Mother: Reka Ikimaro (White Crane mask)
Info- A very strong and beautiful mother who disappeared 2 years ago when the village burned down.
Father: Kyo Ikimaro (Jaguar mask)
Info- The tribe leader of a tribe, disappeared 2 years ago when village burned down.
Rikku Ikimaro(Unknown)
Info- Yoko's younger sister who left to travel around the world before the village was destoryed...would be about 15 years old now....
Sana Ikimaro (Unknown)
Info- The youngest child of the Ikimaro family, the village was destoryed on the day when she was getting her mask. She disappeared along with Yoko's mother and father, leaving a necklace in the burned down house.
OOC: More to my family soon! (Once I have more ideas......

STATS: STR: 2---DEF: 1---AGI: 6---INT: 3---SPI: 1---HP: 31---SPL: 2
Physical:[STR+Dagger]= 7 DMG
Calm Beast
Disarm Trap
Yoko's Profile