Rogue Rendezvous lll : Black Warehouse

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Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:35 am
Black Warehouse

Climbing the Wall mix::

~When Pyre had exitted the inn, he had made his way to the Goron Warehouse District. Before they made there climb though, the ranger needed some supplies. He had stopped at a general store to by some rope, and was met by the goron store owner. His common was thickly accented and sometimes it was hard to understand exactly what he had said, but the hylian managed.

"What you want?"

The goron's bluntness caught Pyralin by surprise, but he composed himself. "I'm looking for a long sturdy rope. One that would be good for climbing."

"Rope eh? Me go back, you sit."

He grabbed the ranger's arm, and dragged him across the store, until the hylian was standing next to a chair. Pyre protested, attempting to wrench his arm from the goron's iron grasp, but failing. "I'll stand thank you."

"No you sit."

He slapped his custormer on the back, and Pyre fell hard into the chair, gasping in pain as the goron stalked off into a back room.

When the shopkeep returned, the hylian was rubbing his back in pain, but stopped when he saw the coils of rope in the goron's hands. He stood up and walked over to him, hoping he wouldn't be forced to sit again.

"Best rope in hyrule, elf. Won't break on you with strange climbing. 200 ruppees for such good quality eh?"

He took the rope and muttered under his breath, "Elf..." Then Pyre reliezed what the goron just said. "200 rupees?! Are you crazy."

"Rol no crazy. Me thinks you pay up, or sit down again."

The ranger took a step back in surprise. It seemed like the goron was threatening him. With his strength that probably didn't bode well for the ranger. He decided that he would have to cheat his way out of this. He pulled out the large fake silver rupee he carried around with him and handed it to the goron. "Fine, I'll pay your price." Pyre took the rope and rushed out of the shop before Rol could figure out it was a fake.

Alright, I got some rope. This should make things a little easier.

It took nearly no time at all to reach the warehouse they had targeted for the first attack. The ranger moved steathly into the shadows at its side, and waited for Saber to show up. They would then start climbing and wait for Rose to infiltrate the warehouse. For once it seeemed like things were actually going to work out.

Then he saw a man round the corner of a warehouse a way down to the right. Pyre quickly ran into a small alleyway opposite him to get away from any prying eyes. It seemed things were already getting more complicated. As his heart thumped loudly in his chest, he whispered to himself, "Where the hell is Saber..." More complicated indeed.~
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:59 pm
Saber ran through the town at top speed, panting as sweat dampened his clothes and matted the hair that had just dried a while ago. He shook his head to get the brown mess out of his eyes as he slowed to a stop, leaning over with his hands on his knees.

"Where...did Pyre...go?" He mumbled between breaths as he looked up and surveyed the area. It's great that he's eager, but he just ran off without warning...this could create some problems...

"You'sa lookin' fer sommun?" Slurred a voice behind him. He spun on his heel in shock, and his wide eyes settled on the figure the voice belonged to. It was a husky, rather large man, with one eye poking through his shaggy, long black hair. He had a tattered tophat with the top ripped and blowing in the wind, and he wore two coats, both filled with holes. He wore baggy, horribly frayed pants and undersized leather shoes with holes for the toes to stick through. He had barely any teeth left, and what remained was yellow and black, with visible holes. Saber sniffed and caught a whiff of alcohol on the stranger's breath. The typical drunk...just dandy...

"Umm...yes...a friend...just a friend...umm...hey, you look like you could use a drink!" The caution faded from his voice as he thought of a way to get the bum off his back. The bum in question gave a nearly-toothless grin at the suggestion.

"Why, I sure could!" He clapped a heavy hand on Saber's shoulder, and gave a wheezy laugh as the mercenary winced from the impact. "You know what? I'sa think I like you!"

Saber returned the grin shakily as he watched a fly depart from the bum's shoulder and circle him, to land back in the same place and start crawling over the back of the burlap coat he wore on top.

"So den, I think's I'ma gonna take you up on yer offer! Me name's Burlo, what's yers?" As Saber opened his mouth to answer, the bum cut him off with another wheezing laugh. "Ye know what, don' worry 'bout it, we can talk at that thur pub!" He gestured with his head to a pub down the road a ways. A crooked sign hung by one corner above the cracked door. It read 'death Pub' Saber gulped. Burlo looked puzzled, then recognition dawned on him and he laughed again. "Don't worry, the sign jist be a bit messed up. It's s'posed to be the Bendeath Pub, Bendeath is the owner."

