Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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I hope this is cool with everyone, putting this here. Well, here goes naught... (:P)
Okay, scream and holler all you want at me, because I have done almost nothing for the Age of Chaos story until last night for this entire week. But I did a lot last night, if that makes you feel better. I started a file on the Ocarina of Time, wanting to play all the levels I haven't since third grade over again, and try to get every item and Heart Piece and Golden Skulltula while I was at it, since i memorized that before I started. It took me only this week to finish the entire game. I ended up with 83 Golden Skulltulas, missing only 3 Heart Containers, I have all the masks, I know where all (yes, I'm sure you don't even know this with a walkthrough  *boast boast boast...*) secret holes are - only a few of which are found when you speak to the gossip stones. I know the unmentioned storylines that could help to make a sequel after whichever was last - Majora's Mask or the Oracle of Ages - through the gossip stones, And I'm only missing, of course, the consistent payment from the father of the Skulltula family of 200 rupees a visit, I'm missing a single bottle, and I got my Deku Shield burnt and my Hylian Shield stolen from a Like-like... And I can't get a big enough fish to get the Golden Scale... But I got the biggoron sword, I know the whereabouts of the Forest Stage (and man is it ever annoying  ), I know where all the plantations for Magic Beans are... and...
 ... Oops. Getting off topic, aren't I?
Okay, anywho, for the Age of Chaos. For newcomers to my updates, I am our famous Nogare son of Greyblade, and every week on Zelda Veteran's Hyrule Adventure 2 forum I would post about what I've accomplished without spoiling anything more than a few concepts. Impressive, eh? Not! It's pretty easy. But anyway, I post my updates, so people look forward to my first book and fan fiction, the Age of Chaos. Please, enjoy.
Well, last night I was looking over my notes, and I see a lot of repeated stuff (thankfully) and some absurd stuff, and some ideas that I really like but may throw my readers interest down the toilet. Okay, I'm saying what the book is LIKE won't wreck anything, so here it goes... I have a lot of warfare in my book. Like, a lot. I was review it, thinking about how I want to impress my audience. And it is a very... guy... sort of book. Basically a lot of killing and blood spilling. It's like a combination of 300, Lord of the Rings, and The Legend of Zelda. I'm just wondering; how can I change it so I can make it interesting for girls as well. No, I'm not expecting you to go stereotypical and say, "How about some gold bracelets." Like, if you were to read it, it would make you want to keep reading no matter who you are - male, female, nerd, non-nerd, etc etc. The thing is I'm not... very... fortunate when it comes to girls, and i don't know how they think. I have one friend that's a girl, and that's it. That's all I'm going to say about that, so you can give me feedback about that. The most useful will be from maybe Nitara or Guardian of Fire for this one.
So... just an idea of what this is like. The entire story is based on a campaign, and the enemies are being smarter than Ganon or Vaati ever was. But being too realistic may make things go a bit extreme. I've got dungeons in it, and like a majority of the Legend of Zelda games, the items within help with the wars. I've got pasts, fights (like 1 on 1), battles (army vs army), dungeon, brief transition, more of the previous, suspense, death, sadness, and more of the previous. I'm not sure how a reader would respond to all of it. I want feedback from everyone, please. What should I cut back on? How? I know this is broad since I'm trying not to spoil anything, but try anyway... Or is it good as it is right now?
Also, for further planning, since I think this would be worth putting in, I have a good idea as to what books 1 and 2 are going to be like. After I receive your feedback, I'd like to apply it, fix up # 1 and 2, and then once I have a better idea as to what I want the action to be in #3 (even though I've got a rough idea, but it will be more of the same old same old...). I've got the ending planned, I've got a lot of the plotlines planned, I've got maybe too many main characters (which I'm sure I can handle, since it will be sort of the same as Lost, using a lot of characters for a single story).
For genre, it's action (obviously), fantasy, drama, and suspense.
Now... I asked in my previous update but I haven't got an answer due to the inability to login... do you guys want to know the names of the books? I've got the names of them, and I don't see the harm in revealing them. But there may be for some people... I don't know. Tell me if I should or shouldn't. Thanks.
Well, that concludes my update for this week. I'm likely going to reply once I've seen someone else reply. I need to get answers to my questions ASAP so I can continue to write. Thanks for taking the time to read! May Courage, Wisdom, and Power be equivalent in your heart! (>.>...)
Kokiri Wolf
Level 7
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I refuse to give you input on the grounds that you always ignore me.
