Streets of the Redead

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:08 pm

Also Kasei, as previously discussed in our PM, I'll give you 1d6 bonus damage for the flaming rapier... and let's say it lats 5 turns. I like to encourage player creativity; it puts a demand on DM creativity and makes the game more fun in general :wink:


Katsuro rushed forward to attack the closest Redead and raised his sword, poised to deliver a crushing blow - and tripped on a rock underneath his feet. The Sheikah fell towards the ground, and his sword went spinning up into the air, over the Redead's disheveled head. As the creature looked up, following the airborne weapon with it's eyes, Katsuro could not help but smirk as he was about to meet the ground - for the one who had truly fallen here was the Redead.

The creature had fallen for Katsuro's fake out. Hook, line, and sinker.

As soon as the Redead was no longer looking at the young Shadowclaw, he instantly melded into the ground underneath it's feet, melting away into a shadow mere moments before his fall would have caused him to collide with the soft earth underneath. He passed underneath the Redead and paused for a moment, watching the arc of his blade as it passed over. Then he exploded up from the ground behind the monster, rising up into the air to catch the hilt of his blade neatly in his hand, and causing the Redead to spin around in surprise. Katsuro, in that moment, was mere inches from the face of the monster, poised in mid-air with his sword now clenched tightly in his fist. He couldn't be sure, but it almost looked as though he could see the slight hint of fear in the eyes of the uncaring undead before him.

"Surprise." He said, and gravity caught up with him, bringing him back down to earth, and he brought his blade down with all of his might on the Redead's head. There was the sickening sound of bones crunching and flesh tearing from flesh as his blade cleaved the creature in two straight down the middle, instantly returning the monster back to death's cold embrace as both halves fell to the ground in front of him. (((Critical hit! )))

Simon, unfazed by having to redirect his attack to the nearest living-ish monster, is able to instead aim his boomerang at Redead 4 - the last one on the field. It cuts through the air and hits cleanly against the side of the monsters head before returning back to Simon's hand, dealing 8 damage.

The Redead turned to face the Scribe, and began to inhale to scream in response, since he was too far to attack him physically- when it suddenly found it's throat run through with Kasei's flaming blade, taking 13 damage (yes, you really rolled a 1 for the extra fire damage... :P) and cutting off it's breathing before it got the chance to unleash its terrifying scream. Fortunately, however, this was enough to finish off the monster for good, ensuring it would never get the chance to try again. The Redead fell to the ground with a thud, no longer moving.

The two Gibdos rushed forward to attack Katsuro and Shem, respectively. Katsuro was far too fast for the mummified monstrosity, and rolled out of the way with ease. Shem was an easier target, however, as he was still crouched on the ground in paralysis, but his armor was made of sturdy stuff, and the Gibdo's wild charge only succeeded in knocking the knight over, his plate mail deflecting all of the potential damage the creature could have dealt.

Shar-Guthal was gaining steady momentum by now, charging at full speed towards the two who had just assaulted him - only by this point, Katusro was gone, attacking the Redead, leaving Denkou an easy target, paralyzed in the wake of the earlier Redead's screech of fright.

"Easy pickings."
The Goronic necromancer mused, before letting out a bellow that everyone could feel deep in their chests, and - if it were even possible - he seemed to somehow grow even larger and stronger, an illusion given off by the Spirit of Dragonbane that now empowered him. Without further comment, he brought his right fist down with all the power of a freight train - directly into the chest of the unprepared thief. Everyone present heard several ribs crack at the impact, and Denkou flew back several feet, taking a massive 26 damage - leaving him on the brink of death. Shar-Guthal frowned, as if disappointed to find that he had not outright killed the thief, and took a few steps towards him, intending to finish the job.

At that moment, the mind-numbing effects of the Redead's screech wore off, and Shem and Denkou came to their senses. While Shem only had to roll back up to his feet, Denkou found himself in immense pain, his vision swimming - he was very definitely bleeding internally and had several broken ribs, not to mention being laid out on the ground several feet from where he remembered standing before, with the brutish Goron bearing down on him.

Denkou was in trouble.

<center>~Round Results~</center>
Leadership Boost (Agility): 1 Turn
Simon: 28/36 HP, 48/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 2/41 HP, 7/37 SPL, 9 Will
Katsuro: 64/64 HP, 16/40 SPL, 5 Will, Leadership Cooldown: 4 turns
Shem: 41/71 HP, 11/11 SPL, 9 Will, Honorable Kill cooldown: 1 turn
Kasei: 61/61 HP, 46/56 SPL, 9 WILL, flaming rapier 4 turns

Shar-Guthal: 253/253 HP, 70/70 SPL, Dragonbane Cooldown: 2 turns
Redead 1: DEAD
Redead 2: DEAD
Redead 3: DEAD
Redead 4: DEAD
Gibdo 1: 30/30 HP
Gibdo 2: 30/30 HP

OoC: Yeah, ZV, god-modded Katsuro a bit - but I wanted to make that Crit as cool as possible. Didn't think I did anything terribly out of line :wink:
Also, if you're wanting to pass off a potion to Denkou, I'll say giving him the potion does not count as a full turn; you'll still be able to attack. But Denkou has to take a full turn to drink the potion. Or, if you wish, you could force feed the potion to him, letting him recover and take an action on his turn, but that would prevent you from taking any more actions on your turn. Make sense?

