do to change me back is punch me, you know.'
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
NPC Dungeon Master Level 1
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Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:58 pm
The image of the wizard went into Orpheous' eyes and out his quill, onto the paper he had. Based on what Orpheous could see, with the piece of earth impaled into his chest, chances were he had no heart - or not much of one at least. But the wizard knew how to think - he had to use his brain. His head, his mind, was his weakness. The trouble would being able to go over and give Alpha, Kuro, or Aiden the parchment, what with the massive barrier of all elements between them. He would never be able to know. Unless he could get there, and that seemed unlikely.

Simon's Awareness:
10 + 9 (INT + Dice roll) = 19
Predetermined Number = 15
Orpheous had stopped, unprotected by the knight's shield anymore. He had no protection for himself! The only way to save him is to go out. The volley was being drawn as he calculated the situation! He had to make his move!

But how?
10 + 9 (INT + Dice roll... different roll, I know, no typo) = 19
Predetermined Number = 15
After the next volley coming up, that would be his chance! He could charge then and make it to Orpheous before the next volley fires...

Silna: 12 + 7 (Dice roll + AGI) = 19
Moblin: 3 + 2 (DEF + AGI) = 5
INSTANT KILL! Silna hewed her way through a battalion of infantry, both of her daggers making their marks without fail. How long she could keep fighting them like this was unknown though. If she risked a glance to see where the stairway was, she might drop her guard... It will take a bit more than this to reach the winch, it seemed.

Kumori’s tiny eyes scanned the onslaught quickly.
6 + 2 (INT + Dice roll) = 8
Predetermined Number = 15
Insight failed She couldn’t spot anything for Luna yet. Could Luna wait for her?

The magician chuckled softly at the astonished look of the nomad, and the result of his spell. In the meantime, while the other mage was out of the way, he’d take care of the nomad. He watched him intently, waiting for him to make his move. The silence was only of his heavy breathing, and his surrounding elements around them like an audience, waiting for the next fist to be thrown. Patience… a counter-attack was what he needed…

And thus his patience paid off - Kuro charged him with clearly little hope of striking him, or perhaps mad hope. Mad indeed. The mage was ready, savouring the pleasure he would have in slaying his enemy.
Kuro: 12 + 3 (Dice roll + AGI) = 15
Magician: 5 + 10 + 4 (DEF + L1 Tunic + AGI) = 19
MISSED! The magician didn’t even have to cast a spell. The sword came down hard, but he merely sidestepped to get out of the way, letting him land beside him. Then he spoke, the first time in a voice of conversation contrary to a spell; “Clumsy you.” That voice… how did it seem… familiar…?

Then his counter attack came at the nomad with full force, with a line of savage humour crossing his lips. No need for a spell. The poor pawn has done little harm thus far, what’s the use of being hard on him? With a loose effort he swung his staff at his foe.
Mage: 13 + 4 (Dice roll + AGI) = 17
Kuro: 17 + 3 (L1 Jerkin & DEF + AGI) = 20
MISS! The Hylian Nomad didn’t stumble at all when his attack had missed. The staff of the mage came at him, but he blocked it with an impressive swing of his sword, redirecting it. Impossible…

Aiden watched out from the corner of her eye for any oncoming attacks, but it was hardly necessary.
Aiden’s Dodge: 1 + 3 + 6 (Dice roll + DEF + AGI) = 10
Predetermined Number: 0

The magician continued to spar with Kuro, magic staff against sword. He hardly used any spells to help him, but occasionally a useful gust of wind would try to throw the Hylian off. To no avail, though. He was watchful and skilful through it all. They swung and blocked each others’ blow. The mage was running out of physical energy. With a gust of wind he pushed them apart. The kid’s got skill. A fair duel won’t work at all. He twitched as his ears caught the sound of a voice, cold with fury. He grinned at the thought of someone loosing control. Aiden was holding the mage he had turned into a cucco, telling him to turn him back. At first there was only a smirk… then a grin… then an burst of insane laughter. He had to focus for a second to put his fight with Kuro on hold, throwing a watchtower between them with a dismissive wave of his hand, the other hand cupping his eyes with tears of humour. “Turn him back?!” He approached her, though still laughing, still having his staff at the ready, threateningly. “You risk your pathetic life to defend him? No doubt he would never treat you the with no more than a sigh of pity, if that, if your places were reversed. I must say, in all my years, I’ve never seen such an act of bravery and idiocy put together! Foolish girl.” He raised his staff to make a spell to finish her, but before he could he fell back on a mattress of wind, roaring with laughter. Between breathes he repeated her line, to refresh the humour as if it were a joke. “Turn him back!?” Finally, with a casual wipe of his mouth to do his best to get rid of the smile, he said, calmly, “No.” With that, he threw his arms up, aiming his staff high, and bursts of ice and fire shot at the bard from all directions.

