[Announcements] The Hylian Times -- 02/19

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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:55 am
Okay, due to HNSheila having to leave us, I've been forced to remake a part of JaR. That being said, I would like anyone still interested in participating to PM me, so I can try to work something out. Worru, you don't need to worry about this. I would also like anyone participating to send me all the interesting or unique things about their character. Let's finally get this Event finished so everyone can get a TP.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:18 pm
The next round of the Grand Tournament is up, as well as a post in StS. Please see to these topics people, as they both come with rewards if they ever finish!
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:03 pm
As you might (or might not) have noticed, beneath your rupee counter you now have two bright, shining letters that symbolize something everyone love. That's right, to make TP earning and spending easier (and so that it's easier for us to keep track) we're developing a TP counter. It's still not active, as we're still tweaking its functionalities, but it's something to look forward to.

Also, on another note, the next part of the Botanist quest is already out there in the scalding desert of Parapa, so get there and post!
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:25 am
Alright, Anna here...*yawn*...Alright, so I've been pressed for time as of late and have had no contact with the other RGs (except Draug, and he's just too lazy to help...) but I did the rounds. Posted in Slaying the Spider, the Seed search, and the Tournament. If there are any other topics that need posting, let me know. Also, a few announcements:

KP is still looking for people to join his storyline. If you're interested, post in his topic. If you can't find it, PM him.

Saber is also still wanting to know if anyone is interested in participating in JaR's dungeon. So far he has Worru, Brizzy, Alpha, and Dream Illusionist confirmed, and that's it.

Force of Gold. Needs. Posts. Don't let this one die, folks. IT'S A GIANT KROPERG. BEAT IT. Alpha edit: Actually, I'm seriously considering restarting this topic at this point. It's the only way I can think of to compensate with Sovelis not posting. So . . . unless you're Sovelis, don't post until I've made up my mind there.

Some people who signed up for the Seed quest haven't posted in it; if you're having trouble finding it, the topic is in p14. I believe it's the northern part of the Parapa desert.

Also, we're finally getting the Rules Set fixed. All the missing information, we're trying to put in there. If you have ANY questions about ANYTHING in the rules set, please PM me telling me so, so we can address the issue when we update the Rules Set.

We've got some big plans for HA2, guys. But it needs your help to come to fruition as well. We RGs may be the crunchy cookie part of the Oreo that holds everything in place, but you're the delicious cream filling that makes it worthwhile.


Look, I'm tired. I draw strange analogies when I'm sleep deprived.


So yeah. Bye.

--RG Anna <3
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:32 pm
Sabertache wrote:Okay, in order to help with large-scale fights, I've decided to try and compile everyone's battle stats, so all someone has to do is go to the little black book and roll. No digging through profiles, no complex calculations, then stuff like StS could go faster.

So if everyone could please fill out this form and send it in to me, I'll try to get this done as fast as possible.

[Name and level]: *HP, *SPL, *Total DEF, *Chance to hit(Before Roll)
[normal attack] DMG
[Dual Wield] DMG
[spell] DMG

OOC: Alright, good news, I talked to KP, and he says if we get this done we can put it on the sidebar with the Rules Set and such, so it'd be easy access for everyone.
Just in case someone didn't see Saber's announcement.

Okay, so, we finally got finished some work that we should have done a long time ago. Said work is making a scroll for every single spell in the Rules Set. Yes, every spell. So now, whether the spell is Life, Polymorph, Royal Spirit, Jump, or whatever else, you MUST buy the corresponding scroll in order to be able to use it. This is how things were supposed to be, but we've been too lazy. However, they're finally made, and in Jinoa's shop in f11. So please, go and buy those.

Also, I want to clear up something that should have been made clear in the Rules Set, but wasn't, and draws a lot of questions: How much bombs, arrows, boomerangs and stuff like that do.

Bombs: 9
Arrows: 7+STR (plus arcane archery bonuses)
Boomerangs: 4+STR (and they may stun)
Slingshot: 5+STR (plus another variable that will soon be introduced)

So hopefully, that should clear up some of the confusion.