Edit: NO! Wait! With Katsuro's leadership boost, Simon's boomerang attack actually DOES hit the redead... meaning it is now actually dead. I shall amend this post accordlingly.
That leadership may have just turned the tide of this battle in a much more favorable direction. :D A simple little stat boost can make all the difference...
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:43 pm
OOC: Well that's one way to do it XD


Katsuro watched the creature fall into an evenly divided heap before turning to the party, a confident smile on his face. "Now that's how it's done," he scoffed as he swung his blade, flinging the blood and gib from it. He rested his sword on his shoulder as he watched Simon and Kasei work together to bring down another risen enemy.

He tucked and rolled around an incoming Gibdo, and kicked it in the back as he got to his feet. The sluggish creature stumbled forward and ate the dirt, proving little actual threat to third in command of the Overwatch. He turned to Simon and Kasei, "Great teamwork guys! If we can keep up this pace, we- Hey..." He paused, his smile fading. "Kasei?! Weren't you supposed to be helping Denkou? Where'd he-"


The thief's body zipped past Katsuro's face before he could finish his sentence. The man sailed across the battlefield and hit the ground hard- hard enough to bounce, as he continued to roll. As he skidded to a stop, Katsuro felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he turned his eyes opposite of Denkou. His vision settled on Shar-Guthal, the Goron's muscles bulging, a satisfied look across his face.

Katsuro heard a cough come from behind him, and he whirled around to see Denkou faintly breathing. A bit of relief fell over the man as he hurried over to Denkou, rifling through his pockets as he went. "Kasei! Simon! Captain Shem! Cover me for a moment- I'm not letting anyone die here!" He did his best to keep his voice from shaking. This wasn't a time to show fear- though it was running through his bones as he knelt down to Denkou and inspected the damage.

Oh hell.

Gotta be some broken ribs in there. He's probably all cut up inside from his own bones... Dammit, I wish Lilly were here. She uses words like "lacerations" and "trauma". I wish I had taken her up on learning more about medicine.

He dug the red vial out of his pockets and carefully uncorked it.

For now, this'll have to do.

He carefully re-positioned himself, moving higher on his knees for better balance. He carefully slid one of his hands under Denkou's head and lowered the vial to his lips. "Listen to my voice, buddy. Don't you go to sleep. This is gonna fix you right up." He tipped the end of the bottle up, watching as the red liquid passed the thief's lips. "C'mon, Denkou. I said I wouldn't let anyone die here- don't make me a liar."
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:00 pm
Denkou is now restored to full health and no injuries; roleplay that however you wish, Kasei :)
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:30 pm
Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-5; AGI-5(+); INT-5; SPI-6; HP-36; SPL-48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (2) = 7
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves

Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2

Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 5(+) = 20(+)

It was as if the entire universe had a slight hiccup. That was how the young scribe was feeling. Nothing seemed to make sense. He could have sworn he had readied his staff to attack the same Redead that he beheld Katsuro vanquish. And yet, clearly he was in the process of throwing his trusty boomerang, his staff hanging limply in his unused hand. What was going on here? Something troubling was afoot. It was baffling and even more troubling than this pesky necromancer. Even as the Redead turned towards him and intended to barrage him with its terrifying vocals, Simon didn’t even think to bat an eye at the foe. The wrongness of the situation was so rattling, it made him lose his battle focus. Not even Kasei slicing to the undead monstrosity brought the youngster back to reality.

It was not until Simon Grendel witnessed Shar-Guthal’s brutal attack on Denkou’s stunned frame that he came to his senses. The thing that actually snapped him out of his jarred state was the cracking sounds of Denkou’s bones as the hit made contact. Simon didn’t even focus his attention fast enough to see how exactly the Goron had attacked, just that he had. And the fierce necromancer still hard the aura of Dragonbane about him.

“No.� Simon could only mutter the one word of defiance to such action. He had already taken the first few hurried steps towards Denkou – life spell readying in his hands – when he stopped in his tracks. Katsuro was addressing him. As the Sheikah called to him, he remembered Katsuro had the potions that Shem had entrusted to him. Well, at least that meant they wouldn’t have to use magical resources to heal their wounded ally. Not that Denkou wasn’t worthy of such treatment – for he had proven his worth time and time again thus far – simply, this could very well be a long fight, and they needed to hold back from using what precious resources they had. Simon thought back to the stories he had heard regarding the fight the adventurers had with Gohma. In the end, it was because the more prevalent magic users tried to conserve their magic for when it was really needed – to heal their wounded party members – that the group met with such success. Of course, there were other reasons as well, but the conservation of magical energy definitely made a difference.

Simon refocused his hate and anger at the brutality of such an attack as Shar-Guthal had perpetrated (especially because had attacked a fighter who was so vulnerable – being stunned), and he turned his focus to the Gibdos before him. This time, he made sure his staff was firmly in his hands before lunging at the Gibdo that was closest to Shar-Guthal. In the off chance that the other fighters helped him take down this mummified foe as well as its kin, Simon wanted to be as close to Shar-Guthal as he could be to focus all of his rage against the Goron. Shouting a final one-syllable battle cry, more of a guttural sound than a word, Simon brought his staff to bear against the bandage wraps of the Gibdo [Attack – Deku Staff at Gibdo n (where n is the shortest distance to Shar-Guthal)].

