[Tantari Cafe] Regaining strength

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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:30 pm
After a long swim across the ocean from Parapa, and a long walk across Tantari Desert, Taint comes to the edge of the forest, where a small but successful establishment stands firm between the grass and the sand. As he slowly walked towards the Forest, a hefty Goron stands outside the restaurant, the jingling of keys filling the air. He must have been locking up for the night. It had to be nearly 11:00PM. The Goron turned around, and stared at the pale blue Zora. "Whoa! Arrrre you okay therrrrre buddy?" The Goron asked, taking a few steps closer inspecting the Zora.

"You don't look so good." He said, taking his keys back out of his pocket. "You look half starrrrved as well, c'mon inside, we'll get you something to eat." He pushed the keys back into the door, and opened it, turning on a few lights. "Hey you!" He called out to the other Zora. "Help him inside, I'll get you something too." He disappeared behind the double doors that led to the kitchen. Taint sighed with relief, slowly making his way into the restaurant. He sat down at a booth, and the Goron could be heard turning on the oven, and the grill. The smell of cucco began to fill the air. "And you!" He called out to the Kurushimi yet again. "Take the keys on the table therrrre, and lock the doorrrr behind you will ya? No telling who could be prrrowlin' around at this hourrrr."

OOC: Sorry, but this topic is for only Kuru Rinku and I for now. There'll be an opportunity to join in later in the topic- maybe... I'll think about it. :wink:
OH! And for those of you reading this, this is the follow-up topic to "The loneliest soul in Hyrule" in Parapa Desert. Thats where Taint's story begins. Its a small story, but interesting.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:19 pm
An exhausted Kurushimi followed closely behind Taint through the desert. He wasn't too crazy about walking through the desert this long, but he might as well help Taint with whatever was happening with him. He was thinking through the previous events that had occurred today, and was startled by the Goron calling out to him. He entered the resteraunt and took in the nice smell of cucco in the air.

He did just what the Goron asked; pick up the keys, and lock the door. After that, he took a seat across from Taint. He sat slumped down with his legs spread apart. He was silent for a moment, taking in his surroundings before getting to the point. "What exactly happened back there?" he asked.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
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Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:33 am
Taint removed his sheathed sword from his back, and placed it by the booth. Leaning back, he took in the scent of food being cooked. I haven't had a home-cooked meal in a long time... or at least, not since I arrived here. His face wrinkled up into a confused look. When did I arrive here? Leaning forward, elbows on the table, he clutched his head with both hands. What happened to all my memories? Who am I? Why did I not think back to these things until now? He thought hard about it, fading in and out of consciousness. As Kurushimi sat down at the table, Taint looked up at him as he listened to his question.
Kurushimi wrote:"What exactly happened back there?"
Taint thought hard before answering. "I don't exactly... know." He paused, thinking it more over before continuing. "But honestly... now that I think... I can't remember anything from before I swam here... I was bet by some friends that I couldn't swim here on my own, but..." He stopped, closing his eyes. "I don't even remember said "friends" names." He coughed a bit, before leaning back in his booth. The Goron walked through the doors carrying a large tray with three fried Cuccos on it. "Here, dig in! I've got a few more things in the oven, but dine on this for now." He placed two large pitchers of water on the table, along with two cups.

"On the otherrr hand, thats some odd storrry you've got therrre. Lost your memorrry you say?" Taint nodded, not bothering to cut the Fried Cucco with the silverware provided. He tore off a big chunk of it in a large bite, and swallowed it almost instantly. "Yesh... I haven even got a clue who the people in my flashbacksh were." He said, his mouth full of Cucco from his recent bite. He grabbed his water and chugged it, instantly focusing back on the delicacy in front of him. "Flashbacks you say?" The Goron asked, filling Taint's glass back to the top. "I'll have to hearrr morrre of it when I get back." He walked back across the restaurant, and pushed through the double doors, tightening his apron as he went.

Taint was on the last bite of his meal already, and was moving on the second Fried Cucco. Taking a large drink of water, he bit through the cucco once more. His hunger slowly but surely being squandered, he swallowed, and continued. "I had these flashbacks Kuru... You wouldn't believe it... I saw a girl... She gave me these earings..." He pointed to his ear accessories before taking another large bite. "And in another vishion, I shaw thish older lookin' guy give me an absholutley gorgeoush shword." He rattled on as he swallowed it. "Then! And this is the best part-" The Zora was sounding himself again, and he was returning to his normal deep blue hue. His eyes had that sparkle again, and he seemed almost completely rejuvenated. "A bunch of knights clad in armor actually kneeled at my feet, and asked me to lead them into battle!!" He smiled wide as he took another bite.

