Shrouded in Mist, Search for Nitara Part One

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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:47 pm
The sun shined brightly down upon the desert sand below; not providing the mercy that travelers to the desert so greatly desired of it. The light that it created was almost blinding, and any weary traveler who happened not to be wearing anything upon their feet would feel their mistake. Above the scarce clouds were so thin that it seemed they couldn't possibly block out the sun's rays. It was almost as if the Gods had sucked a breath deep into their lungs and let out a howling gale that kicked up sand storms and swept all the soft cotton pillows that hung overhead to other parts of Hyrule.

Soft padding of feet upon the sand. So faint, it could hardly be heard. Did the sand absorb the sounds of all things around in addition to the heat that the sun so cruelly sent down? Of the birds that hung ahead, cawing awkwardly? Of the footsteps that almost inaudibly approached the coast. Here by the sifting waters where the sun shined off of the waves of water and seemed to travel back into the sky. Luckily, it was considerably cooler in this part of the Tantari than in the center, where the sun had no place else to go but the sand. Here where the water pushed up against this steaming hot sand and soothed each grain, cooling it with gentle foaming fingers that caressed each grain tenderly.

Off the coast in the distance was a large gathering of mist, it was always there. It seemed quite insignifigant that such an area should be shrouded in mist, but for Myora and Jeremy it did not. As they expected their missing cousin to be somewhere within that omnipresent mist.

Hmm.... Myora thought to herself. She was pondering on wether or not her cousin would be where she believed she was, There's a good chance that she would return to her birthplace. She concluded, nodding slightly to herself, It's definately likely. We've looked practically everywhere else, why would she not be in Rahnawyn?

Jeremy was sitting on the shore, his shoes removed. He was digging his toes gently into the wet sand that adorned the very edge of the beach. He seemed quite impatient. Wondering when his sister would finally decide that it wouldn't kill her to return to her hometown.

"Are we ever even going to leave?" Jeremy asked quietly, turning to his sister.

His twin held up a figure to shush him. "Be patient brother, we must also wait for the ones who are to help us."

"You're just procrastinating." Jeremy muttered, rolling his eyes.

Myora wondered about that herself. Was she procrastinating? Could she not bare to return home? Would she see anyone she knew? Could she bare to see her friends faces after she had betrayed them previously?

"Don't worry, we don't have to go to our hometown... Just Nitara's." Jeremy said, seeing her face he had become concerned. "Don't get upset or anything sis."

Myora nodded, she didn't need to go straight to her hometown. It was at the very end of Rahnawyn, and Nitara's hometown of Rayne was a very large city. She would have no reason for grief. She just hoped that others may have heard of their jaunt. It wouldn't kill to have some extra people helping out.

"Jeremy, do you know exactly where the passage is?" Myora asked curiously.

"Exactly," Jeremy replied, sounding a bit overconfident.

Myora sighed and shook her head. She just hoped that her twin brother wouldn't get them all lost.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:19 pm
A handful of figures traveled through the sands. Above head, a bird flew and led them. They were crossing over a dune, and that is right when they came into view of Myora and Jeremy. There was ---------- in all. The bird that led the group was a phoenix, which was(since it had to search for herbs for its nest) a great tracking bird.

The one behind the bird was dressed in a loosely bound brown cloak. He wore a traveling belt, a silverdeath fabric tunic, and cheap fabric shorts. He had short black hair, and silver irises. He had a smile on his face, obviously happy to see the twins. A Terminian watch glistened on his wrist from the sun.

The one who was closest to the first also wore a brown loose cloak. His was slightly studier though, and likely, more heavy. He wore bokoblin hide pants, and a faded black tunic. It looked more gray like now. He had long dirty blond hair, but it had obviously been cut recently. His irises were dark. He too wore a smile, and his wrist glistened from a watch similar to his master.

Another stood in a really loose brown cloak, and he wore thin black body armor as well. He carried with him a slew of regular common street weapons, but had some odd weapons on him as well. Odd steely weapons. His hair was black, and medium length, with some silver highlights. His face showed he had experience in a great many things. It was also neutral, almost devoid of emotion, however, there was a slight trace of happiness.

