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Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:47 pm
by weienw
Some ways off in the desert, a mirage of a person walking towards you robotically can be seen. From a south'ard direction, he trods on and on...

Until he stops at the empty lot and unslings a bundle of Deku Wood from his shoulder in a very un-mirage-like way.

"Wood, as per Vor'dan's instructions," he says, placing the wood down gingerly. He stands there, unmoving, as if trying hard to match the appearance of those who can be trusted.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:36 pm
by Royal Guard
Kakura looks over Arco a few times. Despite the fact that he mentions Vordan's name, he does not match the appearance of those that Null said could be trusted. The Goron is unsure as to whether or not to take the wood off his hands, but unlike the others he does sound like he would know what the wood is for.

So, he simply nods and takes the wood bundle from Arco. After handing it off to his fellow Gorons, he turns back to the man and holds out a bag. "Herrre you go, my frrriend: A good twenty-five rrrupees!" He leans in close to him. "And might I suggest that, should you get the chance, you go visit Null in the Norrrth Castle Carrravan Quarrrterrr. There, you might be permitted to help out the Carrrtel even furrrtherrr."

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:27 am
by weienw
The man nods obediently and silently thanks Kakura for the further instructions. He then takes a few steps away to stare at the rupees, in much the same way of someone who's either never seen the currency in his life, or in the manner of a skilled forger looking for telltale signs of falsity.

Funny how awe and skepticism coincide like that.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:57 pm
by Pabru
"I was sent here by two gorons from the Caravan Quarter. I have a delivary of wood for work here."

Pyre takes out the wood, and places it on the ground.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:49 pm
by Royal Guard
Kakura looks over Pyralin a few times. He does not match the appearance of those that Null said could be trusted. The Goron is unsure as to whether or not to take the wood off his hands, since he would obviously have no idea what the task is meant for. And, of course, Kakura doesn't feel comfortable with the idea of telling Pyralin what the Cartel's plans are out here in the open, where who-knows-what could be listening in on them.

In the end, though, he simply nods and takes the wood bundle from Pyralin. After handing it off to his fellow Gorons, he turns back to the man and holds out a bag. "Herrre you go, my frrriend: A good twenty-five rrrupees!" He leans in close to him. "And might I suggest that, should you get the chance, you go visit Null in the Norrrth Castle Carrravan Quarrrterrr. There, you might be permitted to help out the Carrrtel even furrrtherrr."

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:29 pm
by Pabru
Okay thank you, he says accepting the rupees. He turns and walks into the desert sands, heading back to North Castle, keeping in mind Kakura's suggestion.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:10 pm
by Aureliano
Aureliano walks up to the goron with a heavy pile of deku wood in his hands. "Hello, my name is Aureliano, and I've been wanting to get this pile after of deku wood off my hands. I overheard Null talking about help needed in the Parapa Desert. Here." Aurelaino offers the pile of deku wood to Kakura with a smile.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:56 pm
*Kamiko was walking through the desert with a fairly large bundle of deku wood and stoped in front of the goronand placed the wood onthe ground in front of him saying; "This I beleave is yours"

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:22 pm
by Royal Guard
Kakura looks over Aureliano and Kamiko a few times. The two do not match the appearance of those that Null said could be trusted. The Goron is unsure as to whether or not to take the wood off their hands, since they would obviously have no idea what the task is meant for. And, of course, Kakura doesn't feel comfortable with the idea of telling either one what the Cartel's plans are out here in the open, where who-knows-what could be listening in on them.

In the end, though, he simply nods and takes the wood bundle. After handing it off to his fellow Gorons, he turns back to the two and holds out a bag to each of them. "Herrre you go, my frrriends: A good twenty-five rrrupees!" He leans in close to him. "And might I suggest that, should you get the chance, you go visit Null in the Norrrth Castle Carrravan Quarrrterrr. There, you might be permitted to help out the Carrrtel even furrrtherrr."

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:09 pm
by Deku Scrub 12
"I too am apart of the Goro-Goro Cartel so I must help out all of my fellow members like Null,Vorder,and you.I have brought deku wood back since I have heard you need it in order to complete your construction.Here you go,"Dmetri told,laying his bundle of deku logs in the Goro-Goro-Cartel Caravaneer's arms.

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:07 pm
by WinterSink
So it seems that the sweat that cascades from Murray's head is as bountiful as the rivers that stem from his face where the countless lines that carve along his cheeks and ebb into the river of salted streams lap against his furrowed beard in bated breath. That breath whose value is of a priceless gem to the goron sits idly on the bundle of deku would that carries the weight of Murray's age, each shoulder swaying with the singular desert breeze that creeks along his aching body as his flagship mourns the dry air and steals the weight of his body and places it on his lungs.

With near collapse does he resolve to stand on cemented feet and allow his hands to travel the space between himself and a younger goron whose age has not yet dragged its knife across his face like a blade. Those hands whose lines were once read now read in volumes as time writes epics and sonnets and novels on his palms and whose anthologies live on his knuckles; where sequels reside on his arms and chest; epilogues on his face; and a collection of poems to be written and spoken across the littered canvas that is his body.

"Here, take this wood and build me a chair with to sit on."

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:53 am
by Kagari
Kagari walked up to the goron. He overheard the talk about a null person and made a plan. He was to pretend to know what was happenong. He walked up to the goron. "Hello, I believe you need this," He handed over the wood, "Now I must leave goodbye." He then ran off.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:21 am
by DarkLink
"Supplies..." Anon thought outloud. "I have some wood if that will help." Anon gave the rather large goron a bundle of deku wood. "Im happy to be of service."