Returning, once again.

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Cloud 9 Level 7
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Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:08 pm
((OOC: I've done this once before, and i'm ashamed to say that I didn't stick around. However, this time, i'm here, and I cannot wait to show you all the world of difference in my RP skills. >:D))

It was a windy, sunless day in the courtyard. For hours the sky had been dark and clouds loomed silently above, threatening all their wrath. Yet it had not rained a drop, and the streets were dusty with the thoroughly dry state of the roads. Nevertheless, the resident's day to day lives had not been suppressed. Merchants called to passersby, offering their goods at the best prices, citizens made their way to and fro, and the guards stood staunch in their duties. It was exactly how he had remembered it, down to every last scent and every last sound. Cloud had missed his homeland.

"How nostalgic." he murmured.

Walking down the dirt road, Cloud was garbed in the typical clothing of a Mage of his caliber. Flowing royal blue robes accentuated his serene stature as he made his way forward. A shock of inexplicably spiky blonde hair shot from the top of his head, reaching for the heavens. His clothing was drawn tightly to himself, to avoid the prickling cool of the day, his mouth and chin obscured. Two blue orbs, like gemstones, stared intently ahead, taking note of every last detail. Not that he needed to pay much attention, of course, he had traversed these roads more times than he could count.

Wondering just how many people might remember him, Cloud looked around him. He did not see any familiar faces, unfortunately, and continued walking. So many thoughts of past friends, of a past time raced in his finely tuned Hylian mind. Cloud didn't have a clue how he would explain his absence to his old friends. He didn't have the heart to do it. Instead, he would live in the moment, enjoying anyone he reunited with. Explanations could come later, after a hearty dose of social drinking and liberal application of tasty snacks. Then again, Cloud was assuming that a celebration would be in order. He ought to prepare himself for an angry 'Where have you been?!' so much as a 'Welcome back!', he reasoned.

Coming to a halt in the middle of the street, Cloud decided to wait. To wait around for a familiar face to appear, or for one to recognize him. Moving now to lean against a building, the Hylian Mage let out a sigh. Not one of exasperation or disappointment, but one of deep nostalgia. He was home, and as a few drops of rain hit the dusty road, he wondered just what that meant.
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage

Known Abilities

Favor of the Goddesses
Fairy {Lvl 1}
Spell {Lvl 1}
Polymorph {Lvl 1}
Elemental Explosion {Lvl 1}
Train: Bow {Lvl 1}
Arcane Archery {Lvl 1}
Scroll of Fire
shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:43 pm
OOC: Welcome back! I don't think any of my characters have met Cloud, so I can't really welcome you back in character. I'm just posting here because this topic has been up a couple days and you are probably eager to get some replies. Still, I don't want to hijack this thread, so feel free to tell Queitar to hit the road. :)


As was the case with all the other errands Wyndisis sent him on, Queitar didn't fully understand the purpose of what he was doing. He was roaming these streets because of something Darilan did. Wyndisis said he was concerned about Darilan's health and he needed someone here to watch out for him, but he wanted Queitar to stay out of his sight. It sounded like he was on a spying mission... sort of. Why didn't Wyndisis just say what he meant? The Zora was a mysterious man.

If Darilan was here, he didn't see him. He probably wasn't even in this part of the castle grounds. That was strange; usually Wyndisis had a better sense of where his underlings were. What the hell, he might as well ask someone if they saw the Sheikah around. Wyndisis didn't make it sound like staying hidden was imperative. This guy in the blue robes didn't seem to be doing anything important, he could ask him. As he approached he asked, "Have you seen Darilan?"

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[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:53 am
OOC: Same here, I don't think you've met Nogare (and if you did, was a bad writer at the time too, though my improvement is hardly more improvement than earlier), but I have read more topics of yours than replied. Cloud's cool, for the record. Sephiroth is cooler, but that's beside the point. Welcome back at any rate. You were a great writer even then ^_^ (at the very least better than I was, and evidently you're still a step ahead)

And yes, SL, the only character I use is Nogare anymore, so... sorry, he's back. >.<

IC: Nogare had to hurry. Now. The contact was waiting for him in the Ornery Cucco Tavern, and he had only so long to pass through the Castle Courtyard to meet up with him, in order to finish up his job and get his pay. He'd has his dosage of adventure, and he had plans to investigate a catacomb before dark. All in a day's work...