Two more people followed behind, but their traits were almost indiscernible. One of them wore shiekah like robes and a hood. These robes were mostly purple. The other one had brown hair, and he wore something that looked like a flight combat jacket. His pants were also, very expensive.

"Hey," called the one right behind the bird. It was Orpheous. "Glad to see we found you." He turned to the bird, "Silna, I supposed that is enough." The bird fell gracefully to the ground, and became a human. The human was animal like in appearance, and she had a tan and white fox tail(I swear to God I totally wasn't thinking about Nitara when I made her). He turned back to the twins, "So, whats the deal?"

OOC: You really ought to check Kasei's HA2 Wiki.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Worru Level 14
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:19 pm
Ryk sniffed the ground, his senses picking up a familiar smell, one he hadn't found in ages, so far back, in fact, it was only in the alternate timeline. "Hm...Foxgirl's it hers?...Maybe." he mumbled, as he continued to walk on all fours, his own form flexible to do so. Behind him, some five or four feet between the two, was Worru, once the daemon's host, but now a free man, unless the mark on his arm, covered by bandage, counted as anything.

"What is it, Ryk?" the boy asked, getting a reply from the daemon quickly, but not being looked at when it happened. "A...An old friend's scent is on the air. I want to find her.", was the answer from Ryokiden, who soon lifted his head when he noticed two figures. He dashed up to them, the boy running to catch up.

"You two friends of hers?" he asked, bones creaking as he straightened up. "Nitara?" he asked, making sure they knew who he was talking about. He ignored the group of people already there, as they had nothing for him, he knew.
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Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:37 pm
Jeremy looked shocked at Ryk and Worru's appearance. "Gosh, anxious a little?" He inquired wide-eyed. "Yes, umm... We're her cousins..."

Myora nodded to Jeremy and the two newcomers, and she let him adress them as he wished. She turned to Orpheous and his small party. "Well, here's the deal..." She pointed towards the giant cloud of mist. "That, my kind people," She bowed her head to the newcomers, putting her finger down for a moment. She raised it to the mist once more. "Is the country of Rahnawyn. It's a hidden country of Hyrule and is where my brother and I, and our missing cousin, were born."

Jeremy nodded, veering away from the two he had been talking to for a moment. "We hope to find her there, in her hometown. The city of Rayne is quite large though, and we needed help. That's where you guys come in."

Myora sighed, "We've looked practically everywhere in Hyrule except for there,"

Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Because Myora decided that she did not wish to got there."

"Shut it!" Myora retorted, dismissing him quickly. "We have already, well, Jeremy has already opened the entrance and we were thinking that once everyone has gathered we could enter Rahnawyn and search for Nitara in Rayne."
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:59 pm
Orpheous turned to Worru, as did most of his party."Nice to see you here," stated Orpheous kindly. Ryk was probably eager to get back his beautiful eye candy. Who wouldn't be. Silna gave him a sly smile, obviously noticing this. It was most likely women's intuition. Her tailed fluttered with the wind.

Orpheous turned back to the twins, "So, then, what are we waiting for." He had listening to their explanation carefully to decipher it. "Oh, that's right." He didn't finish. He simply sat down. "Always the last place you look for something is the place where it is been all along." It was a mental puzzle. This would always be the case, because 'the last place you look for something' means 'the place where it was."
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:03 pm
"We're just waiting to see if someone else arrives." Myora replied. "Don't get too smart with us, Jeremy's brain'll pop."

Jeremy was laying on his back in the sand and he blew a thick strand of hair out of his face. It was the same color as the sand that he lay upon. He rolled his eyes. "Well, if you're done picking on my mentality, I'm gonna go check if the entrance is open all the way. Again."