Five minutes later, the bum slammed his empty mug down on the grimy counter and wiped a gloved, dirty hand across his stubbled mouth. "So then, Saber, why'sa you down here?"

Saber blinked in astonishment as his new acquaintance. "Umm...just traveling, you know. On my way to New Peak Town..yeah..." I can't believe he finished that whole thing in one vanished in five seconds! I can't even hold down a drink...

Burlo looked at him suspiciously, but then gave his signature smile again. "I see. Dat makes sense then, I sees travelers goin' by all de time. So den, guess it'sa time fer you to get goin'!"

Saber smiled quickly and got up to leave. "Well was meet you! Now, I must take my leave.." He hurriedly walked out without looking back. Burlo stared at the empty doorway for a minute, then got up.

"Hold me place, Bendeath, I'm gonna have another drink, just wanna check som'tin out first..." With that, he left the pub, following the retreating mercenary from a distance. "Just as I thought, that's de wrong way ter New Peak Town." He grinned again. "Me thinks he could use me assistance..."

Saber arrived at the warehouse a few minutes later, panting as he stopped and surveyed the area. "They didn't start without me did they...?" He mumbled as he straightened up. "Pyre really needs to work on patience.." Then he spotted his ally in the alley...heh...interesting combination of words, gonna have to remember that one..

He ran into the alleyway, careful to remain unseen to anybody at the warehouse, and pressed himself against the wall opposite Pyre. "So then, are we ready to go?"

Fifty feet away, the husky bum squatted behind a pile of crates, watching his new friend converse with the stranger...

OOC: Hehe...yeah...hope that explains why Saber's late...I also might bring Burlo into it sometime, I may just have him watch though.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



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Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:46 pm
(((OOC: sorry I'm late. Doing some ROM hacking and it didn't work out well, and I got distracted by a little fight with KP and such,'s we goes)))

~When Saber came running in, Pyre leapt forward, dagger leading and stabbed forward at the newcomer's stomach before stopping himeself, seeing that it was not a rogue looking to kill him, but a friend.

"Sorry about that." he said, sheating the blade, and then walking past Saber to look out of the alleyway. It seemed the coast was clear now. He wasn't sure what Rose was doing right now, and had no way of communicating with her. The hylian decided that they would just have to climb up and keep a look out for the ranger until she entered and led some of the rogues out so Saber and him could infiltrate the warehouse.

The ranger turned back into the alley to look at Saber. "You ready to climb. It looks like we have a short time to get up completely unnoticed." He looked back up at the looming warehouse and smiled. Pyre was actually looking forward to this.

Without waiting for the fencer (i guess that's what you are), the hylian moved to the base of the wall, pulling the rope out of a satchel on his back. He let the bag fall to the ground, as it would only serve to encumber him, and started tying the rope around the hilt of his dagger. He drew another blade and stabbed it through the rope, to make a sort of double lock with the two blades and then turned to look at Saber.

"I'll go up first, and then I can help pull you up from the top. Try to be as quiet as possible and remember; this is the easy part."

A slight smile still on his face, he grabbed the double blade grappling hook and threw at the gutter at the top of the warehouse. It clanged into place, and Pyralin winced at the sound, immediately pulling the hook tightly into place. The ranger tested his weight on the rope, but decided to just start climbing without worrying. If they were going to fall, they were going to fall. They couldn't just abandon the plan and leave Rose for dead. (well we could, HNS XD)

He grabbed the rope firmly, and started to scramble up, parrarel to the ground, using his legs on the wall. After the climbing and jumping through trees that he did as a ranger, this was almost second nature. He almost reached the top without accident. Almost.

When he was about five feet away from the edge of the roof, a face poped over the edge. It wasn't a kind face, but it was dirty and unshaven, and wore a wicked grin. The head wasn't the only thing that appeared over the edge. A long curved knife was revealed as well.

Pyralin decided that this did not bode well for him. He made a last minute desicion and let go of the rope. Immediately, his hand sprang to his scimitar and the other to a throwing dagger. Simultaneously, he launched them through the air at the assailants direction. He had guessed right. The man had thrown the knife down from the roof, and the hylian's throwing dagger intercepted it. The scimitar however flew up unimpaired. That is unimpaired until it was lodged in the man's skull.

