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Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:29 pm
by Alpha
Well, if you guys can't think of one, I'd like to offer a suggestion. :P

Seen a lot of good RPing recently, mostly in the Crusade topics, but one of the guys who keeps on standing out to me is WinterSink, aka Rosen, aka Phantompigcollector, aka Julian. I just think he's done a great job returning to HA2, and his RPing always has a touch of something different. Rosen has a very interesting personality, too - he always reacts in unique ways that just make the experience that much more enticing.

Not to mention that he's very on top of the game - he started up the voting here this time around - how many of you can say you actually remembered about the Monthly Best RPer voting until he posted here? I can't.

So here's to Rosen! Er, Julian. Er, WinterS - ah, screw it. You know who I'm talking about.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:39 pm
by Kagari
I think Pureinnocence...Keychain! She seems to be at the top of her game and has been trying to help me get better and improve. She helped me out! :D She also had some great topics! So my vote goes out to pureinnocence! Woooo! Go Pureinnocence/Keychain!!! (waves sign saying her name) 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:20 am
by Eberron
Count me in as a 2nd vote for WinterSink, I always look forward to his responses in threads. They are consistently well written, interesting and he does a good job of conveying the mannerisms and character choices that make up Rosen in a suitable and relevant way. A lot of rp's I used to be in before this site would simply be full of people that dragged away from the actual thread topic and events to just have continual inner monologues on their tragic past and what not. WinterSink's writing is a perfect balancing act, and I always find them relevant and useful in developing my understanding of the situations and world that our characters find themselves in.

A big thumbs up for WinterSink. I'd raise my other thumb as well but my arm hurts. You young whippersnappers don't know what's good for you, why in my day... *grumble grumble*


Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:17 pm
by Royal Guard
Alrighty then, nice to see this month's voting get off to a good start (and also nice to see that not everyone forgot about it - nice going Alpha! Some head admin you are... :x ... :P ) .
Alpha edit: Quiet you. :P
RG edit: ;)

As HNS said, this time around Sakiko and Eberron are ineligible; that means we've only got three votes down, and we need at least one more to get the month of August wrapped up! Here are your nominees thus far:

Nominated by: Alpha
Confirmed by: Eberron
Confirmed by:

Nominated by: Kagari
Confirmed by:
Confirmed by:

Let's get those votes in, people! :D

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:44 pm
by Blank
And I appear to violently shove August 2009 into obscurity...

It's seemed like a really good month for RPing, at least for everyone who isn't me. That is to say I haven't been overly active in August. Regrettably, I haven't been keeping a very close eye on PureInnocence's activity aside from a few of the wonderful topics that have been springing up lately with her insignia on them. The titles alone really drag you into the topic and get you going, and from there it's always a good read. So, at the very least, I'd recommend everyone pay close attention to her writing, as it's definitely top-notch.

Which brings me to my actual vote. I'm casting my ballot in favor of phantompigcollector/Julian/Writer'sBlock/WinterSink/Rosen or whatever he'd like to be called these days. Excellent writing overall. Every post that he makes feels new and fresh, with its own subtle quirks. The way he describes his surroundings and circumstances... it's sort of surreal. Each sentence is a learning experience... the vocabulary he uses is fun and unique.

Before I talk up either of these two writers entirely too much, I'll just quit and say "Yah Rosen!" You've earned it, buddy.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:21 pm
by Abel
as maverick pointed out PureInnocence topics have interesting titels that make you want to post. I find myself anxious waiting for the next post. Each one is always interesting. So I cast my vote in the name of Pureinnocence.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:52 pm
by Kokiri Wolf
Huh, looks like we have a tie, unless Rosen gets it because he got the third vote first. If we do need a tie-breaker, then I'll cast a vote for Rosen, for pretty much every reason why everyone else is voting for him; he has a unique writing style, and returned to the game with a bang.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:06 pm
by Royal Guard
Not sure where you're getting the whole tie idea from, HNS, because Pureinnocence has only gotten two votes this month, from Kagari and Abel (unless you were voting for her, in which case it'd probably be a good idea to, you know, actually say that you're voting for her). At any rate, even if it had been a tie then yes, Rosen would have won because he got it first.

... But it doesn't really matter, because the Best RPer of the Month is officially decided! Everyone, give it up for Julian/Rosen/Phantompigcollector/WinterSink!

Nominated by: Alpha
Confirmed by: Eberron
Confirmed by: Maverick

Nominated by: Kagari
Confirmed by: Abel
Confirmed by:

Congratulations, Mr. Whateveryournameis, and enjoy your new TP!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:12 pm
by WinterSink
Yeeeeessssssss!!!!! If I wasn't already too busy with homework, I'd totally go on a big ole tirade of thanks and how much this means to me. You're all just going to have to measure my happiness in the amount of letters I've squeezed into that 'yes' and the exclamation points too. With this recognition, all of you have just booked me for another 2 months before I inexplicably vanish off the face of Hyrule.

Augh, got to keep this short. Thanks heaps. Lets keep on posting!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:02 pm
by Kokiri Wolf
Royal Guard wrote:Not sure where you're getting the whole tie idea from, HNS, because Pureinnocence has only gotten two votes this month, from Kagari and Abel
Totally don't know where I got the extra vote from either. >>

Congrats, WinterSink.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:11 pm
by Alpha
WinterSink wrote:With this recognition, all of you have just booked me for another 2 months before I inexplicably vanish off the face of Hyrule.
Ah, I see you figured out my other reason for nominating you. ;)

Well done and congrats, Julian. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:47 pm
by Eberron
Enjoy the tp :P And I'm think that if we have to measure out the happiness in the number of letters we need to assign a degree of happiness to each symbol, since there are more then one... say maybe, a 'y' is the same as waking up to a sunny day, 'e' could always be a surprise meal or an unexpected hug or a present on a day you didn't know it was coming, or a present perhaps when you DID know it was coming but are still happy or maybe finding out that your best friend has won the lottery, or perhaps that should eb exclamation marks, or maybe exclamation marks should only be when YOU win the lottery or...

*Is dragged away by various old forgotten rp characters, still muttering as he goes*

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:47 am
by PureInnocence
Congrats! I was going to pull myself out anyway. I don't think I've done enough to even be considered. :/

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:51 am
by Zelda Veteran
The month is nearly over, and I can quite easily cast my vote for Kokiri Wolf. He's planned out not one, but a series of dungeons, and is pretty active as well. He's helped in freeing the south, and is usually hard at work trying to bring new ideas and innovation to HA2. You've been working hard buddy, you deserve it. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:12 pm
by WinterSink
Kokiri Wolf has my vote to for being mad active during the month and battling the monsters in the south...which are getting increasingly tiresome and which I have no patience for! So, you definitely earned a TP for being the roomba in the room who tirelessly slaves away at cleaning every corner of the field.