"You just wanna get away from me so I can't embarrass you anymore." Myora shot at him.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:17 pm
An unusually cold wind blew around the small company of people as the stood, talking and arguing amongst themselves. A strange thing indeed, since they all stood in the hottest desert in Hyrule. The wind subsided, and standing near the group, was a shomewhat short man, dressed in a black hooded cloak and robes, a staff in his hand and a katana at his hip. His hood hid his face from view...

"So...Nitara needs our help again? Then you can count me in as well.'' the man said, walking towards them all with an air of arrogance and confidence one would expect from someone with as powerful of an aura as he had emanating from him.
Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:23 pm
OOC: Found a great pic of Myora...Image

IC: Myora bowed in the direction of the new man. "Greetings." She raised her head and looked at his cloaked figure curiously. "So, you were also a friend of Nitara's?" She inquired confidently. she was happy that she managed to get so many people to assist her and her brother in their search. And she was still expecting Kasei to come. She smiled smally, this was going even better than expected. She was sure that they would find her cousin in no time at all.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:28 pm
The all-too familiar sun of Tantari Desert, a place Kasei felt he was visiting too often in the past year he's been home. He was largely unnafected by the sun's rays. Part of it was because he was born and raised in this desert, part of it was because he had braught a huge umbrella along with him, one big enough to shade not only himself, but his two Garo servants, whom he braught along for their skills.

He had recieved the information, and was the first to depart from the castle. However, as he got closer, and saw that the others, plus Sovelis, Worru and another fellow, were there, he realised he was obviously the last one there. How that was possible, he didn't know. He pushed hard through the sands, eventually coming across the group. "Hey, everybody!" He said brightly. "To make introductions short, this is Nindo and Kamin." He said, pointing at the Garo to his left and right respectively. "I braught them along as an extra precaution." He finished, smiling. "So, where does the search start?"

OOC: Worru, Kasei has never met Ryk....

Nitara, the HA2 wiki, open to your page:

yeah, all of the info was from your profile, fix it up a bit, will ya?
Last edited by Kasei on Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:40 pm
"Kasei. It is good of you to have come along. What the hell are those two things?" the hooded mage asked, turning and facing the Rebel Flame but keeping his hood up to ward off the sun's rays, and hid his strangely different eyes and facial structure. Damn demon...why did my body have to mutate now of all times? the Tempest asked himself inwardly as he looked at the Garo that Kasei had with with him. "The look like ninja...but shorter...."
guardianof fire45 Level 12
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:00 pm
"I don't know how I got to you drag me out to this stupid desert," Cathy mumbled. She had her hands in her pants pockets as she stared at the desert with disgust. Kayla closed the small black leather book that she was writing in and it Cathy on the top of her head. "Ow!" She glared at Kayla with hatred. Kayla just opened up the book again and started writing again.

"Aw, come on, girls, do you really have to fight?" Kyle questioned, getting in between the two. Cathy glared at Kyle, who backed away from her a bit. Kayla just looked at her twin brother and smiled slightly.

Cathy's blue eyes scanned over the desert with a glum look. Kayla looked at her friend and sighed. Her brunette hair waved around with the dry wind. Her white outfit that she had on was starting to look tan now.

"I'm even surprised that I'm here," Kayla said. Cathy looked down at her and sighed as well. She untied to her sword and hit Kayla on the head.

"Then don't insist on pulling us out here. Just because it's rare to be out here, doesn't mean I want it to be a daily routine!"

Kyle stood on the side lines helplessly. His messy brown hair slightly hid his blue eyes. "Girls, please, can't you get along for a few seconds?"

"NO!" both of them shouted. Kyle backed up a bit, scared of the girl's rage.

"Sorry I asked then," he mumbled. His attention was pulled suddenly when he saw movement. Seeing some people gather around a certain area made his curiousity increase. He started walking over to them.

Cathy stopped fighting with Kayla as she stared at Kyle's retreating form. She looked confusionly at Kayla, but the small figure could only shrug and follow after.

"Hey! Now there's a sight for sore eyes!" Cathy suddenly said. "Ryk! What are you doing out here?" It was amazing how the first person Cathy sees is Ryk. Kayla just glanced around and saw a lot of familiar faces.