EDIT: Also, so far NOONE has replied to the attack in the Barracks. Are there no Vassals?
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:26 pm
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you look out the window to the right on your flight through Hyrule, you will see a new addition to the sidebar--the HA2 Wiki. Sabertache, KamakaziPlumber, and a few others have been working on taking Kasei's Wiki and getting it up on TDC, so that it wouldn't go down anymore. All the pages have been copied, new ones have been added, and the Rules Set has been put in. Now that it's in the Wiki, it can be edited much, MUCH easier. Which brings up a few more points:

1. The Fire spell has finally been added to the Rules Set. It costs 2 TP to get, and...well, we'll decide later how we're going to do this, what with all these people who have 'bought' the spell before it required TP.

2. A few other extremely vague parts of the Rules Set are being cleared up. If you have any questions about what something in the Rules Set means, PM me or one of the mods so we can fix it in the Wiki.

Also, the Black Book will be put on the Wiki when it's finished. So far only three people have sent in their stats to Sabertache, so please get those sent people.

ALSO also, the final tournament fight between Alpha and Victor will start tomorrow night.

ALSO also also, a new guild called The Iron Brigade has started recruting. For information PM ZV or KP, or check out the topics in Rauru and the Town Square.

P.S. Post in StS and the Seed quest or I'm killing you all.

Alpha edit: Dang Anna, that's a bit harsh. Besides, I thought Draug took over StS from you.
Draug edit: Yeah, she did...good grief, somebody needs a chill pill.
...again... :P
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:05 am
You still need to post in StS and the Seed quest or you're going to die. I don't care what Alpha and Draug say, I'm fully capable and willing to do it. :evil:

Also, please assist in getting this RPer of the Month contest wrapped up...it's between Saber, Kasei, and Maverick, I believe...let's get this stuff finished people, come on.

Hey now, I didn't say you couldn't do it! I was quite honest in telling them that you asked for help!
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:27 pm
Just popping in to say that Brizzy is now part of the moderator team. So yes. Let's celebrate now.


I liked being the only woman. :cry:

Anyways, well...go post in Seed and StS, all of you...you know, or you die. All that stuff.


My heart's just not in it anymore. I feel betrayed. Why would they let another girl in...? Am I not pretty enough?

--RG Anna </3

RG Luke edit: You may have the looks, Anna, but we hired Brizzy for the brains :wink:

Brizzy Edit: Brains? Right.. Sorry Anna... I am just too cute and smart? In any case thanks for the announcing, I know how it troubles you so. AND NO I will not post in StS! Ok.. I will, just trying to get other people a chance..
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:38 pm
Okay, so while things are a bit dead, us RGs are still here behind the scenes.

From now on, due to complaints, you are not allowed to have a sig that stretches the page. We've removed the ones that were stretching pages, and if you resize them you can put them back.
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:27 am
Sorry I haven't been a good RG lately. I've let a lot slip through the cracks, and I'm trying to fix that up. For now, I've posted in several places that were long overdue, and hope to continue this trend for...well, at least until the other RGs get freed up some more. :cry:

--RG Anna <3
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:51 am
First off, a happy new years to all of our RPers! Yet another year under HA2's belt; let's hope that 2009 will see the addition of more excellent writers!

In addition to the festive greetings, I'm also posting to announce that we mods have just finished going through all the forums and moving outdated topics to the Dungeon. "Outdated", in our books, means that the topic has not received a reply in the last six months; after that amount of time we feel it safe to assume that the participants have lost interested in it. We normally move topics in this manner at the start of every month, though I think we slacked off a bit towards the end of '08.

If you want any of your topics moved back out of the Dungeon and unlocked, however, we mods are happy to do so. Just shoot myself or RG a PM saying which topic you want returned along with the forum that it was originally in; after all, we've moved several dozen topics, so it can be easy to forget where your specific topic was located.