OOC: I think these two Zora are gonna make an incredible team. :wink:
Does Kurushimi have stats?
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Entrance to Hell
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:49 pm
Kurushimi drooled as the Fried Cuccoo was placed on the table. He immediately bit off a huge piece of the Cuccoo and swallowed it. He listened intently to the story Taint related to him, periodically taking a drink of water. He had finished his Cuccoo by the time the other Zora was done talking.
Taint wrote:"A bunch of knights clad in armor actually kneeled at my feet, and asked me to lead them into battle!!"
Kurushimi gave a surprised look. "You sound like you were a general once," he said, reaching for his water and drinking the last of the liquid in the cup. "I've never had the chance to do something like that," he said. He wasn't exactly the type of person that was born to lead, he was one of those people that had leadership thrust upon him.

OOC: Sorry it's short, I couldn't think of much to say. And yes, he does have stats.

Kurushimi-L8 Zora Nomad

DEF 15
SPL 10
HP 72
Skills-Swim, Find sustenance L2,Goron Strength L2, Deku Agility L1, Exceptional Health L2

Items-Deku Sword, Leather Jerkin
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
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Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:35 pm
Taint was already finishing off the Fried Cucco he was eating. Not a moment too soon, the Goron walked through the doors holding a tray full of burgers. He had even been generous enough to add double the normal amount of meat! He placed them on the table, along with another fresh pitcher of water. "Eat up!" Taint was already starting on his second burger by the time the Goron had finished talking. He suddenly stopped, and blinked a few times. "Wait wait... how much is this costing?" The Goron smiled, and nodded. "Its on the house! I only ask forrr one thing..." He looked around as if he were about to steal something valuable. Then, all at once, he got on a knee, his hands locked into eachother, and asked, "How does my Frrried Cucco comparrre to the Frrried Cucco at Stinky's Cucco-House down in Norrrth Castle? Some say he's got an incrrredible rrrecipe that makes his the best, and I've actually lost a few customerrrs to that place..."

Taint smiled, and bit into his burger. This is the best food on the whole damn planet! No doubt about it!" The Goron smiled his brightest smile, and stood up, his hands on his hips. "I knew it! Thanks a bunch! If you wouldn't mind advertising for me, I could use a hand an- wait a minute..." The Goron took a closer look at the Zora. "Arren't you the same guy who came in herrre looking forr a job about a week ago?" Taint nodded. "Yeah, that was me." He took another bite, and savored it's flavor. "Well..." He thought about it hard. "I'm sorrry, but we just don't have enough rrroom. All of ourrr positions arrre filled." The Zora nodded. "Yeah, I understand. I can't thank you enough for this. In a sense, you saved my life." Taint put his burger down, and sighed. "I wonder if Stinky's is hiring..." He muttered. "WELL, WELCOME ABOARRRD SON, I'M SURRRE WE CAN FIND SOMETHING FORR YOU TO DO!!" The Goron projected loudly, running back into the kitchen.

