[NPCs] The Hakiems Tribe

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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:12 pm
The Hakiems Tribe
History of the Hakiems Tribe

The Hakiems Tribe was originally founded over one thousand years ago, long before the events told of the Hero of Time took place. The Hakiems have survived in the shadows since then, never allowing their presence to be known to anyone, save two groups of people: their employers and their prey. The Hakiems are elite assassins, trained in the most powerful and deadly of the Sheikah arts. The group consists entirely of Sheikah, the majority of which are grunts. There are very rare exceptions of this all-Sheikah group, which occur only when a non-Sheikah has worked by their side in a mission and performed even better than they have.

Each Hakiem wears a robe that covers their entire body and face, save the eyes, but does not seem to hinder their movements. The robe is black, and bears the symbol of the Hakiems – the Sheikah eye, minus the tear, in a vertical position with a cut going down the center – on its back. The only members that are not constrained to this clothing are the Hakiems generals and Karunik, though oftentimes they wear the robes as well. As grunts, they carry long swords, and their skill level can be determined by the material that their blades are made of.

The Hakiems operate in a sort of class system. New initiates reside on the bottom. Then are the Level 5, Level 4, Level 3, and Level 2 Hakiems, in that order. Level 1 is the level of the five generals that are the best of the best, and who oversee all the others. The only one higher than these generals is the leader himself.

The fighting style of the Hakiems Tribe is one of numbers. With thousands of men at their disposal (though they refuse to think of it like that), their favored tactic is to surround their prey while in Shadowmeld, then appear and capture them in a split second. When that is not possible, they go for one-on-one attacks to wear their opponents down. They enjoy doing fancy, complicated attacks from the air. While easily defended against, these types of attacks quickly wear down their prey until a mistake is made.

The Hakiems are not only powerful, they are also vengeful. The code of the Hakiems states that should someone ever kill a Hakiem, the entire group shall hunt down not only the killer, but also every person and possession that the killer holds dear. They shall all be slaughtered or destroyed before the killer's eyes, then the killer himself shall die as well. Because of this position, few have ever challenged the Hakiems, and those who have have not lived to tell the tale. The only exception to this is Master Zaris, though if someone looked at his life they would probably decide that being hunted day and night is not worth living for.

Little more than twenty years ago, Zaboorak employed the Hakiems Tribe in hunting down the Golden Ones, particularly Zaris, the Golden Sheikah. Only a few years after they began hunting him, Jinur, the leader of the Hakiems, was killed by the Sheikah master. His son Karunik assumed the position of the group's leader, and Zaboorak 'generously' offered his aid in getting vengeance. The Zora was eventually granted an honorary membership, even though he too failed to kill the Sheikah.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:12 pm
The Leaders of the Hakiems Tribe

Zaboorak is the Golden Zora, turned evil by the dark spirit of Ganon. Over 200 years old, he served the incarnation of evil for most of his life, but three years ago chose to leave the Dark Lord to pursue his own obsessive goals.

Just over twenty years ago, Zaboorak stumbled upon the Hakiems Tribe, and offered them an enormous sum of money in exchange for the death of Zaris, the Golden Sheikah. During their best opportunity to kill him, when in Keyru's village, Jinur was killed and Zaboorak gave the order to blow the entire city sky-high. When Zaris still managed to escape, the Zora began making plans – not only plans to kill the Sheikah, but also to assume control of the Hakiems Tribe himself. Had he acted sooner, Karunik might not have risen to fill that position.

Zaboorak absolutely adores toying with people and their emotions, and takes a very perverse pleasure at manipulating Karunik's desire to avenge his father to effectively control the Hakiems. However, the process is currently moving too slowly for the Zora; he is even now making plans for how he shall kill Karunik without the other Hakiems' knowledge.