OoC: It's good to see ya again. 8)
The perfect friends, the perfect enemies, the perfect team. Kayla and Cathy.
Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:43 pm
Myora clapped her hands together, "Gosh, a little gathering attracts a lot of attention doesn't--" She was interupted by her twin returning and she glared at him.

"It's completely open." He called out, and then he glanced around. "Hey, did I miss something."

Myora laughed, "That's exactly what I was just saying, a little gathering sure attracts a lot of attention around here." She grimaced as a sudden gust of wind blew, making her knee length baby-blue dress blow to the side and her sandy hair blow into her face. She puffed out her cheeks and tucked her hair back behind her ears. She looked up into the sky and put her hand over her forehead, shielding her eyes from the blazing sun. "I don't know what Nitara saw in this place..." She muttered.

"Well, if that's all the people that are going to pop up out of the sand." Jeremy said sarcastically; Myora sighed. Jeremy continued, "Than can we get going? The entrance won't be open forever..."

Myora laughed, "We must introduce ourselves to the three new people..." She muttered, turning to Kayla, Cathy, and Kyle. "I am Myora Kinia Myst and this is my twin..."

"Jeremy Kinia Mist..." Jeremy finished, not even bothering to bow.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
guardianof fire45 Level 12
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:14 pm
"I actually don't see why anyone would ever want to come out here to the desert," Cathy said, well, more like complained. Kayla jabbed her with her elbow. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" Kayla looked at her with her vivid green eyes and sighed. She closed the book and smiled at the two.

"Hi, my name is Kayla Inkeeashi. This is Cathy Rengo, she's one of my friends." Kayla waved a hand slightly at Cathy as she introduced her. She pointed at Kyle. "And this is my twin brother, Kyle. It's good to meet you two."
The perfect friends, the perfect enemies, the perfect team. Kayla and Cathy.
Nitara Level 9
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:36 pm
"Hmmm... Twin brothers... Do they ever shut up?" Myora said almost to herself. Jeremy glared at her and stuck out his tongue.

"Well than let's go..." Jeremy sighed, walking over to the West. Myora sighed and followed, rolling her eyes. She turned and focused her golden topaz irises on the people that had come to help them. "Well Kayla, we're goin' to look for Nitara, she's our cousin. If you know her you can come along, or you can if you don't, well, you can still come along. We're always open to extra help." She motioned for everyone to follow.

When she reached the part of the coast that hit a solid wall of rock that was a side from a mountain that seemed as if it touched the sky, she turned and looked out to the cloud of mist. "That is Rahnawyn..." She declared, "Where we expect to find our cousin."

Jeremy brought out a small book and tucked it under his chin. He started muttering silent incantations, and suddenly a small cloud of mist cleared and a thin landbridge appeared where the cloud had previously dwelled before. He returned the book to his pocket and waved his hand toward the entrance. "Ta-daaaaa!" he exclaimed.

Myora sighed once more, "Jeremy, I could have done that if you would let me hold the book sometimes." She snapped.

"Yah right!" He retorted, giving her a look like daggers. Which she returned.

"Well, let's get going than." Myora muttered, turning away from what had seemed to be a little staring contest. She began to walk down the thin piece of land and her twin followed silently behind her.
Last edited by Nitara on Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm proud to be short, they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, guess I don't have to worry. -- <a href=" ... >Nitara</a> <a href=" ... ainYaY.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... ainYaY.jpg" border="0" alt="Nitara"></a>
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:00 pm
Ryk followed behind on all fours, Worru still behind him as he did. "Hey, Ryk, do you know this person their looking for?" the young one asked, the daemon nodding. "She's...something of an old friend, something of one I've never met before. And if certain people with intuition think I have any other reason for doing this other than to get back a friend, than I promise I will personally hunt you down, and gut you like a fish." he replied, glaring at a certain female member of their group. The boy nodded, but ignored the glare.
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29