Grenada's Profile

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Master Goron Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 651
Class: Grunt // Mercenary
Rupees: 1368
TP: 0
Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:33 pm
Grenada's Main Info
Current Level: L8

Race: Deku Scrub
Base Class: Grunt
Main Class: Mercenary
Alignment: Chaos
Gender: Male


STR 3 (Base) = 3
DEF 3 (Base) + 14 (L1 Chainmail) = 17
AGI 2 (Base) + 3 (Racial) = 5
INT 1 (Base) = 1
SPI 1 (Base) = 1

SPL 8 (L x Base) + 1 (SPI)= 9
HP 40 (Base) + 1 (SPI)= 41

Willpower 1 (SPI) + 8 (level)= 9
Last edited by Master Goron on Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:38 pm, edited 10 times in total.

STR- 3 DEF- 17 AGI- 5 INT- 1 SPL- 1 SPL- 7 HP- 41
Master Goron Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 651
Class: Grunt // Mercenary
Rupees: 1368
TP: 0
Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:35 pm
Grenada's Talents

Current TP Total: 15 TP Earned - 3 TP Spent = 12 TP Total

Spit a Deku Nut(Racial)- Can spit a Deku Nut once per three turns. Can stun an enemy.

(2) L1- It's Just Business- Gains 1 rupee for each enemy defeated by the party.
(1) L1- Enterprise- +1 to all stats when in the presence of rupees.

Spells Known


Weapon Proficiencies
Nope-- Ha ha

Deku Sword[5 DMG]
Last edited by Master Goron on Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:55 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Master Goron Level 8
User avatar
Joined: Experience: 651
Class: Grunt // Mercenary
Rupees: 1368
TP: 0
Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 1:00 am
Appearance- At a grand old 2 feet tall, this Deku Scrub has large bushy green shrubs, small legs and feet, but large arms for his size. He has a dark tattoo around his right eye, a triforce with a black half-moon. On his left hand is a black glove, with the same insignia engraved in white into the back of the hand. He wears a small green robe styled after Subrosian dress(of course this has arm holes). The symbol also appears on the back of his robe in black, professionally placed by a tailor of course.

Story- The man looks up at the assassin directly above him. The grass of the dark forest prickled into his neck, tearing at his mind. Crying and full of fear, he can't believe that this was happening to him. He sees the shrub billowing off of his head, and it makes him angry, he was getting killed by a Deku Scrub! As he got stabbed in his right leg, he could do nothing but release a loud choking sigh. Followed by a defeated "Why? Why don't you let me alone?"

"Why don't you shut up and die?" A villainous response squeaks out of the Scrub. Stabbing the man in the other leg, he's attempting to see how much pain he can cause before the man gives in. His prey knew the request, yet he seemed unwilling to fulfill it. 'Stupid,' he thought, this could be all over, if only the man would accept the fact he was defeated. "You know what will make the pain go away. It's your choice..." Slides into the man's ear, in a menacing, yet relieving tone. He knows that if he keeps this up, he'll win, he'll drive the man over the edge. It works every time.

Letting the blade tear the man's leg, he allows it to sit freely, concentrating on the torture of the man's soul. Pushing his left arm up just barely to discomfort, he forces it to stay in that position. He knows the pain will soon be too much, he can feel it in his chest. 'His will's breaking, he's realizing there's no battle left to fight. Just a little longer.'

Knowing the trees will keep the secret of his actions, he continues on, forcing the man's arm continually higher, listening to the disorderly sobs. He knows he'll regret this later, but he can't help it. He had always had anger issues, and he always got violent, but never before had it been like this. Knowing it was too late for apologies, he slowly pulled the knife from the man's leg, and used it to puncture through his neck. The body goes limp, the breathing slows into the inevitable nothingness, and the body begins to go cold. Getting off, he pulls the knife out, uses it to cut off his rupee bag, and buries it deep into the ground.

Grabbing the dead body, having already reholstered the knife, he begins hauling it toward the desert, not really knowing how he was going to dispose of it. 'Man, why did my rage have to go this far? I could've stopped and I wouldn't have this problem...'

Finally reaching the dryness that they like to call the "Desert", he at once realized how much he hates this place. "It's too dry, how do they live here?" He mumbles to himself, trying to get the empty feel of the last couple days off his mind. After what seemed like hours of empty desert wandering, he found a lone Gerudic tomb. This would have to do.

He dug for many minutes, digging deep into the soft earth, until he could see what was buried down below. After dropping the body down into the grave he placed the brown sand back into an inconspicuous looking mound, and looked around. Knowing his footprints would lead back to the forest he went back, hoping no one would ever learn of his dastardly deed, and hoping he never had to do that again.

From that point on, things only got worse. He took up smoking as a habit, using it to calm his nerves. But he never really solved his anger issues(if that's what you want to call it). The fact that he had viciously killed the man was always on his mind, eating at him, trying to draw him in. That was when he began seeing things, ghosts, soldiers, enemies everywhere. He became panicked, scared. Seeing the world as out to get him had a major impact on him for the remainder of his life. And he was only 17 at that point.

His life has blurred until the present time, vision distorted, he seemed lost to the world for almost 8 years. Now 25, the visions are over, the anger still lingers, he smokes less often, but he still doesn't trust anyone. He's attempting to overcome his past, he doesn't fear being arrested for the incident. He soon ventured to Hyrule Castle, looking for some manner of work, discovering their need of adventurers, he signed up as soon as he could.

The rest of his life is ahead of him, and he's looking to make an impact on the world. Through any means necessary.

That's his motto: Through any means necessary.

STR- 3 DEF- 17 AGI- 5 INT- 1 SPL- 1 SPL- 7 HP- 41
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