Crazy Seer

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:29 pm
"A Hylian is bieng hunted down to be brought to a man of evil!"
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:00 pm
Anyone who was in the Battle for Ruto, please go to the Red Roc Tavern! Thank you! Also...

The Desert Storm, after so many months of waiting, is fianlly replied to! This notice is for Sovelis and Kasei! I repeat; the Desert Storm topic at Tantari Rock is finally replied to :D :D :D :D :D :D!
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:59 pm
kasei wrote:kasei's end is near! I repeat, his end is near!

(Yeah, yeah... I once again break the rules of Double Posting. But think about it; how else will the word spread?)
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:43 pm
I am not trying to put you off Nogare, but you can now enter the edge of Oblivion at d13, which is hidden. Happy Testing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:04 pm

OOC: this is a seperate event, appening months before kasei's demise...

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:14 pm
OOC: Who likes Antiarchey.

IC: "A government is going to be attempted to be overthrown in Montagomey. The Dark One could fall." He finished in an infomertial tone,"Check the local Flyers for more detail."

A long while earlire, we are talking a few monthes,"A man needs help at a small baracaid at t5."

OOC: My first section of this post was talking about Montagomey, in real time that doesn't happen in Hyrule for a few monthes, but it needs to start now. Oh, and by Hyrule time I am working that now is when FoG 8 and the Link Between the Words is occuring.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:56 pm
The man begins to yell out, just as he had done several times before,
"A stone washes up on the edge of Tantari Desert!"

(Go to t3)
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:46 pm
OOC:Okay, how about this?


OOC: Seriously, this is the beginning of my character's story. Any mercenaries out there, PLEASE participate.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:17 pm
OOC: Sorry, Leth, oh yeah does that quote remind you of anything. :lol:

IC: Orpheous shared the podiuem for about a minuet. He was saying that Roronek was back and that they needed help taking him down(Even though you don't know about Roronek, your character does, read my profile for the briefing). "Meet me back at the Orrnary Cucco Tavern," Orpheous finished, giving the Seerer back his stage.

OOC: Their table is called a Short Break.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:02 pm
"The New Kings return!"

(go to t10)
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:30 pm
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:43 pm
OOC: Nogare, what title of King would you want?

IC: "A wild spirit breaks free during the full moon!"

(go to f36)
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:16 am
Zelda Veteran wrote:Fang and the Encounter
Place: F43
Importance to the story line: A must read.
Follow up: North Castle//Town Square//Hylian Haven Inn//Wingbeat Lands

Dogura will fit into this later. For now, this is what I created Fang Gengai for. You dont wanna miss this!! 8)
RG note: Please do not use the post in the Announcements Thread without getting permission from us RG's first. Sorry ZV. :P
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:50 pm
The seer's eye widen, as if he was confronted by the true form of Ganon himself,
"A new force enters Hyrule!"
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:17 pm
"A man sits alone."

OOC: F21
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
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