Taint sighed, and laughed. "The guy's real competitive." He whispered to Kurushimi, taking another bite of the burger. "So do you know any way I can get back across the ocean to Eastern Hyrule? I know I'm a Zora and all, but you know we can't swim that far. Why did even buy that whole "my friends bet me I couldn't so I did" crap this whole time. Who put that thought in my head?" Suddenly, he came to a realization. "WAIT! WHO THE HELL PUT MY MEMORIES IN MY HEAD?!?? WHY DID IT TAKE ME THIS LONG TO REALIZE THEY WERE FAKE?! OH MY SWEET NAYRU!!" He cried, standing up grabbing his cranium. "WHO'S BEEN MESSING WITH MY HEAD?!" He cried out, falling to a knee. "Dammit." He said out loud, punching the ground. The Goron came through the double doors, carrying an Apron with a few buttons on it. "Herrre's the outfit you'll be wea-" he stopped, and looked down at Taint. He then looked up to Kurushimi. "What happened" Taint stood back up, and walked across the room to the windows. "He stared outside, and thought...
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Entrance to Hell
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:43 am
Kurushimi stared wide eyed at the burgers as they were being brought in. It had been so long since he had food this good. He quickly ate the burgers as they were sat on the table while he listened to the conversation between Taint and the Goron. He laughed at Taint's technique to get a job. It certainly was interesting.
Taint wrote:"The guy's real competitive."
"I can see that," Kurushimi said, finishing off his burger and reaching for another one. He was about to answer Taint's first question, but stopped when Taint started shouting.
Goron Manager wrote:"What happened?"
Kurushimi shrugged. "I-I'm not sure." He swallowed hard before he was hit with a sudden realization. He stood up quickly from his seat. "Wait a minute! The earrings glowed just before you collapsed on the beach back there! Could they be what's messing with your mind somehow?" he asked Taint. He wasn't sure if the earrings were the cause of either thing, but he might be on to something.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
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Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:54 am
Taint's eyes shot open at Kuru's statement. "Maybe you're right!!" He pulled the earrings off and tossed them on the table. They sat there, unmoving as always. Taint stood there for a few moments, a distant expression on his face. The clock in the restaurant seemed to mock him with every passing second with the sound of a non-threatening but annoying "tic-tock".





A heavy sigh erupted from the Zora, and he grabbed the earrings again, putting them back in place. "I still couldn't remember a thing..." He said, still messing with the upper right earring. "Nice thinking though. Did anything else happen to my body?" He asked, finally getting the last earring through. He walked over to the side of the table, and leaned against the section between separate booths. He looked at the ceiling, and thought. "This feels like one of my dreams... A friend. A meal at a restaurant... A mystery begging to be solved..." He folded his arms and pursed his lips. "I wouldn't know where to start on this mystery." The Goron looked back and forth between Kurushimi and Taint. "How about the local librrrarrry?" The manager piped up, shrugging his shoulders. "I went therrre once to look up Hyrrrulian historrry once, and ended up trrracing my rrroots all the way back to Rrrroyalty. I learrrned a lot about my family's past."

Taint snapped to attention. "The library!!" He nearly shouted. "That makes perfect sense!" He smiled, and patted the Goron on the back. "Thanks so much for the meal and the advise! If there's ever anything I can do, let me know!" The Goron laughed a hardy laugh, and folded his arms. "You betcha! I'll hold you to it!" He picked up the empty dishes and trays, loading them on a cart he'd wheeled out at some point. He was returning to the kitchen, when calamity struck. The glass doors that lead into the restaurant were shattered as three men entered the establishment. "Which one of you is Bronx?" The man in the middle asked demandingly. All three of them were clothed the same. Black trench-coats with pants that ran down to some black boots. They each had jet-black hair as well. The Goron stepped up angrily. "Hey now, you could have knocked!!" He looked at the smashed glass all over the floor.

The man on the left snickered. "The door was locked. So we took it upon ourselves to open it." The Goron's face got red with anger. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TRRROUBLE YOU'VE CAUSED ME ALRRREADY? I CAN'T GO HOME NOW! I HAVE TO GET THESE DOORRRRS RRREPLACED BEFORRRE I CAN LEAVE!!" He cried out. The man in the middle frowned. "Cool it pops." He removed a knife from his jacket, and threw it at the Goron manager. The Goron raised his arms to protect himself, but the blade struck him in his forearm, and it struck deep. Taint grabbed his sword off the floor, and unsheathed it, angrier than hell. The men looked at the Zora and tried to suppress their laughter. Taint sighed as his rusty sword once again drew all eyes. "What do you expect to do with that thing Johnny?" The man on the right cracked. Taint held his sword towards the three men. "You're about to find out." He nodded to Kurushimi, and darted into battle.
The Three Strange Men
Strength: 4
Defense: 13
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 3
Spirit: 1
Spell: 0
Will: 0
HP: 25

Attack: Knives(5 dmg)+Str(4)= 9 dmg
Chance to dodge: Def(13)+Agi(4)= 17

Man#1- 25 HP
Man#2- 25 HP
Man#3- 25 HP
Taint tossed his sheath aside, and rushed in with his sword. Watching for any hidden weapons they could be holding, he darted in, and swung his rusted sword in a diagonal arc[AGI+Roll=4+2=6]VS[DEF+AGI=17]. The man stepped back, easily avoiding Taint's blade. He laughed, and returned Taint's attack with one of his own. Darting quickly back in, a knife appeared in his hand, with which he thrust forward aiming for the Zora's chest[AGI+Roll=4+2=6]VS[DEF+AGI=22]. As easily as the man had avoided Taint, the Zora sidestepped the impending strike, and jumped backwards a few feet eyeing his opponents. His heart was beating a little faster now. These guys are actually slightly skilled... Taint thought, as he watched the men wearily. And who the hell is Bronx? Is that the manager's name? He glanced at the manager.

