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Zelda Veteran wrote:KP, I understand where you're coming from, and if we moved ahead and begin work on the project, there's no question that it would be easier to do it here at the colossus- but our biggest concern... and I didn't want to be the one to say this, but it has to be said.
KP, you pretty much abandoned us. I'm not angry about it anymore- but it really sort of left us with nothing. According to several sources, you were quite uncooperative about working with us. We're extremely- well, I won't speak for the others, but I am extremely concerned that you'll flake out on us again. I hope you understand how much work this might require from you.
Let me put it to you this way. We're all willing to do our share of lifting. But there's certain blocks that ONLY YOU can lift. Without you, all of the work we're willing to put into this thing will have been for nothing. I personally need your word that you won't disappear off the face of the planet again. If you can give me your word that you'll fully cooperate with and support us, I'll have almost no qualms about building HA3 here. We'll also need a democracy here on the mod/admin team. From what I understand, there were things that everyone agreed on, but you wouldn't budge on because you didn't agree. Again, these are only things that I've heard. I'm not mad at you KP, and I'm not accusing you of anything.
So I had no idea there were still people posting to this topic. I haven't gotten any notifications in a while.
I honestly don't know what you're talking about ZV. Yes, I'm aware I stopped getting on AIM; I covered all of that here, and in my post on TDC's forum. I've given out how to reach me now on Skype, which I am almost constantly on. But I was never, ever more than an email away. I can't think of a single time where I ignored an email from anyone here at HA2 asking for me to do anything.
I won't deny that I was against certain things the mod/admin team came up with, but I never outright refused to do anything. I don't know where you're hearing that from. If anything, there may have been some kind of misunderstanding. When I didn't get emails or hear from the mods/admins that something I might have opposed was going through anyways, I just assumed the idea had been dropped. No doubt there have been ideas that were never implemented, but I hope people don't think it was my fault.
I am not an admin here on HA2, not in spirit. I have admin capabilities for the purpose of running the site. Jack made Alpha the admin of HA2. There are no two ways about that. If he, or one of the other mods, wants something uploaded, I upload it without question. That's my job. My other job has been to offer my opinion as part of the mod/admin team. I never once believed that it was anything other than a democracy. I don't know if maybe I came across as being uncooperative or what, but it really hurts me to be hearing these things from you, because I don't believe I ever acted that way. If I did, please remind me.
For the record, I am not against HA3 at all. My only request is that it continue to be on TDC. I already know I'm going to have to install everything and get it running, I'm willing to do that. I'd even like to participate, hopefully. But I will, at the very least, set it up. Because that is my job.
"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
Lying are ruins of silver and gold,
Lying are ruins of edifice old.
Hidden in the sands of a cooler sun
Waiting is a Wisdom meant only for one...
-- Here's a link to it. Sign-ups are closed!
STR = 2 DEF = 15 AGI = 3 INT = 6 SPI = 1 SPL = 20 HP = 61 WILL = 9 Dagger DMG = 7 Boom DMG = 6 Spell DMG = 17
RIP Onogoron: Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009 - ...
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I wasn't a part of the mod-team until recently. I wasn't there to talk to or deal with you. It is my biggest concern that you understand that I'm only saying what I've been told. It is also a priority of mine to see that the source(s) of these rumors remain anonymous.
I was told that you weren't around to do anything when things needed done. Hearing your side of the story makes me wonder what was truly going on; however I digress. Fighting gets us nowhere. So long as you're here to stay, I officially vote that the whole thing takes place here. It's going to need a complete overhaul, and I'm willing to stick around for the job.
My vote has been cast.
I await word from the others to begin work on Project HA3.
Level 18
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Wow. This is perhaps one of the most interesting things to ever happen. I started my roleplay life with this site, and it's certainly become an integral part to my life. There's so much here that I want to do still (Gold Force stuff, my own story mode, etc.) and there's a lot I don't want to give up.
Hyrule Adventures 3. I like that noise. It might provide us all with the potential to do a lot more than what we did here. Of course, considering my lack of existence here I'll simply raise my hand and vote 'Aye' and leave it at that without further sentimentality.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
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KASEI! An old face I recognize! It's been too long, you probably don't recognize me!
Yes, I know this is a bad place to post this kinda stuff, but many years away has made me tougher! YES, I'm not the same link909 everyone used to dis (And I know I deserved it all) I'm bringing in some big guns now!
"We all seek answers. Only the worthy can truly find them." -Unknown
"The ending of one Journey, the start of another. Death is not saying goodbye forever, just saying, 'see ya soon' to another Life." -Zach, Unknown Swordsman
HP: 40
STR: 3
DEF: 3
AGI: 2
INT: 1 (Though greatly smarter than he looks)
SPI: 1
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This is very much possible, and very much easier than you think.
In fact, it won't be long until I have something to show to all of you.
KP, contact me however you can. Steam, AIM, Skype, email, however you want. My contact info is the same as it's always been.
For those of you who wish to track my storyline:
A lone man awaits a friend (Invite Only)
Hiro Mugensai
KamakaziPlumber wrote:
Go ask. Go ask now.
