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Comotion all over town (IC, OoC, and a fun poll)
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:58 pm
by Zach98o
Zach splashed about in the fountain, and threw water on some people. A few of them smiled, others were angry, and some actually jumped in. Zach was feeling great. Then he said to the crowd, "I CHALLENGE THE ROYAL GUARDS TO A WATER FIGHT!" He smiled. If he was thrown in the dungeon...well, "If we get in trouble....Totally worth it." he said.
OoC: Are the RGs even dead? Maybe some fun will cool them off this summer!
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:06 pm
by Royal Guard
It was a relatively nice day in the castle courtyard, espcially for one royal guard in particular. His name was Zane Ray, and he was simply loving the peace and quiet that seemed radiate off of North Hyrule's capital. He stood against one of the arches that North Castle was famous for. Zane watched the fountain's statue, and admired the crystal clear water that spouted from the top of it. Zane found peace and tranquility when it came to water- it was after all, his affinity element. He smiled, and closed his eyes as the warm sun washed over his face like a calm wave- when suddenly, someone dared to disturb that peace.
Zane opened one eye in agitation, spying the culprit. Someone was playing in the fountain, and splashing the passersby. The guard sighed, cursing his job, as he knew it would be his to put the man at ease. He pushed off of the wall and walked briskly towards the fountain. He wasn't like many of the other royal guards- he himself was a battle mage. This was marked by the hood he wore in combination with his armor. It was blue silk, and in this heat he wore it down behind his head. He had brown hair, which he wore at mid-length, and ocean-blue eyes.
He stopped in front of the fountain, and put his hands on his hips. "Hey, you're disturbing the peace. I'm gonna have to ask you to get out of the fountain, it wasn't put there for people to play in." He never felt right scolding youths for being kids, but this guy was different- obnoxious. The guard looked up towards the sun, and calculated what time it was. "There should be a wagon headed for Tantari in about an hour and half. You can play in the ocean if you'd like, but this fountain is a symbol of Hyrule's serene nature. Out, out, out!"
OOC: The RG's are ready and willing- it's the players that aren't RPing.

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:29 pm
by Zach98o
IC: Zach looked to the guard. "The ocean's nice, but last time I went there, I was kicked out for saving one of my friends...MY FRIEND! And he made me look like the bad guy!" His left arm smacked him on his head. "Okay, okay, I admit it, I'm looking for some freaking excitement. besides, with very few people traveling these days, you have to admit, this town could use a few laughs. And the guards must be pretty bored." He said, and made a small splash onto the guards.
OoC: Zane? How ironic, Zach's identical twin brother is Zane. Though he's only in my book I'm writing.
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:38 pm
by Royal Guard
When the fountain dwelling youth smacked himself in the head, Zane's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Being a religious man, he searched the youth's aura for any traces of demonic behavior. He couldn't sense anything deviant, but that didn't lower his suspicions. Whatever the case, the man didn't seem harmful, nor did he seem violent or malicious. The guard reminded himself that that is what mattered the most.
The battlemage's eye twitched when the water hit his face. "Whether your story is valid or not, I can't have citizens playing the fountain." His voice was stern. "Although it is hot, and I understand why one would want to cool off in the fountain, I can't allow behavior that disrupts the peace." Zane had been watching the peoples' reactions. While a couple of people laughed and brushed it off, less hardy people met the boy's eyes with scorn, and disapproval.
Zane sighed, seeing that his words weren't having much effect.
"Look, whether I agree with you or not, it is my job to enforce the law. I won't say it again: Get out of the fountain." He himself was a free spirit, and he too wished to cool off in the fountain; but the fact of the matter was, it was his job. He wouldn't do anything that might compromise his job either, as he had a family to look after back home.
"Out." He said once more, unwavering on his stance.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:46 am
by Zach98o
IC: Zach made a small splash. "You know,you're no fun. I know we all have something to work for, a family, or a pet, or a sword, but sometimes, it's nice to just relax, and take it easy. Yeah we get in trouble in the end, but sometimes, it's worth it. I know I did that a lot when I was younger." he said. He looked to the few people in the fountain with him. "Besides, you guards have a lot on your plate, how about relaxing, and having fun some. Then, take me to the king, or other judge, and be thrown in the dungeon. And I believe the people are itching for some fun against the guards. Whaddya say? If you get in trouble, I'll take all the blame for you." he said, and reached his left arm to the guard. "Lumina agrees with me. Relax a bit, take a load off. And you'd better call reinforcements. You're slightly outnumbered." he finished up with a smile.
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:52 pm
by Leth
Royal Guard wrote:OOC: The RG's are ready and willing- it's the players that aren't RPing.

Ooc: eh... well... we ARE waiting on a reply for Deserted Dwellings and that Group of Beasts topic up at the top of the mountain.