The Goron manager removed the blade from his arm, and started breathing heavy at the sight of his blood leaking from the wound. "I'm not cut out forrr this kind of stuff." He muttered as he slowly backed up toward the wall. Watching the scene unfold, he was rooting for the Zora duo in his mind. He knew not to say or do anything that would distract them from their fight. Sliding down into a sitting position on the wall, he gripped his wound, wincing in pain.

OOC: One more person may join the fray from outside the shattered windows.
Last edited by Zelda Veteran on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:03 pm
Kurushimi shook his head at the Zora's question. From what he remembered, nothing else had happened. He thought back on it, but his thoughts were interrupted by the Goron's suggestion. Going to the library was a great idea. Kurushimi was ready to go when he heard something.

He was stunned when he saw the men climbing through the broken glass. Who's Bronx? he silently wondered. It could be the manager, but Kurushimi decided not to wonder who it was when the knife started flying and hit the Goron. He stared at it with wide eyes. Why did there have to be more killing? That was all his life had been about. Why did there have to be more meaningless murder? It wasn't fair. These men would suffer for their actions, and Kurushimi was going to help out with that.

He looked at one of the men, boiling up with rage. He drew the sword from his back. The sword was nothing fancy, it's blade was scratched and the hilt had marks where he was always holding it. He had received it years ago. Actually, he stole it from the body of his father so he could defend the town, but that wasn't important.

He looked at the three men that stood before him. He swallowed hard. He knew he shouldn't be scared, but these men where different for some reason. He charged forward toward one of the men. He took a step to get in close range, then thrust forth, aiming to impale the man's chest.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
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Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:48 pm
The man caught Kurushimi in his sight, and smiled confidently. As he started to move away from the blade, his eyes grew wider and wider as the blade closed in on him. [AGI+Roll= 3+16= 19]VS[AGI+DEF= 17] The sword ripped through the man's clothing, and knocked him back a few feet. He caught himself with a backward handspring, and landed near the shattered glass doors. The wind blew some of his tattered clothing away from his chest, where a small chest plate could be seen. My chest plate saved my life... He thought, obviously a bit shaken. I severely misjudged his speed... I'll have to- His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of blood at the tip of the Zora's sword. Not much, but blood none the less. The man looked down at his chest, where blood was trickling from where the sword had cut through his armor. He gritted his teeth, brought a hand to the wound. The man next to him frowned. "Big mistake Johnny. You got some hurt comin' your way."

Shooting from his position, he drew two hidden knives from beneath his coat. When he was within range of Kurushimi, he brought them inward in an 'X' like manner. [Dual Wield L1] [AGI+Roll= 4+16= 20]VS[DEF+AGI= 18] Both knives ripped through the Zora's skin, leaving minor cuts. If the Zora hadn't stepped back within the last few seconds, he would have been finished. Taint unexpectedly brought his sword through the man's side in a single thrust. [AGI+Roll= 4+10= 14]VS[DEF+AGI= 17] However, it only ripped through his clothing, as it turned out he'd stepped backwards. Jumping back to his group, the man in the middle smirked. "I'll ask again." He paused, an angry expression coming over his face. "Which one of you is Bronx?" He asked, a sword coming out of his sleeve. It was a long and thin sword, obviously made for speed.
Attack: Sword( 8dmg)+Str(4)= 12 dmg
Weapon bonus: +2 chance to hit
"We don't know anyone named Bronx!!" Taint shouted angrily. "And even if we did, we wouldn't turn him over to murderers like you!" He held his sword confidently. The man sighed, chuckled, and looked down, shaking his head. "Alright. So be it. We'll do this the hard way." He started into a run towards Taint. "Here he comes..." Taint said just loud enough for Kurushimi to hear. "Take five Kuru. That wound looks like it hurts." With those words, Taint rushed the man with his sword tightly in hand. The man thrust his sword forward in one quick fluid like motion. [AGI+Roll=4+10= 14]VS[DEF+AGI= 22] Taint easily sidestepped the sword, and took a few steps back. "He's fast..." The nomad muttered to Kurushimi. "If you attempt to take him on, be careful." The Goron watched from across the room, clutching his wound. "Bronx..." I don't think I know anyone named Bronx either.