OOC: It was remarkably hard for me to sit down and write this, for some reason. And I wish I knew why. But, that being said, once I started on it, it did come to me in a way that was remarkably easy. So, that's good. I think should help me get back into the swing of being an active replier. Now, if only I didn't have to attend my Dad's wedding tomorrow and spend the tonight and tomorrow night at a place without internet access. Then I might have been able to catch up on all the topics I'm behind on.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:53 pm
OOC: I choose to use the opportunity provided by the server change and the 'reboot' Simon noticed to perform a reboot of my own :twisted: Not here, though, later -


The splendid, mid-air view was almost worth the world of pain Denkou felt as Shar-Guthal's attack sent him flying across the field. No, that wasn't right. I attacked him, I made him dead, I planted rainbows in the...shit The thief struggled to gather his thoughts as he rolled across the ground. How do you plant rainbows? They're huge, it would never work... Evidently the force of the blow knocked more than air out of him. As he lay bleeding out, the thief cursed the pineapple demon that sent him flying.

He noticed someone above him. "Hello, Worru, it's been a while, did you bring any laserdisks?" He mumbled while being tended to. It was only after Katsuro forced a potion down his throat that the thief began to feel his brain working again. He smiled up to Katsuro. "Thanks, mate, I owe ya one." He said, getting to his feet.

Denkou whipped out another dagger, and glared even sharper knives over to Shar-Guthal. Seriously, how do you plant rainbows? That's gonna be in my head all day, I bet. He mused. "Alright, rock-candy, lucky shot, but it's time for a little payba-"


"Huh?" Denkou turned, to where Kasei was walking steadily towards one of the Gibdos. "You don't have the firepower to overcome his protection. Stand down and help the others as best as you can." The Rebel Flame said in a short tone. "This is a fight for grownups."

The Shiekah got as close to his target as he deemed safe, before assuming a rigid stance, rapier ready, before calling out to Shar-Guthal. "I've danced with Zaboorak, and I've killed Jormund. I'm sure you don't care; but I've had my fill of Ganon's lieutenants, and I'm sure you'll be no different from any of the other scum we wipe out. Prepare yourself."

As he finished, Kasei contorted his body into a strange, angled stance, before launching himself forward - Katsuro would easily recognize this attack, it was Kasei's opening move during their sparring mach so long ago - The Rebel Flame became almost like a living spear as the tip of his fiery blade made its' way to the Gibdo's heart.

Meanwhile, Denkou abated, and followed Kasei's example by rushing towards the same Gibdo and swinging away with his dagger.

OOC: I brain good, Leth?
Last edited by Kasei on Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:56 pm
Kasei's rapier was the first weapon to strike, a testament to his many years of battle expertise. As his blade sunk deep into the rotting flesh of Gibdo 1, the flames that engulfed his blade must have managed to light the dry mummy wrappings that encased the Gibdo, as well as any particularly flammable bodily gases within, for just moments later, the Gibdo's entire body was lit up like a beacon in bright GREEN FLAME, quickly consuming the creature within. Gibdo 1 was, very soon, nothing more than a pile of ash on the ground. (((CRIT)))

With just one foe left on the battlefield - aside from The Necromaster - Denkou, Simon, and Shem were able to focus all of their efforts against Gibdo 2.

Simon's staff connected sharply against the side of the Gibdo's head, apparently dislocating it in gruesome fashion. The monster turned towards the scribe, it's head hanging lopsidedly towards it's shoulder, only to be met by Denkou's blade tearing through it's atrophied pectoral muscle. The Gibdo then lost the use of it's arm. It turned around once more, just in time for Shem's spear to pierce straight through it's skull from behind, the tip protruding from it's forehead. With a cry of defeat at the hands of the three hero's combined efforts, the Gibdo fell face-first to the ground, sliding off of the captain's spear.

[Music: Strike Now!]

In that instant, the large crystal gem embedded in Shar-Guthal's chest went completely dark. The giant Goron halted mid-stride, shaking as though he had just been electrocuted, and all color seemed to be sucked right out of the crystals that encased his body. He fell over backwards with a ground-shaking thud, sprawled haphazardly across the field, and leaving his chest-crystal completely exposed.

"Now!" cried Captain Shem. "Hit him while we've got the chance!" He yelled as he rushed towards Shar-Guthal, spear poised in the air.

<center>~Round Results~</center>
Leadership Boost Depleted
Simon: 28/36 HP, 48/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 41/41 HP, 7/37 SPL, 9 Will
Katsuro: 64/64 HP, 16/40 SPL, 5 Will, Leadership Cooldown: 3 turns
Shem: 41/71 HP, 11/11 SPL, 9 Will
Kasei: 61/61 HP, 46/56 SPL, 9 WILL, flaming rapier 3 turns

Shar-Guthal: 253/253 HP, 70/70 SPL, STUNNED THIS TURN, Dragonbane Cooldown: 1 turn
Redead 1: DEAD
Redead 2: DEAD
Redead 3: DEAD
Redead 4: DEAD
Gibdo 1: DEAD
Gibdo 2: DEAD

ooc: idk if anyone will get the green flame joke. Kasei might.
Last edited by Leth on Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:49 am
"Hello, Worru, it's been a while, did you bring any laserdisks?"
"What? Beamos are shaped like plates now? I think you'd better save your energy," he said as Denkou drank the last of the liquid. He lay still for a few heart-pounding moments before opening his eyes wide.

