Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:28 am
OOC: All right, this SHOULD be the only out of character post you're allowed. Here, we make links to our topics that we have going on, and so that the Crazy Seer doesn't get all meshed up with confusion on present stuff and potential spam. Just make a single post about your own personal topics that are going on for you, that are open for everyone, or a select few, so that everyone is aware of it, and begging to join topics is minimal, since there are like none happening right now anyways. So just post somewhere, and even give a brief summary for those who are a bit late so they can join right in to what's happening with their own post right away and keep up. And by the way, Shadowlink13 provided a perfect code to use for links with your topics in the Newbie section, in the Welcome announcement topic. Use it all here! All right, let's do this.
Nogare's Active Storyline:
N/A at the moment
Other Active Topics:
<a href=" ... 56">King's Event - Eves of Betrayal</a> (STILL GOIN FOLKS)
<a href=" ... 4">Stadium of Malagruel</a> (I'll drop the stats if you want to just do it normally. There's still a lot happening for it)
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=3414">Ambush</a> (Over by the boulder along the Old South Road near Rauru. Nogare and a few of the Hyrulean Legion are getting prepared for a fight, but they need your help. I'll get the link here soon. Or Drew, if you want to again
. Kidding.
There. Your turn.
RG Drew Edit: Um... just to say that I linked your post to the actual topics. I also advise anyone intending to state their active topics to link to them as well, to make traveling easier... if you don't mind, that is?...
EDIT: Thanks, Drew! And welcome back! I thought this was deleted, but this is great!!
Nogare's Active Storyline:
N/A at the moment
Other Active Topics:
<a href=" ... 56">King's Event - Eves of Betrayal</a> (STILL GOIN FOLKS)
<a href=" ... 4">Stadium of Malagruel</a> (I'll drop the stats if you want to just do it normally. There's still a lot happening for it)
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=3414">Ambush</a> (Over by the boulder along the Old South Road near Rauru. Nogare and a few of the Hyrulean Legion are getting prepared for a fight, but they need your help. I'll get the link here soon. Or Drew, if you want to again

There. Your turn.

RG Drew Edit: Um... just to say that I linked your post to the actual topics. I also advise anyone intending to state their active topics to link to them as well, to make traveling easier... if you don't mind, that is?...
EDIT: Thanks, Drew! And welcome back! I thought this was deleted, but this is great!!
Last edited by Nogare, son of Greyblade on Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Nogare's Profile
"Not everyone wants a hero." -- Macil Nassos
We never know what legacy we'll leave
Some promises are impossible to keep
It doesn't matter what happens. I'll find the answers I'm looking for.
Keep head down and away. None can know. It's a secret from everybody.
Why can't they see what's right under their noses?!
So am I the answer or am I the master, hmm?
Nogare's Profile
"Not everyone wants a hero." -- Macil Nassos
We never know what legacy we'll leave
Some promises are impossible to keep
It doesn't matter what happens. I'll find the answers I'm looking for.
Keep head down and away. None can know. It's a secret from everybody.
Why can't they see what's right under their noses?!
So am I the answer or am I the master, hmm?