The ranger grabbed on the rope as he fell, and felt the rough surface sliding through his hand. He could feel the skin on his palms peeling off, and grimaced in pain. It did indeed hurt quite a bit. The hylian did managed to hang on though, and after resting for a moment, turned around to look at Saber. "I think I'm okay. I'm going the rest of the way up."

He started to climb again, slower this time, and soon reached the top where he wrenched his scimitar free, and held it in a ready position. The hylian didn't bother wiping off the blood, for his every sense was alert and looking for more hostile thieves. It didn't take long to asure himself that he was alone, and he turned back down to beckon to Saber, but not until after he rumaged through the dead grunt's pockets and found himself a few spare rupees, a small red gem, probably stolen, and a new knife.

The mission had started off bumpity. Who knew what other surprises were waiting for them on this raid? Why would someone be watching the roof anyways. It seemed things weren't going to be easy.~
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:58 am
Saber sucked in his gut, panicking as the dagger stopped but an inch from his stomach, ripping a small hole in his tunic. Argh, this cost me two jobs' salary...He thought in disgust as he examined the hole. Pyre really is overeager...hope this doesn't end up costing us...He looked up at his ally and nodded in response to the question.

He watched curiously as Pyre started to make some sort of contraption with his daggers. What the hell is he...oh, very clever....very, very clever, that'll do nicely.. He reflected on the mission's details once more as Pyre started to begin his climb. He still just didn't feel right, this nagging feeling....not to mention that on the way here, he felt like he was being followed...although, that was probably just paranoia from walking through such a dark area.

What would happen if they didn't make it out of this mission? This was practically suicide! If one thing went wrong, there was nothing to keep them alive. The four of them, up against five or so warehouses packed with Din-knows-how-many guards, and their leaders. Some of which happened to be mages! This mission wasn't seeming like such a good idea suddenly...."No." He said audibly, through barely opened lips. "I must try. IF anything, I'll take some with me. As long as these louts are around, they're going to be a danger to the villagers...the children...I must--*@$!" He yelled out a curse as two weapons landed in the ground on either side of him.

He looked up, seeing Pyre finish off a bandit. "Pyre...Pyre, they know we're here! We can't...." He stopped as he thought again..."No....we must...the children....Pyre...I have a bad feeling about this, though. Maybe we should switch up the plan a little, just to keep everyone safe..." He stepped forward and grabbed the rope, tugging it to test it's strength. It seemed sturdy enough--sturdier than that cliff that had dropped him earlier. He placed an aching foot on the wall and began to climb towards Pyre, his mind racing, filled with feelings of worry and anxiety.


Burlo crept slowly forward, hiding behind another box, although most of his bulk was still sticking out around the wooden crate. His head slowly rose, his bright green eye blinking twice before he lowered it back. He turned around and sat with his back to the crate, reaching into his coat pocket. He rummaged around for a while, he pulled out a bottle. He took out the cork and threw back his head, draining half the liquid in a few seconds before corking it again. He stuck it away and turned back around, peeking at his mercenary acquaintance, Saber, as he climbed the rope. Suddenly, he let out a loud belch, and Saber nearly fell off the rope, glancing over towards the crate, which was suddenly by itself again...
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:08 pm
Hyneria led Rose to the building that housed the Hylian Knights Ruto Town Headquarters. After finding out that Sir Aestas already went home, Hyneria led Rose to a house near the edge of town. When she knocked on the door, Rose saw a small child open the door. Except it wasn't a small child. She looked more like a grown women, but she was shorter than even the Sheikah standing beside her. And she had gossamer wings poking through her dress.

“Hello, Hyneria,” the faerie said rather shyly. “Come on in.” She stepped aside to allow the two women in.

Hyneria smiled. “Thank you, Natasha,” she replied as she came in. “This is my new friend, Rose Hillmound. Rose, this is Natasha, a mid-faerie. Is Seth home, Natasha?”

The mid-faerie nodded her head and was about to go get the Hylian, but he came down the stairs first. “Thought I heard you talking,” he said. “I thought you were taking out a crime syndicate.”

“We are, but we need to draw some grunts out of the first warehouse,” Hyneria responded. “We were thinking a trap where they think we’re trapped in a house, and they need a large force to come in and subdue us. Think you’re up for the ruse?”

Seth smiled. “Of course. I’m always ready to help you. I know of an abandoned house nearby.” He pointed to the back of his house, indicating the direction of the abandoned house. “I’ll head over to the headquarters right now to round up some knights.”

