(To begin with I would like to say that it is me, The Old Dekou. However please do not be evil to me I have righted my ways and am now a good person at heart)
Squall is a Sheikah who was abandoned as a child. He was left in the cold darkness of a cave just beyond the mountain range known as the Kazak Range. He grew up there with a pack of lions who were his basically his parents. The lions then, one day took him to a Hylian village. There he had no money or an education. So grew his disability in the world. Knowing there was nothing there for him, he turned to the lions. The Hylians however, had hunted them for their fur. This infuriated the child and so took off to live in the mountains yet again. There he found a small lion. He called it Baal. He treasured this as a living memory of the lion that once were his family. He still has a hatred of Hylians, but is civilized towards them. He grew up in the town within the North Castle. He made a life off hunting. Some may call it ironic, however he hunted Roc's, and never ever hunted lions or wolves.
Of course today he still has Baal. He is a skilled hunter and the two make an amazing team. So the pair get along in life, but only just.
Never ever call him Squall, call him Lionheart
You want me to bring Reinforcements. I am the Reinforcements.