Aiden’s Dodge: 18 + 3 + 6 (Dice roll + DEF + AGI) = 27
Predetermined Number: 20 (OOC: I think I did that right…)
MISS! She dodged all that came at her, until at last the waves ended. “Thanks for that, despite your part in this fight, you made my day.” With a sigh and a chuckle, he threw the smothered watchtower aside, into the ring of elements around them.

The sword of Kasei came down on the Lizalfos that dared to challenge him.
Kasei: 9 + 7 (Dice roll + AGI) = 16
Lizalfos: 3 + 2 (DEF + AGI) = 5
DMG: 4 + 5 (STR + Sword)
ONE HIT KILL! It did not finish the beast, but he did make him mortally wounded. The sword cut deep into the monster’s neck, making him fall back weakly. Knowing he had to do something, he made an effort to throw his sword at the Rebel Flame, in one last effort to finish his job.
Lizalfos: 1 + 2 (Dice roll + AGI) = 3 (OOC: Ouch)
Kasei: 7 + 2 (AGI + DEF) = 9 (OOC: Kasei, I think you have your Defence stats wrong. You’re a grunt, so that would mean that it would be at least 3. How could it be 2?)
MISS! The sword missed him entirely, for his throw was clumsy. Instead, it impaled his ally across from him. Angered, he drew his dagger.

Then came the order. The volley of arrows. (OoC: Everyone except those fighting the mage had better have their Dodge Checks ;)).

The arrows came down, and many fell victim.
Orpheous, Silna, Luna, Kumori, and Kasei are all hit! -5 HP each!

Now, the two ways to victory seemed clear: defeat the magician, or close the gate.

OOC: I can’t really say much that wouldn’t make me seem and feel like a jerk. I’m just sorry this is so damn late. Status is coming up in a second.

Kin: 33 HP, 13 SPL
Kasei: 35 HP, 20 SPL
Shigure: 61 HP, 10 SPL
Alpha: 54 HP, 29 SPL
Kuro: 46 HP, 8 SPL
Orpheous: 48 HP, 39 SPL
Simon: 28 HP, 33 SPL
Silna: 42 HP, 38 SPL
Magician: 73 HP
Aiden: 32 HP, 1 SPL

Enemies officially killed: 8

Faster than I expected ;). Literally a second.
The wind has died. The beating of my heart is faster than those of the battle drums. My sword is slimy with sweat. We're outnumbered. The gods can't save us. I can expect nothing. This then is glory, a mark in a legend doomed to be forgotten.

Then I see it & the drums & my heart stop beating in sync. There it is. I can feel its breath & eyes. Its desire to see blood. Red grass rather than green. The mass glows with shadows. Are we ready?

Are you, fellow adventurers?
Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:30 pm
~Pyre stood in an apathetic trance staring out the window of the gateside inn he was staying in. His brain just wasn't functioning properly, as he was immensely tired, and he couldn't force himself to get up and do anything. It had been a terrible day so far, and Pyraline was expecting that from now on, it could only get worse. Brushing his disheveled hair out of his eyes, he peered out through the clouded-up glass frame, and saw out near the gate a strange gathering of sorts. Some people seemed to be having a sort of riot, or battle, but the hylian found that he couldn't force himself to care.....

That is, until he turned and noticed that one of his more important possessions were missing: his bulging wallet filled with ruppees. A maniac glare filled his eyes, and he suddenly became a whir of motion. It must have been one of those thugs fighting down in the street. They had stolen his money for sure! Broadsword on his back, and rapier at his side, he flew out of the inn, charging down towards the scene, bellowing like an injured rhino.

"Have at thee, knaves! Which of thou cursed villans stole my wallet! Fess up, or I'll stick thee upon this blade!"

With that he immediately began to charge towards the first and scruffiest looking person in sight: Orpheous (the insult was arbitrary, worry not), his greatsword raised above his head.

"I shall cleave thou skull in two!"

However, fortunately for his soon-to-be ally, Pyre would be doing no such thing. Like always, he dropped the blade midswing, and after an unsuccessful attempt, to pull it out of the ground, he looked around wildly for another target..... and found one. The magician. Rushing forward his rapier drawn, he made a foolish full frontal assault that was probably doomed to fail.

"Sir, I will take back what is rightfully mine over your dead body!"

Once again, Pyraline had gotten into a bad situation without actually knowing why he was fighting. Indeed, he had hardly given thought to the fight, and things were sure to end poorly...~
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


--Valiantly Remaning Not-a-Mod--
Come Rp with me!
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:24 pm
NPC Dungeon Master wrote:"You risk your pathetic life to defend him? No doubt he would never treat you the with no more than a sigh of pity, if that, if your places were reversed. I must say, in all my years, I’ve never seen such an act of bravery and idiocy put together! Foolish girl."
Alpha allows his feathered eyebrows to lower into a glare . . . one which he turns back towards Aiden. 'You can say that again, buddy . . . no way I'd show pity to such a fool were she in my place.' He squawks, trying to draw her attention down to him, and then begins flapping his wings frantically. 'I never was very good at charades, but . . . HIT ME! PUNCH ME, YOU IDIOT GIRL! DO SOMETHING TO MAKE ME CHANGE BACK ALREADY!'