Kein Kuchen für Sie!
Seriously, now.
Nogare wrote:Like, if you were to read it, it would make you want to keep reading no matter who you are - male, female, nerd, non-nerd, etc etc.
I'm pretty sure that if it's fanfiction, only "nerds" are going to read it. I still don't see how you're going to legally print this and sell it. Maybe if you got a deal with Nintendo of Canada or whatever, but I don't seem to recall you saying that is the company which is publishing your book.
Lvl: 7; HP: 42; SPL: 17; STR: 2; DEF: 16; AGI: 5; INT: 3; SPI: 2; Will: 9
AC: 21; Spear DMG: 14; Bow DMG: 10; Bomb DMG: 7; Spell DMG: 12
Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
A Lone Tent (Aria's Home)
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
... -_-... Okay, about that selling business... I can't, since my plotlines and storylines have too much to do with other things than Zelda. So I'm not selling it (although it would make a sweet manga... if only I could draw,  ). And the fan fiction isn't just for you guys and the Zelda community; My own local community is filled with non-nerds. I'm writing for them too. I'm not going to have a problem filling in the gaps when they're clueless about Zelda, although I don't see how this will work on making them terribly interested. They'll really like it, I'm sure. And I'd imagine you would too, if you give it a chance and forgive me for leaving,  .
Okay, questions are allowed. FAQ, if you will. And updates, which won't come for another week. So keep me posted! ^_^ Thanks.
Kokiri Wolf
Level 7
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You're not selling it? I could've swore you said you were selling it.
Damn you, ZV! Take the HA2 Talk Forums off Maintenance Mode already so I can check my facts!
Lvl: 7; HP: 42; SPL: 17; STR: 2; DEF: 16; AGI: 5; INT: 3; SPI: 2; Will: 9
AC: 21; Spear DMG: 14; Bow DMG: 10; Bomb DMG: 7; Spell DMG: 12
Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
A Lone Tent (Aria's Home)
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| of
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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
.... I did... >.>... Without considering the consequences... You see, if I publish it, even with Nintendo's permission, which I'm sure I'd certainly get, I'd still get sued since a lot of the storylines are related other things - like The Lord of the Rings, Inheritance (Heck, Christopher Paolini is the last person I want to get sued by!), I'm sure there would be good reason for the Singletons from since I'm using their map of Demiari, facts about countries including and excluding Hyrule, banners, etc etc. Heck, for all I know, Jack would want to. Not like he would, but you never know. Heck, I'm sure there are about a dozen others that have the chance to sue me, and I haven't noticed. I hadn't considered it when I posted that on the forum  . Alas, I also posted about how I sent a letter to Ace Fantasy publishing company, and they said the obvious thing; as long as I have a story to publish, they'd happily publish it. And I will. But I'm perfectly happy with putting it up on the internet. The only thing I'd imagine that would make it better would be that you could carry it around and stuff. Just get a duotang, and tape the cover onto it as best you can, or even glue it. Whatever. Be crafty.
Anywho. Back to the actual cheese of the post. As promised, all three books are planned out. And I am certain that it will be no disappointment...
... But as far as the Best Fan Fiction of the Year Award Goes... Let's just hope Shiekah Quest and Age of Chaos don't come out in the same year  . Yes, Alpha, I quit reading the book at Chapter 4 for a while, but now I can't put it down! It's not the storyline itself that is better - I'm sure were as good at each other at that. But his storytelling, as we all know, is superior. I covet that skill. Alpha, I use your book as inspiration whenever I'm bored of writing - keeps me motivated even while taking a break. You are going to be among those I dedicate my book to! ^_^. And guys, if Alpha hasn't been around, email, PM, or just contact him in whatever way, so he can read this.
Now. For the past... long time... I've been writing down chapters I want in the story. I've got Castle Liberation, Cornered, Battle with Bongo Bongo, and, of course, the Fight for Light among them. But I've been composing them for so long that I've overlooked the actual putting together in ORDER - yes, I actually was writing different parts without really thinking about when they happened - sometimes I write down which book they take place in. But during which plotlines and such I worked on solely this break. And yes, I've put them together... but they aren't stuck together. I need 'glue' storylines. And I believe I'm at my favourite part of writing the story! I'm composing more suspense, and putting the morals I've been trying to focus each book on at different parts. And trust me, it's great!
