Rugger's Profile

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bgrugby Level 3
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Joined: Experience: 139
Class: Grunt//Dragoon
Rupees: 71
TP: 0
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:20 am
Rugger Cole

Current Level: 3

Race: Hylian
Base Class: Grunt
Main Class: Vassal
Alignment: Order


STR: 10 [+3 Base, +5 Deku Sword, +2 Goron Strength]
DEF: 18 [+3 Base, +14 L1 Chainmail, +1 Human Defense]
AGI: 2
INT: 4 [+1 Base, +3 Hylian Class]
SPI: 1

HP: 30 [+20 Base, +10 Exceptional Health]
SPL: 4


Deku Sword (5 DMG)
L1 Chainmail (14 DEF)
Bomb Bag

Deku Staff
North Iron Ore
Link Doll

Magic Spear (currently unuseable)
Power Gloves (currently unuseable)
Last edited by bgrugby on Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:03 pm, edited 26 times in total.
Rugger Cole...UPDATED
bgrugby Level 3
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Joined: Experience: 139
Class: Grunt//Dragoon
Rupees: 71
TP: 0
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:34 am
Rugger's Talents

Current TP: 0
TP Earned: 7
TP Spent: 7

TP Tally:
Level: 3
Lost Toy: 1
Hidden Trophies: 1
Find Bessie: 1
A Caravaneer's Quandary: 1

Favor of the Goddesses

Stat Boosts:
L2: Goron Strength
L1: Human Defense
L1: Exceptional Health

Spells Known:
L1 Life (from Favor of the Goddesses)
L1 Jump

Weapon Proficiencies:
L1: Train: Spear
L2: +1 Chance to hit
Last edited by bgrugby on Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:08 pm, edited 17 times in total.
Rugger Cole...UPDATED
bgrugby Level 3
User avatar
Joined: Experience: 139
Class: Grunt//Dragoon
Rupees: 71
TP: 0
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 11:24 am
Rugger, age 25, 5'7" 210 lb Hylian Dragoon has had a history full of tragedies and triumphs. As a child he witnessed first had the death of his entire family at the hands of Goblins loyal to Ganon. He was too weak to stop them and while his house burnt down, he rushed inside to try and drag his family out. The only thing he could get was his fathers blue dragoon armor. It was then Rugger knew his destiny was to become a Dragoon like his father. Years of training paid off as he became a Dragoon, one of the few left. He fought in many missions with his comrades in the REF and was even a member of the High Council for a while. Yet, his hatred of goblins was eating away at him and he turned to alcohol to get through. The darkness in his heart was hidden but growing and he even had a dream that two of his comrades, Arthur and Wyndisis, would kill him.

It nearly came true on a mission in the mountains. As the group was crossing a bridge over a volcano, it snapped. Rugger was the last one in line and plunged to a certain death. Somehow the Dragoon survived but was comfronted by an evil spirit who saw the darkness in Rugger's heart and knew it would be easy to possess. Rugger quickly gave in to the spirit who gave him strength he never possessed and so the evil Rugger then went to comfront his allies. Rugger fell, as the prophecy said, to Arthur and Wyndisis but was saved when they brought him back to Hyrule to be healed. Rugger was back to his old self again but was kicked out of the High Council. He knew that he had to deal with his problems. He decided to leave Hyrule for a distant land, to train not only his body but his soul so that he may one day return to Hyrule as a true Dragoon.

While he was away he heard from his family which gave him inner peace and was able to return to Hyrule, yet he was not the same Dragoon as he was before. Rugger's legendary temper may seem gone, but deep down it still builds waiting for the right moment to explode. He no longer wears his father's blue armor and helmet trading it for a simple brown robe and hood. Rugger's face once covered with stubble, now had a beard from months of no shaving. He has given up all of his possessions, including his house and trusted flask, with the exceptions of his spear.

His second coming though was met with a quick and inexplainable illness that left the Dragoon nearly unable to even walk. For months he sat outside North Castle, under a tree, parting advice to anyone who needed it. Until one day, somehow, as if by the graces of the Goddesses, he found his strength again. However, his Magic Spear must have still be consumed of the sickness as it has lost all power it once possessed. Rugger still carries it, hoping one day it will heal itself and serve its master again. Until then, he must rely on other weapons to aid in his battles. Rugger also still carries with him the guilt of his sins from before. He may have erased his hate and aggression but he simply cannot forgive himself for his past actions. He carries a heavy heart with him everywhere he travels and regards himself as a disgrace and is perhaps a former shell of the warrior he once was.
Rugger Cole...UPDATED
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