Again, happy new years everybody!
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Kokiri Wolf Level 7
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Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:01 am
Hey, it's HNSheila here. I'm still a mod, which is a good thing, because recently there has been spambots posting in the North Castle Courtyard. Normally, they just attack the Courtyard, but I believe in the past they have targeted other screens. The point is, if you see a spambot topic, send me a PM with it's location; the next time I check my e-mail (which I try to do at least once a day), I'll see the notification, get on HA2, and take care of the spambot, providing another mod hasn't beaten me to it.

Oh, and post in StS.

P.S. Oh, and don't forget to wish your father a "Happy Father's Day" today.

P.S.S. Posts have been made in StS, Raid!, and Search for the Seed, if anyone doesn't know yet.

P.S.S.S. Oh, hey, apparently, Tayro has been helping with the spambot deletion, so let's all applaud his efforts to keep HA2 as spam-free as possible as well.

P.S.S.S.S This is KamakaziPlumber saying, I think I have just solved the spambot problem. We'll see if the new Captcha check helps. Only time will tell!
Lvl: 7; HP: 42; SPL: 17; STR: 2; DEF: 16; AGI: 5; INT: 3; SPI: 2; Will: 9
AC: 21; Spear DMG: 14; Bow DMG: 10; Bomb DMG: 7; Spell DMG: 12
Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
A Lone Tent (Aria's Home)
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:49 pm
A little update about the Crusade. If you die in a Fight topic, you may not participate in another Fight topic until two days later. So if you die on Tuesday, you cannot be in a fight topic again until Thursday. This will encourage more strategical thinking, hopefully.

P.S. Also, when a fight finishes, the victors of the fight will not be healed until the next day. Also just trying to leave a bit of realism in this thing.
Kokiri Wolf Level 7
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Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:15 pm
Okay, so a couple of new things out in Parapa Village. The first thing is the old Gerudo infant king topic and Governess Dasai topics. Recently it's been bugging me that MG is no longer around to move those topics along if someone posts in them. I talked it over with Alpha and (one of the) RG(s), and they allowed me to move those topics to the Castle Dungeon and work on an overhaul for the Gerudos. Don't worry; the new NPC topic doesn't follow my canon, so I'll be replying to that topic as a mod.

The second new thing is The Desert Bazaar, where you can now buy a violin. Yes, it does seem to be quite too soon to be releasing a new instrument (if you don't know what I'm talking about, then get to work on finding that secret shop!), but the violin doesn't offer any special effects. It's purely an aesthetic instrument, something to add variety to HA2. If you're wondering why it's being sold in Parapa Village, I just figured that the violin would be a popular instrument with the Gerudos. The Gerudo Training Gloves have also been moved to the store in Parapa, so if you've been saving up to buy a pair, you have to head over to Parapa Village to buy it now.
Lvl: 7; HP: 42; SPL: 17; STR: 2; DEF: 16; AGI: 5; INT: 3; SPI: 2; Will: 9
AC: 21; Spear DMG: 14; Bow DMG: 10; Bomb DMG: 7; Spell DMG: 12
Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
A Lone Tent (Aria's Home)
kamakaziplumber Level 9
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Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:12 pm
I have some exciting information to relay here today! Orpheous has done us a great favor by compiling all the monster stats from the South, starting what I can safely say is HA2's very own bestiary.

Now, it's mostly the basic facts right now - name, stats, and items/abilities. However, there is still a need for individual monster information pages on the Wiki, where you'll find the Bestiary. Just look for it in the navigation panel! And if you think you can do a good job of describing some of the monsters that haven't been represented in the Wiki (check the monsters tag under Other Lists to see a list of them all so far), go ahead and add a page for that monster! That's what the Wiki is for, after all.

So, enjoy the new Bestiary!


"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."

Lying are ruins of silver and gold,
Lying are ruins of edifice old.
Hidden in the sands of a cooler sun
Waiting is a Wisdom meant only for one...

-- Here's a link to it. Sign-ups are closed!

STR = 2 DEF = 15 AGI = 3 INT = 6 SPI = 1 SPL = 20 HP = 61 WILL = 9 Dagger DMG = 7 Boom DMG = 6 Spell DMG = 17

RIP Onogoron: Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009 - ...