“Can you show me the grunts we already gave you?” Rose asked? “I’m going to disguise myself as one.”

Seth frowned. “You don’t look like a Sheikah.”

“I’m a shape shifter,” the human replied, sounding a tad bit uneasy.

“Well, that’s interesting. Just don’t let my grandfather get a hold of you. Anyway, let’s get going. Natasha, you go on ahead to the house; I’ll meet you there.”


Later that night, Rose and Hyneria were making their way to the warehouse. Except Rose was a grunt and Hyneria was invisible. Once the warehouse was in sight, Rose ran up to it, screaming, “We need help! They holed themselves into a house, and we need more people to help kill them!”
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:26 pm
~When Rose shouted out the alarm, a grunt rushed out of a small side door, looking startled. "What's happening?! What's wrong?!" He looked at Rose for a moment confused. "Wait. What division are you from? I haven't seen you before." The man drew out a long dagger, and started to move towards the disguised ranger, when a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind.

A woman with long black hair stood behind him. She wore long black robes, which had green glowing runes covering every inch of them. She gave off the aura of magical power that could only lead to one conclusion. This was one of the leaders of the rogues. "I know this person, follow along with five other grunts, and go investigate what's wrong." Just as five more of the rogues came out through the warehouse door, a grin stretched across the mage's face. This was no casual smile though, and anyone would be able to tell that something was wrong.

The mage snapped her fingers, and padded footsteps could be heard from behind Rose. Twelve more of the grunts stood behind her, crossbows aimed at intruder. She snapped her fingers again, and Hyneria winked into view. It looked like they had been expected and who knew what kind of traps were awaiting Pyre and Saber. (I think I already told you by accident though HNS....)

The woman's smile widened. "Put down your weapons, and come with me." All escape was cut off. It seemed Rose and Hyneria were trapped.~


~Pyre looked down through the window with a frown. He gripped the hilt of his scimitar tightly. The hylian agreed with Saber; something was definitly wrong. How the hell did they know to have sentries on the roof? That was way out of the ordinary. He looked over at the mercenary for a moment, before gathering his courage a taking a step close to the glass and bending down.

He wedged his dagger into the tiny seem between the roof and the glass, and started to dig with the blade. The ranger ran it along the edge of a panel of glass, and when he thought he had loosened it enough, he started on the next edge of the panel. When Pyre had cut everyside, he dug his scimitar into the wedge, and using it as a wedge, flung the panel out of the ceiling of the warehouse. It landed with a clatter, and he winced at the noise. He looked at Saber once more. "Are you ready?"

He lowered himself down through the newly made opening in the roof of the warehouse, and peered around in the darkness. Pyralin prayed to the goddesses that Rose's ploy had work, because otherwise they were easy targets. The first thing the hylian checked for was guards, but there didn't seem to be any. Then he saw a movement in the corner of his eye, and he sent a dagger spinning through the still air. It stabbed into the head of a cloaked man carrying a crossbow, and he fell to the ground without making a noise. Satisfied, he whispered back up to Saber. "The coast is clear."

The hylian dropped to floor of the warehouse, and landed softly, rolling forward to absorb the impact. Both his blades were at the ready, just in case he missed any extra guards. However, he wasn't met with hostilities, however, he wan't met with much of anything. The warehouse was mostly empty, except for crates and cobwebs. The ranger knew it was the perfect place to hide, but he also knew that he couldn't do much about it. He simply had to trust Rose.

After a moment of searching through the dusty boxes, he found a small trapdoor off to the side of the warehouse. Pyralin looked at the door for a moment and then kneeled to check if it was trapped. It seemed like this was the entrance to the underground tunnels he had heard about.

After a moment of checking over the wooden surface, he determined that it was okay to open delicately. There might be traps on the other side, but if lifted the trapdoor carefully they wouldn't spring and he could disarm them.

As it turned out, his assumption was correct there was a tiny contraption lodged on the back of the door. It seemed to be a sonic trap. One that would raise an alarm and deafen its victims in the process; cunning. Pyre's deft fingers disarmed the trap, and he slid down into the passage below. He wasn't surprised to find a staircase leading downwards, and he called back up to Saber, signalling that it was okay to come down.~


~Meanwhile, outside the facility, a small magical alarm alerted the mage that was capturing Rose and Hyneria that someone had disarmed her sound blast trap in the warehouse. The smile on her face turned even more sinister than before as she remarked casually. "Oh, it looks like you friends fell into my little trap as well. I can't promise that they'll survive, but I only need you two to question. The others are expendable, and it matters very little to me if they perish or not. However, I would advise you two to be agreeable, if you even hope to see the two of them again."

