I finally find you

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Malciore of Noe Level 5
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Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:37 pm
A dark sheikah, wearing black robes from his head down to his feet. His face is covered by a hood, his sleeves go over his hands, and he has a sword sheath by his side.
"I can't belive that Malciore followed me here, to Hyrule. No matter, I'll distroy him like I did his whole family. Hah, hah, hah." He said in a dark voice.
"You...you...you Murderer!" Malciore was behind him the whole time.
"So, you found me at last you pathetic sheikah." he said, as he faced Malciore.
"You killed my brother too didn't you!" Malciore shouted. " Umbra, I'll kill you here, and now, for on the grave of my brother and my mother..."
"Don't forget your father." Umbra said.
"ah......" Malciore's heart stopped."You are a Chaos Wizard from Noe, aren't you?"
"Ding Dong! You got it right. Today's grand prize winners get a one-way ticket... to Hell!" Umbra unsheathed his sword. His sword was black bladed, it was spiral a little bit right on top of the sword guard.
"I was wrong, it isn't a darkness sword like I thought, so no wonder I hit a dead-end when I went after that guy who has the Power Madalion, (not to mention he kicked my ass.)." Malciore said in his head.
Umbra ran at Malciore, and slashed his sword in frontof him. But Malciore dodged his attack. "Athou, retranell, no-foranerace nor!" a beam of fire blasted from Malciore's fist at Umbra.But the fire had no effect on Umbra.
"And you think I haven't read the Gallion Scrolls." Umbra brushed some embers off of his robes.
"Yeah? Have you read the Mortal Arcives?" Malciore jumped up above Umbra, and pointed his fist at hi. "Tekken!" Malciore's fist gained a silvery aura. Malciore punched straight down to Umbra.
"Yes I have, and I know all of that moves flaws." Umbra moved out the way of malciore's attack. Malciore's fist got stuck in the ground. "Try this, Ryuho!" A Beam of fire came out of Umbra's palm ,with a dragon's head at the begining, at Malciore at burned him.
"Uh, how? Only me and my brother knows that technique...Who are you!" Malciore got up, and threw off Umbra's hood. "You!"
Underneath the hood, long white hair, glowing white eyes, and a scar on his neck. "I gave my brother that scar when we where training back in Noe. Why Xouch? Why?" Malciore started to tear.
"Xouch is dead, I just consume his body. When your brother bought a black stone from the bazzar in Noe, I overtoke his body. I was trapped in that stone ever since your father put me there!"
"The Cuse I made-up. Father had been paying attention to me."
"Yes, and With his last breath, he said it before he died from the wound I gave him. Now you will be with the rest of your family very soon." Umbra kicked Malciore off the mountain top. "It's a long way to the bottom, enjoy."
"Hylian-kind cannot gain anything, unless something of equal value was lost in return"--Alphonse Elric

Malciore Eon
STR: 3, DEF: 15, AGI: 5, INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 41, SPL: 6
Marin Level 8
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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:25 pm
er? Noe? What is this Noe they speak of?...
Stone? Imprisonment?...
Hes gona kill him!
Denning starts to take his staff from his back, then, Malciore falls.

"The Sheikah! I must help my own kind!"
Denning rushes down the mountain.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
ArthurDent Level 3
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Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:27 pm
I know not what they speak of, and I dare not interfere. This mountain air is a bit too thin for my tastes, though the view is indeed most lovely. I will be down in safer altitudes (at least I hope they're safer) for now.
Arthur Dent
"Knowledge is power, but omniscience is debilitating. So It Is Written, And Thus It Is So."
"Six by Nine. Forty-two. That's it."
--Douglas Adams