Katsuro watched Denkou spring back to life, and smiled widely as he stood up and tucked away the empty vial. "Thanks, mate, I owe ya one."

"Damn right, you do." Katsuro stated as he pulled his sword out of the ground, and turned towards the fray. He turned in time to see the group finish off the last Gibdo- and then something amazing happened.
The large crystal gem embedded in Shar-Guthal's chest went completely dark. The giant Goron halted mid-stride, shaking as though he had just been electrocuted, and all color seemed to be sucked right out of the crystals that encased his body. He fell over backwards with a ground-shaking thud, sprawled haphazardly across the field, and leaving his chest-crystal completely exposed.

The man wasted no time diving into the shadows and swimming towards Shar-Guthal as quickly as his shadowmelding prowess would allow. He breached the air like a dolphin and flew in a perfect arc over the Goron's body. He placed all of his weight on his sword as he began his descent, a downward thrust like the hero of time himself, his cloak billowing behind him heroically.


Came his war-cry as he plummeted towards the Goron's chest-gem, fury in his tone and malice in his eyes.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:40 pm
That would be the last of them.

Kasei observed the last two undead horrors fall, as well as the fact that their demise appears to have weakened Shar Guthal greatly. "He's prone..."

The Rebel Flame did not waste any time; he practically flew across the battlefield, seeming to glide over the ground with each step. But he was not fast enough-for Denkou zipped past, a trail of electricity seemingly in his wake.


Utilizing the power of his Jump spell, the thief catapulted himself past his allies towards his target-the chest-gem of Shar-Guthal, which he slashed at now with all of his might.

It was only after this attack that Kasei reached his own target; the Shiekah readied his rapier and thrust it true towards the Goron-monster's head, intent on ending this swiftly.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:44 pm
Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-5; AGI-2; INT-5; SPI-6; HP-28/36; SPL-48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (3) = 8
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves

Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2

Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 2 = 17
The young scribe was struck with awe at the majestic motions of the Rebel Flame as the Sheikah brought down one of the Gibdos with nothing but his own might. He almost forgot to land the attack on the foe he was striking at. Simon brought the staff to the creature’s head, jarring it from its place. As the Gibdo looked at him, and he looked back at the Gibdo, the Human felt that his attack was pretty successful. While the undead fiend was not yet eliminated, Simon felt that if could take it out with another attack or two. But, there would be no need for that, for Simon then realized that Shem and Denkou were practically on top of his position as well. Denkou’s attack was so unexpected, as the man appeared so hurt before, that Simon didn’t register it until after Shem’s blade and come through the Gibdo’s face. As Simon stepped back, he was glad to note Denkou looked pretty healthy, given the attack he had just taken. Then again, he had taken a vial of Red Potion, and those things could do wonders.

Simon didn’t so much see Shar-Guthal fall as he heard it, and perhaps to some extent, felt it in his feet. Simon registered that he should probably strike at Shar-Guthal while he was stunned. This must have been the vulnerability he had noticed earlier in the Goron’s defenses. Quickly fixing his staff to a sling, he slung the rod behind him while drawing his massive two handed Deku Sword from behind his cloak. Naturally, the prepping slowed him down a little, which is why he was so late to launch his attack relative to Shem’s call to rally against the necromancer. Still, better late than never. Simon gripped the unwieldy blade as steadily as he could as he rushed the Goron; he swung his sword in a vertical slash, hoping that the Goron’s head would intercept the arc of his swing [Attack - Deku 2H Sword at Shar-Guthal].

OOC: I don't know why this took me so long to get around to posting, although it didn't help much I didn't have internet much over the course of the last week. I seriously though it would be longer too. But, I did take the time to take into account everything that Simon would have really seen and taken notice of. So, I guess I did my best. Hope you like it and sorry about the delay.
Last edited by Orpheous(anew) on Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:27 am
As the five of them converged on Shar-Guthal, it was a wonder they didn't collide into one another - but all four of their attacks found their target in quick succession, like a well choreographed dance.

Katsuro's sword came down hard upon the crystal gem, dishing out 16 damage; but even under the force of such a strong blow, the gem refused to even show any signs of weakness, and deflected the Sheikah's blade off to the side after it struck. In fact, the only sign that anything had happened was a brief pulse of light from inside the gem and Shar-Guthal's limbs spasming slightly as Katsuro's weapon struck it. The Sheikah quickly rolled back out of the way to allow those behind him to get in close with their weapons.

Shem was right behind him, bringing the weighted end of his spear down on the gem with all his strength, leaving Shar-Guthal with 19 damage more. Again, as if reacting to the contact of the metal against it's impenetrable surface, the gem gave a brief pulse of light, and it would do so each time it was struck in the next few moments. He too struck fast and maneuvered out of the way of the other three.