The smile never left her face, as she stared straight at Rose, watching for any sign of discomfort. She did so enjoy watching her adversaries internal struggle, and looked forward to the full rewards of her success.~
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Hi no Seijin Level 9
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Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:15 pm
Rose was about to answer, ready to come up with a quick lie about divisions, not having remember anyone saying something about that before. But then she found herself surrounded by what must have been the whole warehouse. And then the mage that had appeared before her forced Hyneria out of hiding. That had to have been powerful magic to force a Sheikah out of Shadowmeld. But what bothered the ranger and the thief the most was that it seemed that they knew they were coming. And if they knew that they were coming, then they had to know that Rose was a shape shifter. If only Rose knew of a form that would protect her from crossbow bolts at close range. She saw no way out of this situation right now, so it was best if she cooperated. She turned back to her normal self and took off her sword and knife, letting them drop to the ground. "Rose!" Hyneria hissed.

"We have no choice, Hyneria," she replied calmly. "We're outmatched." And then the mage revealed that she knew of Pyre and Saber. She gulped, but otherwise kept her composure. "We are far outmatched."

"What do you want from us?" Hyneria asked, not registering that what she said was somewhat cliche. She slowly took her knives off of her belt and let them drop as well.
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:45 am
Saber looked around anxiously as he watched his friend tinker with the window. He bit his lip, fervently wishing he had been more firm in his attempts to change the plan. He was broken out of his dejected thoughts by Pyre's verbal signal, and watched him jump down. No guards....that's good...I was afraid we would have our own welcome party...He saw his ally disable a trap and realized it was time to descend. He hesitated, glancing back at Rose. Hopefully this goes well for them...

He leapt down, landing softly and rolling, coming up besides Pyre. He drew his saber quietly and examined the area for any sign of more traps or guards.


Burlo gasped as his mercenary buddy's friends were caught. "Well now, dat's not ver' nice o' dem...." He complained softly. "Well den....Crosserbows, eh? I's can take care o' dat..." He reached into his coat and felt around for a while, then withdrew a small deku staff. He closed his eyes and concentrated his energy into the stick, whispering an incantation, and suddenly he was gone. In his place was a miniscule, two-inch glowing ball--A fairy.

The tiny Burlo flew off in the direction of the gang. He landed on the nearest crossbow and paced it, examining every machination of it. The string...that had to be it! He reached into his coat once more and felt around with his tongue out in concentration. He withdrew a shattered bottle top, and took it to the string, cutting it almost all the way through. "Thur now, when they's tries to shoot me mate's female allys, the string oughta snap and flub de arrow....mebbe even backfire on 'em." He turned and flew from the crossbow, heading to the next and repeating the process, continuing down the line until all the bows were disabled. He then alighted across the gap and landed on Rose's shoulder, listening intently to everything the mage said.
Last edited by Sabertache on Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



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Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:08 pm

~The mage watched as Rose and Hyneria dropped their weapons, enjoying their helplessness. She was almost positive that the thief had more concealed weapons on her, but let them have hope. It would make it that much more fun to crush it. "What do I want? Oh nothing much. Come. We will talk in my private chambers." She let out a soft and cruel laugh and then snapped her fingers again. A oval shapped rip formed in the air, swirling inwards. "Step through the portal, and I'll be with you for in a moment."

The mage loved the feeling of power that filled her when she commanded the two to enter the portal. If they didn't they would die, and even if they escaped their friends would die. In fact one was already taken care of. They had no choice but to comply.

The crossbowmen, startled that they had been disarmed quickly drew swords and began to close in on the two. It looked like some funny buisness was going on.~


~Pyre turned back at Saber in the dusty passage, and then scanned the walls and ceiling. It would be all to easy to get trapped in here, or set up nasty spikes that came out of the walls and such. The hylian was a little worried, but didn't let it bother him. He had made his desicion, time to press on.

Without a word to the mercenary, he continued to walk down the narrow passageway, and soon he could see a small door. He wasn't sure if this led to another warehouse or a different part of the passageway, but it didn't seem like he had much of a choice, so he opened it anyways.

On the other side of the door was a large room. It had a surprisingly high ceiling for an underground tunnel, and had an ominous feel to it. Almost like..... a tomb. Pyre scanned the room quickly looking for a sign of anyone else. He had his orders; he was not to be seen.