Zaboorak rarely uses his Goldforce Power, instead relying on his magical prowess. As a mage, his abilities are almost limitless. Matching his manipulative personality is his favorite spell, Polymorph. He also uses powerful techniques such as Thunder and Elemental Explosion. Aside from magic, he has trained his body well, gaining strength that would be the envy of many. His arm-fins are also special in that they are razor-sharp and tough as diamonds. However, his left fin was destroyed by Zaris in their most recent confrontation.

Zaboorak seems to know Alpha from the time the young Sheikah spent away from Master Zaris, when he was referred to as 'Wraith'.

Known Abilites: Thunder L3, Polymorph, Elemental Explosion L3, Musical Talent, Unarmed Combat

Jinur was the father of Karunik and leader of the Hakiems Tribe. He was killed by Zaris when the Hakiems raided Keyru's peaceful town.

Known Abilities: none

Karunik is the son of Jinur, and the rightful leader of the Hakiems Tribe. Oftentimes, however, his rage and need for vengeance allows Zaboorak to manipulate the Sheikah into doing whatever he wishes. He holds an extreme degree of hatred for Zaris, who killed his father.

Karunik fights with any style he can get his hands on. He tends to focus on his physical abilities, strengthening his body to the point where he is the second strongest being in the tribe, other than Zaboorak. He also wields two Gilded Swords, though he only uses them against opponents he deems worthy of such treatment.

Unbeknownst to Zaboorak, Karunik has secretly been studying the Zora mage's abilities and copying them. He has gained further skills from Azador's 'Power of the Ancients', which greatly increases his physical abilities, so much so that he can actually hold his own against Zaris or Zaboorak . . . though he is waiting for the opportune moment before fighting the latter. Thanks to Coby's spying, he knows full well of the Zora's desire to kill him, and is preparing for the event.

Known Abilities: Empowerment of the Ancients
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:13 pm
The Generals of the Hakiems Tribe

Kypra is the first of the Hakiems generals to be introduced. She appears to be old, around sixty, but as a Sheikah, age does not hinder her much. Her eyes are a cold blue and her waist-long hair a pure white. She always maintains a serious look on her face, molding her features into a hard mask.

Her fighting styles are unknown, as is her weapon of choice.

Known Abilities: none

Dessil is a mysterious forty year old Sheikah, with hair as black as night, save for the gray highlights. He wears a green vest over his long-sleeved white shirt and black pants, along with a brown cape. His right eye is not like those of most Sheikah, a greenish color. Running from his nose directly through his left eye is a scar of a battle fought long ago, which left him blind in that eye. He has turned this scar into a portion of his tattoo of the Hakiems symbol. His ghastly voice and mysterious - though merciless - mannerisms leave no doubt that this is a man to be feared.

His fighting style is unknown, though it has been mentioned that he is the master of Segnin, a Hakiem who controls lightning. Also, it was hinted that Dessil commonly steals things from others through some unseeable means . . .

Known Abilities: none

The mysterious woman who aided the group when they were trapped in the Hakiems base, Adasha appears to be a traitor within the Hakiems Tribe. Though her reasons are unknown, she still maintains a powerful position in the Tribe, and serves as one of the generals with apparent pride. Her body is lithe and beautiful, with fire red hair, eyes, and clothing. Her looks are further enhanced by her Fireheart spell, which practically forces any male in her vicinity to fall in love with her. Her almost reflexive invocation of this ability has led to several . . . embarrassing . . . instances, and she now wears a crimson cloak that hides her skin entirely, hoping that people won't stare like dumb animals whenever she passes by. So far, this has been largely unsuccessful.

Her fighting style is unknown, but she is deftly skilled with the power of flames.

Known Abilities: Fireheart

Edan is a Hakiem about a year older than Adasha, and her accomplice in the betrayal of Zaboorak. He wears a dark green vest with no shirt beneath, and black pants. His hair is dark brown, and his skin is tanned - both traits that suit his favored element, earth, particularly well. The symbol of the Hakiems Tribe has been tattooed onto his right shoulder.