Denkou also came in from on high, though his mighty leap was propelled by his magical reserves, adding a bit of force to his strike as his dagger found it's mark as well, adding another 14 damage to the total dealt so far.

Kasei was close behind, although as his rapier came down against the side of Shar-Guthal's head, it bounced harmlessly off of the Goron's impossibly resilient skin, inferring perhaps that the only place he could be harmed was the gem - the source of his power. Fortunately, when his blade glanced off of the Goron's head, the momentum carried it the rest of the way down to strike against the gem itself, dealing 18 damage, the arcane flames that engulfed his blade lingering momentarily over the surface of the crystal. (you rolled MAX fire damage this time! :D). Denkou and Kasei quickly stepped back to allow the final attack of the group to find it's mark.

Simon's large blade, freshly brandished, met the gem with a resounding clang as the heavy blade dished out 17 damage. Perhaps noticing Kasei's ineffective attempt to harm the Goron by striking his head, he had altered the course of his swing to hit the only apparent vulnerable point on the Goron's body. With that last strike, a small crack appeared in the surface of the crystal, almost imperceptible - but it was there. Shar-Guthal seemed to snap back into consciousness with a loud roar as the gem gave off a sustained glow of purple light, feeding color back into the crystals all over his body and life back into his eyes. He gave a mighty sweep of his arm, forcing the five heroes back several feet to avoid being hit by his crushing palm, and leaped up to his feet, causing the ground to give way to a minor tremor. He let out a roar out one more time, staring down the mortals who had just dared to assault him, and seemed to draw a dark energy out of his chest piece.

He yelled, and released a flood of shadow magic upon the five of them, catching them all off guard with the blast. None of them were able to resist the attack, but fortunately, a few members of the party were sheikah - namely Katsuro and Kasei - and had an innate resistance to such types of magic and only sustained 11 damage. Shem, Simon, and Denkou, however, took the full brunt of the evil energy : 22 damage.

In that same burst of energy, Shar-Guthal also raised up another batch of undead to fight for him. Four Redeads (one of which was of the knightly variety), a gibdo, and a Stalhound all leered out at our valient heroes as they redied themselves for this new onslaught of evil - a few of them looking a little more worse for wear than others.
STR - 6; DEF - 12; AGI - 1; INT - 1; SPI - 5; SPL - 1; HP - 30

Redead x3
STR - 4; DEF - 8; AGI - 1; INT - 1; SPI - 1; SPL - 1; HP - 20
Screech of Fright - Once per turn, a Redead may unleash a terrifying screech that paralyzes all opponents on the battlefield. Unless an Innate Check of 10 is passed, the warriors cannot attack until the following turn (After the Redead in question has had another chance to attack).

Redead Knight
STR - 6; DEF - 10; AGI - 1; INT -1; SPI - 6; SPL - 1; HP - 40
Redead Sword - A giant, rusty blade from ages past. Base damage: 7
Screech of Terror- Once every other turn, a Redead Knight may unleash a focused screech at one opponent to momentarily stun them, guaranteeing a hit. (Basically shield bash L2 with slightly less cooldown)

STR - 3; DEF - 8; AGI - 3; INT - 2; SPI - 6; SPL - 8; HP - 20

<center>~Round Results~</center>

Simon: 6/36 HP, 48/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 19/41 HP, 5/37 SPL, 9 Will
Katsuro: 53/64 HP, 16/40 SPL, 5 Will, Leadership Cooldown: 2 turns
Shem: 19/71 HP, 11/11 SPL, 9 Will
Kasei: 50/61 HP, 46/56 SPL, 9 WILL, flaming rapier 2 turns

Shar-Guthal: 169/253 HP, 60/70 SPL, Dragonbane Cooldown: 0 turns
Redead Knight: 40/40 HP
Redead 1: 20/20 HP
Redead 2: 20/20 HP
Redead 3: 20/20 HP
Gibdo: 30/30 HP
Stalhound: 20/20 HP

OoC: Nice round of hits, guys! That was a total of 84 damage! As I told Orpheous over skype, the way I actually did this round was that it was basically impossible to miss. He's laying completely still, sprawled out on the ground, his weak point exposed... the only way you guys could have missed is if you rolled a 1.

Two of you rolled 2's. Cutting it close there ;)

Also, you've been really lucky with the random summon rolls so far. No Stalfos... At least not yet.... :twisted:
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:53 pm
Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-5; AGI-2; INT-5; SPI-6; HP-6/36; SPL-40/48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (3) = 8
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves

Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2

Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 2 = 17
Before he could even think to congratulate his allies on their coordinated assault, Simon was being mauled by the mystic prowess of the element of shadows. Before he felt his body take a horrible turn for the worse though, he did notice the slight crack appearing in Shar-Guthal’s primary crystal. It seemed they were doing something right. He managed a small smirk, even as his body was pushed back half-a-dozen feet. As he picked himself back up, he took note of his injuries and the injuries of his compatriots.