What he was about to find in the catacomb, even he was afraid to think about it, and, battle-hardened and courageous as he was, the idea of entering them after nightfall was not even his idea for an adventure (which he found himself desperate to find over and over again day after day. No time a break. The more damage he did to the Exiles, the better).

He had his spear, Belegcam, over his shoulder, using his free hand to push through the crowd, rougher and with an unintended aggression, his head bowed, holding back his inner nightmares yet again, flashing before eyes, though no one else could see them... Fire, screams, blood... agony, holding the very thing that caused it all... everything. Purpose and meaning caused only more pain, and it had to be tamed. Tamed through redemption and revenge. His primary issue now as controlling his urges to keep going, even though he knew that it was only tiring him out more and more after all these years. Determinism was all that drove me. There was no time for anything human. Nothing at all. He was a hero now. A Blade. And nothing would get in his-

"OOF!! Hey, kid, what where you're going!"

He had just rammed right into this kid with blond spiky hair. He blamed him verbally, but he knew that the collision was his fault, he wasn't watching where he was going. He was too wound up in all of this.

The son of Grayblade was about to press on through the crowd, but turned back, looking briefly into the Hylian's thoughts, then asked, "Are you lost? Need directions?"
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:04 pm
"I've told you before, Denkou, It's not going to rain." Kasei said dully, looking up to the ever-gray skies. The clouds swirled around around above Hyrule Caste Town seemed almost ominous to people below, yet they've hung there all day without a drop splattering the streets below. They were pathetic rainclouds to say the least.

Yet, as Kasei looked up at them, something seemed to stir in his heart; a nostalgic feeling, as if he had suddenly remembered something from a forgotten youth, ages ago. "Hmmm." Kasei searched his bag, then handed a few Rupees to his assistant. "Here Denkou, go have fun or something." He said, and watched as the Lightning Thief ran off in joy.

The rebel flame wheeled around. He felt a presence, how he sensed it he did not know, but Kasei felt as if some long-lost friend had just appeared right before him. He surveyed the road before him, looking. He spotted several odd-looking civilians, and then Nogare. But Nogare never set off this vibe before.

But then Kasei spotted a flash of blue, and then a shine of blond. Kasei began rushing over, not believing his eyes. "CLOUD!" He shouted, for the entire street to see, as he approached his old companion.

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Cloud 9 Level 7
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Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:37 am
((OOC: Wheeeee! Hey guys! XD ))

Cloud hadn't been standing to the side for very long before his mind began to wander to all the old friends he had left behind. He could not help but feel guilty about it. Briefly intending to venture forth, to let his own two feet find their way to a friend, Cloud began to move forward, but stopped, as a newcomer arrived. He did not recognize him at all, and as he started speaking, Cloud could only blink at him. The name was unbelievably familiar, Darilan. He'd most definitely heard it before, but alas, he was sure he had never met this Darilan.

"Huh? No, i'm sorry, I do-" he managed to say, before being blind sided by a man with a spear.

Cloud had been taken by surprise, and he didn't even have time to turn around and yell at the man before he himself stopped and turned around. The Hylian had forgotten how busy Castle Town was. Again, before Cloud could speak, the man acted. He asked him if he were lost. No, no, Cloud didn't think he was particularly lost in a directional sense. Maybe as far as familiar faces went, though.

"N-no, I'm not lost. Thanks." he smiled.

Then, as if by some rope tied around his waste, Cloud felt drawn in the other direction, as if the very gravity of the world had shifted to a horizontal axis. His head whipped around just as a man called out his name, and Cloud knew who it was. Of all the people in Hyrule, here was the one who was most vivid in his mind. He smiled so fiercely it might have split his face as Kasei was approaching.

"Kasei! My old friend!" he shouted.

Feeling at home now, for he first time in quite some time, Cloud took in a deep breath, getting all the scents of the area, and even some dust, but it didn't bother him. This dust had been beneath his feet so many times before it might as well be a part of him.
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage

Known Abilities

Favor of the Goddesses
Fairy {Lvl 1}
Spell {Lvl 1}
Polymorph {Lvl 1}
Elemental Explosion {Lvl 1}
Train: Bow {Lvl 1}
Arcane Archery {Lvl 1}
Scroll of Fire
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:44 pm
There was very little that made Kasei smile widely. Even his favorite zora sweet pudding snack didn't make him smile. The sight of an old friend, returning after so long, made him absolutely grin hysterically.

He waltzed up to his old companion and extended his arms in a hug, embracing Cloud merrily. "Where have you been these years?" Kasei asked as he let go, eager to hear Cloud's tale.

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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