So, I've taken perspective of you all, tapping your foot impatiently for my book to finally come around and be what the rave is all about in the Zelda community. So I've got some things I'd like you to do to, yes, make you even more excited, but also to help you relieve your lack on entertainment on my behalf. So, here are some things you could do - which involves reading books, watching movies, and playing games (^_^)
-Hero (Cheesy, but intense! Action that's like anime, and it has a crazy suspenseful stoyline.
-Final Fantasy VII (Intense fighting...)
-The Musketeer (Read the Three Musketeers for the story. The movie sucked as far as that goes. But watch the movie for, again, the crazy action scenes which are what the Age of Chaos fight-scenes will be like)
-Kingdom of Heaven (Good in both action and storyline)
-The Bourne Trilogy (Intense action and storyline. They're some inspiration to say the least. Not exactly that genre though)
-The Last Samurai (The book will have equivelent power to your heart. Trust me  )
-Shiekah Quest
-Rave Master (The Graphic Novel/Mangas by Hiro Mashima)
-The Battle for Middle-earth
-Super Smash Brothers (>.>...)
-Lord of the Rings the Return of the King
-Lord of the Rings the Third Age
-Zelda (Duh!  )
Music (Soundtracks)
-The Last Samurai
-Pirates 1-3
-Lord of the Rings 1-3
-Spider-man 1-3
-Kingdom of Heaven
-Twilight Princess
-Soul Calibur
Enjoy your wait ^_^! (Sarcasm. But seriously, try to be patient. Thanks)
-Nogare/Jim the James
PS: Oh! And if you want inspiration for your own writing, listen to some soundtrack music. Seriously! It's way more moving and such than normal rock or whatever (with the exception of Dragonforce). I listen to Koji Kondo, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman, Howard Shore, Patrick Doyle, and Harry Gregson-Williams all the time when I'm writing. If good ol' Draug is still around and if he's reading this, remember that post you deleted at the Flute Boy topic, when I was taking control over the NPC? Well, actually, I was listening to Howard Shore's music from The Return of the King; The Grey Havens. It's great!
Level 14
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lol, thanks for the support, Nogare . . . though I'd appreciate it if, once you finish reading SQ, you could help me think up a better name for it. Originally it was the perfect title, in my opinion, but once I decided to make Malciore a Human rather than a Sheikah it doesn't work half as well. And, well, if you don't think it's that outstandingly awesome a storyline, just remember that this is the first book in a planned 10-book series. And also that it's just the first draft. I've been doing the second draft simultaneous to my writing book two, and it's been going quite well.
Hm . . . now that I think about it, I don't believe I ever got Ch. 12 to you. If you'll remind me of what your email address is (  ), I can get that to you. And anyone else who wants to read the first drafts, just give me an email address here or via PM; I'm happy to get some more beta readers . . . even if I forgot to send out any copies last time I asked for beta-ers . . .
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Level 11
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I would love to be a Beta reader, Alpha. I don't have much to do, it'd be nice to have something to read during class
Nogare, I really doubt you could get sued over having Eragon's name backwards. That's just screwed up. I doubt he patented the name itself, maybe as a book title, but your book isn't called Eragon. I highly doubt he would sue over something that stupid. As for Lord of the Rings, the language thing isn't likely to be sued over either. I dunno.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.
Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
I think this is close enough to being Saturday  .
Okay, Alf. I PMed the new title to you, which I think is really good, but I, of course, am not the writer...
Okay, everyone! Rough copy is being written like crazy! Two chapters, boom, in 4 hours! Straight! No eating, resting, bothering to change the song, tell my brother to shut up, or considering anything beyond the perimeter of the computer screen. As I've similied to Kasei, I'm typing as fast as the future Brittney Spears chewing down a quarter-pound cheeseburger. (Special thanks on acount to HA2 itself for that; a year and a half of writing here really paid off ^_^). I'm really excited about this. And on the bus I thought up a cool part of the ending, regarding the narrative character, which I'm sure will be most amusing to Kasei fans (8)). And no, that is not a spoiler.
In case you haven't noticed yet, I love making you guys excited about it. Now you know how I feel when I'm waiting for the next Rave Master volume to come out, and Inheritance (oh man, that is worse that Rave Master! One volume every 2 years?). Anyway, I want you guys to picture something, especially urbanites. Imagine the geography of the outside world, outside the box. Mom and Dad always tell you over and over again, "Think outside the box." Well, you'll be outside the box with this book! With only HA2 and Adventure of Link graphics to show what a place looks like, it can easily be shown as a what it is like if it were a cartoon. Well, you'll feel like Hyrule could (I say could because i don't want people spending their lives trying to find the university of ancient Hyrule) have exsited. The same sort of way Chris Paolini did, and Tolkien, which Peter Jackson brought to the next level.