The first thing that he noticed was that other than the hit he had taken before the fight with Shar-Guthal, he didn’t seem to have many other physical wounds on the body. Indeed, he hadn’t even gained a laceration from the attack. But, he could feel remnants of the force of the attack he had just experienced, as though the energy was still bouncing around his organs searching (like-lightening) from a place to escape the body. His bone structure ached as well, and everything felt wrong. He seemed to possibly recall hitting his head as well when he finally fell back. There were some minor scraps, from rough contact against the ground, but for the most part, he managed to sustain an attack that didn’t really “cut him up� too bad. Of course, judging by how he felt, he didn’t feel lucky at all. In fact, he believed one more attack like that would kill him.

Looking at his comrades, it seemed that they were in a similar boat as him. He could infer that they roughly experienced the attack evenly, although in some cases, their injuries might have manifested as clearly visible wounds. The Sheikahn members of the group seemed to fair the best, probably due to their natural affinity for Shadows, so it didn’t seem that Kasei or Katsuro were as damaged as his other comrades. Once more, it didn’t seem like there was a single Hylian among them. “Curses,� muttered Simon, shaking himself off once more.

If only one of us was part of that favored race, then perhaps the Goddesses would look down in this moment and help bring us health. Of course, I suppose they may just intercede either way. Until they reach down their hands though, I’m just going to assume we’re in this alone. Simon allowed his thoughts to dwell on the fact that his allies would need healing. Katsuro had already used the Red Potion, meaning only the Green and Blue were left. And only one of those could heal. And it would be a waste, although perhaps a necessary one if it meant saving a life, to use it on one who was at their full magical capacity. Much better to save that one for one who was completely drained from the fight. And Simon still had a lot of magic left to give.

As he remembered from his lessons with Orpheous, magical conservation was key. This was a lesson Orpheous himself always had tried to apply in his own life. But it wasn’t until the adventurers fought Gohma that Orpheous really realized how much of a difference a couple of life spells can make. It was much better to go for the less likely to land physical attacks for lower damage, than the magical attacks that do just a tad bit more damage. Because, healing will make all the difference.

So, from there, Simon applied another lesson he had picked up on during his travels. A person loses their ability to perform functions when knocked out (surprise, surprise). But, when this logic was applied to a person’s capacity to serve within a group of people, it became very necessary to determine the high priority targets to keep active, because they perform high priority functions for the group. Such as healing. Simon suspected that another attack like that wouldn’t just be the end of him, but perhaps spell a decisive defeat for the whole group just by knocking out one or two more members. Healing was the function required now, and the only person who carry out that function was Simon, who himself was terribly hurt. What good would he be as the healer if he was rendered unconscious? Sadly, despite the wounds of his allies, he would have to put himself first. The adage very well could be: live to heal another time. Focusing his magic inward, he began to heal up his own body, realizing it was the first step in rejuvenating the party. “Soon,� he whispered to himself, reassuring himself that his friends would be his next priority. [Use Life L1 on Self].
Last edited by Orpheous(anew) on Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:09 pm
OOC: Guess what? You get my patented 2-sentence post today! Horaaay.

I've set up my own business, it's the reason that I've been so busy. Shit's sweet.


[placeholder for deep, meaningful exposition]

Kasei wastes no time turning around and focusing his attack on the Redead Knight, stabbing at it with his flaming blade. Denkou, meanwhile, goes after the Stalhound, intent on removing it before it can become a problem.

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:56 pm
After landing the glancing blow, Katsuro flipped off of the monster and skidded to a stop, his cloak settling around him. After all the attacks had gone through, a minuscule crack formed across the surface of the gem- an equally small smirk across Katsuro's face.


The creature got to its feet rife with anger.

"He didn't like that!" Katsuro called out playfully as he twirled his blade once and hopped around energetically in place a couple of times. "Let's stay loose and get this done!" He crouched as if he were about to jump, but hesitated as Shar Guthal began glowing again. He felt the air shift before the enemy released a large wave of magic- it was coming to quickly to react properly. "EVERYBODY BRACE!!!" He screamed as he hit the ground, his shield in front of his face.

He felt the energy surge over him, a sting (albeit a familiar one) running through his body. His comrades ran through his mind as he peeked over his shield at Shar. The beast was summoning more minions. He peered over his shoulder to survey his team. "Oh-no." He muttered out loud as he got to a kneeling position and leaped backward. Landing near Simon, he stood in front of the injured man.

This blue potion... I know its magical properties could be better served elsewhere... But made Simon a promise.

"Simon. I-" He was cut short by a refreshing wave of energy. He turned to see the man healing himself. He sighed with relief- a tough decision avoided. "Good to see you up, Simon. You alright?" He turned to see Kasei already leaping into the fray. He's doing well at least- though Captain Shem is probably in rough shape.

He searched the field for Shem, and found the man standing firmly. He analyzed the man for a brief moment. He looks fine. Maybe I'm worried for nothing. Katsuro thought as he watched. Then a trickle of blood caught his eye- it was running down his armor- his face revealed an almost unrecognizable wince every moment or so.

Of course. He can't show pain, fear, or doubt. He's the captain of his forces. He fell into a shadow and moved quickly to Shem's position. Rising next the man, he removed something from his satchel. "Captain- eat this." He presented him with a Meat Shank from his inventory. "Trust me on this- it's not ordinary meat, and it was a bitch to get a hold of... But I've been saving it for a moment like this. Quickly now, you won't have a lot of time."