His weapons are unknown, but he can manipulate the ground beneath him without difficulty.

Known Abilities: none

Laxin - Dead
The final Hakiems general to be introduced storyline-wise, Laxin was responsible for leading the invasion of the Hakiems Tribe into North Castle. Their goal was to find and capture General Richarn Noval, leader of the Royal Elite Remnant, and retrieve from him information on all the Golden Ones. They did not count on the interference of many adventurers, in addition to Noval being the Golden Hylian. Once half of his body was destroyed by General Kamas Lion's Life Mage powers, he was quickly defeated, and was killed by Idarz when Noval attempted to use the Hakiem to find out information concerning Wraith.
Last edited by Alpha on Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:42 pm
The Levels of the Hakiems Tribe

Hakiems Level 5
Stats: STR - 1; DEF - 4; AGI - 4; INT - 1; SPI - 3; SPL - 10; HP - 20
Abilities: Shadowmeld, Avenging Strength L1, Unarmed Combat L1, Shield L1, Jump L1
This is the lowest level of the Hakiems Tribe, also known as the initiate level. They wield mere Deku Swords, though as they are not as skilled as the higher levels, they also bear a Deku Shield. This level of Hakiems knows only the most basic of techniques.
They are distinguished by wearing red handkerchiefs.

Hakiems Level 4
Stats: STR - 2; DEF - 3; AGI - 5; INT - 1; SPI - 4; SPL - 15; HP - 30
Abilities: Shadowmeld, Avenging Strength L2, Elemental Burst L1, Disarm L1, Unarmed Combat L2, Shield L1, Jump L1
The second level of the Hakiems Tribe, only reached after an initiate has completed an advanced form of training. They have Bronze Swords and have begun learning a few of the more advanced techniques.
They are distinguished by wearing green handkerchiefs.

Hakiems Level 3
Stats: STR - 3; DEF - 4; AGI - 6; INT - 2; SPI - 5; SPL - 25; HP - 40
Abilities: Shadowmeld, Avenging Strength L3, Elemental Burst L2, Disarm L2, Unarmed Combat L3, Shield L1, Jump L2
The third level of the Hakiems Tribe. Until the Golden Battle, these were the majority level in the Tribe; now that honor goes to L4. They carry Iron Swords, and know many different techniques, though they are far from mastering all of them.
They are distinguished by wearing blue handkerchiefs.

Hakiems Level 2
Stats: STR - 4; DEF - 5; AGI - 7; INT - 3; SPI - 6; SPL - 40; HP - 50
Abilities: Shadowmeld, Avenging Strength L4, Elemental Burst L3, Disarm L3, Unarmed Combat L4, Shield L2, Jump L2
The top level of the Hakiems Tribe, who answer to the Generals themselves. They wield Gilded Swords, and have mastered all kinds of techniques.
They are distinguished by wearing black handkerchiefs.

NOTE: Avenging Strength: Whenever a fellow member of the Hakiems Tribe is killed, a Hakiem gains +1 to STR and AGI. This ability can stack on top of itself.
L1 Applies
L2 +2 bonus
L3 +3 bonus
L4 Bonus applies to all stats :shock: (Now do you see why they're so tough?)
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:43 pm
Other Hakiems

Coby is an anomaly in the Hakiems Tribe. He is the personal assistant to Karunik, who treats him like a son, even though the boy is a Hylian. He is only fourteen years old, and wields no weapon of his own.

Coby focuses his abilities on healing and defensive spells. He has already mastered 'Favor of the Goddesses', and has moved on to magic such as 'Shield' and 'Life'. Under Karunik's tutelage, he has begun learning hand-to-hand combat techniques, and is already on the level of Hakiem initiates.

