OOC: Yeah, but I needed someone else to post first.

Took you long enough.
As if on cue, the door to Enici's laboratory flies open. "Alright," he says calmly...yet somehow with an air of hurry about him. "Here's the medicine; it should be more than enough to get this young Rito of yours back to full health in a matter of hours. And I even made it grape-flavored!" He gives the group a wide grin at that prospect, then hands Koura a large vial containing a purplish liquid.
Quickly, the Gerudo turns and hands it over to Rose...probably because, with her sparse clothing, there's no place for her to put it. The doctor nods, then motions them through the door to his lab. "I have a side door connected to my lab; it will let you out into an alleyway that's pretty close to the edge of town. You should have no problem escaping unseen."
Koura nods her thanks, then turns and rushes out the door, pulling her cloak on as she does so and wrapping it around her.
* * *
The man had certainly taken his precious time. But, at last, he stood in front of the leaders. The dark room, filled with shadows for the sole purpose of protecting those in charge from sight, made him feel more at home. As was expected. He thrived in the darkness, as his predecessor had done.
"I have slain the assassins, as you requested."
Even though he couldn't see them, he knew from past encounters that they were nodding their thanks. As was expected. At last, he heard one voice coming out of the nothingness, the one of their spokesperson. As was expected. "We have received reports that agree with this. The money you requested is yours." A large bag flew into the soft lighting that encased his cloaked form, and as it touched down on the flooring its sound confirmed that it was indeed filled with rupees. Judging by the crumple that he had heard, he knew them to be golden rupees, his favored kind. As was always expected.
Even though they could not see his grin, his quick motion at snatching the bag from the ground told them he was pleased. As was expected. But they did not expect for him to speak again. "I believe it would be in your best interest to know that an exile of yours returned to this area last night. A woman by the name of...Koura."
They gasped. As he had expected. He had not expected the flurry of voices that suddenly rose up, even though he was still present. "Why would she return?" "We cast her out years ago?" "She and that teacher Nyra of hers were always trouble!" "I can't believe she managed to slip past our guards!" Then came the one he had been waiting to hear: "We have to punish her for this transgression!"
"I can help with that," he said calmly. All conversation ceased again. As expected. "Normally I would charge a considerable fee for catching her, but there is something about her that intrigues me. Consider this job to be done out of my own...good will, as the saying goes." He almost laughed; they all knew his will was not 'good'.
"Very well," the spokeswoman said after a few moments. "Go and find Koura, then bring her here so we may think of an appropriate way of execution." He bowed and turned away, leaving the leaders of Parapa Village to talk amongst themselves once again...as was expected.