Katsuro turned to see how Denkou was doing- perhaps the man who'd taken the most punishment throughout this whole thing. His eyes scanned the battlefield, and found him standing not far from Simon.

"Not good," he said to Shem. "I hate to be a pessimist, but we really can't afford to take too many more attacks like that one. I'm used to high intensity situations like this, but some of these guys aren't." He turned back to Shar Guthal and narrowed his eyes. "He's going to pay." He said finally. He glanced around as Shem ate the magical meat, "Hurry- and don't choke."

OOC: Going to assume that takes a full turn. Should heal him for 17 or 18 health if I'm doing my mental math right. It ain't much, but it heals Shem for more health than anyone else here. :?

Kind of a rushed post, because much like Kasei, my life has gotten hectic lately.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:48 pm

A small, brief wave of healing energy radiates from Simon as his Life spell takes effect, restoring 18 HP, and bringing him back from the brink of death and into a much more favorable state of health.

If Denkou was hurting from the magical beating he had just taken, he was doing a good job of hiding it and staying focused on the task at hand as he jumped whole-heartedly back into the fray - although he did seem to play it safe and chose the (arguably) least dangerous enemy on the field to get in a tussle with. Despite his wounds, his dagger manages to find it's mark, and the Stalhound sustains 9 damage before it has the chance to get out of the way.

The Stalhound did, however, have a chance to strike back. As Denkou's dagger shattered a few of the creature's ribs, the unfeeling Stalhound leaped forward, clamping the thief's arm between it's jaws in a vicious bite, and leaving Denkou with a further 3 Damage.

Kasei, possibly the most well-off of the five of them, wasted no time in going for the heavy hitter. His flaming rapier digs deep into the dilapidated flesh of the Redead Knight for a total of 14 damage as the flames licked at the dried-out skin of the monster.

The Rebel Flame barely had time to pull his blade out of the reanimated knight before it loosed one of it's unbearably shrill and terrifying screeches at him, causing his blood to freeze and his muscles to tense up, holding him temporarily in place. [Screech of Terror] This opportunity was all the Redead Knight needed to swing it's hefty blade around with full force, colliding with Kasei's ribcage and dishing out 13 damage, knocking the Sheikah several feet back as he regained the use of his extremities.

The meat shank that Katsuro handed over to Shem did it's work; as the captain downed the rejuvenating meat as fast as he could, he could feel a bit of energy returning to him as he recovered 18 HP. "Thanks." he simply said as he took the last bite.

"That bastard isn't gonna let up, is he?" Shem commented as he reached into a pouch at his waist. "That definitely hurt a bit... if we're gonna last the rest of this fight, we need to take every precaution we can." He said, pulling out a rolled up bit of cloth.
"I don't know why I didn't do this sooner." He said, unfurling the cloth. On it was emblazoned the symbol of the royal family - a red bird with claws and wings outstretched, the triforce resting just above it. In just a few moments, he had attached the banner to his spear with a bit of string, letting it flap in the wind like a flag. It was a simple act, but a powerful one. The Crest of Hyrule seemed almost as if it gave off a faint glow as it billowed majestically overhead, reminding them what they were fighting for and giving them a sense of unity - a sense that would help them keep their wits about them a bit more in the thick of battle. [Kings Banner Lv. 1: +1 DEF to the entire party for the rest of the battle]

The first Redead looked as though it were about to move towards Simon, but the residual energy from the scribe's Life spell seemed to put it off. Instead, it kept it's distance and opened up it's mouth, letting out another one of it's signature [Screech of Fright]s, the mind-numbing sound echoing across the battlefield. This time, however, the only people it affected were Katsuro and Shem, catching them off guard as they spoke to each other. [Kasei and Shem stunned 1 round]

The second Redead took advantage of the opportunity created by it's sibling and lurched towards Katsuro, ready to strike at the momentarily incapacitated Sheikah, but it's ragged claws hit harmlessly against his armor, not hurting him a bit.

The last Redead moved towards Kasei, hoping to get in a free hit while he was engaged with another foe, but the quick-footed shiekah was too fast for the shambling undead, and it's attack missed by several feet as Kasei rolled out of the way.

The Gibdo rushed towards Denkou, arms outstretched in a full-body tackle. The creature slammed into the thief full-force, dealing 6 damage and knocking him back several feet.

The waving banner Shem had unfurled moments before caught the attention of Shar-Guthal.
He bellowed, enraged at the sight of his enemy's symbol, once again taking on a fierce glow as he channeled his inner Goronic strength. [Spirit of Dragonbane] With a mighty yell, he rushed towards Shem - by now paralyzed by the Redead's agonizing voice - and swung at the captain with all his might, hitting him square in the chest. Shem's armor was made of stern stuff, however, and refused to cave in under the sudden strain. Although the force of the blow sent Shem tumbling back several feet, he miraculously managed to avoid taking any serious damage as the armor faithfully did it's duty and protected the captain's body within.

