Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:08 pm
((OOC: I've done this once before, and i'm ashamed to say that I didn't stick around. However, this time, i'm here, and I cannot wait to show you all the world of difference in my RP skills. >:D))
It was a windy, sunless day in the courtyard. For hours the sky had been dark and clouds loomed silently above, threatening all their wrath. Yet it had not rained a drop, and the streets were dusty with the thoroughly dry state of the roads. Nevertheless, the resident's day to day lives had not been suppressed. Merchants called to passersby, offering their goods at the best prices, citizens made their way to and fro, and the guards stood staunch in their duties. It was exactly how he had remembered it, down to every last scent and every last sound. Cloud had missed his homeland.
"How nostalgic." he murmured.
Walking down the dirt road, Cloud was garbed in the typical clothing of a Mage of his caliber. Flowing royal blue robes accentuated his serene stature as he made his way forward. A shock of inexplicably spiky blonde hair shot from the top of his head, reaching for the heavens. His clothing was drawn tightly to himself, to avoid the prickling cool of the day, his mouth and chin obscured. Two blue orbs, like gemstones, stared intently ahead, taking note of every last detail. Not that he needed to pay much attention, of course, he had traversed these roads more times than he could count.
Wondering just how many people might remember him, Cloud looked around him. He did not see any familiar faces, unfortunately, and continued walking. So many thoughts of past friends, of a past time raced in his finely tuned Hylian mind. Cloud didn't have a clue how he would explain his absence to his old friends. He didn't have the heart to do it. Instead, he would live in the moment, enjoying anyone he reunited with. Explanations could come later, after a hearty dose of social drinking and liberal application of tasty snacks. Then again, Cloud was assuming that a celebration would be in order. He ought to prepare himself for an angry 'Where have you been?!' so much as a 'Welcome back!', he reasoned.
Coming to a halt in the middle of the street, Cloud decided to wait. To wait around for a familiar face to appear, or for one to recognize him. Moving now to lean against a building, the Hylian Mage let out a sigh. Not one of exasperation or disappointment, but one of deep nostalgia. He was home, and as a few drops of rain hit the dusty road, he wondered just what that meant.
It was a windy, sunless day in the courtyard. For hours the sky had been dark and clouds loomed silently above, threatening all their wrath. Yet it had not rained a drop, and the streets were dusty with the thoroughly dry state of the roads. Nevertheless, the resident's day to day lives had not been suppressed. Merchants called to passersby, offering their goods at the best prices, citizens made their way to and fro, and the guards stood staunch in their duties. It was exactly how he had remembered it, down to every last scent and every last sound. Cloud had missed his homeland.
"How nostalgic." he murmured.
Walking down the dirt road, Cloud was garbed in the typical clothing of a Mage of his caliber. Flowing royal blue robes accentuated his serene stature as he made his way forward. A shock of inexplicably spiky blonde hair shot from the top of his head, reaching for the heavens. His clothing was drawn tightly to himself, to avoid the prickling cool of the day, his mouth and chin obscured. Two blue orbs, like gemstones, stared intently ahead, taking note of every last detail. Not that he needed to pay much attention, of course, he had traversed these roads more times than he could count.
Wondering just how many people might remember him, Cloud looked around him. He did not see any familiar faces, unfortunately, and continued walking. So many thoughts of past friends, of a past time raced in his finely tuned Hylian mind. Cloud didn't have a clue how he would explain his absence to his old friends. He didn't have the heart to do it. Instead, he would live in the moment, enjoying anyone he reunited with. Explanations could come later, after a hearty dose of social drinking and liberal application of tasty snacks. Then again, Cloud was assuming that a celebration would be in order. He ought to prepare himself for an angry 'Where have you been?!' so much as a 'Welcome back!', he reasoned.
Coming to a halt in the middle of the street, Cloud decided to wait. To wait around for a familiar face to appear, or for one to recognize him. Moving now to lean against a building, the Hylian Mage let out a sigh. Not one of exasperation or disappointment, but one of deep nostalgia. He was home, and as a few drops of rain hit the dusty road, he wondered just what that meant.
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage
Known Abilities
Favor of the Goddesses
Fairy {Lvl 1}
Spell {Lvl 1}
Polymorph {Lvl 1}
Elemental Explosion {Lvl 1}
Train: Bow {Lvl 1}
Arcane Archery {Lvl 1}
Scroll of Fire
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage
Known Abilities
Favor of the Goddesses
Fairy {Lvl 1}
Spell {Lvl 1}
Polymorph {Lvl 1}
Elemental Explosion {Lvl 1}
Train: Bow {Lvl 1}
Arcane Archery {Lvl 1}
Scroll of Fire