The hylian walked to the center of the room, and then turned back to face Saber, a smile on his face. "You've done pretty well so far." He knew this was an awkward statement, but he decided the surprise on Saber's face would be worth losing a quick kill. At the very though of the blood running through his fingers, the man's smile widened.

Pyralin then chose to spoke some more, to both demoralize and scare his adversary. It may be unwise to reveal the other parts of the plan, but once again, it was worth it. Playing with the enemy was so fun. "We've captured your little friends. It wasn't too difficult." That was it. He had revealed he was a traitor, but for some reason that made his smile grow even larger. It was time to fight and kill, and the excitement rushing through his veins was raising to nearly a fever pitch.

The traitor was losing control. Slowly, Pyre's once brown eyes changed to a shadowy purple, and glowing red lines were carved into his skin in complex patterns. He drew his scimitar out of its sheath, and pointed it at Saber, his other hand slowly drawing out the dagger that he would dual wield with the blade. "Are you ready to die?"~

(((This first part will be RP, but a stat part will come later. This boss fight will be really fun, I promise. I have plenty of surprises for you.)))
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


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Hi no Seijin Level 9
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Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:42 pm
Sheikah and human eyed the grunts warily, not caring that they changed weapons for some reason. Sword. Crossbow. Both were dangerous in close range combat. The portal didn't look too inviting either, but it was either be stabbed or possibly be sent to some goddesses' forsaken place. Both were more likely to survive the latter.

Both women took a deep breath and entered the portal. Anything to escape the close to dozen plus swords pointed at them.

OOC: Ugh, sorry for the short post, but it doesn't look like I have much to go off on.
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:52 am
Saber followed Pyre down the dusty corridors silently, trying not to cough as the floating particles irritated his throat and tickled his nose. He didn't like the feel of this place; didn't like the feel of the whole mission so far, ever since the tavern. He just wanted to get the kill and get out as soon as possible.

"You've done pretty well so far."

Saber raised an eyebrow quizzically as Pyre turned on him. I...haven't really done anything...why....wait a second... He just stared in amazement as Pyralin continued to confirm Saber's fears--There was an information leak. However, it was even worse. The leak was the same man he had entrusted his safety to in carrying out this entire mission! The mercenary's mouth moved up and down wordlessly, trying to figure out just what he wanted to say, but unable to grasp anything. Eventually, he found his strength, and from the babbling came forth his response:


Then his friend began to arm himself. He really wanted to kill him! This was unbelievable...Then again, worse things had happened to better people...Still...he trusted this wasn't Pyre...He was different...He even looked least, to Saber he did, but that was enough. He wouldn't hesitate to take this man down. He reached reassuringly towards his reliable saber and smiled. If anything, he looked forward to a decent match. "Eh. I've thought of worse ways to be killed."

With that, he leapt forward and spun, drawing his saber in one fluid motion and brought the worn, yet finely honed steel across in a lethal circle, as his free arm reached for the belted sheath at the same time.


Burlo stayed hidden under Rose's hair, listening to every little noise and noting every movement as he took a rather large sip from a fresh bottle. Fresh in this case meaning full; it was by no means new, he had just found it behind the crates. He braced himself and grabbed a lock of hair as they went through the portal. He had never gone portal traveling before, and he didn't want to throw up and reduce his alcohol content to an unsafe level. Who knows what would happen if he stopped feeling the buzz?
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:02 pm
(((OOC: btw Saber, Rose is gone off to another thread, so I'll get you the teleportation spell soon. If you don't quite understand what I mean, then you will. This is MY patented version of the teleportation spell.)))

~Pyre's smile never wavered in the face of Saber's saber (I've always wanted to say that), and instead he dropped his own guard to mock him. He turned to the side, looking at the far exit to the room where the mercenary was headed. "Actually, it's not even worth trying to kill you. If I let you continue, some measly grunt will probably take care of it anyways."