Coby's job is not merely learning. He has incredible stealth for a mere Hylian, enough so that Karunik has him spy on Zaboorak from time to time. He has never been detected, even by the magic-enhanced skills of the Zora. Because of this spying, Coby learned of Zaboorak's desire to usurp Karunik and reported it to his teacher. Not only this, but he bears speed like none ever seen . . . primarily because when he decides to, he cannot be seen.

So far, Coby has made numerous appearances to the adventurers (MS V, MS VI, FoG VI). The child also seems to be getting along quite well with Tayro Wind, holding a pleasant conversation with the youth while Xamnial was facing off against the others in the Shrine of Spirit.

Known Abilities: Favor of the Goddesses

Segnin is an incredibly able assassin who wields power over one of nature's greatest weapons: lightning. His power in this area is extremely efficient, enough so that Karunik regards the young man with much respect. He is apprenticed to General Dessil, and there is a good chance that when the General at last passes on, Segnin will rise to take his place.

This Sheikah appears to use techniques that are similar to those of Alpha's. Both their abilities have control over lightning, and all of their names begin with the word 'Rohtric'. However, while Alpha uses his staff to wield this magnificent power, Segnin channels it through his own body. The advantages and disadvantages of each method have yet to be revealed.

Segnin is incredibly motivated and fears no one, not even Zaboorak. The constant use of electricity causes the twenty year old's yellow hair to remain in a spiky fashion, adding a good three or four inches to his 5' 6" frame. He is not particularly muscular, instead focusing on lightning-fast agility. His eyes are as black as the sky on a stormy night.

Segnin was responsible for maneuvering the Golden Rito, Horohn, into the trap that resulted in his death (FoG I). He later was ambushed by the adventurer escapees in the midst of the Hakiems' Base, and was the only member of the group able to escape being knocked out by Shada as the group rushed away. He made his way to Zaboorak, an action which resulted in the group themselves being ambushed just after freeing Alpha (FoG III). When the Hakiems went on to invade Hyrule Castle, Segnin was one of the two L2 Hakiems entrusted with a key to the throne room, but was defeated by a team effort of Koura and Calla. He managed to escape, being the only Hakiem to survive the invasion (FoG VIII).

Known Abilities: Rohtric Esarck, Rohtric Seerse

Karsis - Dead
Known throughout the Hakiems Tribe as 'The Suggester', Karsis holds the powerful ability to manipulate the thoughts of his opponents. In every battle, his subconscious sends out a wave of mental energy that forces confusion upon his foes, and uses their inability to concentrate to deliver barrages which they never even see coming and abilities which they never know to avoid.

He was chosen as the second of the L2 Hakiems chosen to hold a key to the throne room, but was killed when Leth shot him straight through the heart with a Light Arrow (FoG VIII).

Special Abilities: Hallucination Wave, Puppet Show, Distortion Trick

A man with skills like no others, Xamnial is known as 'The Beastmaster' among the Hakiems Tribe. He holds incredible powers of animals, enabling him to control any number of creatures at any time, including Zaboorak's many creations. He wields a staff with one end shaped like an eagle with a pearl in its beak.

Xamnial has brown eyes and long brown hair, and sports the traditional Hakiem's robe. He stands at 5' 9", and is adept at hand to hand combat. Like all hunters, he enjoys battle and adores utilizing the strengths of his beast armies to rip apart his opponents. His greatest ability, Primal Spirit, even allows him to transform himself into one of his fallen beast allies, supplementing his already amazing strength with that of the wild animals he commands.

He was the main opponent of the adventurers when they visited the Shrine of Spirit, and was only defeated when Koura unleashed the Gerudo Goldforce upon him (FoG VI). Though he was thought to be killed as a result of the struggle, it was later revealed that he survived and will likely be a part of the Hakiems' revenge for the failure of the castle invasion (FoG VIII).

Known Abilities: Beast Enragement, Kakris Summoning, Magical Refreshment, Animalic Cunning, Primal Spirit

The Hakiems' Creatures
Kakris Beetle
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
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