...... (I love this song... A Way of Life, from the Last Samurai soundtrack by Hans Zimme  )
Oh! About that wanting feedback regarding female audience, I don't need it. If you've ever heard the statement, "There's no such thing as a stupid question," tell whoever said that what I said,  . I can imagine they'd make that the exception. So forget I ever said that. Said what? Eh? (:P)
Well, again, Alpha, as I said in the PM, thanks for that motivation. Writing about Garland will really help with that! Read you all next update  .
PS: Alf, the email link is in my profile still. And if it isn't, then it's my MSN. Savvy?
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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... Well, so much for reading you all next update >_>... (jk)
Okay, here it goes! I'm holding nothing back on this update! See, my rough draft is now gone deep into the endless and limitless pit of an oasis of the Recycle Bin ^_^". Why? Ask Mr. Miyamoto to make a Zelda game, that has to be when, and some rough stuff that could be in it. Well, the average game-maker could say, "Okay," sticking to the minimum and publishing it. Those things may include books like The Seventh Tower, or the game Mall Tycoon. Those don't match Miyamoto's, or more importantly to the topic my, standards. That's what made Mario and Zelda so divine - we all like Zelda because there's always something new to come.
Well... Always... key word...
You see, the thing that really going to make my fan fiction the best, or close to it (;)) will to consider what's happening here; you've got to write about the LAST thing that happens in The Legend of Zelda. As we are all aware of, the Adventure of Link is at the end of all peoples' time-lines. And if it isn't... whatever. They don't match the nerd standard  . Anywho! I can't make minimums here. Or I'm not Nogare  . Plain as that. All curiosities, things of note, symbols on different parts of temples, reasons for the things to be there, all lead to this one gleaming climax in Hyrule's destiny. Ten thousands of years these things have been going forth, and every few hundred or more the Hero, Link, arrives, and alters the lives of everyone. Link is who drives the very Hyrulean culture. The three years of trying to think of the best possible time-line was the easy part of this. I'll make a separate paragraph just to talk about this...
We all know that the map from The Adventure of Link is totally new. The map from LoZ on NES is to the far south of West Hyrule and Death Mountain. And we know the LoZ map is the same as the ALttP map, as Jack pointed out very cleverly (^_^). But then you've got the question I've got to figure out; what was the country now known as Hyrule? Why'd it become Hyrule later? This is only one more out of 20 pages worth of... sorry, 21 pages worth of questions. And, of course (ba-ba-ba ba baaaaa!) I'm lovin' it  . It's fun to answer questions. But some things, you couldn't imagine if they weren't the way they were; like, the ore of Kinstones, the history of the Temple of Nayru, and heck, how are some of you guys going to come into all this?! I really wanna put Saber into the story! I might have to change those plans  .
But to make a story that can fit along the lines of The Lord of the Rings, Inheritence, and The Legend of Zelda, you need to keep going! If some questions aren't answered right, people are going to want to kill me because of how crappy the book was! Well, let's hope not  .
Well, I've got 17 pages worth of questions answered, if you're starting to considering to not even bother reading it, and think when it's finally out, "I've waited so long it's not even worth it." I know that feeling  . That's part of what drives me on! The time-consuming part isn't a problem for me; I'm a nerd: I get my homework done, do my chores, practice my piano, bang bang bang! Onto the CPU. Open up the questions page.
And guys, when I'm satisfied, which I'd imagine will be fairly soon, I'll print it off, study it, and even as I answer questions I think up how the story will play out. I'm pretty sure that this book would even impress Nintendo itself! Heck, this could be their reference one day for when they finally (FINALLY) decide to get back to the Ol' NES ages. It's still dice at the moment. Six or one, this will be what it will be. But I like to limit the number of sides ^_^.
Well, enough of this! I've got writing to do! Get back to your agonizing wait! Or else Santa will put you on his naughty list and you'll get coal next year!
-Jim  .
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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-_-... Okay, here it goes...