In the middle of his taunting, his bloodlust started to take control. The red glowing carvings all over his skin started to glow even brighter, shooting energy throughout the pseudo-Pyre's body. Soon the ranger could constrain himself, and like a rocket changed direction from looking at the far door to darting towards his prey.
The fight had begun.~


Pyre Imposter:

HP: 40
SPL: 15
STR: 3
DEF: 13
AGI: 7
INT: 7
SPI: 1


Black-edge Scimitar: 8 DMG
Keen Dagger: 5 DMG, +2 chance to hit
Hylian Jerkin: +12 DEF


Dual Wield L3

Counter L1


~After he had closed the distance between himself and Saber, he lashed out with his scimitar, aiming at his opponents arm. He hoped that by striking the mercenary's apendages, he would be able to incapacitate him and then play with him until he died. The very thought made him lust for the kill, and put a little more power behind the swing, using brute force instead of the finesse that the hylian's body was built for.

This added an amount of clumsiness and a combination of Saber's skilled defence and speed caused the blade to barely scrape the mercenary's jerkin, not hurting him at all. [18O to 34D] (O is offensive roll, D is defensive.) It was now the perfect time for Saber to strike, but the hylian had more tricks up his sleeve to use in the battle to come.~
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


--Valiantly Remaning Not-a-Mod--
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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:25 pm
Who is this guy?Was the question fresh in Saber's mind as the fake Pyre ranted about the mercenary's supposed weakness. Then, in a flash, he went from taunting to attacking, almost like some sort of feral beast. Saber, with his sword upraised, was in a clumsy position for defending against such sudden strikes, and he had to resort to dodging rather than blocking. He threw himself backwards, wincing as he felt the scimitar graze his jerkin, and he fought for balance, eventually settling into a firm stance and skipping forward as he spun, putting extra momentum behind his strike. His saber wove up and down, hopefully maneuvering past the fake Pyre's guard and delivering a damaging blow.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:07 pm
(((OOC: Just as a note, your supposed to hit him, but he won't take any damage. Oh well. You'll get to beat the crap out of Pyre later but for now....... fun time. You got the worst form possible first! :twisted: )))

~The imposter frowned as the mercenary dodged his attack. That wasn't supposed to happen (and in fact it shouldn't have; I added a roll to your defence and you got 18 ). Then something to further inflame his anger happened. The man counterattacked. At the saber lanced towards him, he was frozen to the spot in surprise. The next thing he knew, the blade had grazed his arm, cutting it open.

Instead of blood coming out, it simply a red glow, like the other carvings over his body. It stared at the new glowing line on his skin for a moment before looking up Saber and snarling, beastially, all attempts at restraint lost. Slowly the glow all over his body grew greater and greater, until suddenly, his body exploded in red light, flinging Saber backwards.

Then, as the light faded, one could see that the imposter had changed shape. In place of Pyre, stood a single Wizrobe. These teleporting spell casters are dangerous enemies at the best of times, even in parties of more people, so it would be interesting to see how Saber would fare.

30 HP
50 SPL

(((OOC: A note. The Wizrobes attacks are random, because otherwise I'd be too cheap. I'll be using dice rolls to chose which one it is. Don't yell at me if its cheap, so lets see what you get first..... AND YOU GOT THE WORST ROLL AGAIN!)))

Saber's new opponent stood there staring at him for a moment before rasising its hand so the palm pointed at the mercenary. The large hat and glowing eyes made it impossible to tell what emotion the imposter was feeling if any at all, but right now, sheer ecstacy was flooding him. It was time to kill.

The next moment, a huge blast of energy flew out of the wizrobe's outstretched hand and shot forward at Saber. The immense attack practically filled the room with its bulk and power. It seemed like the wizard was going all out from the start.


Wizrobe Thunder:
Cost: 20 SPL
Does +50% Magic DMG
1 turn Cooldown with no attacking.

Saber isn't capable of dodging an attack of this magnitude [1 (SPI) + 17 (Roll) = 18] and takes a whopping 18 DMG right off the bat. The magical thunder sends him flying backwards, but still the wizrobe just stands there looking at him, hand raised.

23 HP

30 HP
30 SPL
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


--Valiantly Remaning Not-a-Mod--
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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:30 pm
Saber grunted as he was hit full-on, slamming against the wall painfully and twitching as the remaining electricity continued to run it's course through his nerves. How did this happen? He thought incredulously. His attack had done nothing, and now there was a different enemy in the way? This was definitely a bad day.

He pushed off the wall suddenly and charged the Wizzrobe, deciding to put as much behind his strike as possible, since his opponent was a magical attacker instead of a physical one. It shouldn't be able to dodge him--Unless it teleported of course, which in that case no amount of skill would help. As he neared the monster, he leaped into the air, raising the blade above his head and slashing downward, going for the cliched jump attack in an effort to cripple his opponent.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15