<center>~Round Results~</center>

King's Banner: +1 DEF
Simon: 24/36 HP, 40/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 10/41 HP, 5/37 SPL, 9 Will
Katsuro: 53/64 HP, 16/40 SPL, 5 Will, STUNNED 1 TURN, Leadership Cooldown: 1 turn
Shem: 37/71 HP, 8/11 SPL, 9 Will, STUNNED 1 TURN
Kasei: 37/61 HP, 46/56 SPL, 9 WILL, flaming rapier 2 turns

Shar-Guthal: 169/253 HP, 60/70 SPL, Dragonbane Cooldown: 2 turns
Redead Knight: 26/40 HP, Screech of Terror Cooldown: 1 turn
Redead 1: 20/20 HP
Redead 2: 20/20 HP
Redead 3: 20/20 HP
Gibdo: 30/30 HP
Stalhound: 11/20 HP
Last edited by Leth on Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:05 pm
"That bastard isn't gonna let up, is he?" Shem commented as he reached into a pouch at his waist. "That definitely hurt a bit... if we're gonna last the rest of this fight, we need to take every precaution we can."
Katsuro observed Shem regain a bit of his vitality, the twinkle in his eye returning. He was honestly astounded that the meat-shank actually worked the way Darkin said it would.

Incredible. It really works. We'll have to hunt for more of it sometime.

He made a mental note to tell Darkin what he observed as Shem dug around in his satchel.
"I don't know why I didn't do this sooner."
He watched with curiosity as Shem assembled something just out of his view- however when Shem raised the banner and the cloth unfurled to reveal the royal crest, a regal feeling overwhelmed him. The crest he had seen since he were a child- the crest of Hyrule. He'd never fought under it before, though he had witnessed it from afar. Though he grew up as a thieving street-urchin, he never bore any ill-will towards the flag; rather he admired it. He remembered back to a time when his brother still lived...


The sounds of two training swords clashing rang throughout the prairie. Two brothers locked in combat sparred underneath the shade of a nearby tree.

"TAKE THIS, MINION OF GANON!" Cried the oldest, as he brought his wooden sword down upon the shield of the younger. "FOOL! YOU CANNOT WIN! BOW!!" Screamed the youngest, as he blocked the attack and jumped forward, his own counter-attack in motion.

On the porch a good distance away, sat their mother with a book and a cup of tea. She hadn't turned a page in over an hour- she hadn't turned her eyes away from her two children since she'd sat down. Her soft eyes stared lovingly at the two of them as she sipped the last of her tea.

If only their father were here to see his boys... They don't get this battle-hunger from my side of the family.

She chuckled as she watched.

The youngest dropped his sword, "Suro, why do I always have to be Ganon?"
Katsuro's shoulders fell, "Because I'm the oldest and I said so!"
"YOU'RE ONLY OLDER BY SEVEN SECONDS!!!" Toruga yelled angrily.
"C'moooon, let's just finish this," replied Katsuro as he lifted his sword.

Both of them stubborn... Dogura, where have you gone to?

Katsuro smiled and winked at his brother.
This brought a small smile to Toruga's face as he let out an evil laugh,
He felt the strength returning to him. The reason he fought, while not entirely for the king, was for the people. One way or another, he was living a childhood dream here as he watched the majestic banner billow overhead. The rally cries of soldiers fighting the war behind them sent shivers down his spine as he realized that their victory here would be decisive in the fate of these men- these walls- these children who themselves have dreams and aspirations.


Katsuro snapped his attention to Shar-Guthal, who'd noticed the banner. The words rang out in his head, sending him reeling back to the memories of his long-lost brother. He seethed with anger at the image of Shar-Guthal; what the Goron fought and stood for. He gripped his blade rightly, emotion overtaking him.

My brother... I'll win this.

That's when everything got really loud and then really quiet. The shriek of the redead nearby hit him with full force and immediately reduced the sounds of the battlefield to a high-pitched ringing noise as if an explosive had detonated right next to his ear. He felt his body tightening up as the paralysis effect struggled for control of his motor skills.

Dammit... C-can't move.

He struggled for control of himself as he remembered his father's words about emotion having no place on the battlefield.

I need to stay calm...

He gritted his teeth as he craned his neck slowly towards Shem.

He's been hit too... This looks bad.

Suddenly the Goron appeared right in front of the captain, fury written all over him. Katsuro struggled to free himself from the effects of the screech as he watched it all happen right in front of him.

The man was knocked clear across the battlefield, the Goron intent on pulverizing the symbol of the kingdom. The flag though no longer visible to Katsuro at the moment, still affected him greatly. The courage ran through him and eased his heart as a redead closed in on him. He focused everything he had on getting control of himself as the beast neared. Slowly it lurched as Katsuro fought hard to get his legs to move.

The attack came, the claws of the redead swinging full force- however the attack found itself against a hard surface- the man's shield. He had managed to regain control of himself at the last fleeting moment, his face drenched in sweat. He bashed his shield against the creature knocking it to the ground as he hopped backwards away from the fight. He landed not far away from the action, but with a good viewpoint of what was going on. Everyone was locked in combat, save for Shem who appeared to be getting back to his feet.

Man, that guy is made of some stern stuff.

He thought as he glanced around.

Everyone is hurting... I have the potions, but I'm still having trouble moving. Dammit, I can't believe I was caught off guard like that...

He exercised in place, getting a hold of himself and preparing to leap back into the thick of things. Just a few more minutes... He thought as the sounds of battle became more and more clear, his full senses almost recovered.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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