I'm looking at my mass of notes, with neither a smile or a frown. But I begin to wonder, and even worry, if I should still make it a trilogy... Imagine the story Eloze, but perhaps twice or three times as big, with way more but shorter chapters. It's massive. I'm about to make this topic a poll; Should it be a trilogy still or a series. Please post your reasoning for either choice. I don't care which is decided; you're the viewers. I'm just using you guys as representatives for all viewers. If there are more books, you don't have to wait as long and it will be in smaller pieces which you find a relief if you look at all this, or, a trilogy, where you can read it straight through but it will take way longer. The choice is yours; I don't have the brainpower to decide. I don't care either way. I've got questions to answer and study to put in as best I can into the story. Some I'm sure I'll answer but never put in, since it's too much. Draug and I both laughed over PM about how I'm like the antidote for Writer's Block and the disease for Writer's 'Overflow'  .
... I'm trying to think of some way to advertise... I just can't think of anything I probably haven't already said. Just keep in mind, fellow adventurers, that I am here stuck between a Rock and a Hard Place...

So... I've got a headache from my hard work I'm doing for you. Please don't let me down by not reading it when it's done  .
Okay, that's enough for today... I gotta lie down...
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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Who did this?!?! Yes, I made it first. Then someone edited it, since I don't recognize the wording as my own. And I am anything but angry; I can't believe I was that notable to you guys! Whoever did this, post at once at my demand! I have something very important for you to know if you show yourself! Then again... I didn't notice I made Nogare seem like such an antagonist of a protagonist...
During those battles, he wielded Belegcam, and showed ruthlessness, using people as human shields without a second thought.
Well, when AoC is up, you'll have a lot more to add to that. I want desperately to add more, but it will mean spoiling a lot of AoC stuff.
And I have a question; How long are you guys willing to stay around HA2, or, more in my interest, willing to wait for me on AoC?
Level 18
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I did that, Alpha did the fixing ups.
Saber also contributed.
and Yes, I will stay with HA2 for as long as it's here.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
WOW ^_^! I feel cool! Okay, for this, I shall give you each a third of my dough! I have no better use for it! Thanks so much :').
EDIT: And also, I need a few people to get approval of...
Okay, we've got the Rebels - allies of Kasei. Among them are Michael, Sovelis, Azador, Orpheous, Tatsu, Worru, Sosei, and Aria. If you want to be added to the list, there's no harm. But people aside from Michael, Aria, and Kasei, and a small part for Sovelis, will be merely followers of Kasei - friends of the Servant of Armageddon. Now, a lot of you don't even know that you're a part of the story, right? Thought not. Michael, Aria, and Kasei are all straightened out. I THINK I've got Orpheous' approval, but I'm not entirely sure. You are all the Rebels of something. Example - Kasei, Rebel of Fire, and Michael, Rebel of Traps. You will all be labeled so, and you have that ability. Now, answer the following questions if you so wish to be a Rebel... (Keep in mind that the Rebels are antagonists).
1. What are you the Rebel of?
2. Do you want to die?
3. Why are you a Rebel?
4. Do you want to be evil for the entire time?
Thank you ^_^. Anyone, even people I didn't mention above, are entirely welcome to post the answers to the questions. Thanks
PS: And by the way
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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Okay, I feel like I should post again here.
I've looked upon the names of all the books I want to write. And I've come to this conclusion...
I will have smaller fan fictions that people will read, not for occupying, but to have them read something of mine. That will be between times of my bigger writings, like, say, The Age of Chaos. I'm not focusing on those, just in case some of your hearts sank there.
I'm currently writing a history of New Hyrule, West and East, which will come in handy for the story. I'm also writing complete descriptions of what places look like (which is why I've been around a lot this late afternoon, in case you guys were wondering). I'm using sources such as Hyrule Adventure 2, The Nintendo Adventure books 9 & 10 (Crystal Trap and Shadow Prince), the LoZ Valiant Comics, The Adventure of Link game itself, and my own notes. Sounds hard, but no it isn't. I've got all save for a few self-invented towns like Kazieta and Karu, and the Singleton's, Julis.
So, please, I don't know what you guys are thinking about this whole thing. Heck, I don't even know if you guys read this anymore, and I'm writing to myself, filling up space on the internet  . But please, post what you think about this, and I will be at ease a lot more. And it's just a feeling of mine that I am using favourite smilies too much, like  , ^_^, -_-, >.>, and O_O. If they annoy you, I will stop. I'll stop anyway. And basically, if I am annoying in any way, you won't offend me. You will only offend me by accepting it and not informing me ^_^. Then again, i might just be worrying too much, thinking too hard about school coming early tomorrow, and how I have a tight schedule on this.
Alas! I won't let you down! May your swords stay sharp!