Of Goddesses and Men

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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Joined: Experience: 2018
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
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Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:52 am
High atop the mountain, a lone figure stood overlooking the landscape below. He was wearing bright white paladin armor that gleamed in the sun. A broadsword sheathed at his belt, he admired Hyrule from such a height. His long blonde hair flowed behind him as the wind caressed him. His baby-blue eyes scrutinized every detail of Din's work, his mind peacefully contemplating all-out war with the demon that had been making a name for himself down below. A figure suddenly approached him from behind- a woman carrying a staff. She was in a white dress that flowed down to her ankles, and her beauty was overwhelming. Her eyes were blue, and her hair was brown and mid-length.

"Archard," she spoke softly. "What is it that troubles your mind?"

The man turned his head and smiled warmly at her, "Trouble is hardly the word, Farora. Thanks for asking though- you're too good to be." He turned his head skyward, and looked to the clouds for guidance. "Din... Farore... Nayru... Guide me. What should I do about the one who took a soul not rightfully his... I feel that you're as disturbed as I am."

"We are." A voice came from behind him, a slender man appearing from the cave. He wore a light cuirass, white like his two friends. His had a long face, and his eyes were a piercing white color. His hair was also white, and spiked around his head like the mane of a lion. He was of average size, but small when compared to Archard. He walked to the edge of the cliff to stand next to the armored man. "We are disturbed, Goddesses. We want to help." Archard turned to the sky, and nodded in agreement. Farora carefully made her way to the edge of the cliff to stand next to the two. The clouds parted, a ray of light shining on the trio. A melodious voice filled the air, softly, but powerfully.

<center>Thou shant act with such haste. Whither thou goest or not, we, The Goddesses, beseech thee be careful. The demon which thou seek to strike down fights with the Dark Lord's power at his back. Should your quest be successful, bring the condemned one to Dawnglow Temple.</center>

Archard felt the divine presence disappear from the area, and knew that the Goddesses had said their piece. Archard was the first to speak, "Xarvos... Farora."

The two listened carefully as the man spoke.

"We're going to slay a demon. It won't be easy. We begin training immediately."
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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