[Deep Inside VII] The Third Reaper

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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Joined: Experience: 2018
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
Rupees: 1626
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Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:04 am
The serenity of the shadows that swell beneath all that blot out the light... There wasn't much like it. Dogura was at peace when he was within a shadow. It was in this realm that nothing could harm him. Nothing could disturb him from this kind of peace. While it wasn't a time for relaxation, he was still content following the reaper as far as he had to. His sensitive ears picked up Shiro's steps overhead. The brown haired reaper was wearing his signature mask to conceal his presence. It was something they'd been planning for quite some time, and it was finally in motion.

The tracking of the third reaper: Doku.

The deadly poisonous assassin who'd never failed an assassination contract in his entire life or his career as a reaper. Dogura however, wasn't afraid of the assassin. While he knew and respected the man's capabilities, Dogura knew that with his renewed strength, he was far stronger. Still, he considered the fact that it wasn't just speed and strength that would determine the victor of the fight. One scratch from one of Doku's weapons would prove to be a fatal one. A mistake like that was out of the question, and Dogura pondered this as they tracked the man. Doku shuffled through the sands towards his home, which could be seen in the distance. Dogura still hadn't gotten a good look at the assassin's face, but he analyzed what he could see.

The third reaper had his back turned to them. He wore a black overcoat, his hood pulled up over his head. The coat extended its reach towards his feet, where he walked barefoot through the sands. He was about Dogura's height, and looked thin from what they could tell.

Hey Dogura... We should make ourselves known soon.
Alright, get ready. I might need your help- I'm not much for fighting. I'd probably die if he attacked me.
Understood. At your ready.

"Doku, Reaper Assassin of Ganon!" Shiro called out.

Immediately the hooded man whirled around. He lifted his fist, and shot from a gauntlet on his wrist three needles directly at Shiro. Dogura flung out of the shadow at Shiro's feet, sword already in hand. He deflected the needles away from Shiro, and gritted his teeth. Those eyes... Doku's face could now be seen. He had the same eyes as Dogura. He looked as if he had a clean shaven head, in that none of his hair was visible from this angle. He had a black tattoo running along the side of his face, and the same upside down crosses.

"Doku..." The samurai called out. "I understand you're a no-nonsense type of guy. Please listen to what we have to say." This garnered an immediate response:

"Give me a reason not to kill you both..." He hissed. His voice sounded like what a snake's voice would sound like if one could ever speak. It was a low hissing raspy voice that was unlike any Dogura had ever heard. "Shit..." Shiro stated as he removed his mask, "I'm found out... But how?"

Doku kept his gauntlet pointed in their direction as he spoke, "The voice that called to me wasn't the same as the samurai's." Dogura snickered at this, "Look at that Shiro... He's one hell of a guy. I like him already." Shiro shook his head, "Let's not forget he tried to kill me..."

Doku's unwavering form moved not a muscle as the silence grew longer and longer. Dogura finally found the words to say. "Our names are Dogura and Shiro. We're two of Ganon's other reapers." This, as expected, seemed to take the poisonous foe by surprise. ". . . I knew there had to be others," Doku stated, "Your earrings tipped me off early. It's why you two aren't dead right now." He lowered his gauntlet finally.

"Confident are we?" Dogura taunted. "Dogura, stop it!!" Shiro commanded as he stepped forward. "We don't need you starting a fight here." Doku completely ignored Shiro. "I am confident in my abilities. I am after all, Ganon's assassin." Dogura sheathed his sword and stood up, "Well you're looking at number two." Doku didn't seem fazed. "That explains the eyes then..." He hissed. Dogura couldn't help but smile again before exclaiming, "You're really observant! That's pretty impressive, Doku. We'll make a good team." Doku's deep black eyes closed for a moment, as if deep in thought. Finally he spoke again: "You're of the Shadowclaw Kingdom... Am I wrong?" Dogura was again surprised. How had he come to that conclusion already? The vagabond narrowed his eyes at Doku.

"Your ability to maintain a shadowmeld over the time it took you to track me here- that's not a feat that any common Sheikah could achieve. It's not a normal shadowmeld. Shadowclaw's royal family held the unique ability to infinitely shadowmeld. You're the prince that let his Kingdom fall." In less than a second, Dogura was standing next to Doku, sword at his throat. "Hold your tongue before I cut it out." Doku remained calm, unflinching. On the inside however, he was quite shocked at Dogura's speed. "Touchy... I didn't even see you move, Samurai... We'll make a good team indeed. Very well. I'll leave your past out of this." Dogura's teeth were clenched tightly. Why is it that every researcher comes across the piece of the prince who 'fled'? "Let me get something straight right now." Dogura said harshly. "I didn't flee. I left to explore the North, and when I returned, the Kingdom was no more. I had no idea what had happened."

Shiro was silent through this. Certainly this was something Dogura wouldn't have revealed willfully. He must have been really upset. Shiro walked up behind Dogura and placed a hand on his arm, lowering the samurai's sword from Doku's neck. The samurai jerked him away, and sheathed his sword. "Yes, I'm Dogura Shadowclaw." Shiro smiled at Doku, "And I'm Dane Shiro, but you can call me Shiro." Doku nodded, now properly acquainted. "I'm Doku Machida. Pleased to meet you both." Shiro handed Doku a piece of parchment, "Here. This is where Dogura and I live." Dogura didn't like the idea of a first rate assassin knowing where he lived, but trust had to start between the reapers somewhere; might as well be here. "Feel free to visit me any time." Shiro said happily. "Me too, I suppose... We're going to be partners, so we might as well get to know each other." Dogura added, still pissed off about Doku's loose lips.

Doku stuck the paper in his pocket. "Very well. Don't visit me. I don't like anyone being out here but me. If you need to meet with me, address Ganon, and he'll arrange a meeting place for us." That sounded fair to Dogura. He knew what it was like to want to be alone. This guy's got the right idea. Alpha would kill for a retreat like this... Or maybe he has one... He recalled their little meeting on Taint's ship. According to Alpha, it was none of Dogura's business. It was true though- if Dogura knew, he would visit. The samurai simply extended a hand, which Doku shook. "We'll have to discuss more later. In the mean time, I really have to get home. I have some poisons brewing that need my immediate attention before they become gaseous." Doku didn't even say goodbye. He simply turned around and began walking briskly towards his house. Shiro smiled at Dogura, "Mission complete." He cheered.

Dogura forced a smile back at the reaper, but couldn't shake the anger he felt at Doku. It would subside eventually, but for now it would fester on his mind. It would be a quick trip back if he melded through the mountains. Their houses were practically next to one another. "I'll see you around Shiro..." He stated before ducking into a shadow, and out of sight. Shiro sighed, admiring the ability, and began the long trek back home. He fasted the mask to his face, and disappeared...
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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