STR/DEF includes weapons/armor increases
Back by popular demand™
Nogare, son of Greyblade
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Okay, so we're all happy about the idea of HA3. What do you think it should look like. Anything at all that would make it better than HA2?
Level 18
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Yes, HA3 would bring some lifeblood back into dead veins
As much as I'd like to say something, I'm blankminded right now.
Level 18
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HA3 needs explosions.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Nogare, son of Greyblade wrote:Okay, so we're all happy about the idea of HA3. What do you think it should look like. Anything at all that would make it better than HA2?
There has been much consideration on that issue, as I'm sure you know.
The main thing that I always think back to:
We need a really awesome cover-screen. I mean, what's the first thing you see when you arrive at HA2? It doesn't seem very... fun. I mean, it is. The real writers that arrive here enjoy the easy color scheme, but the kids... The kids that want to role play for fun... Well isn't that what it's all about?
I had a real success story here at Hyrule Adventures. I was taken in as a crappy writer, but a huge fan of the series. I now feel that my writing has become far stronger than it used to be. Some would attribute that to age- but I know for a fact that HA2 made me not only a better writer, but a more knowledgeable person. The friends I've made here are fantastic- and the stories and adventures are impossible to forget.
I want to be able to do that with everyone that visits. Take them in. It doesn't matter of their a "nub lol". What we create out of them is what matters. I think a good way to get the kids to stay is with a vibrant/epic cover page that says to the viewer, "adventure starts here". Not literally, but you know what I mean. I think that would also get people seriously pumped about the project.
Next, I'd like to apologize for my absence. Work, Skyrim, women, friends, and school have consumed my life. School is over now, and that should free me up even if just a little.
All that aside, I'd like to begin work on HA3 as soon as possible. Everyone seems up for it.
Level 18
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Kasei wrote:HA3 needs explosions.
Yes. It does.
Level 1
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I never really got into this particular role-playing session myself. I read the set of rules and created the starting foundation of my character, but I lost my interest when I couldn't find my guild hall so that I could obtain my sub-class. I personally look forward to joining up with you guys when Hyrule Adventures 3 is started.
As for suggestions, I only really have one for now. For character creation, I think there should be a full selection of "Outcast" races (by that I mean gerudo, moblins, lizalfos, etc.).
CloudrunnerPrince16 (L1 Deku Vagabond)
STR = 2
DEF = 1
AGI = 3+3=6
INT = 3
SPI = 1
HP = 20+1
SPL = (2x1)+1
Royal Guard
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CloudrunnerPrince16 wrote:As for suggestions, I only really have one for now. For character creation, I think there should be a full selection of "Outcast" races (by that I mean gerudo, moblins, lizalfos, etc.).
That is an issue that has often come up in conversation between the Royal Guards. Before the idea of Hyrule Adventures 3 was conceived, The Guards and the Mod-squad have collaberated on ways to make the Hyrule Adventures experience better for you, the player. More races in the character development step has been discussed heavily for several years, and we believe we've reached a compromise on that issue.
We hope that when we unveil it, it will surprise and thrill you.
While we haven't begun work on the third installment of the game, we do have several ideas that we were going to impliment into Hyrule Adventures 2 that we'll simply carry over to Hyrule Adventures 3 instead. We understand that the statwork (as mentioned earilier I believe) has some flaws, and that not all classes are balanced. We have solutions prepared for all of those things. Just wanted to keep you all up to date.
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CloudrunnerPrince16 wrote:I lost my interest when I couldn't find my guild hall so that I could obtain my sub-class.
We really should have some sort of tutorial, or something >.>
We sort of just toss people into the world. I remember when I first joined, I had no idea how to get to the traveler's hostel. I couldn't even begin.
It took the contact of a member or two to point me in the right direction. Then I found out you could travel with the compass in the upper-right hand corner. Really sorry about that CloudRunner. Did you contact anyone?
Level 18
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That reminds me. I suggest more sub-classes within each Major Class group. Various different forms of magic or warrior stuff.
Level 1
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Zelda Veteran wrote:CloudrunnerPrince16 wrote:I lost my interest when I couldn't find my guild hall so that I could obtain my sub-class.
We really should have some sort of tutorial, or something >.>
We sort of just toss people into the world. I remember when I first joined, I had no idea how to get to the traveler's hostel. I couldn't even begin.
It took the contact of a member or two to point me in the right direction. Then I found out you could travel with the compass in the upper-right hand corner. Really sorry about that CloudRunner. Did you contact anyone?
I will admit that I never tried to contact anyone. When I first joined in I was using a mobile device and I just figured that the systems were incompatible (I actually tried moving arround by clicking on the world map). I never even realized that there was a set starting point (I must have missed that fact in the Rules section).
After failing to get started here I found my way to the RP thread "Final Fantasy: Resurrection". When that closed down a few months ago I made my way back here and was excited to see that the HA3 revamp was under consideration.
Just one quick question: When Hyrule Adventures 3 is finally complete and ready to "launch", will all the HA2 members be notified by email in a similar fassion to the April Fools notification?
CloudrunnerPrince16 (L1 Deku Vagabond)
STR = 2
DEF = 1
AGI = 3+3=6
INT = 3
SPI = 1
HP = 20+1
SPL = (2x1)+1