He ignores the fact that all the words that come out of his mouth are composed of Bwak's and Cock-a-doodle-doos and, when she fails to reply the correct way, begins pecking at her arm as hard as he can.

OOC: It feels bad that I really can't say anything more than this. Oh well.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
umbreon72 Level 5
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Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:10 am
((OOC: I guess I'll just pick my own target...))

"Hurry up , these arrows are going to keep hitting us if we just stand here!" Luna yelled.

"Well," Kumori called to Luna, "There's a large group at the front gate, but honestly, I don't think you're up to it."

"What?!? What do you mean I'm not up to it?!?"

"You're just a thief, you can't hope to fight that many foes at once and actually come out alive." The fairy replied.

"I'll show you," the girl grumbled, and scrambled down from the roof, heading towards the front gate.

"Foolish... She better not die on me, that's all I have to say," Kumori mumbled, and flew towards the smaller group fighting the magician. He had witnessed Aiden's spell backfiring and figured he'd help out. Hovering in front of the cucco at it's eye-level, he asked one simple request, "Hold still," and swung his staff in an arc, intending to hit Alpha and return him to his true form.

Luna, on the other hand, had reached the horde of monsters and had started to attack a lone stalfo that had strayed a little from the main group. Drawing her dagger she dased towards the creature, aimed for the neck, and slashed horizontally.
HP 41/ SPL 9/ WILL 5
STR 2/ DEF 14/ AGI 6 / INT 3/ SPI 1
Physical DMG 7/ Magic DMG 9
Luna and Kumori
Brizzy Level 5
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Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:05 am
OOC: Wow she dodged it ALL?! Sweet...


Aiden's gaze darkened as the creep insulted her to her face, she was angrier than ever before. It wasn't that he was mocking her, but more doubting her pure intents to help her friends and the fact that Alpha was indeed still a cuccu! Speaking of the poor dear she winced as he flapped about and began to peck at her. She wouldn't let him distract her, but her heart sank, the mage's words were true, Alpha would not do the same in her shoes. Swallowing hard she brought herself to her senses, well good thing that was not why she was doing this. Her nostrils flared as the mage continued to cackle at her expense and Alpha tried to get her attention, but she did not understand the wild noises, only that he was clearly not happy and did not wish to be held. Was it a pride thing?

She stole a glance to the wild bird and was near tears, she knew that she was doing SOMETHING wrong. Just then she jolted to attention and dodged out of the way of several attacks. Her heart hammered in her chest and her gaze left Alpha, staring at the enemy instead, as she should. During the dodging she had kept Alpha safely tucked in her arms, but now she let the feather guy down. She would jump in the way of any danger aimed at him, if she was in the area. [Awareness Check] Her gaze was on the mage and now with her hands free she drew her dagger, a fire in her eyes.

Light on the balls of her feet she gave him a sly grin.. I mean, when was she not smiling? Lunging forward and to the left she held her dagger like a tonfa, her signature style. In an instant she ducked and aimed a slice to his left, hoping to throw him off and atleast give him a graze...

DEF 13(armor) SPI 2 SPL 13
AGI 6 HP 32
Weapon Deku Dagger
Armor L1 Jerkin
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:31 pm
Kuro felt a little disappointed. All his attacks were either dodged or blocked by the mage. He felt as if he was locked in a hopeless battle. That magician wouldn't be hurt easily. That is, unless Alpha were to turn back, but by the mage's words, that wouldn't likely happen any time soon.

Breathing heavily, Kuro listened to the mage's harsh words to Aiden. By the time he had heard his last words to her for the time being, he was shaking with rage. This guy sure was arrogant. Kuro hated it when people acted like that. Although, he wouldn't be able to do anything then, but now, he could actually fight back.

He raised his left hand at him. Mere seconds later, a small ball of magic began to form in his hand. The ever changing sphere grew larger, and larger in size until it grew to be the size of Kuro. But, rather than hitting the magician, it began to slowly dissipate. Using this as a diversion, Kuro ran behind the mage "Don't let your guard down!" he shouted, thrusting his sword toward the mages back just as the incomplete elemental burst completely dissipated at it's spot.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
Immune to Gohma's poison
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:29 pm
Kasei smiled as his weapon cleaved open the neck of an enemy. His smile, of course, was even greater when said enemy made a last-ditch attempt on his life. The Rebel Flame coyly sidestepped the flying blade, letting it pass by harmlessly. "Foolish, really." He said, right before an arrow was lodged into his shoulder by an enemy.

"What?" He demanded. Still, no matter. He decided now was as good as ever to wreak some havok. The shiekahn warroior waved his arms, and a circle of fire appeared around him, and grew larger, threatening to enclose everything nearby withing it's fiery grasp. [FIRE]

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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