Level 5
Joined: Experience: 231
Class: scholar//mage
: 0
TP: 1
IC: It was a lonely and sad night for Kin. Kin was sitting in a tree crying. Kin was wearing a black cloak with blood on it. Kin's jet black hair was flowing in the wind. There were tears coming of his face hitting the ground under him. Kin was lonely because there wasn't alot of people who likes him.
Last edited by kinrinku on Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 941
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 1293
TP: 2
Seth approached Kin unsympathetically and only because he was bored. Kobas had told him to wait in the town square and hadn't returned yet, and reading everyone's thoughts had made him dizzy. "Hey," he said bluntly, making a face. "What are you crying for?"
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 231
Class: scholar//mage
: 0
TP: 1
Kin looked at seth and fell out of the tree he was in. " it is a long story." Kin got up. He was still crying but not as much.
OOC:thanks for posting.

L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 941
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 1293
TP: 2
OoC: I don't believe I've met you yet. How are you liking HA2?
IC: Seth raised an eyebrow as Kin fell out of the tree, having Seen it happen a few moments before. He did not bother helping Kin up or asking the perfunctory 'are you okay?'
"Might as well tell me. I think I'm going to be stuck here anyway," the green-haired psychic sighed.
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 231
Class: scholar//mage
: 0
TP: 1
OOC: I like it and thanks!!
IC: "Ok....I haven't seen you before, my name is Kin what is yours?" Kin was standing up by the tree. He looked at the moon and the n looked at the ground. tears rolled of his face.

L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 941
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 1293
TP: 2
"Seth," he answered simply. If Kin did not provide a last name, then he didn't have to either. He just hoped Kin wouldn't be one of the nosy, persistent types and prod him for more information. Now Seth didn't have to go through the whole process of hearing Kin's story; he could have taken one look into Kin's mind and found out all Kin was willing to share and more, but most times he did that he always ended up learning too much.
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 231
Class: scholar//mage
: 0
TP: 1
OOC: do you write songs?? a random question but i do!!
IC: Kin jumped up on the top branch of the tree and started singing a sad song that he made. "I'm so disturbed...something's emerged...from inside me...demons within explode"He keep singing but some of the song was hard to make out because of his quiet shy voice.

L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 941
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 1293
TP: 2
OoC: Yes. And don't take Seth's reactions personally... he's supposed to be unsociable and difficult.
IC: "Another host for a troubled spirit, eh?" Seth said, not very impressed. The demon in Kin, if there was one at all, couldn't be that powerful if Kin still had that much free will. "You shouldn't hang around this late... Don't you know merciless thieves roam around these parts especially at night?" A smile curled on the young thief's lips. "Go home before you get into some real trouble."
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6
Drake Hitari
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 26
Class: Grunt/Nomad
: 0
TP: 0
Drake was wandering about North Castle, blood dripping from both his blade that was slung over his shoulder and his cloak, attempting to control his ever growing lust for blood. He noticed two figures standing by at tree, neither of which he recognized.
"Arent you two out past your bedtimes?" Drake said with a sinister smile as he approached the two.
Am I evil? hmm......define evil.
(formally joshua130746)
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 231
Class: scholar//mage
: 0
TP: 1
Ic: Kin seen the man with the sword. "I sleep in the day mostly." Kin than answered seth. "I have no home and I can defend my self, if i was attacked my other side would take over and rip him in to little bits!" Kin jumped down. "Who are you?" Kin said. Kin pulled out a staff as he waited for an answer

L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 227
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 199
TP: 7
As she peeked through the branches, Luna saw what looked like a murderer(?) walking toward her targets and quietly swore. She had her eye on the one in the tree for quite a while now, and when he fell out and the other came along things were still ok. But this was just plain bad luck. Lost in her thoughts, Luna accidently let out a cough and immediately froze. Big mistake, cover blown. Run? No, I'm too close to get very far. I'd better stay put and pray no one heard me, Luna thought.
HP 41/ SPL 9/ WILL 5
STR 2/ DEF 14/ AGI 6 / INT 3/ SPI 1
Physical DMG 7/ Magic DMG 9
Luna and Kumori
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 231
Class: scholar//mage
: 0
TP: 1
Kin looked around and seen a girl. "What are you doing?" Kin said as he put his staff up and went to see what she was doing.
OOC: This is getting good!!

L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
Kuro Rinku
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 377
Class: Grunt//Nomad
: 47
TP: 0
Night. The perfect time for thieves and murderers to be running around. Normally, people didn't talk about bedtimes and demons at a time like this, but none of those thoughts crossed the mind of young Sheikan mage tonight.
He was dressed in black robes made of a fine silk. His blue hair hung down just over his eyes in the front. In the back, his hair was just long enough for a short ponytail. His skin was normal for a Sheikan, and didn't seem to have any scars or bruises from battle. But that wasn't because he hadn't been in a battle before. In fact, he had killed an entire company of Hylian Knights once, and wasn't around much because he was hiding from them.
As he got closer to the developing group, he thought he heard something in a nearby tree. He looked around, but found nothing in the trees that was particularly eye catching. At least, not for him anyway. He looked again when a fellow Sheikan mage started talking to a tree. Or, more particularly, someone in a tree. He looked to the tree, and sure enough, another Sheikan was in it.
He walked over to the tree and jumped in not too far from where the girl was. He sat in it casually and said nothing for a minute. "Having fun?" he asked the girl after that short minute. He didn't ask because he wanted to know. He didn't care at all whether she was having fun watching people who quite obviously didn't know each other at all. He merely wanted to make small talk just to see where the conversation would go.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
Immune to Gohma's poison
Drake Hitari
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 26
Class: Grunt/Nomad
: 0
TP: 0
"Names Drake" Drake said to the sheikan man as blood bagan to drip from his lips. "And whats your threes names?"
Am I evil? hmm......define evil.
(formally joshua130746)
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 941
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 1293
TP: 2
Seth narrowed his eyes in his usual cat-like manner. All of these people had just appeared at once and he was beginning to get unsettled. They all seemed perfectly harmless, though, except for that man covered in blood...
"Bed time?" the 13-year-old scoffed, not bothering to introduce himself. "I'll do whatever I want, old man."
The truth was that Seth was becoming restless and would not mind going to bed- but where in the world was Kobas? The green-haired boy knew he could easily reach out and search for Kobas' mind, but he didn't enjoy the feelings of the other minds he would accidentally brush on the way there. Especially at night, when the more sinister crowd was awake and roaming.
A Wedding
The greatest risk to is to risk nothing at all.
Immune to Gohma's Poison
HP: 41
STR:2 (+1 Lv 1 Goron Strength) = 3
DEF:1 (+1 Lv 1 Human Defense) = 2 (+12 L1 tunic) =14 (+2 Deku shield) = 16
AGI:3 (+3 for Sheikah) = 6