Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:12 pm
The Hakiems Tribe
History of the Hakiems Tribe
The Hakiems Tribe was originally founded over one thousand years ago, long before the events told of the Hero of Time took place. The Hakiems have survived in the shadows since then, never allowing their presence to be known to anyone, save two groups of people: their employers and their prey. The Hakiems are elite assassins, trained in the most powerful and deadly of the Sheikah arts. The group consists entirely of Sheikah, the majority of which are grunts. There are very rare exceptions of this all-Sheikah group, which occur only when a non-Sheikah has worked by their side in a mission and performed even better than they have.
Each Hakiem wears a robe that covers their entire body and face, save the eyes, but does not seem to hinder their movements. The robe is black, and bears the symbol of the Hakiems – the Sheikah eye, minus the tear, in a vertical position with a cut going down the center – on its back. The only members that are not constrained to this clothing are the Hakiems generals and Karunik, though oftentimes they wear the robes as well. As grunts, they carry long swords, and their skill level can be determined by the material that their blades are made of.
The Hakiems operate in a sort of class system. New initiates reside on the bottom. Then are the Level 5, Level 4, Level 3, and Level 2 Hakiems, in that order. Level 1 is the level of the five generals that are the best of the best, and who oversee all the others. The only one higher than these generals is the leader himself.
The fighting style of the Hakiems Tribe is one of numbers. With thousands of men at their disposal (though they refuse to think of it like that), their favored tactic is to surround their prey while in Shadowmeld, then appear and capture them in a split second. When that is not possible, they go for one-on-one attacks to wear their opponents down. They enjoy doing fancy, complicated attacks from the air. While easily defended against, these types of attacks quickly wear down their prey until a mistake is made.
The Hakiems are not only powerful, they are also vengeful. The code of the Hakiems states that should someone ever kill a Hakiem, the entire group shall hunt down not only the killer, but also every person and possession that the killer holds dear. They shall all be slaughtered or destroyed before the killer's eyes, then the killer himself shall die as well. Because of this position, few have ever challenged the Hakiems, and those who have have not lived to tell the tale. The only exception to this is Master Zaris, though if someone looked at his life they would probably decide that being hunted day and night is not worth living for.
Little more than twenty years ago, Zaboorak employed the Hakiems Tribe in hunting down the Golden Ones, particularly Zaris, the Golden Sheikah. Only a few years after they began hunting him, Jinur, the leader of the Hakiems, was killed by the Sheikah master. His son Karunik assumed the position of the group's leader, and Zaboorak 'generously' offered his aid in getting vengeance. The Zora was eventually granted an honorary membership, even though he too failed to kill the Sheikah.
History of the Hakiems Tribe
The Hakiems Tribe was originally founded over one thousand years ago, long before the events told of the Hero of Time took place. The Hakiems have survived in the shadows since then, never allowing their presence to be known to anyone, save two groups of people: their employers and their prey. The Hakiems are elite assassins, trained in the most powerful and deadly of the Sheikah arts. The group consists entirely of Sheikah, the majority of which are grunts. There are very rare exceptions of this all-Sheikah group, which occur only when a non-Sheikah has worked by their side in a mission and performed even better than they have.
Each Hakiem wears a robe that covers their entire body and face, save the eyes, but does not seem to hinder their movements. The robe is black, and bears the symbol of the Hakiems – the Sheikah eye, minus the tear, in a vertical position with a cut going down the center – on its back. The only members that are not constrained to this clothing are the Hakiems generals and Karunik, though oftentimes they wear the robes as well. As grunts, they carry long swords, and their skill level can be determined by the material that their blades are made of.
The Hakiems operate in a sort of class system. New initiates reside on the bottom. Then are the Level 5, Level 4, Level 3, and Level 2 Hakiems, in that order. Level 1 is the level of the five generals that are the best of the best, and who oversee all the others. The only one higher than these generals is the leader himself.
The fighting style of the Hakiems Tribe is one of numbers. With thousands of men at their disposal (though they refuse to think of it like that), their favored tactic is to surround their prey while in Shadowmeld, then appear and capture them in a split second. When that is not possible, they go for one-on-one attacks to wear their opponents down. They enjoy doing fancy, complicated attacks from the air. While easily defended against, these types of attacks quickly wear down their prey until a mistake is made.
The Hakiems are not only powerful, they are also vengeful. The code of the Hakiems states that should someone ever kill a Hakiem, the entire group shall hunt down not only the killer, but also every person and possession that the killer holds dear. They shall all be slaughtered or destroyed before the killer's eyes, then the killer himself shall die as well. Because of this position, few have ever challenged the Hakiems, and those who have have not lived to tell the tale. The only exception to this is Master Zaris, though if someone looked at his life they would probably decide that being hunted day and night is not worth living for.
Little more than twenty years ago, Zaboorak employed the Hakiems Tribe in hunting down the Golden Ones, particularly Zaris, the Golden Sheikah. Only a few years after they began hunting him, Jinur, the leader of the Hakiems, was killed by the Sheikah master. His son Karunik assumed the position of the group's leader, and Zaboorak 'generously' offered his aid in getting vengeance. The Zora was eventually granted an honorary membership, even though he too failed to kill the Sheikah.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56