Man#1- 25 HP (sword= +2 to hit)
Man#2- 15 HP
Man#3- 25 HP

Hp- 74/74
Spl- 14/14
Will- 9

Hp- 59/72
Spl- 10/10
Will- 9
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:08 pm
Kurushimi clutched his chest with his free hand and groaned. "I'm definitely not losing to you murderers," he said in immense pain from the wound. He has had worse, but pain was still existent, and he was determined to make these men pay for the damage they caused, starting with the leader.
"Take five Kuru. That wound looks like it hurts."
Kuru looked at Taint and shook his head. "I'm not quitting because of a cut," he replied. "These men won't get the best of us." He charged toward the sworded man as fast as he could with rage swelling up inside of him. When he felt certain he could hit him, he slashed his sword vertically with anger and determination. [Will=4]
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
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Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:41 pm
Taint had hardly finished his sentence when the Zora blew past him in a fit a fury. [AGI+Roll= 4+20+4= 28]VS[DEF+AGI= 17] Taint's eyes widened as he watched what unfolded. All went silent for a split second, as the man didn't even have time to move a muscle. The sword sliced through the air, and directly into the man's upper chest. It didn't stop there- it sliced all the way down through his chest, and made a "Clang" sound as it's momentum carried it to the floor. Everyone in the room seemed to be in complete shock. The man's chest seemed to concave into itself, as he took a few clumsily awkward steps backwards. His eyes were round, and his mouth was agape. He dropped his sword, and all went dead silent. One second passed, then two. Three seconds. Suddenly, as if shot out of a gun with a vertically long barrel, blood shot from the gaping wound covered the ground in front of him. He fell onto the floor unmoving...

Taint gulped, and looked at the mess of blood in front of Kurushimi. "D-Damn." He spoke softly. "Never mind then..." He said as he walked up next to Kurushimi. The two other men jumped in front of him, and stood as a barrier. "You aren't getting away with this!" One of them hissed, picking up his fallen comrade, and fleeing the scene. One man stood there now, staring them down. "We'll be back sometime... Count on it Johnny." The man jumped through the door, and left. The night was silent. The Goron stood up, and groaned the common Goron groan that they were known for. "I guess I'd betterrr starrrt cleaning up this blood beforrre it perrrmanently stains my floorrrs... And you guys can considerrr us even forrr the meal. Howeverrr, I do have one more favorrr to ask of you..." He returned with a mop in hand, and began mopping the blood, completely silent. "I need you two to rrrun down to Rrrauru Town and get some authorrrities to come up herre and have a look at the rrrestaurrrant. They'll know what to do about the doorrrs and the crrriminals."

Taint sighed in relief when the enemies left, but was still concerned with Kurushimi's wound. "Are you going to be alright with that?" Taint asked, pointing to the cuts on Kurushimi's chest. The Goron looked up, and wavered for a moment at the sight of the wound. "I have something forrr that, hold on a moment." The Goron again walked to the back room. Taint sat down in one of the booths, and sheathed his sword. "Hang in there. I have to say, that was pretty amazing how you made those guys run like that. I wish I had some kind of amazing crazy speed like that... or just something that made me special. You know?" He paused, and looked out the window. "I suppose we should go alert the authorities then." The Goron walked through the kitchen doors for the billionth time that evening, and held out some gauss. He began wrapping it around Kurushimi, around and around and around, until the wound was completely covered. "That should soak up the blood and help it heal faster." Taint said smiling, and standing up. Walking out the door, he could be heard talking, "Thats gonna leave an awesome scar."

He poked his head back into the restaurant. "You comin'?" He asked.

OOC: Alright, that wraps up this topic. I hereby proclaim Kurushimi and Taint total brothers XD (Kuru is the first friend of Taint's so he'll hold special significance. He's also the first one who has memories with Taint.) Thanks for participating... One person... you'd think a guy who's been here for 2 years would have a little more participation... no respect, no respect nyuk nyuk nyuk.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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