Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:34 pm
A shadow flits over Alpha's horizontal form. There is the flump and sigh of someone sitting down; you see Arco on the ground next to Alpha. Sitting with his arms hugging his knees to his chest, Arco watches Alpha think, wondering whether...Alpha slowly turns away from the group and walks towards the ocean. 'This is going nowhere fast...and I'm not exactly trusting Celine anymore.' He gazes out over the water and simply continues to think. A glance back shows the others conversing, but judging by their looks it seems that they aren't getting anywhere either. With a sigh, he lies down in the sand and just attempts to relax his mind...and waits for the meaning of the symbol to come to him.
"What are you thinking?" says the grey-eyed Sheikah, bluntly. He tosses a furtive glance at the group crowded around William, before turning back to the Mage on the ground.
"What are you really thinking?" he whispers, eyes forward. He falls silent as he gazes out over the water, as he had seen the other do just a moment before, and feels... calm.
OOC: This is a parallel slice out of the other thread in this same area, to enhance the "removed" feel. ^^ Just something I like to do, helping us to build our own stories within everyone else's. Feel free to commute from one thread to the other; this one doesn't have to survive very long (like, if Alpha didn't plan to separate from the group for very long).