Eisen lived in a nearby kingdom of Hyrule in a Cove very simillar to Zora's Domain.
One day, when Eisen was 12, the water in the Cove was drained mysteriously.
There was an investigation, but the cause was never determined. The Nearby River flowed like normal, but the Cove always remained empty. Along with the sudden drought came hordes of monsters, which Eisen's parents and the rest of the Zoras fought off everyday, while Eisen hid inside his house. This continued for a while, until one day Eisen noticed an uneasy quiet when the monsters were being fought off.
He walked out of the house to find that all the others had mysteriously vanished. Everything was left untouched, which never happened with monsters, who were usually interested in any food they could find. Eisen ran to the nearby village, which were always on good terms with the Zoras, and told them about what had happened.
Eisen lived at the village with a family he had often visited when he was younger, until he turned 18. He decided to set out to Hyrule to find out more about what happened about 6 years ago.
Appearance: A 5 foot 9 Zora, Eisen often wears a dark red robe, a gift from a friend he had in the village. His skin is sort of a pale blue like most Zoras, and his eyes are light brown.
Personality: Eisen is very quiet, but generraly kind to people. He is new to Hyrule, so he doesn't know much about its history.
Stats: STR:1 DEF:2 AGI:1 INT:3 SPI:4 HP:24 SPL:7