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Gazing Out Over the Water
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:34 pm
by weienw
Alpha slowly turns away from the group and walks towards the ocean. 'This is going nowhere fast...and I'm not exactly trusting Celine anymore.' He gazes out over the water and simply continues to think. A glance back shows the others conversing, but judging by their looks it seems that they aren't getting anywhere either. With a sigh, he lies down in the sand and just attempts to relax his mind...and waits for the meaning of the symbol to come to him.
A shadow flits over Alpha's horizontal form. There is the flump and sigh of someone sitting down; you see Arco on the ground next to Alpha. Sitting with his arms hugging his knees to his chest, Arco watches Alpha think, wondering whether...
"What are you thinking?" says the grey-eyed Sheikah, bluntly. He tosses a furtive glance at the group crowded around William, before turning back to the Mage on the ground.
"What are you really thinking?" he whispers, eyes forward. He falls silent as he gazes out over the water, as he had seen the other do just a moment before, and feels... calm.
OOC: This is a parallel slice out of the other thread in this same area, to enhance the "removed" feel. ^^ Just something I like to do, helping us to build our own stories within everyone else's. Feel free to commute from one thread to the other; this one doesn't have to survive very long (like, if Alpha didn't plan to separate from the group for very long).
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 7:52 pm
by Alpha
OOC: Nice idea, Weienw. I like it.
"What am I really thinking? I'm thinking that I don't trust that girl, Celine." He lets this statement sink in for a second, then continues. "Follow me on this. I know you weren't there, but what basically happened was that after William was attacked, Victor and I tried to help him. I attempted to use Life, not knowing that the dagger had a curse on it. Celine almost immediately came to our aid, telling us what's wrong. I find it very suspicious that she just happened to be walking out here, in the desert, at just the right moment to be of the most aid."
"I'm not sure about this, but...she seems very suspicious, you must admit. The only thing that I think disproves this idea is that my scar hasn't reacted since the attacker left." He sighs. "I'm not sure what to think anymore, but I have a bad feeling about her."
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:07 pm
by shadowlink13
Arriving at the shore, Darilan saw the large group of people. It looked like something was up. He was in no mood to find out what was going on. He stopped next to Arco and Alpha who were both isolated from the central communing. The waves of the sea pulled out his gaze, and he became lost in them. Looking at one spot and not losing his thoughs was impossible. It was difficult to fix his sight, because the water was forever changing. It danced and twisted second by second. After staring at it for awhile, the fluid movement went away and it became no more than a bunch of images, each one flashing by quickly before him.
He regarded Arco and Alpha, head spinning, and looked back out at the sea. The hot and dry air had parched his throat, and each breath he took brought in the ocean air that should have refreshed him. It made him long for a drink, and Nayru knows you are not supposed to drink sea water. The dryness of his mouth screamed. He took his canteen and let the water rush into his throat. Now the water beyond the shore was less tempting, for he had quelled the desire to free himself from the pain the desert put on him.
OOC: Sorry about this. I hate being so slow. I should have had this done earlier. I hope I didn't throw anything off.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:06 pm
by Alpha
Alpha lies in the sand for a long time, entranced by his thoughts and his bewilderment over Celine. His mind tries to work through it all as he stares up at the clear sky. 'It doesn't make any sense...but I just can't shake this feeling. Celine's arrival...the timing was just too perfect. As if she knew it was going to happen...'
This new thought sticks with him. 'Well, that's certainly possible. I've heard that someone who's incredibly in-tune with their own magical aura can sometimes see visions of the future. And the legends do say that both the Hero of Time and the Princess of his era had premonitions when evil was on the rise.'
He sits up, nodding to himself. He glances over at the rest of the group, and sees them beginning to wander off in their own directions. He manages to catch a fragment of Victor's goodbye, hearing something about the Stock Pot Inn. He slowly stands up, brushing sand off his clothes. He smiles at Arco. "Sounds like those guys are headed to the Stock Pot Inn. See you there, I guess."
Alpha slowly turns away and begins walking through the desert, mind still racing. 'For now, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. But I will be keeping my eye on Celine...'
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:45 pm
by weienw
OOC: *punches self in face; resets nosebridge* Ack, sorry for my hiatuses (hiati?)! And no, SL, you aren't throwing anything off *grin*.
"I see," he had whispered in response to Alpha, too quietly for even himself to hear, much less anyone else. Then, he let his eyes follow the movements of the newcoming Hylian, observing the way the man swallowed the water, all the while subconsciously digesting what Alpha had explained to him.
Suspicious mage, attempted thievery, engraved symbol, scar...
Time passes. Arco looks up, hearing the Sheikah mage address him. "Headed to stock-pot in?" he parrots. Pulling himself up clumsily and looking around, he sees the group breaking away in ones and twos.
"Stock pot inn... where is that, again?" he thinks, fingering the Farore's Wind in his pocket.